Not much change
In temperatere,
C, r
it 4311
New Responsibility
of French Navy ..,
Mermen Win
Meet, 52-32;
Martin Loses
Hockey Team Will Oppose
Paris A.C. As Pucksters
Resume Home Schedule
Cagers, Trackmen
PrepareFor Tilts
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Feb. 13 - Meeting
with unexpected resistance from an
inspired Northwestern team, Mtt
Mann's touring Michigan swimmers
sunk the Wildcats, 52-2, in Patten
Pool here tonight torun their un-
defeated dual meet streak to 34
The Wolverines, with their lineup
differing from the one that spanked
Ohio State Wednesday, encountered
a tougher brand of opposition than
even the most rabid Wildcat partisan
looked for. Nevertheless, the Maize
and Blue national champions rolled
over the Purple natators to counter
six firsts in the nine events.
Honors Go To Jaynes
But despite the Michigan victory,
honors for the night together with
the plaudits of glory must go to a
hitherto unheralded sophomore Wild-
cat-one Howie Jaynes. Scoring the
biggest upset of the current inter-
collegiate swimming season, Jaynes
drove his way to a surprise victory
over the Wolverines' heavily-favored
Strother (T-Bone) Martin, tallying
144.8 points to the Michigan ace's
It was just two nights ago that
(Continued on Page 3)
Wolverine Hockey Team
To Play Paris A.C. Today
Home competition for Wolverine
athletic teams in the second semester
gets under way at 8 p.m. tonight in
the Michigan. Coliseum when Eddie
Lowrey's rejuvenated sextet takes the
ice against the Paris A.C.
With nothing but one victory and
a single tie. to its credit in the nine
games already in the record books,
the Maize and Blue outfit pushes into
the background the past accounts
and will try to get off on a better
footing against the visiting Canadian
athletic club. For Captain Paul Gold-
smith and his fellow puckmen,' the
future looks better right now than
at any time during the past two and
one-half months.
Three big reasons constitute the
basis of predicting better successes
for the battling puck team. The de-
fense will ice a more formidable wall
against opposing attacks with John-
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Cagers To Face
Illinois Quintet Today
(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 13.-Still
smarting from their first Conference
loss of the season suffered at the
hands of a sharp-shooting Indiana
team last Monday night, Illinois'
league leading cagers prepared to re-
gain their winning form at the ex-
pense of Michigan's down-trodden
quintet at 8 p.m. tomorrow night in
Huff gym.
The impressive Big Ten record of
the Illini-seven wins and one loss-
makes them heavy favorites to cop
the 38th meeting between the two
schools, but the Wolverines are as
unpredictable as the weather an
might just as easily pull one of their
famous upsets as not.
In their last meeting at Ann Arbor
early in January, Doug Mills' quin-
tet had to fight every inch of the way,
and then the Indians won by only
four points, 44-40.
Tomorrow's battle, however, will
find the Wolverine forces somewhat
(Continued on Page 3)
Injuries Dog Trackmen
As First Meet Nears
Old Man Injury just kind of
sneaked up on the Michigan track
team yesterday and, on the eve of
the opening meet of the indoor sea-
son, dealt the thinclads a stab ,in
the back from which it will be ex-
tremely difficult to recover.
Thursday, all was quiet and peace-
ful and happy down at track prac-
tice. With the team rapidly round-
ing into top condition for today's
triangular meet against Michigan?
State and Michigan Normal at East
Lansing, all concerned were confi-
deant that the Wolvrineould er1 n-
Early Curfew Imposed
On University Women
London Editors Assail
Weekend Deadline For Coeds
As League Council Stresses
Will Be Tightened
Need For Sleep
For Nazi Fleet's Channel Escape;
SinaoresDefenses Stabilized
Putting campus love on a war-time basis, the League Council shaved
an hour from Friday night dating hours yesterday, making the girls go
to bed earlier because:
(1) we must save electricity, or the University will have to ration it;
(2) coeds must be physically fit during the war;
(3) it will "bring the war home to the students;"
(4) of the 50 coeds who volunteered as Red Cross blood donors, 48 were
so run-down that they had to be rejected.
When asked for a medical explanation of the many blood donor re-
jections, however, Dr. Clair Healy of the Health Service said last night that
rejection had absolutely no reflection upon the health of volunteers. "It
just so happens," she said, "that hemoglobin, content requirements of the
Red Cross are extremely high and few healthy girls can meet it."
Closing Hours Will Be 12:30 A.M.
The new regulations, announced by Margaret Ihling, '43, Women's De-
fense Chairman, stipulate that closing hours for Friday nights will be 12:30
a.m. instead of 1:30 a.m. Seniors will be denied late hour privileges on
Saturday nights. These regulations will go into effect Friday, Feb. 20-
so last night was your last "late-hour" for the duration. The curtailment
of hours will not apply to major campus dances such as J-Hop and
Senior Ball.
At another meeting yesterday the Committee of Student Affairs, com-
posed jointly of faculty members and students, passed a resolution requiring
all campus dances (except special functions) to end at midnight. This
ruling will apply to fraternities, sororities, dormitories and the Union and
League weekend dances.
The 16-member League Council passed the hour-shortening measure
with 15 "ayes", and one person not voting. Council members said priv-
ately that the measure originated ino
the Dean of Women's Office and
passed- through sundry deans and
So University students, already
dizzy from clock changes and on-
Responding to vigorous protests
of students learning of the new
rule yesterday, the League Coun-
cil announced late last night that
the entire question would be re-
opened Tuesday when further dis-
cussions will be held with the
Dean of Women's Office and the
Women's Defense Committee.
again-off-again war time, will lose
another hour next Friday.
Student reaction to the "speed-up
of love" (elsewhere on this page)
seems to tally with Purdue Univer-
sity opinion as recorded in the Pur-
due Exponent. Following a similar
"speed-up" there, approximately 85
per cent of the men and 75 per cent
of the women said the shortened date
(Continued on Page 5)
Burmese Aid
British, Battle
Jap Advance
RANGOON, Feb. 13.-( )-A sec-
ond strong Japanese attempt to
smash through the British-held Sal-
ween River line at Paan was under
way tonight with fierce fighting re-
ported in a communique which said
results of the battle still were ob-
The Japanese, fighting to widen a
rooting on the west bank of the
broad sftream, massed their forces
;nd struck out in their second push
rarely 24 hours after their first at-
;empt collapsed before a British and
Indian bayonet counter-attack.
"Further south," the British war
report said, "the situation is quiet
.t the moment."
That is the sector where the Jap-
anese were stopped at Leaet tempor-
nrily after crossing the estuary of the
3alween from Moulmein to Marta-
ban, 30 miles south of Paan.
Naval Report
Describes Blow
To Jap Islands
Concerted Raid From Sea
Cripples Enemy Power
On Gilbert,_Marshalls
PEARL HARBOR, T. H., Feb. 13.-
(P)-A crippling blow at Japanese
power in the mid-Pacific-possibly a
preview of what Japan itself may ex-
pect-was graphically pictured today
by naval officers in revealing results
of the attack by the Pacific Fleet
Feb. 1 on the Gilbert and Marshall
Striking in a surprise raid at dawn,
the naval units and fleet air arm exe-
cuted their first major offensive to
clear the Japanese from island bases
flanking the U. S. supply route to
Australia and New Zealand.
Attack Covers Large Area
The attack was conducted over an
area of 350 to 400 miles located some
2,000 miles from Pearl Harbor. The
ships participating had been at sea
for at least three weeks and covered
around 10,000 miles.
"This long distance attack by the
task force," said one naval officer,
"demonstrated how war can be taken
directly to the enemy's doorstep re-
gardless of distance."
Results Tabulated
Results of the successful offensive
were announced by the Navy Depart-
ment in Washington as follows:
Five Japanese warships sunk, in-
cluding a 17,000-ton converted air-
craft carrier.
Eleven Japanese auxiliary vessels
sent to the bottom.
At least 41 enemy warplanes de-
stroyed, either in aerial combat or on
the ground.
Important naval and air bases on
six islands plastered with shells and
bombs, their batteries and radio sta-
tions destroyed, buildings laid in
ruins-in short, a mass of wreckage
at every point under fire.
Water Reservoirs Of City
Menaced; Population Is
Confident Of Success
British Successful
In Counter-Attacks
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Feb. 13.-Under massive
air and artillery bombardment, Sing-
apore still held out tonight and a
surprisingly optimistic Reuters dis-
patch filed from the island metropo-
lis in mid-morning said positions of
the British defenders had been stabi-
lized and that counter-attacks about
seven miles north of the city "have
met with some success."
Water Supply Gone
Although later official advices in-
dicated the city's known major water
reservoirs were gone or imminently
menaced and that the British line
still was being slowly beaten back by
the overwhelming Japanese force, the
Reuters correspondent presented an
amazing picture of a population con-
fident that the invaders would be
stopped short of their goal.
His dispatch, filed at 10:30 a.m.
Singapore time today (11:30 p.m.
Thursday EWT) said British coun-
ter-attacks were carried out in the
Jurong area, about seven miles to the
Northwest, and that they were be-
lieved to have stabilized the defense
West of the city, heavy fighting
was reported along a line running
from Pierce Reservoir to Bukit Timah
and Jurong and ending at Pasir Jan-
jang on the south coast, about five
miles from the island metropolis.
Reuters Optimistic
Then, in contrast to the pessimistic
feeling in London, the Reuters cor-
respondent presented a picture of
buoyant residents of the city going
about their business as usual full of
hope that the worst was passing and
that the hard-pressed defenders
would stem the Japanese tide.
Great demonstrations of enthusi-
asm were declared touched off by
reports of heavy punishment dealt
the invader by the British.
Japs Maintain
Bataan Attack
Planes Continue Staccato
Raids On Peninsula
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. -()-
The Japanese were reported today to
be sending wave on wave of dive
bombers against the American-Fili-
pino forces on Bataan Peninsula, pre-
sumably in an attempt to soften up
the defenses for new infantry on-
Two bombers, a War Department
communique said, were shot down by
American anti-aircraft guns.
General Douglas MacArthur ad-
vised, too, that the Japanese aircraft
had inflicted heavy losses on some
of their own troops mistaken for the
American-Filipino Army.
Victims of the erroneous bombng
were identified as elements of the
122nd Regiment of Lieut. Gen. Akira
Nara's division, one of the six divi-
sions facing and overwhelmingly out-
numbering MacArthur's little army.
The identification placed the at-
tack on the defenders' right flank,
joining Manila Bay, presumably in
the vicinity of the village of Pilar.
Here the same regiment was mauled
Feb. 2, along with two others in one
phase of the latest large-scale at-
tack made against MacArthur's lines.
Military men said it was logical to
believe that the boomerang bombing
inflicted severe losses.
Federal Jury Convicts
Aviatrix Laura In galls
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. - (R) -
Laura Ingalls, speed flier and self-
styled "international Mata Hari,"
was convicted by a Federal District
Court jury today on a charge that she
acted as a paid agent of the German
Reich without registering with the
State Department.
The jury of ten men and two wo-
men deliberated only a little more
than an hour before returning the
verdict. The maximum penalty for
1:30 Kiss - Historical Society Please Note
-Photo By Stu Gildart
It will take a track star with the speed and technique of Dye Hogan,
'40, to get a good-night kiss next week. Esther "Reggie" Williams,
'42SM, apparently willing to have this kind of thing go on for another
hour, took part in a last minute campus rush to beat the University's
love-rationing plan. Said Hogan, still staggering slightly, "This is
a sure cure for anyone's anemia, and look how you can save on lights."
Hugh Gibson To Lecture Here
Tuesda. On War-Torn Europe
"We can take it from a man who
knows-" and Hugh Gibson, former
ambassador to Belgium and Brazil
is that man. Gibson, who recently.
returned from England, where he
lived since the fall of France, will
speak here, under the auspices of the
Oratorical Association at 8:15 p.m.
Abroad since March, 1940, Gibson
has been representative of the Com-
mission of Polish Relief in Europe.
As chief representative of that or-
ganization, he remained on the conti-
nent until the occupation of France
and has since made his headquarters
in London. Here he expanded his
representation to include relation-
Dutch Set Fire
To Own Bases
At 'Macassar
BATAVIA, N. E. I., Feb. 13.-W)-
The harbor district of Macassar, chief
port of Celebes, has been set aflame
by the Dutch defenders and the
torch also has been put to other
vital areas in the south of the island
-the area which the Japanese are
seeking to consolidate as a base for
the expected attack on Java.
This was announced today by the
N. E. I. Command with the sardonic
"The enemy will not find anything
of use to him."
Along with this immobilization of
Macassar Port (the Japanese already
have claimed its occupation) the af-
ternoon Dutch communique reported,
on the basis of new information from
the Macassar garrison, that previous
announcements of enemy landings
across the peninsula at Balangnipa
had been found erroneous, and thus
that the whole position on Celebes
was not quite so critical as had ap-
peared earlier.
From Borneo and other fronts
there was no new official word. But
a general lessening of enemy offen-
sive activity was indicated by the fact
that Japanese aerial operations were
confined during the day principally
to reconnaissance over the outer
Cairo Claims Tunis Aids
GermanLibyan Army
CAIRO, Feb. 13. - (iP) - New evi-
dence that German Marshal Erwin
ships with the exiled governments in
Great Britain.
Gibson has had access to the best
sources of information on the unrest
prevailing in the occupied countries.
His intimate association with thea
leaders in exile from the Nazi-occu-
pied lands afforded him full- oppor-
tunity to meet men and women who
have escaped to join their govern-
ments and military divisions now
fighting side by side with the British.
Present at the outbreak of the war,
Gibson for years acted in a diplo-
matic capacity in London, Paris,
Warsaw, Bern, Brussels, and Geneva.
During the first World War, he was
secretary to the American Legion in
Belgium, and there acquired much of
the experience which enables him to
direct the difficult activities of relief
groups abroad today.
Tickets for this lecture, "The In-
ternational Situation as Viewed
through the Eyes of an American
Observer," will be on sale Monday
and Tuesday at the box office, Hill
Auditorium. Box office hours Mon-
day will be from 10-1 and 2-4; Tues-
day the office will be open from 10
a.m. until 8:15 p.m.
Soviets Enter
Reds' Offensive Achieves
Greatest Advances Yet
MOSCOW, Feb. 13.-(A')-Knifing
through German lines for the deepest.
and most significant advance yet
of the Red Army winter offensive,
Russian ski troops have entered
White Russia, on the old frontier
with Poland, and Soviet submarines
have destroyed seven more German
warships in Arctic waters, war front
dispatches reported tonight.
News of these successes in the
north and west were accompanied
by accounts of an uninterrupted Sov-
iet drive in the south, where numer-
ous more villages were liberated and
in the Crimea, where Russian
marines routed the Germans from
a height dominating the Crimean
naval base of Sevastopol.
The point of entry into White
Russia was not disclosed, but it could
have been achieved by advance units
thrusting ahead of strong Soviet
forces operating both above and be-
low Smolensk,threatened key Ger-
man base on the Dnieper 230 miles
German Battleships Reach
Helgoland After Fighting
British For 700 Miles
'Britain Hypnotized'
News Writers Assert
LONDON, Saturday, Feb. 14.-VP)-
The full fury of a bitter editorial
barrage against the Government fell
for the first time today upon Prime
Minister Churchill himself on the
heels of the German Fleet's dash
through the Channel, and one news-
paper suggested bluntly that Britain
had been "hypnotized by the force
of his rhetoric."
The Prime Minister, who hereto-
fore has had to defend only his col-
leagues, this time found himself one
of the main targets of an attack
which was the most severe since he
took office in May, 1940,
Methods Need Revision
The News Chronicle said:
"His methods of government must
be recast quickly and with a single
aim in view-to retrieve as dangerous
and humiliating a situation as any
that yet confronted us.
"Have we not been hynotized by
Mr. Churchill's personality, by the
force of his rhetoric, by his hold .in
the House of Commons?"
The Herald remarked "we look
pretty foolish" and added the British
public "now feels apprehension about
the whole strategic direction of the
war which no mere formal inquest on
past events will remove, however
thoroughly conducted."
The Mirror asked: "Is it any longer
true to say we trust the Prime Min-
ister though we do not trust his
Limit War Cabinet
The Daily Sketch said that "Mr.
Churchill must be brought by one
means or another to a clearer recog-
nition of some essential truths. Does
he take too much upon himself?
Should he not limit the numbers of
his war cabinet and improve its qual-
Lord Beaverbrook's Daily Express
came to Churchill's defense, declar-
ing that "the horse Churchill is pull-
ing a heavy load up hill. What do
we do to that horse? Beat him with
sticks? Or get behind the wagon and
give him a hand?"
German Battleships
Escape British Blockade
LONDON, Feb. 13.-(AP)--The Allies
faced a bitter fight for control of the
North Atlantic tonight after two Ger-
man battleships and a heavy cruiser,
battered but menacingly afloat, had
gained the safety of Helgoland after
a dash through the English Channel
and the North Sea that flouted more
than a century of British naval his-
Fears were expressed openly in
London that the 26,000-ton Scharn-
horst and Gneisenau and the 10,000-
ton cruiser Prinz Eugen, now at safe
anchor for repair and supply at the
end of a 700-mile fighting race from
their bomb trap at Brest, would ren-
dezvous with a Nazi Atlantic fleet
strong enough "to go whereever it
likes-from the Orkneys to Lone
Criticism Swells
Coming as it did on top of the
battle of Singapore and the British
reverse in Africa, the humbling of
British Navy and Air Force in their
own waters measurably swelled the
roar of criticism of the present cabi-
net. Some persons thought that
Prime Minister Churchill himself
might have heavy going to stay in
office. But against this was the be-
lief that there was no one of his
stature to take his place.
The battle, involving hundreds of
planes and warships of varied sizes,
was broken off after an almost sui-
cidal attack by British destroyers off
the mouth of the Netherlands'
Red Cross Renews
Blood Donor Plea
With a total of only 110, student
blood donors signed up after a three-
day drive, the Red Cross and the
Student Defense Committee yester-
Coeds To Count Corpuscles:
Campus Women Protest Move
To Snip Hour Off Date Nights
'Love on the run' doesn't appeal to
he average Michigan coed.
Union dancers, sorority stay-at-
aomes, and athletes alike were but
lightly amused at the antics of a
Momen's Defense Council which had
ust cut an hour from their Friday
aight dating time.
Seniors like Reggie Williams, '42-
SM, were even more indignant at the
news, for as she declared, "I've spent
three years waiting for that extra
;iour on Saturday night and now
some silly committee takes it away
from me."
Refuting the arguments set forth
for the change, Margaret Harmon,
,A 9t m - u ~e ni + a viri " f rvar l
do you think we use in our rooms
when we get in, candles?"
Others chimed in with, "We've got
to have a doorstep signal. I suppose
we'll teach the house mother to whis-
An unidentified University of Illi-
nois man took a dirty look at his date,
and remarked, "If I lived in this
town I'd be glad to get rid of a girl
an hour earlier." His remains are
still unidentified.
Quick on the comeback, Jean Whit-
temore, '44, declared, "This is neat. A
legal way to get rid of him before
Local girls like Hope Tappe, '45,
looked on the discussion like so many
Cheshire cats, gloating happily,
"Competition gets another jolt."
In the midst of all the girlish
chatter a few masculine voices were
raised. Phil Swander, '44, having a