W eather
No Change In Temperature
4 aiIt
Allied Pact Will Ease
,Post-War Settlement . .
Gopher Sextet
Trims Varsity
By 4-0 Score
In MildUpset
Gillis Stars For Michigan
As-Rugged Minnesota
Scores In Each Period
Track, wimming
Teams Plan Meets
A small but enthusiastic band of
Wolverine hockey fans cheered in
vain last night a fighting Michigan
sextet that lost all but hope of the
Big Ten crown when a rugged Min-
nesota team handed them a 4-0 de-
In a game that saw more penalties
than any other Michigan contest in
the last two years, the Gophers were
ableto chalk up their second victory
of the season against the Wolverines,
while increasing their own chances
for the Conference title.
The margin of defeat would have
been far greater if not for the pres-
ence of one Johnny Gillis in the
Varsity lineup. Turning in the most
brilliant individual performance of
the evening, the husky Wolverine de-
fenseman broke up numerous Minne-
sot scoring plays and more than
once took the puck the full length of
the ice by himself.
Leading the Gopher onslaught was
the much heralded Bob Arnold. Al-
though Arnold had only one of the
four Minnesota goals to his credit,
he was the spearhead of his team
offense while putting on a brilliant
display of poke checking.
Of the ten penalties called, nine
were handed out to Minnesota play-
ers. But this proved to be a special
incentive(to the Gopher squad ra-
(Continued on Page 3)
Mermen Favored
Over 'Hawkeyes'
Seeking to regain some of the pres-
tige lost when they were humbled byt
the tide ruling Yale crew last week,]
Michigan's once, invincible Wolver-
ines will face a water-logged Iowa
team in the Sport Building Pool at
8 p.m. today. 1
With little to fear from the in-
vading Hawkeyes, Coach Matt Mann
will rely on his corps of understudies
to put the Maize and Blue colors
once more in the win column. But1
even though the Wolverine mentort
will give some of his sophomores
their baptism of Conference compe-
tition tonight, he will withhold only1
one of his stars from the fray. .
Strother (T-Bone) Martin, main
,Michigan diving hope, will be thet
lone Wolverine not to see action. In
his place Admiral Mann will use Alext
Canja, teaming him with sophomoret
Lou Haughey, who has been Martin's.
springboard mate in the majority of
the Varsity meets.
Tonight'shdiving contestwill be
held on the low board since the
Iowans lack a high board in their
own pool and would be placed at an
obvious disadvantage if the event
was conducted from the more rai-
fied atmosphere. Chief springboard
threats for the Hawkeyes are Capt.
Vic Vargon and sophomore Leo Bied-
rzycki, who last week took first place
against Minnesota. This duo has yet
(Continued on Page 3)
Pitt Track Team
Here For Meet
Led by their two sprint stars, Hap
Stickel and Bill Carter, a heretofore
unimpressive band of Pittsburgh
Panthers will invade Yost Field
House at 7:30 p.m. today to do battle{
with the-undefeated Wolverine track
squad in a continuation of their dual
meet competition.
Since the 4 Smoky City cindermen
have not displayed much smoke in
previous meets this season, the Wol-
verines will go into the contest ast
odds-on favorites to cop their third
consecutive victory. Tonight's fra-
cas, therefore, will serve mainly as
the last warm-up tilt for the Wolver-
ines before the all-important West-
ern Conference meet in Chicago nextj
From comparative records of the
two teams this season, the Panthers
will probably give the Michigan crew
their hottest competition in the 60
yard dash, the low hurdles, and the
pole vault. The Panthers' fleet-foot-
ed Carter holds the Butler Relays
60 yard dash crown with a sensa-
Enemy Agents Operate
Planes In Coast Scare
Army Reports Unidentified Craft Flown To Spread
Alarm Among Civilians In Los Angeles
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-()P-
An Army report that as many as
15 planes may have been operated
by "enemy agents" over the Los
Angeles area, where an air raid
alarm early yesterday sent anti-
aircraft guns into action, was made
public today by Secretary of War
Coming a day after Secretary
Knox had told reporters that Navy
Department information indicated
the episode was "a false alarm,"
the Army report said the unidenti-
fied craft might have been com-
mercial planes flown over the area
by enemy agents to spread alarm,
disclose anti-aircraft gun positions,
and test the effectiveness of black-
No bombs were dropped, there
were no casualties among Ameri-
can forces, no planes were shot
down, and no American Army or
Navy planes were in action, Stim-
son said.
The Secretary announced that
the report came to him from Gen-
eral George C. Marshall, Army
Senate, House
Conferees Kill
Pension Law
Committee Asks Added
Pay For Enlisted Meng
In Overseas Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. -(/P)- A
Senate-House conference committee
today approved with alacrity the re-
peal of the politically painful pen-
sions-for-Congress law, and endorsed
the inclusion of the following matters
in the repeal bill:
1. A pay increase of 20 per cent for
enlisted men and 10 per cent for offi-
cers of the armed forces serving in
foreign lands or in the Philippines,
Hawaii or Midway Island.
2. A provision temporarily excusing
from the income tax law Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur's men or any others
"beleaguered or besieged by armed
forces," captured, interned, missing or
in distant duty with aimed forces.
However, they will have to file re-
turns and pay as soon as they can.
3. A clause providing that the pay'
of soldiers, sailors and other govern-
ment employes captured or missing.
shall continue. In the case of the
missing, the pay will continue for 12
months, whereupon death benefits
will be paid, but if a missing man
turns up thereafter he will owe thel
Goveriment the death benefits.
Chief of Staff, and apparently was
based on information relayed by
West Coast Army officials.
The conclusion that the planes
might have been obtained from
commercial sources, he said, was
based on the varying speeds of the
planes and the fact that no bombs
were dropped.
"As many as 15 planes may have
been involved," said the report,"
"flying at various speeds, from
what is officially reported as being
'very slow' to as much as 200 miles
per hour, and at an elevation of
from 9,000 to 18,000 feet."
Elements of the 37th Coast Ar-
tillery Brigade, composed of anti-
aircraft forces, fired 1,430 rounds
of ammunition between 3:12 a.m.
and 4:15 a.m., Pacific War Time,
during yesterday's alarm, Stimson
The Secretary said the only com-
ment he wanted to add to the re-
port was that "perhaps it is better
to be too alert than not alert
*enough. At any rate, they were
alert there."
Soviet Troops
Tra Germans
Near Sustjevo
Fierce Cavalry Offensive
Moves Toward Railroad
As Pincers Closes In
LONDON, Friday, Feb. 27.-(P)-
Russian cavalrymen, pushing on
from the Staraya Russa area below
Lake Ilmen where their comrades
have trapped a huge German army,
have reached the vicinity of Sust-
jevo on the Dno-Nevel railway only
72 miles short of the Latvian frontier,
dispatches from Stockholm said to-
Fierce fighting also was reported
in the Novgorod region, a key junc-
tion point north of Lake Ilmen.
The dispatches quoted the Lenin-
grad radio as saying that Staraya
Russa still was in German hands,
but that the Soviets were closing in
swiftly on all Nazi strongholds, many
of which were blasted at short range
by massed Red Army artillery.
The trapped forces were being
pounded relentlessly in a furious bat-
tle, now two weeks old, for control
of a vital area at the heart of a
triangle formed by Moscow, Lenin-
grad and the Latvian border.
The regular midnight communi-
que reported merely that the Red
Army "advanced against heavy en-
emy resistance and occupied several.
populated places" during the day.
Reported Hit
In Sub Attack
British Claim Heavy Toll
Taken Of 'Gneisenau',
'Scharnhorst' In Escape
Commons' Critics
last Naval Policy
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Feb. 26.-The British
submarine Trident, nosing deep into
enemy waters, has hunted down and
crippled a Nazi cruiser believed to be
the fugitive Prinz Eugen while that
warship's larger comrades in a Feb-
ruary channel escape lie in German
docks, knocked out of the war for
some time to come. the British gov-
ernment announced today.
These official reports were made
to the House of Commons and the
nation by First Lord of the Admir-
alty, A. V. Alexander, and by the Ad-
miralty itself. They documented
Prime Minister Churchill's recent an-
nouncement that the German naval
flotilla consisting of the 10,000-ton
Prinz Eugen and the 26,500-ton bat-
tleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
had gained no immediate advantage
in their sensational dash from Brest
to German North Sea bases on Feb.
13, through the Straits of Dover.
Presents Naval Estimates
Although Alexander, in presenting
the naval estimates, made the most
comprehensive defense of the Royal
Navy and of himself since the Nazi
Channel dash shocked sea-proud
Britons, he did not manage to stem
Led by the old naval hero, Admiral
of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes, critics
charged the Navy lacked heavily-
armed torpedo aircraft, trained pilots
and dynamic direction.
Keyes, in uniform as on the day
he delivered his devastating attack
on the Chamberlain government for
the Navy's failure to force Trondheim
Harbor in the Norwegian campaign,
charged that "war by committees"
was stifling chChil.
Another conservative, Patrick W
Donner, said it was "difficult to see
how Alexander could beuabsolved
from responsibility for sending the
Prince of Wales and Repulse to the
Far East without adequate air sup-
House Delays
Vote On New
Labor Move
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. -A)-
After a bitter debate, the House to-
day postponed until tomorrow a show-
down vote on a proposal to suspend
for the duration of the war Federal
laws calling for a 40-hour week and
extra pay for overtime.
The author of the plan, Rep. Smith
(Dem.-Va.), raked "arbitrary labor
leaders" who, he said, were calling
strikes "for silly reasons." In turn,
Rep. McCormack of Massachusetts,
the Democratic leader, accused Smith
of fostering "anti-labor" legislation
which would undo the gains of many
The Smith proposal was offered as
an amendment to a measure ex-
panding the Government's war
powers. The decision to quit for the
day, after an earlier announceinent
of intention to finish the broad bill
today, was reached when it became
obvious that debate on the labor
clause alone would extend far into
the night. A score or more speakers
remained to be heard at. adjourn-
Administration leaders were report-
ed to believe that if they had more
time to rally their forces they would
have a better chance to defeat the
Under the amendment, 17. statutes
prescribing maximum work hours and
requiring extra pay for overtime
would be suspended.
Denying that the amendment would
take away most of labor's gains of
the last 50 years, Smith said it would
not interfere with any existing or fu-
ture contracts between labor and em-
Wavell Fractures Rib
As Singapore Is Taken
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. - (M)-
General Sir Archibald Wavell, Su-
preme Commander of United Nations
Japanese Losses Increase
As Allied Counter-Attack
Reaches GreatIntensity
U' Scientists Disclose Success
Of Cancer Cure' Experiments
Prostrate Gland Treatment
Fails Completely In Only
20 Per Cent Of Cases
(By The Associated Press)
University scientists, working on a
theory developed by a University of
Chicago surgeon, today presented
what they termed "startling evi-
dence" to confirm a belief that it is
now possible to arrest one kind of
The type is that which affects the
prostate gland, a cancer which they
say is present in 20 percent of all
men over 60, and which kills many of
A report to the Brooklyn and Long
Island chapters of the American Col-
lege of Surgeons declared that the
Michigan doctors had given "amaz-
ing relief" to about 85 percent of the
patients under observation.
Enthusiastic About Results
The treatment, known as the Hug-
gins method, is so new that the doc-
tors will not say whether it is a cure.
But they are enthusiastic in describ-
ing the "relief" it brings in a major-
ity of their cases.
The significance of the results,
according to U. of M. doctors, is
that the method represents the first
biological control of any cancer and
it provides relief from the suffering
caused by a common disease of old
The surgeons freely called the dis-
Envoy Optimistic
In Radio Speech
NEW YORK, Feb. 26.-()-Max-
im Litvinoff, Rusian Ambassador to
the United States, declared tonight
that he believed Hitler could "be de-
stroyed by the summer."
In his first public address since
taking over his post in Washington,
delivered before the overseas press
club and broadcast by the Mutual
Broadcasting System, the Soviet Am-
bassador warned that the opportun-
ity for a summer victory over Hitler
might be missed and said:
"Only by simultaneous offensive
operations on two or more fronts
separated by long distances could
Hitler's armed forces be disposed of
and that is why Hitler would dislike
such operations."
covery "one of the most important
medical advances of modern times."
Dr. Charles B. Huggins, professor
of surgery at the University of Chi-
cago, developed the method, based
on his experiments with sex hor-
Enlarges When Affected
The prostate is a small sex gland
that enlarges when affected with
cancer. In about half the cases this
cancer spreads to nearby bone tis-
sues, causing excruciating pain, and
in many cases the swollen gland af-
fects the bladder. Both types are
often fatal.
Dr. Huggins reported to the Ameri-
can Medical Association last June
his belief that male sex hormones
(Continued on Page 2)
Japs Re treat
]before Drive
By MacArthur
Ph-ilippine Defenders Take
Surprise Offensive As
Enemy Loses Positions
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. - (R) -
General Douglas MacArthur's men
on Bataan Peninsula have suddenly
taken the offensive, capturing num-
erous Japanese advance positions,,
and in one sector forcing the invad-
ers to retreat several kilometers, the
War Department reported today.
Far from beaten, the defenders of
the Philippines "attacked sharply all
along the line." The surprise thrust
was apparently successful generally,
but particularly so on the right where
the deepest enemy withdrawal took
place. Main enemy positions were
not penetrated, the communique said,
but at last reports the fighting was
still in progress and local successes
At a press conference, Secretary of
War Stimson disclosed that the lead-
er of 20,000 boo-swinging Moro
tribesmen on the island of Mindanao
had pledged a "fight to the last"
against the Japanese and declared
their readiness to die "for America
and their country," if need be.
American Subs Sink Four
Jap Warships; Invaders
Face Strengthened Java
Offensive Perils
Enemy Invasions
(Associated Press War Editor)
Japan's losses in the South Pacific
were being extended yesterday by the
growing might of the Allied counter-
offensive before the sea gates to Java,
and far to the north General Douglas
MacArthur's Army of Luzon lunged
out in sharp, general attacks to seize
the initiative all up and down the
Bataan line.
It was in general the most satis-
factory day in some weeks for the
United Nations, save only an expec-
ted worsening of the British position
in southern Rangoon; for in the
Soviet theatre the Russians were said
to have trapped 96,000 troops of the
German Second Army Corps and it
began to appear that no check for
that great Red offensive was any-
where in sight.
Troopships Torpedoed
In the waters of the Indies-where
Allied arms were making, as U. S.
War Secretary Stimson remarked, a
magnificent defense-two more en-
emy troopships and a naval auxiliary
and a freighter had been torpedoed
by American submarines. They also
had engaged with apparent effective-
nes a Japanese squadron of cruisers
and destroyers, probably hitting one.
The full score was not known, could
hardly be known while action still
was on. But it was plain that the
enemy's sea casualties, taken in con-
nection with his earlier disastrous
losses iri Macassar trait-and in.his
invasion of Bali, were rising to a
point beyond which there was con-
siderable danger for his Pacific ad-
ventures in general.
Moreover, the Commander-in-
Chief of the Dutch last Indies Army,
Lieut.-Gen. Hem ter Poorten, gave
the world evidence that even if the
Japanese were able to get ashore of
Java they were going to collide with
an Allied land force now greatly
'Thousands On Our Side'
"Thousands of British, Australian
and American troops are on our side
in Java," he declared in a broadcast
which was the first indication-gen-
eral though it was of Allied troop
strength there.
Afield, too, the invader's slow
march down upon Java was still cost-
ing him a great price.
Yesterday's communique of the
Dutch command disclosed that while
there had been in southern Sumatra
an enemy advance almost to the very
shores of the 15-mile Sunda Strait
across from western Java the Japa-
nese were still being engaged heavily
in western Borneo and had after
three weeks not been able to kick out
the bright, small spark of Dutch re-
sistance still glowing on Amboina
Official Dutch accounts indicatefd
that Japanese efforts for the seventh
successive day to bomb out the Java
airdromes had largely failed.
Automobile Tires1
To Be Purchased
'The Size Of The Fight':
Army Ordnance Body Told U.S.
Faces Worst Crisis In History
Declaring that the people of the United States now face the most serious
job they have ever faced, Lieut. Col. L. A. Codd, executive vice-president of
the Army Ordnance Association last night told student members of the
Association and guests that all must "get behind this thing with all the
power and all the energy you have!"
"We all think we can't lose,", he pointed out, "but it isn't the size of the
dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog that counts. America
must suffer as it has never suffered before if we are to get out of this mess."
Speaking on the subject "Victory Through Arms Production," Colonel
Codd revealed that continuing battle tests have definitely proved the superi-
Aflec Templeton Gives Cam pus
7oogie-Woogie' Carillon, Concert
University students who were startled while going to their three o'clocks
yesterday by the strains of "Blues in the Night" and the 6 Hut-Sut Song"
issuing from the Carillon Tower may rest assured that a real swing enthusi-
ast, Alec Templeton, was at the keyboard.
Templeton, who thrilled a Hill Auditorium audience with both his seri-
ous musical interpretations and his humorous offerings in an Ann Arbor
debut last night, is one of the few concert pianists who likes swing as
a hobby.
Preferring ejually sophisticated swing and solid boogie-woogie, the slight
of stature but pleasant-mannered, blind British artist declared in an inter-
ority of American-made weapons,
chiefly in Libya and Bataan, where
General MacArthur has given high
praise to the well-known Garand
Rifle and the American light tank.
Emphasizing the increasing im-
portance of maintenance and supply,
Colonel Codd observed that mechan-
ized warfare has made this phase of
ordnance work more important than
ever before, and the manufacture of
spare parts is every bit as important
as the production of the complete
Ordnance men have kept a plan
for industrial mobilization up-to-
date since the end of the last war,
he revealed, but that plan has not
been followed in many respects for
some reason or other.
"The guiding principle of our pro-
duction to date has been a central-
ized control over decentralized oper-
ation," Colonel Codd stated. "We
Fraternity Survey
Studies Summer
House Pr oblemts
In an effort to determine the course
best for the fraternity system as a
whole, questionnaires have been
mailed to all house presidents con-
cerning the probable status of their
fraternity during summer and fall.
The questionnaire will deal with
questions such as how many men are
expected to be enrolled in the Uni-
versity during the Summer Session,
will the house be open, and if so will
the kitchen operate, and would the
fraternities be willing to enter into
a cooperative purchasing plan.
Another question to be included,
one of the most difficult the Inter-
Nelson Plans
Production Chief To Give
Citizens' Assignmemts
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26, - (()P--
Donald M. Nelson will broadcast to
the nation Monday night and, a
spokesman said, in this and three
subsequent radio talks, the war pro-
duction chief will "hand out assign-
ments to all classes of citizens, tell-
ing them what they can do to help
win the war."
"Mr. Nelson will spend most of the
time examining the allegation that
there is too much smugness and com-
placency in the country, and that
people are confused about what they
can do to help the war effort," the
spokesman said.
The first address (9:45 to 10 p.m.
view that "if Bach were alive he
would find many things in common
with Benny Goodman."
Most of the ideas in modern
swing can be traced back to Bach,
Templeton said. Bach has exhaust-
ed every type of mechanical musical
device and is "the ancient and mod-
ern of everything." In one of his
arias an instrument plays the same
important, independent role that it
does in jazz.
The composer of "Bach Goes to
Town" in 1936, Templeton started
the current fad of putting the old
masters on the Hit Parade. Other
such Templeton innovations are
"Haydn Takes to Ridin' '' and "Mo-
zart Metriculates."
The success of Tschaikowsky in
modern music is attributed by Tem-
pleton to the fact that he composed
beautiful, romantic melodies which
were not appreciated by the popular
public until today when a demand
for that type of music exists.
While not forgetting his liking for
popular music, Templeton admitted
that a world of difference separated
By U.S.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. -(A')-
The Office of Price Administration
announced tonight a plan whereby
the government expects to buy up
virtually the entire supply of new
passenger car tires and tubes and
thus enable dealers to get their cap-
ital out of stocks tied up by tire ra-
Dealers who wish to be relieved of
carrying passenger tire stocks
throughout the period of rationing
may sell all or part of them back to
the original manufacturer or dis-
tributor at the cost price, plus 10 per
cent to cover carrying expenses.
Manufacturers and mass distribu-
tors were ordered to sell the repur-
chased stocks to the government-
owned defense supplies corporation,
and to turn over to that agency also
their own stocks of passenger car
tires and tubes.