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February 10, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 74) • Page Image 7

…'C tV EIY, 13 'U II Y 10, 1946. SUNDAY, FE~UUARY 10, 1946 r1~uri MIt [IIGAN flAtLY Illinois Wrestlers Overpower Wolverine Squad, + SPOUT S + NEWS 0 VIEWS *COMMENT Dy BILL MULLENDORE, Sports…

…. The surprise of the evening was in the 165-pound class, in which Captain Bill (Corky) Courtright, stalwart of the Wolverines' squad, was pinned by his Illinois adversary, Dave Shapiro. Shapiro gained a…

… the regula- tion nine minutes by a score of 7-6. Dan Dworsky, Wolverine heavy- weight, was forced to go into over- time before overcoming his adver- sary, Chuck Gottfried, 12-10. Dwor- sky displayed…

… ability for Mich- igan's 155-pounder, Stu Snyder, and subdued the Wolverine grappler, 7-2. "' Sell us our USED TEXTBOOKS Best Priced Paid We Need 'Em ULRICH'S AN N ARRBOR'S BUSY B OOKST South…

February 06, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… Madison Square Garden, which was copped by the Wolverines for the fourth straight year. Bob (right) started the race for Michigan and Ross (left) finished it up with a 1:57 half-mile.' TUNEUP TRIUMPH…

… Shooting Good The Wolverines, who didn't arrive Barclay stated that the Wolverines' in Iowa City until two hours before shooting was excellent Friday night, the opening whistle, never headed and that they…

…'s hockey squad lived up to expectations when it swamped an R o outclassed Wolverine sextet, 15-2.; aisino f Race Saturday night for the second time thi yar.T a k T Minnesota picked up an early leadK1 and…

… Ted Greer, easily the the racing ban, a turf writer would most outstanding Wolverine puckster be subjected to "sure-fire" tips on of this season. His first tally came winners--that didn't win. But in in…

…, as eight penalties were1 Saturday." details of the games will be carried called-six on Minnesota and two on' I However. the one criticism made in the following day's Daily. the Wolverines. There were…

February 28, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… CENTS Track Team Swamps Pitt; Mermen Win Easy Victory Injry Joits Wolverine Title Hopes House As 40- Two N Vote Hour Smashes Labor Bill Week Is Continued; [ore Tankers Are Blasted Mc…

… prove to be a very costly victory, however, as Frank McCarthy, high scoring Wolverine star, sustained a severe hip injury which may keep him out of next week's all-important Confer- ence meet. Mc…

… were hardly comparable to the recent Hawkeye teams that at times tested the strongest Wolverine aggregations that Mann could place against them. While the Wolverines took six out of nine first places…

…'s basketball charges open their final home stand of the season tonight when they battle Chicago in Yost Field House, the game scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. For the second consecutive game the Wolverines are…

… Pitt Panthers yesterday as Frank McCarthy, versatile Wolverine thinclad pictured above, sus- tained a severe hip injury which may keep him out of the all-important Conference meet next week. Allied, Jap…

February 27, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… Stars As Sextet Loses, 5-i; Matmen Tie, 14-14, With Ohio State :1- ..__ Pink Stars In Last Home Game For Wolverines; Referee Calls 25 Fouls (Continued from Page 1) ago at Evanston, like a bunch of…

…. ,.Brogan chalked up a long one to end the Wolverine scoring in the first period. But Northwestern did little better than the Michigan back line in the opening frame as they were held to five points until…

… tried to outrace the Wolverines and scored seven points. However, Brogan and Pink got tired of not scoring and went ahead and gave Northwestern a scoring letton as they connected for eight points within a…

… minute. Wolverines Come Back A Northwestern time out halted the fireworks for an instance, but the Wolverines came back as strong as ever and meshed 13 points in the next 10 minutes while the Wildcats…

… Fisher's Wolverines to their last Big Ten baseball title, began peeling off his sweat-suit. "California here I come," sang the big beanpole who is slated to receive a tryout with the Pittsburgh Pirates…

…, the Michigan alumnus is the only lefthander on the Bucs' pitching staff and Frisch is no doubt banking heavily on Gee for his ace southpaw. Ten Wolverines Contribute Best Efforts In Buckeye Massacre…

… the Wolverines lost to the Gophers, 5-0. The lanky Michigan leader stopped 51 of the 56 shots that the Minnesota puckmen rifled. his way. Chances Fade For Champion TennisSquad By STAN DAVIS With spring…

…- ning was the fact that 10 Wolverines contributed the best efforts of their track careers to the massacre. Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf's great mile run, in which he broke every Michigan varsity record as well…

February 24, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…, and virtually sew up a spot on Uncle Sam's Olympic team. However, Fonville's perform- ance, and that of Herb Barten, Wolverine middle-distance star, who romped to surprisingly easy victories in both the…

… blue ribbons, and tied for two others. Duff, himself, accounted for clear- cut victories in the high and low hurdles and broad jump, and dead-locked with Wolverine Ed Ulvested for first place in the pole…

… vault to personally rack up 19 of OSU's markers. . It was the Wolverines ineptitude in the hurdles and dashes which spelled their doom. The Buckeyes walked off with firsts in both tim- ber-topping events…

… position in the broad jump, which, coupled with Ulvestad's win in the pole- vault gave the Wolverines a pret- ty fair representation in the pits. Val Johnson picked up a pair of seconds in the 60 and 440…

…AR-Stu Wilkins downfield block in front of Jack Weisenburger in the In- diana tilt. . FT. 0 2 4 0 0 1 0 0 7 F. 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 7 U pthegrove Paces Wolverines As Mates Gather Seven Firsts MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 23--P…

February 27, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

… r Have Vse Tacticians Rocking Michigan's arm chair basketball tacticians are in a muddle. Last year the Wolverines led the league in total offense and finish- vith a 6-6 record. This year the team…

… of Army officers the Wolverine riflemen racked the commendable total of 1826 points out of a pos- sible 2,000, closely followed by M.I.T. with 1824 and South Da- kota with 1811. The second meet of the…

… COACH KEN DOHERTY IMMEDIATELY AT YOST FIELD HOUSE. This is the golden opportun- ity presented by the Wolverine track coach to the men of Michigan. The only qualifi- cations for the job, declares the…

… assortment of uniforms, the young Wolverine as- pirants clogged the batting nets all afternoon pitting their skill against tryout hurlers. Fisher Satisfied Coach Ray Fisher was pleased with the large turnout…

… look at all of them today, but he hopes to get a fairly ;ood idea of what he will have wvailable by the end of the week. All of the 60 batters, 40 pitchers, and 10 catchers are newcomers to Wolverine

… varsity squa pre-war years Michigan sup: a freshman baseball aggreg which consumed a large numi the tryouts. "With a frest team the problem of select varsity squad is a good deal ier," said the Wolverine

… behind the invincible Illini in next week's champion- ship set-to at Champaign. Pre- sent deductions indicate that Sat- urday's struggle will be even clos- er than the recent duel between the Wolverines

February 23, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…- squad swamped the Univer- of Indiana 34-6. his victory followed Saturday's mph over Wisconsin and set the Wolverine chances in the ing Conference championship ches to be held at Northwest- Alred Pins In…

…, Wolverine Mid- dleweight, outpointed Andy Pu- chany in an evenly contested match. Curtis' aggressiveness was too much for the Indiana stalwart and the bout ended with Curtis on the long end of the score. Bob…

… this coinbi. brunt of the defensive work with srtg rvdt ee$ this trio accounted for fiv There was but one penalty, Hill's Wolverines' goals. two-minute stint for illegal body The second period w…

… line with Illinois hitting on 15 out of 20 tries and the Wolverines getting 14 for 22. Since the Wisconsin-Purdue game was cancelled, Illinois now finds itself a half game out of first place in a title…

February 22, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…restlng, ackggregations See Action j <. maing ... ntinued from Page 1) f.9) for ehe 220 barely nipped while Wolverine Gus Stager ed a close third. race of the evening came the Ohio captain, Jim…

…-yard win in the 150-yard backstroke over Buck- eye Bob DeGroot in 1:34.4, and the Wolverine 300-yard medley relay team of Holiday, Sohl and Bill Crispin topped the Ohio trio in r2:55.5. Miller Anderson, the…

… 1946-47 cage edition within; the next three days when Minne- sota invades Yost Field House to- night at 7:30 and Illinois brings their famous "Whiz Kids" here Monday. For the Wolverines, the series marks…

… the Wol- verines occupy the Field House spotlight to grapple with the Bad- gers following the Gopher cage tilt. Wes Tebeau will wrestle for the Wolverines in the event that Courtright will be unable to…

February 10, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

Wolverine coach Vic Heyliger and, having the advantage of four; years of competition, seems cer- tain to set a mark that will re- main on the books for a long time. Although leading the team, he is far behind…

… last cam- paign. The battle for second spot in the scoring race grew tighter dur- ing the vacation period and now finds five Wolverines closely bunched. Scimitar Club opens Varsity StausDriv HERB RUSKIN…

… Paul Robeson, famous movie singer. With Wolverine Tom Dolan jumping around 6 ft., 4 in., a good battle is expected in the high jump. Another close duel will pit sprinter Art Henrie, of Michi- gan…

… finished right behind Dick Ienberg in lbe 50-yard free style as the Wolverine duo dunked LaSalle's highly regard- ed Bob Regan. Weinberg was timed in 23.1 seconds. Regan, however, came back to whip Bill…

… easily won his second victory in as many meets. LaSalle's Ed Richards and Wolverine Tom Smith provided another thriller in the 150-yd. backstroke as they matched stroke for stroke down to the wire with…

February 19, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

… the 220- yard free style, making it in 2:14.6. Abel Gilbert, former Mich- igan State star, was .second. In the 400 a fast University of Detroit quartet was only a length behind the Wolverines with Mich…

… since the Buckeyes are the current choice for the Big Niue Ucrown.I Michigan Ifas Power The Wolverines' highly suc- cessful performance in Friday night's Relays is an indication that the Michigan…

… a; o fluke. His 56 feet 6 inceh to,;was only one half inch short of is~ record which he had set the previous week . The Wolverine ace now seems almost assured of an Olympic spot. Relay Quartets…

…'t mean match, but the two games that the Michigan hockey team played with California earlier this week may prove a guide to what is likely to happen come next month when and if the Wolverines jour- neys to…

…, at home. The- Wolverine ace paced all with '17 points last Saturday night against. Purdue, and continued his torrid "high-play at the expense of the Hurrying Hoosiers Monday. He hopes to pour in even…

February 03, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

… EAST LANSING, Feb. 2--Taking new meet record, Michigan's swimming tors 'from the unbeaten ranks, 48-36, t- A pair of Wolverine winning strea styler Abel Gilber upset- Michigan's M and the Maize and Blue…

… foot ahead of Wolverine Bob Swain in the 60-yard dash. In the trial heats both Baynard and Swain took firsts, with times of :06.6 sec- onds. Later Baynard lopped a tenth of a second off his time in the…

… trio. The Wolverines' time of 3:01 equalled their best efort of the season. State's ace, Howie Patterson, took the 150-yard backstroke as expected. His 1:9.6 gave him first over team- mate Bill Cooley…

February 12, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…:30 p.m. tonight in the Yost Field House, The Wolverine squad will be com- posed of 41 men, 28 of whom are Marine and Navy trainees, an will be one of the largest squads to be used in recent years. It was…

… Northwestern's loss to the Wolverines said, "If the Wildcat swimmers had not been the victims of some tough luck they would have beaten the Maize and Blue natators." Ohio State's coach seems to have forgotten…

…-yard medley relay, Matt III crimp in the plans of Coach Ray swam the 50 in the fine time of 24:8 Courtright. This is the weakest that -mightygood'even for a varsity the Wolverines have been at any time…

… of their members are back for action. The Hoosiers will undoubtedly go all out in an endeavor to upset the high- ly touted Wolverines, and "it will be a close meet now that we are short of regular men…

… plenty' of close guarding in tonight's fracas. No changes are anticipated in the Wolverine starting lineup. Tom King and Dave Strack will be at forward, Elroy (Crazy Legs) Hirsch at center, and Don Lund…

February 25, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… news, but here comes the belated cover on the Wolverine-Indi- ana grapple grudge last Saturday night at Bloomington. Strange things went on in Hoos- ierland that evening, the most bizarre of which was…

… effort will be bent in the direction of beat- ing the mighty Eli aggregation. Feel They Can Do Better The Wolverines feel that they are a better team than the one which so ignominiously fell before the…

…- jecture. The Iowans are expected to provide the Wolverines with little trouble this Friday. Their main strength lies in the diving where Capt. Vic Vargon and Leo Biedrzychi carry the colors, and in the…

… earthquake, fire, flood or any similar disaster, then, the only diffi- culty the Wolverines will encounter Friday night will be in setting new meet records. % PORTFOLIO Credit Given Where Due * Doherty…

… couple minutes of profound thought before Ken would okay its presence here. Which leads directly back to last Friday night, and the joyous locker room scene in the Wolverine quarters. Frank McCarthy, Bob…

…, the Wolverines made 10 points in one minute .. . Jim Mand- ler had a field day . . . scoring 23 points ... and even at that he only made one bucket during the last five minutes of play. As a result of…

… their victory, the Wolverines are now tied with Ohio State for eighth place in the Confer- ence standings . . . both have won four and lost nine. Morrie Bikoff, flashy sophomore, injured his shoulder in…

February 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…) CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 14.-Illi- nois' conference leading team had little trouble getting back on victory trail tonight as it walloped Michi- gan's quintet, 52 to 29, the second de- feat that the Wolverines

… Michigan in the dust far behind. It was the Wolverines seventh loss in 10 Big Ten games. Big Andy Phillip, Illini guard, was the offensive star of the evening. He continued his great play of the year…

… only scoring con-< sisted of a brace of free throws by Illinois' center, Vic Wukovits, and a basket by Jim Mandler, Wolverine1 (Continued on Page 3) Michigan. Purdue Team, 55-29 (Special to The Daily…

…) LAFAYETTE, nd., Feb. 14.-Pur- due's varsity swimmers paddled un- ceasingly up and down their ownt pool tonight, but all they received for their efforts was an eveningful oft looking at flying Wolverine feet…

… contest. Sophomore Lou Haughey of Michigan finished third.. In crushing the Boilermaker oppo- sition, the Wolverines bettered every Purdue varsity record with the ex- ception of the 50 yard freestyle…

February 25, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

… Sofiak and George Ruehle tied the score at 2-all, the Wolverines were never on equal terms. Illinois piled up a 21 to 10 lead at half time, and led by as much as 26 points at one time in the second half…

…. Sofiak played a great game for the outclassed Wolverines, and received a great hand from the 5,692 specta- tors when he left the game with five minutes remaining. Although he was held to three points by…

February 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… so, just .1 second off the Field House mark. Jeff Hall, Wolverine junior, took fourth in an event in which he is beginning to show considerable promise. The other record went to Big Bob Hook who added…

… right fashion, as far as Michigan fans were concerned, finishing ahead of Walter Arrington of State, Dave Con- way of Normal, and Wolverine Carl Culver in that order in the 60-yard dash. Smitty didn…

… Michigan Normal to the tape in the 60-yard dash at last night's triangular meet in the Field House. Carl Culver of Michigan was fourth in the race, Smith's winning time was 6.4 seconds. The Wolverines making…

… come out in points. His 13 field goals and favor of the Wolverines, then the big- eight foul shots topped the mark gest if of them all lies ahead, and of 30 set in 1939 by Indiana's Ernie that is that…

…' teams and a clean sweep for the Wolverines to take an undisputed title. When all this is added up the con- clusion is that it is possible for Mich- igan to tie or even more remotely possible that the…

Wolverines lead the Big Ten pack outright, but even the most optimistic basketball expert won't venture to make such a bold prediction. The answer is it's pos- sible (on paper at least), but in reality, very…

… regardless of where it finishes, Michigan's "fighting midgets" will give the fans a real show whenever they take the floor. The Wolverines are in a perfect spot to make life misearble for Pur- due, Illinois…

February 14, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…" news had finally come. Coach Crisler 1 called the California officials and said, "I like Michigan." e story of the past few days was explained yesterday morning the Wolverine coach called a special oress…

… Chi Psi showed worries. DePaul and Remole are amazing form and finesse as he tied for the individual scoring overwhelmed Fred Epstein, 21-2, honors of the Gophers, and the Wolverines must figure some…

… center in an attempt to strength- en the pivot post which has been 410 WOLVERINE BLDG. weak since Noble Jorgenson was declared ineligible. Another. rookie, Billy Hall, will take over Wilkinson's guard…

February 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…, the misplay putting the Wolverine forward out of the game. Shrider made good on the free throw to knot the count at 44, and then, with only six seconds re- maining, dribbled in from the side to sink the…

…, scored 12 points, giving the Ohio second-string for- wards 27 points while the two regu- lars had a total of three. The Wolverines outscored Ohio from the field, 20 goals to 18, but Ohio missed only two of…

… 100% Wool BOB UFER . ..senior Wolverine track star who broke the Varsity record for the half-mile yesterday with a time of 1:53.9. record of 1:55.3 established by Dye Hogan of Michigan in 1939. The…

February 26, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

… championship meet scheduled for March 15, it puts Michigan in a bad light if the Wolverines con- tinue to ignore the sport. M1 Iilliard Squad To Play Tonight At 7 p.m. this evening, pool parlor enthusiasts will…

… last week in the initial round of pocket billiards. Ohio State clicked with 510 points for loop honors, 37 points ahead of the second-place Wolverines. Further play in poc- ket billiards will be resumed…

… squad will see its initial action today in the newly erected pitching and batting nets. All tryouts are welcome, of course. With practice officially inaug- urated the Wolverine mentor will be faced with…

… 1947 edition of Wolverine baseball. The Michigan nine opens its ten game Southern schedule against the University of Maryland at Col- lege Park, Maryland, on April 4th and will play a game a day through…

February 11, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

…-18 lead at half-time, the Wild- cats steadily increased their margin through the second period and then Withstood a belated Michigan rally in the later stages. After the Wolverines had made it 40-34 with…

…-9, the Gopher heavyweight, Bill Aldworth pinned Wolverine Bill Hol- combe to give his team five points and the draw. Only one other fall was regis- tered as Art Sachsel, Mich- igan's 121-pound entrant…

…, pinned Togami in 4:38. Jim Galles, the Wolverine vet- eran now competing in his fourth year, won his fourth straight match of the seas- on in the 175-pound brack- et. SWEEPING three relays and three…

… individual titles, Michigan's track team made its 1945 indoor debut in convincing style as it dominated the 15-event program of the First An- nual Michigan Relays here. The Wolverine thinclads also picked up…

February 04, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 76) • Page Image 8

… Fri- day four points short of the highest score of the season for the Wolverine quintet. The Badgers led for a short time at only one point in the contest, early in the first half. From then on, the…

… followed by Keith Hard- er, Wolverine forward, with 13, and by Badger star Ray Patterson and Michigan guard Don Lindquist, who both registered 11 points. This win put the Wolver- ines back at the .500 mark…

February 20, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

… Brant f ord's Woes Sa Disi(fualied; Reichert Is Beaten i S milinals; Greene, Oberly Take Seconds Comiltird e rnt Page 1) pounds, while Johnny Greene and Lowel Obr took seconds. Th Wolverines started off…

… last year, scored a fall over Chip Warrick of the Wolverines. How- ever, Warrick wrestled in a consola- ion bout, held to determine third and fourth places, and he came in four h. George Curtis then beat…

February 22, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

… the. might of the Elis was too much for even the desperate Wolverines. Although the miraculous Bulldogs took everything but the diving board back to New Haven, they must share some of their glorious…

…, leader of the Hawkeye scorers all season, connected for ten apiece. Mandler, despite his early exit, led Michigan with ten. The victory was Iowa's seventh in 11 starts and the Wolverines ninth defeat of…

…. Sandy Thompson edged Wolverine Lou Haughey for third place by one-tenth of a point, scor- ing a total of 341.7 markers. Michigan's only individual title- holder, Jim Skinner, met his match in Yale…

… likewise re- corded the fastest race of his career to barely beat teammate Dick Kelly and Michigan Captain Burton in the 50 yard freestyle, finishing with a 23.4 to his credit. And Wolverine Dick Reidl, in…

February 22, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… captain, Allen Bergner d Jordan strongest Wolverine Jordan's six foot, 198-pound frame Las earned him the reputation of be- ng the strongest grappler in Wolver- ne athletic history. His foe Saturday brings…

…-room neighbor of the M1a s rewv Out To Extend Victory Streak Wolverines Have Enough Strength To Take First Place In Every Event (Continued from Page 1) Benham and Jack Wolin, the junior who came in first in the…

… is the' Wildcat sophomore sensation, Dick Klein, with 92 points. Klein ran wild against Michigan two weeks ago and scored 24 points, and the Wolverines will get no rest over the weekend for they meet…

… unleashed their full artillery and virtually wore the net thin with an amazing total of 33 goals in four games. The Wolverines, meanwhile, in the same number of battles against the same team were able to…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 25

… stirring come- back tonight with a hard fought 9-8 overtime victory over once-beaten Mihnesota. It was the Wolverines' eighth consecutive win and the first time this season they have failed to reach double…

… cheering or 'any similar vocal expression at all of the Wolverine athletic events. Details of the statute, which was made effective on February 1 ofethis year, were not forthcom- ing. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 25

…: Michigan's cagers climaxed a stirring come- tonight with a hard fought 9-9 overtime victory over once-beaten esota. It- was the Wolverines' eighth consecutive win and the time this season they have failed to…

… ,makers, and forbids cheering y similar vocal expression at of the Wolverine athletic tails of the statute, which made effective on February 1 is year, were not forthcom- of. Ralph W. Aigler, Mich- s…

February 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 78) • Page Image 7

Wolverine Bill Mullendore, Sports Editor Michigan will open its season April Sports Editor 19, meeting Wayne University on the __- -_ Ferry Field diamond. A return match Tetween the two teams is scheduled…

…- tre Dame at South Bend, Ind. iour wolverines iifi The list of Conference tilts includes Best haeg en marks two-game series each with Chicago illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Purdue Michigan's track fans…

February 27, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

…- mistically pointing toward the season's finale. After their walloping victory over a powerful Buckeye aggrega- tion last night, the Wolverines wind up their current calendar by traveling to Evanston Monday…

…'s defending Conference 440 chani- pion Hrky Cogswel finishing se- ondi. Roc} Warren took the thirdi place S>ot for lie Wolverines. Duff and Maxwell performed with their accustomed skill in the hurdle events…

…, which we scrutinized several days ago, was a spectac- ular on. and certainly a fine example of the forward looking and jproressie attitude of the Wolverine front-office. 'hin si- ifie proposal that had…

… expanding their respective athletic plants. Army doesn't have a State Legislature to support their intercollegiate program either .. . Ohio's Bill Smith and Bruce Harlan were never better but Wolverines Bill…

… touched out the great Halo Hirosi in the 50 yard' sprint. It was Kogen's last competitive performance as a Wolverine in the Michigan pool. 1' i,--- MAY FIST - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN M AY 5…

February 26, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… and was assured of the right to represent the mid- west at the NCAA tournament for the second straight year. The score was 10-4. * * * THE WOLVERINES tallied four goals in both the first and third…

… to Michigan because of its scoring punch. Forward Gil Burford paced the Wolverines with three goals. and four as- sists. With two regulars sidelined be- cause of injuries, Wolverine men- tor was forced…

… Bob Fleming and John Griffin. Hill played one of the best games of the year and stood out for the Wolverines. The game opened fast, with Minnesota seemingly having tke best of the play. Both & ns had…

… several shots on goal before Hill lit the red light on a pass from Burford, Play continued even, but the Gophers were unable to get in close enough to get a good shot on goal, while the Wolverines were…

… swarming all around Minnesota, net tender John MEwen. * * * THE WOLVERINES clicked for three quick goals to give them a 4-0 margin, Burford notching two and Gordie McMillan getting the other. Jack Bonner…

February 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… affair as Wolverine Bob Cunningham drew a little blood from his opponent, Vern McCoy. 1McCoy, however, scored a take-~ cldown in the second pi Tod to put him ahead, where hie stayed and took the first bout…

… had a couple near falls and ran up a score of 13-4 on Jack Powers in the 175 pound class. This was a wild match but Scar- pello had things his own way. Wolverine Jm Smith took one of the other Michigan…

… at Yost Field House, 68-46. Marks were set in all four field events, the 440- and 880-yard runs, high hurdles, and mile re- lay'The low hurdle time was tied. THlE WOLVERINES counted seven first places…

… ,.a1p~ Tits; h Dakota for I ho sec.. md i 'ht time, 10-4. IThe Wolverines, he'VIl to a ^-' tie at the end of I .ie first l~tij pounded four goals in each at' h. second and third stanz~as, wii holding…

…'(d, when he leaped 6 ft., 4 ill. II C Wolverines, Tom Dal and Ai', H1-enrie, also broke thet'(od st am: cia rd as theiy pl::cced sewl :11 thlird. (oi'mmll's iiiile .' 1;1I ay t c a m ('lloml11eCl six [full s…

… trampeled Minnesota 12- 4. The Gopher loss put Michigan's1 Wolverines more firmly in tilei driver's seat in the race for Mid- western represeintation in tile NCAA mecet. (M) ; second,, Koutonen, (M; third…

February 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… and two more in the following ov- time stanza proved the margin of difference last night as Minne- sota's hockey squad came back to snatch a 5-4 victory from a fight- ing Wolverine sextet before a ca…

… finale of the four game series, Minnesota kept alive its hopes of gaining the NCAA playoff berth, which would have gone to the Wolverines had they won or tied. Lindegard's tying goal game at 18:45 of the…

… at two-all and four-all, but then the Wolverines pulled ahead and remained in command throughout the evening. The score at the half was 29-23. , Suprunowicz Leads Scorers Mack Suprunowicz took the…

… apiece. The Wolverines had no trouble finding holes in the touted Boiler- maker defense and scored more points against them than has any other team this season. The thir- teen-point margin of victory was…

… place. Wolverines Have Good Average The Wolverines slipped in bet- ter than two-thirds of their foul shots which accounted for 13 points of the final total. The Boilermakers almost matched Michigan's eye…

February 15, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… (aMsi, I zsIoth VtihjoeEaled Will Seek Individs 1 (row:s.Il at Evalnsto l K ing Slop1.d-But Iby 0w e( 'uiera By HANK MANT i0 Michigan's mighty Wolverines rout- ed Coach Billy Thorn's Indiana mat- men…

… and versatility when they overpowered Western Michigan Saturday night. 1t was not so much the lop-sided score which impressed Wolverine fan1s as it was the individual per- formances the boys turned in…

… distance events to gain a 62-51 decision over the same Western Michigan team that the Wolverines took with such great ease. DAILY OFFICIAL DULIETIN I (Continued from Page 2) ulty Club, where arrangements for…

… three regulars, Jim Galles, Hugh Wil- son and Bob Gittens, were absent from the line-up. The Wolverines won six matches, lost one and gained one forfeit. George McIntyre, substituting for Hugh Wilson, was…

…, one transfer student and two lettermen," stated Corky. However, Michigan has rolled aside every op- ponent by wide margins, beating Pur- due, chief threat to the Wolverine title hopes this year, 17…

… Big Ten crown they lost to Ohio Stat:e lst year Te Conference Swinting r,,mee(t. wh will be held Friday and Saturday in Evanston, will find the Wolverines out to garner their 141h Big Ten championship…

February 27, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… of Wolverine hockey fans cheered in vain last night a fighting Michigan sextet that lost all but hope of the Big Ten crown when a rugged Min- nesota team handed them a 4-0 de- feat. In a game that saw…

… more penalties than any other Michigan contest in the last two years, the Gophers were ableto chalk up their second victory of the season against the Wolverines, while increasing their own chances for…

… evening, the husky Wolverine de- fenseman broke up numerous Minne- sot scoring plays and more than once took the puck the full length of the ice by himself. Leading the Gopher onslaught was the much…

… the Wolverine mentort will give some of his sophomores their baptism of Conference compe- tition tonight, he will withhold only1 one of his stars from the fray. . Strother (T-Bone) Martin, main…

… ,Michigan diving hope, will be thet lone Wolverine not to see action. In his place Admiral Mann will use Alext Canja, teaming him with sophomoret Lou Haughey, who has been Martin's. springboard mate in the…

… at 7:30 p.m. today to do battle{ with the-undefeated Wolverine track squad in a continuation of their dual meet competition. Since the 4 Smoky City cindermen have not displayed much smoke in previous…

February 22, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

… every event on the program, the Elis, whose great- ness no adjective can rightfully describe, handed the shocked Wolverines the worst defeat ever suffered by a Michigan team during the 18 year realm of…

… bubble burst, so did the most miraculous record ever recorded in swimming annals. The growling bark of the Bull- dog, which so long had been snapping at the heels of the Wolverine, turned into a poisonous…

…- stroke leg, and the streaking Eli breaststroker increased it to three yards at the expense of Wolverine Jim Skinner. Despite a valiant effort by Gus Sharemet, who churned the last 100 yards in 51.7, Pope…

… had too big an advantage to be overcome and finished three strokes ahead of the rapidly overtaking Wolverine. And if that one event didn't suffi- ciently satisfy the dazed spectators as to the…

… tremendous strength of the Eli crew, the next one settled it for even the most hopeful Wolverine rooter. , For Yale's Capt. Howie Johnson, the greatest collegiate natator in the country, swam the fastest 220…

… ease during the entire second half, Iowa's basketball team captured a 59 to 38 victory over Michigan in the second meeting of the year be- tween the two teams here tonight. The Wolverines .were behind…

February 21, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… unseat the Wolverines from the throne of the swimming world. Tonight, for the first time since 1938, a Michigan swimming team will enter the water in the unfamiliar role of the underdog. The last time was…

… four years ago against Ohio State when the Buckeyes swamped he Wolverines, an occasion dutifully recorded in the official archives to mark the last dual meet defeat suffered by the Maize and Blue color…

… secretary of the organization. Michigan's Al Thomas nosed out Wolverine Capt. Al Piel and Notre Dame's Jay Gibson in the 60-yard dash in the fast time of 6.4 last night. The Detroit speedster finished just…

… miserable for his fellow Irishmen. The Wolverine husky led the pack in the 65-yard high hurdles, out- jumped the field in the broad jump and then upset the pre-meet dope by tying Notre Dame's great high…

…-jumper, Keith O'Rourke. But it was the all-around balance of the mighty Wolverines which ultimately brought victory. Five of Coach Ken Doherty's heretofore un- heralded cindermen came through with much needed…

February 14, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… 34 straight. The Wolverines, with their lineup differing from the one that spanked Ohio State Wednesday, encountered a tougher brand of opposition than even the most rabid Wildcat partisan looked for…

… surprise victory over the Wolverines' heavily-favored Strother (T-Bone) Martin, tallying 144.8 points to the Michigan ace's 130.6. It was just two nights ago that (Continued on Page 3) Wolverine Hockey Team…

… To Play Paris A.C. Today By STAN CLAMAGE Home competition for Wolverine athletic teams in the second semester gets under way at 8 p.m. tonight in the Michigan. Coliseum when Eddie Lowrey's rejuvenated…

….m. tomorrow night in Huff gym. The impressive Big Ten record of the Illini-seven wins and one loss- makes them heavy favorites to cop the 38th meeting between the two schools, but the Wolverines are as…

February 13, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… hit five free throws. The Crimson got away to an early 6-3 lead but the Wolverines came back :to knot the count at 11-all Armstrong broke the tie with a two- Pointer and the Hoosiers were away never to…

… call time .. with three minutes remaining. The Indiana fives>.. poured three field goals throughhthe hoop, in machine- Dro gun style as the half ended The Hoosier reserves swept through the Wolverines

… with lightning-fast plays as the contest was resumed. Eddie Zimmer received a pass under his own basket and scored. Michi- gan again took time out. Wolverine substitutes came into the lineup in a vain…

… spirit. A new chapter in Michigan track history, as well as a new season, be- gins at 7:30 p.m. today when Ken Doherty makes his debut as head Wolverine track coach as the 1940 thinclads take part in a…

… his last freshman team, should pre- sent a group of trackmen almost as strong as Charlie Hoyt's last great team. While the all-around power of the Wolverines is expected to dominate the meet, the…

February 16, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

… . * industrial relations supervisor of THE BOATS, 85-foot welded the Alabama division of his steel craft, will be used to trans- company. port men and light equipment to The whole Wolverine business and from the…

… rigs, started a few weeks ago when the -n . .ris.Decatur Daily received a letter The famed Miclhigan WolverineI recently completecl a successful9 invasion of the deep South. IT'SAN ANIMAL? Wolverine

February 22, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… start down into the midwest Monday ks Shot Put U Triumphs staged in the State Street sports arena. Duff Paces OSU However, the efforts of Fon- ville and Herb Barten, Wolverine distance star, who turned…

… versatile Buck- eye won blue-ribbons in both the high and low hurdles, captured the broad-jump easily, and tied Wolverine Ed Ulvestad for first in the pole vault, to personally account for 19 of OSU's markers…

…-to-man defense. Numerous mental slips permitted the classy Wolverines to sink a good percentage of shots. And when an orthodox oppor- tunity weren't handy, the Maize and Blue 'men were busy meshing a variety of…

…Intosh. The hustling Sup- runowicz caged 6 field goals and 4 free throws for 15 points. At one point in the second half the clever Wolverine forward put in 9 straight points to break the Gopher's morale and any…

… with a 56-45 victory over an ineffectual Minnesota five. Only in the opening minutes were the Gophers in the ball game against the deliberate, tantalizing Wolverines, whose zone defense worked to…

February 02, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… Minnesota battled to a 3-3 overtime deadlock in a game marred by almost constant whistle-blowing. Forty-one minutes of penalties, in- cluding three misconduct infractions, were levied against the Wolverines

… misde- meanor. Gacek Scores Twice The Wolverines had to come from behind even to gain a tie. Trailing 2-1 as the third period opened, Michi- gan tallied twice to the Gophers' once in the final stanza…

… the shot put, which will see Bill Ben- gert, Purdue's operatic inclined shot- putter, try for the Field House record of 51 ft. 51/2 in. set by Wolverine Bill Watson in 1939. Bangert has already topped…

… whom have cleared the bar at 6 ft. 2 in. Wolverine Bob Harris, who has jumped six feet consistently, will be the Michigan entry. The 60-yard dash, the first track event of the evening at 7:30, will have…

February 27, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… for ideas and programs now being used or planned in colleges all over the country." Here Today Nazis Blow ' CHICAGO, HERE WE COME: Wolverine Track ment Crush Ohio State in Lopsided Win By ED…

… :49.7, and the joint Field House record of Ufer (1942) and Johnny Woodruff of Pittsburgh (1937) at :49.1. Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 Michigan, Co-op To Close Sunday The Michigan Wolverine dining room…

February 15, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THURISDAY, TTII: 15, 1940 THE MICIGAN DAILY PAGE 7 Wolverine Sextet Clashes With Huskies At Houghton' Today Hockey Squad Seeks To End LosingStreak Samuelson Shifted To First Line Position As…

… of defense. In the series here he held the Wolverines to a single goal in the first game, and blanked them in the second contest. Ken Doherty Lauds Track Squad For Its Excellent Demonstration After a…

… to world-but not a Michigan coach. allow him to become the best vaulter Ken Doherty's remark after watching Michigan has had. his first Wolverine varsity run away Johnny Kautz's display of strength…

…'ll not be able to resist owning a few. Sanforized- Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). Your choice ofcolr sanA nllar "va , 1:42.6 as the Wolverines rolled up a Injuries Alter Hedt Refuses 61-23 score…

…- ter brings his Hawkeye mermen tog the I-M pool to share the spotlight cago Maroons this Saturday night. in the Wolverines' 1940 competitive Pink worked out with the varsity debut, but the Michigan…

February 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

… -brother combina-I vecry good for the reason's first meet.a One of the evening's big surprises was the performance of Jim Pierce r ill the 440, who beat out Wolverine'R1Dtlle mBrnoilPt- w~ho was at pre…

… two laps but'wanerpuedi)tefalsgs as his lengthy strides easily outdis- tanced his pursuotis. i3ob Seguda, Wolverine ace poleE." vaulter, grabbed a first in that event ' withr a lean of 13 t. 1 in…

… followed by7 Ler, also of Michigan.r clff, who starred a(g,, ne last week, could do' noor t hird. er evets were also)_!don cach Ksen Doherty'si b~e Wolverines gave an Psheer power which is in a track meet…

February 10, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Lead in MSC Track Relays By WALT KLEE Jenisen Field House, Lansing, Feb. 9 - Michigan's track team by winning eight of the sixteen events It participated in completely domi- nated the 24th…

… annual Michigan State elays. Powerful team balance scored for the Wolverines who easily outclassed the field. Notre Dame's thinclads came through with three firsts, while Ed Taylor's double victory in the…

… Taylor won the first of his two events when he nosed out Wolverine Elmer Swanson by less than a foot in the 75 yard high hurdles. Both Swan- son and Taylor had won-their trial heats but the Bronco shaved…

… two teths of a second off his winning time in the heat to win the finals. Michigan's States shuttle hurdle relay team revenged the defet ad- ministered to them bythe Wolverines in 1942. The Spartans…

…' winning time was one-tenth of a second shy of the meet mark set by the Wolverines two See TRACK, page 6 Application s for J-Hop Available At New Price Applications for J-Hop tickets at the new price of $7…

February 08, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 101) • Page Image 8

… 440 set a new Field House record. He finished twenty feet ahead of OSU's Russ Owen, who is the Conference outdoor champ at the quarter mile . . . The Wolverine entry finished one, two, three in the mile…

… weekend to Ohio State, 46-44 and 53-38 ... The first game was marked by five Buckeye points in the last 60 seconds by sub Dick Shrider, to take vic- tory away from the Maize to the Wolverines and two to…

February 12, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 93) • Page Image 8

… meetings are held by Wyvern once each month. Michigan 'Wolverin.e is Run By Students The Michigan Wolverine, with 700 members, is now the largest student cooperative in the world. The Wolverine is far from…

… important part of the Wolverine's activities. The club is run by a board of direc- tors, consisting of two faculty mem- bers, Charles W. Spooner, Jr., of the mechanical engineering department and Prof. Paul…

February 25, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…Ihat Suprunowicz Rates High Two Wolverine Stars Out CINDER SIZZLERS: Duff, Whitfield Head Strong Buckeye Cinder Aggregation By HUGH QUINN Lloyd Duff and Mal Whitfield, two of the greatest performers in the…

… snare in the Wolverine's path last season. In the dual meet at Yost Field House, which the Buckeyes won, he accounted for 19 points with three firsts and a tie for another. Ile won both the 65-yard high…

… side. While they were anything but impressive in their two loss- es to the Wolverines, they did display a scoring punch and could explode at any time. Captain Rollie Depaul, Jerrt Lindegard, John O…

…!! The DASCOLA BARBERS Liberty off State These injuries will put the Wolverines on about even terms 13 Buying Days Left at $5.00 ENSBIAN 200-5:00 PM. Student Publcation Bldg. Designers and Manufacturers…

February 17, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… Ozzie Cowles first took of guts,", was the phrase used by, v over the reins of the Wolverine assistant cage coach Bill Orwig cage squad in the fall of 194:6. to describe Boyd McCaslin last He had played…

… points to lead the Wolverine scor- the determination of the 23-year- ~esi h 12 oto h pr old cager. <l tans. One of his most vivid memories THIS INCIDENT is typical of stm rmtetm ewsplay- stm rmtetm ews…

… behind 4-2 in the final game with Dartmouth and two of his team- mates were sitting in the penalty box. It was against these trenmen- dous odds, that the Wolverines racked up a goal and went on to wvhip…

… before Goalie Jack MeDon- aid, had a chance to stop it. The bewildered Connie didn't suffer any injury, though, and the Wolverines won anyway. with team mates Arch Parsons and Dick Bernard. This sweep of…

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