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February 12, 1942 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-12

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Jnion Offers Services

To Men; League Is Women's




SRA Unique
In University
Among the colleges and universi-
ties in the nation the University is
unique in sponsoring a student re-
ligious organization on its campus
and making concerted action in var-
ious fields of religion an actual part
of the University extra-curricular
Organized five years ago, the S.R.A.
is located in Lane Hall. Under Direc-
tor Kenneth Morgan, a board of gov-
ernors, a student president and ex-
ecutive committee, the group spon-
sors a varied program including
round table discussions, community
projects, trips to larger communities,
lectures and book review meetings.
Prominent among its social activi-
ties and affording students an ex-
cellent opportunity for introduction
to the organization are the informal
Coffee Hours held from 4 to 6 p.m.
every Friday in the library.
Included in the S.R.A. organiza-
tion is an Interguild Council, a body
representing the various church
guilds, the Catholic Church and the
Hillel group.
The executive committee of the
S.R.A. is composed of the president
and the student chairmen of the five
executive departments which organ-
ize and guide the S.RA. program.
Within each of the five departments
different bureaus under students deal
with the various phases of depart-
mental work.
Hillel Serves
As Religious,
Social Center
Serving as social, cultural and re-
ligious center for Jewish students,
Hillel Foundation carries out an in-
tensive program for nearly a thous-
and members.
Directed by Rabbi Jehudah M. Co-
hen, the Foundation is governed by
a representative student council
whose chairman is Aaron Moyer, '42.
Activities are coordinated by two stu-
dent directors, David Crohn, '42, and
Robert Warner, '42.
The Foundation at 1102 Oakland
Ave. features a large classical and
popular record library, recreation fa-
cilities and a library. Its meeting
rooms and lounges are the scene of
the many activities which take place
during the year.
Among Hillel Foundation's more
popular activities are the Hillel Play-
ers who will present Clifford Odets'
"Awake and Sing" in the near future,
its regular Friday evening Fireside
Discussions at which eminent and
popular guest speakers are heard and
Thursday afternoon "P.M.'s."
The Foundation is the meeting
place for Avukah, student Zionist
organization, which sponsors numer-
ous programs. Ancient Palestinian
customs and traditions are studied
and preserved by the group.
Other Hillel activities include
classes in Hebrew, Yiddish and Jew-
ish history and customs, the Hillel
Niews, a monthly paper and numerous
social events.
Aid in the war effort is actively
promoted by the Foundation. Dances
for soldiers from nearby camps are
held and such activities as knitting
and relief work are accomplished.
The local Hillel Foundation is part
of a nation wide organization backed
by B'nai B'rith, Jewish fraternal or-
ganization. Large campuses from
New York to California have their

own foundations which serve the
same purpose as the local group.
CO-Ops House
300 Students
Cooperation to the "nth" degree is
the watchword of the student cooper-
ative houses on the campus serving
upwards of 300 men and women with
board, room and companionship.
The Inter-Cooperative Council is
the central directing body of the co-
operative houses and its function is
to coordinate and organize the activ-
ities of the houses.
Two representatives from each of
the 12 houses make up the Council
and from it the officers are chosen.
Central personnel, education and
purchasing committees as well as the
individual houses are the active
agents of the Council in executing
the policies formulated by the Coun-
There is absolutely no racial, reli-
gious or class bar to membership in
the cooperatives. The central per-
sonnel body attempts to apportion
applicants evenly to all the houses,
but the individual houses exercise
the final authority in accepting new
members .,

Versatile Male +
Tryouts Offered Valuable
Career; Organization's
EnterprisesAre Varied
if you can wear a coat and tie
every day, if you can get good pub-
licity for a non-existent cat-fight.
and if you believe that being BMOC
means anything, then you're a Union
man, my son.
To freshman awed by the smooth,
high-pressure executive type (Jack
Grady, secretary and friend of the
people) and to transfer students over-
come by the size of the building we
can issue only one warning: Once
you enter the sacred portals of the
student offices of the Michigan Un-
ion, you will have embarked on a
career of service whose tenacity can
be matched only by the Pony Ex-
press. A message to Garcia will have
nothing on you. Bandinage aside,
the Michigan Union is not only a
club for men with a good many of the
luxuries of home (pool table, etc.),
it is a student organization which
annually serves to make life at
Michigan a trifle more bearable than
it might otherwise be.
From Orientation On
From the time you begin your
campus life during orientation per-
iod until you receive your diploma -
or draft notice, as the case may be -
some Union man will in one way or
another be helping to guide you
through the pitfalls of college educa-
During Orientation Week some sin-
ious-minded individual helped you
learn the ropes and how to get around
them. Now several others just like
him are sponsoring an activities
smoker to make certain that your
extra-curricular life is what it should
be, and be assured that the efforts
of the Union staff in your behalf
will not end there.
The Michigan Union led by Robert
Sibley, '42, each semester sponsors
a Student Book Exchange, oie con-
ducted on the pocket-saving barter
principle. At about the same time
it provides you with a membership
card that enables you to cash checks
at the Union at any time - providing
that they are good, that you guar-
antee their validity with something
twice their value, and that you pre-
sent them between 12 a.m. and 12:02
Among Other
Among its other multitudinous and
nefarious enterprises are pep rallies,
the biggest and best of dances, and
a mysteriously invisible weekly bridge
To show that their interest is in
more than the lighter things of life
the moguls of the Union also provide
an hour of classical music each week,
special "Coffee Hours", and the cul-
turally uplifting "Coke Bars."
These are the things that may be
seen on the surface, but there are
many other services which the Union
performs for which it gets little or no
Foranyone interested in extra-
curricular activities, the Michigan
Union offers a varied and interesting
program, one whose value will be re-
flected in later life.
World Peace
Is SDD Aim
Organization Champions
Aid To Nazi Enemies
Prosecution of the present conflict

to a successful conclusion, the main-
tenance of our civil liberties and
democratic institutions at home in
the course of that struggle, the for-
mation of a worldwide democratic
federation to guarantee peace in the
postwar world, and the furtherance
of social and economic progress in
our own nation are the main planks
in the platform of the Student De-
fenders of Democracy, soon to merge
with the Student League of America.
Founded last year in the midst of
a raging storm of public opinion on
our foreign policy, the SDD has al-
ways championed the dispatch of all
possible aid to those nations fighting
against Hitler and his allies.
The Michigan Chapter of the Stu-
dent Defenders of Democracy will
meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the Union
to discuss the proposed merger with
the Student League of America, and1
then to vote upon it. Those desiring3
information or wishing to .ioin should
contact Homer Swander, '43, or at-
tend the meeting.1
Originally the American Student1
Defense League, the local organiza-
tion last year affiliated itself with
the Student Defenders of Democracy,T
a national youth organization having1
a parallel program. Now still an-
other change of name is due, for thec
Student Defenders of Democracy wast
one of the student organizationsi
sIiirc s' =t hcr- .h'If ,hv 'I\N inniA 41ri


Center For

University Men

Play Production Activities Give
Budding Actors Their 'Break'

Outstanding among the types of
extra-curricular activities offered to
students is that represented by Play
Production of the Department of
This group, which is rated highly
among the little theatres of the coun-
try, is organized for the purpose of
providing dramatic entertainment
for the campus and giving budding
actors dramatic experience and
The yearly program includes the
winter dramatic season consisting of
five plays given on the average of
one a month from November to
April, the Spring Drama Festival
which opens in April and carries on
through the end of the semester pre-
senting plays with professional actors
assisted by a few Play Production
students, and the summer session's
Michigan Repertory Players, com-
posed of actors from Play Production
and visiting directors and scenic de-
In addition to this, many experi-
Non-Aff iliates
Are Orgaie
In Assembly
Corresponding to Panhellenic As-
sociation, the organization for af-
filiated women, is Assembly, the
campus organization for independent
The purpose of this group is to
promote an interest in outside activ-
ities in the lives of independent
women in the University. Through
its monthly meetings, attended by
representatives of smaller groups of
women, the Assembly Board keeps
in contact with all independent
Leading the organization is an
executive board of four, aided by 14
women who represent the League
House residents, the Ann Arbor In-
dependents, each of the eight dorm-
itories and Beta Kappa Rho, an or-
ganization for women students work-
ing in Ann Arbor.
Officers are Jean Hubbard, '42,
president; Emily Root, '42, vice-
president; Doris Cuthbert, '42, sec-
retary and Elizabeth Ann Walker.
'42, treasurer.
Alpha Phi Onega
Aids Community
Performing useful services to the
University, youth and the commun-
ity, its members, and the nation is
the role played by Alpha Phi Omega,
national honorary fraternity for
former boy scouts.
A national service group, Alpha
Phi Omega selects its members from.
University students connected with
scouting with the same procedures
employed by the social fraternities.
The chapter of Alpha Phi Omega
here at Michigan was formally in-
stalled in the national organization
only last year, but it already has es-]
tablished a record for beneficial serv-

mental plays are given under the
guidance of Virginia Whitworth, who
assists in the Department. Many of
these plays are given with student
directors from directing classes and
student set designers from advanced
stagecraft classes.
Play Production actually consists
of students in play production
classes in the speech department-or
students who have taken one or more
of these courses. It is under the di-
rection of Valentine B. Windt, asso-
ciate professor of speech. Professor
Windt, and in some cases William
P. Halstead, assistant speech profes-
sor, conducts tryouts for the plays
about six weeks before they are to
be given.
All students in Play Production
are eligible for extra-curricular ac-
tivities because they must present
eligibility cards before they may take
the courses. This is one of the few
courses for which a student must
have an eligibility card. For the in-
formation of second-semester fresh-
men who are eligible, anyone not in
Play Production may *~ry out for
parts in the plays, although most
students wait until they are in Play
Production to try out.
This year, with the initiation of the
third-semester plan, the summer
drama season will probably be very
similar to the winter season, but the
Drama Festival in the spring is al-
ways quite different. In the first
place, only students with outstanding
ability have roles for most of the
parts are taken by professional ac-
tors from Broadway and Hollywood.
Professor Windt directs these plays,
Robert Mellencamp designs the sets
and Emma Hirsch is costumiere.
Engine Council
Serves Groups
Membership Is Elected
By Various Societies
Composed of representatives of
every class and organization in the
College of Engineering, the Engi-
neering Council serves to coordinate
the work of the various societies and
to aid engineering extra-curricular
Members are elected by the organi-
zations they represent, while class
delegates are chosen by popular bal-
lot at the regular class elections.
Class presidents are members ex-
The purposes of the organization
have been set forth as follows:
1. To supervise any meetings, com-
petitions, elections or other functions
in which all engineering students, or
none but engineering students par-
2. To actively promote frequent so-
cial functions of such a nature that
they will have a popular appeal to
all engineering students;
3. To represent the student body of
the College of Engineering in any
discussions with other schools or col-
4. To advance the interests of the
College of Engineering in any way
Cfti lr l nil t4.ita MifliniF s II'' r. vv'. . rlni

Chances Open
For Students
In Journalism
The Department of Journalism of-
fers to its students opportunities to
show their journalistic aptitude
through the honorary associations,
Kappa Tau Alpha and Theta Sigma
Kappa Tau Alpha, the National
Scholarship Society in Journalism,
sponsors bi-weekly discussions con-
cerning the war and significant books
on major issues. These discussions,
which are a part of the War Board
program, reflect the activities of the
department in connection with the
Theta Sigma Phi, the National
Professional and Honorary Fraternity
for Women in Journalism, will join
Kappa Tau Alpha in these meetings.
They are also open to all others who
are interested, and coffee will be
served during the discussion.
Membership to the honorary jour-
nalistic societies is -obtained by elec-
tion on the basis of scholarship.
Other opportunities to demonstrate
journalistic prowess are offered in
annual competition for three awards.
A gold medal is given the student who
has the best four-year scholastic rec-
ord; a silver medal to the student
who writes the best editorials while
in the department, and a bronze
medal to the best newswriter. These
medals are part of the McNaught
Award given each year by Mr. V. V.
McMitt, '04, of the McNaught News-
paper Syndicate of New York.
Another award in journalism is
offered by the American Newspaper
Publishers Association. A $1000 cash
prize and gold medal is awarded in
national competition for the best
monograph on the subject of
"Achievements of the Daily News-
paper in Public Service."
Further information about the
Journalism Department may be ob-
tained from Prof. J. L. Brumm, head
of the department.
French Club Plans
Lecture Programs
Lectures and club meetings on al-
ternating weeks make up the main
program of Cercle Francais, the or-
ganization whose purpose it is to
acquaint the student with the more
familiar aspects of the French tongue
and culture.
Remaining in the lectures series are
four programs, scheduled for Feb. 18,
Mar. 4, Mar. 18, and April 1. At the
close of the year members of the
organization will present a French
play, April 29, in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. Tickets for the lec-
ture series are available at the of-
fice of the secretary of the romance
languages department.
President of the club is George
Kiss, Grad., and the faculty'adviser
is Prof. Charles E. Koella of the ro-
mance languages department.
Architects Are Honored
Alpha Alpha Gamma, national hon-
orary sorority in architecture and its
allied arti. has as its goal the fost-

League Offers
Social Center
For U' Coeds
Women's Union' Features
Cafeteria, Music Room
Ping Pong,_Club Rooms
Occupying the same position in
the extra-curricular life of women
as the Union does with men students
is the Michigan League, which is
headquarters for all meetings and
undergraduate organizations. Presid-
ing over these activities is Margaret
Sanford, '42, president of the League,
who is aided in the various depart-
ments by the 15 other members of
the Undergraduate Council.
Membership in the League is auto-
matic upon enrolfitent and with
graduation each woman student be-
comes a life member of the organ-
As with the Union, the League
provides the student with a library,
music room, ping pong tables and
private dining rooms, among other
facilities. Both men and women are
entitled to take advantage of the
cafeteria on the main floor during
meal and "coke" hours.
League Orga nizationx
Organization of the League is com-
posed of eight committees, social,
orientation, tutorial, dance class,
theatre-arts, house merit system and
candy booth. Participation in these
committees is open to second semes-
ter freshmen andall other students
who have obtained eligibility cards.
Women may be on more than one
committee and should file their peti-
tions for these organizations in the
Undergraduate Office of the League.
For further information, students
may call Miss Sanford.
The reward for real interest in the
activities fostered by the League may
be membership on the Council. Of-
fices which are open each year to
senior women are president, two vice-
presidents, secretary and treasurer.
Also members of the Council are the
chairmen of the six standing com-
mittees, candy-booth, theatre-arts,
house, merit, dance class and social.
The remainder of the executive or-
ganization is made up of the presi-
dents of the Judiciary Committee,
Assembly, Women's Athletic Associ-
ation, Panhellenic and the' Women's
editor of The Daily.
League Seeks
The League seeks to make itself the
meeting place for campus women and
offers special classes, as in social
dancing, as well as frequently spon-
sored teas. A new feature last year
is the 7-11 Club which provides an
informal setting on week-end nights
for dancing to records, light refresh-
ments and card playing.
Committee positions are available
to all eligible women who petition
for membership, and senior positions
in the League are attained by partici-
pating in committee work and "learn-
ing the ropes in the freshman and
sophomore years.
Phi Beta Kappa
Retains Strict
Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest of all
Greek letter secret societies, was or-
ganized at the college of William
-and Mary on December 6, 1776. The
belief of the founders that a know-
ledge of the basic laws which govern
the universe is necessary to good
living was reflected both in their
motto and in the character of their

meetings. These were in great part
given over to a discussion of the
problems which affect humanity.
The Michigan Chapter was found-
ed in 1907. Keeping in mind the pur-
pose of the Society, the recognition
and encouragement of scholarship
and cultural interests, the Student
I Elections Committee makes a care-
ful study of the entire University
record of each possible candidate
with a view to determining as far as
is humanly possible the student's
standing both scholastically and as
a citizen. The standards set are high
and the relatively small numbers
elected each year bears witness to the
care with which they are observed.
Since Phi Beta Kappa has been, from
the beginning, an organization which
functioned in the field defined by the
old cultural college course, elections
are restricted to Juniors and Seniors
of the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Seniors in the School of
Education and to candidates for ad-
vanced degrees in the Graduate
School, who meet the extremely
rigid requirements.
Eligible Junior Women
May JoinMusic Society
Mu Phi Epsilon is the only national
music honor society for women on
campus. Qualifications for election
to this society are a scholarship rat-
ing in the upper quarter of the jun-

Many Campus
Supervised By


One of the most important Uni-
versity extra-curricular groups, the
Men's Judiciary Council claims among
the greatest of its responsibilities
recommendation of disciplinary ac-
tion on cases referred to it by the
University; these recommendations
are in turn handed to the University
Disciplinary Committee, a faculty
group, for final decision.
In addition, the Council super-
vises all school elections except those
of the Engineering Council and sen-
ior engineering class officers. Others
of its powers include supervising
honor society initiations and formu-
lating rules for campus dances.
Any second semester junior may
petition for a position on the Coun-
cil. These petitions are in turn con-
sidered by an appontment commit-
tee'consisting of the managing editor
of the Daily, the presidents of Con-
gress, Interfraternity Council and the
Union, the outgoing president of
Judiciary Council and the dean of
students. From those petitioning, the
committee, selects before May 15 a
president and six other men for mem-
bership on the Council. President
this year is William Slocum, '42.
Honor Societies
Pledge Women
In a spring tapping, outstanding
senior women will be honored by
Mortarboard, national honorary soc-
iety for women. Membership in Mor-
tarboard is based upon good schol-
arship, participation in extra-curric-
ular activities and personality. Com-
posed at present of about 18 mem-
bers, the organization holds meetings
every other week at the League.
Wyvern, the honor society for jun-
ior women, has as its purpose the
promotion of friendship and coopera-
tion between freshman and junior
women. Prospective members, chosen
on the basis of personality, scholar-
ship and participation in outside ac-
tivities, are "tapped" in the second
semester of their sophomore year or
in the first semester of their junior
year. Luncheon meetings are held
by Wyvern once each month.
Michigan 'Wolverin.e
is Run By Students
The Michigan Wolverine, with 700
members, is now the largest student
cooperative in the world.
The Wolverine is far from being a
mere restaurant. It is a club for
students run by students. Its activi-
ties vary from programs of sym-
yhonic music to intramural athletic
teams. Private parties and occasional
dances form an important part of
the Wolverine's activities.
The club is run by a board of direc-
tors, consisting of two faculty mem-
bers, Charles W. Spooner, Jr., of the
mechanical engineering department
and Prof. Paul Mueschke of the Eng-
lish department, three student ex-
ecutive officers and seven students
elected from the general member-
Group Aids Transfers
Beta Sigma Rho was organized' at
the University of Michigan' during
the fall termn of 1931 and soofrTafter-

IFC Is Open
To Affiliated
Men Students
Any sophomore student who is a
member of a social fraternity is eligi-
ble to try out for the Interfraternity
Council, the "clearing house for gen-
eral fraternity activities."
The minimum time required for
work on the Council is one afternoon
a week for office hours and one half-
hour meeting a week. Meetings are
held in the Interfraternity Council
Room. 306 in the Union.
The Council takes charge of all ar-
rangements for Interfraternity Ball,
the Pledge and Initiation Banquets,
the Interfraternity Sing, Greek Week,
and the presentation of a scholarship
cup to the pledge class with the high-
est scholastic average.
In addition to these activities, the
Interfraternity Council also sponsors
most of the fraternity charity func-
tions such as the annual Christmas
party and Tag Day.
All sophomore fraternity men in-
terested in becoming active on the
Council are requested to watch the
D.O.B. for announcement of the per-
son to contact for further information
about Council activities.
Men's Council
Takes Petitions

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