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February 14, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-14

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_ _

French Group
Will Present
Guest Speaker
Helen Hall Will Discuss
Development Of Arts
In Medieval Poitiers
Continuing the series of lectures
sponsored by the Cercle Francais,
Miss Helen Hall, curator of the Uni-
versity's Institute of Fine Arts, will
speak at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday on
"Poitiers, Bijou du Moyen-Age."
Throughout the Middle Ages, Poi-
tiers was one of the centers in France
of development in all branches of the
fine arts-architecture, sculpture and
painting especially. In her 'talk,
which will be illustrated with slides,
Miss Hall will placepemphasis on
some of the building projects of the
day. Representing the Romanesque
churches, she will discuss Notre Dame
la Grande, and as one of the ex-
amples of Gothic architecture, the
Palais de Justice has been selected
for emphasis.
Besides extensive study in the his-
tory of fine arts, Miss Hall has the
advantage of personal observation of
French art, having spent her third
year of college in Tours and Ver-
sailles. While there she had the op-
portunity of travel and personal
study of the artexamples she will
Tickets for the entire series of
lectures may be procured from the
secretary of the romance languages
department, in Room 112, Romance
Language Building. The talk will be
in French.
Highway Improvements
To Be Discussed At Meet
LANSING, Feb. 13.-(I)-Traffic]
engineers will seek ways to increase
effectiveness of street and highway
systems serving war production plants
at a conference in Detroit March. 18
to 22, called by the State Safety
Commission and cooperating agen-
In its announcement, the Safety
Commission pointed out that motor
vehicles in Michigan carry between
65 and 68 per cent of raw materials,
finished products and factory workers.

Public Health
Plan To Study
Tropical Ills
Department Of University
To Present Brush-Up
Classes On Disease
Anticipating an influx of rare dis-
eases, which may be introduced by
doughboys returning from distant1
battlefronts, the University's School1
of Public Health will offer severalt
short-term "refresher" courses, re-
viewing treatment of ailments foreign
to this region, Dr. Henry F. Vaughan
asserted today. .
According to Dr. Vaughan, the
"continued education"courses will I
be open to non-resident students-
"people already engaged in related
activities, as physicians, public health
nurses and city and county healtht
department officers."1
Instruction Offered
The "institutes," scheduled to run
from three days to two weeks each,
will provide intensive instruction inl
"diseases not ordinarily common to
this section, but common to sections
of the world into which our troopst
will be sent." Moreover, United Statesl
soldiers may well be exposed to tropi-
cal and subtropical sectors-and con-1
sequently diseases native to these,
Dr. Vaughan maintained..
. "As the disease spreads, problems!
of far-off will become problems to us
here," Dr. Vaughan declared. "The
institute instruction will be a prepar-
ation for any eventuality thrust upon
Treatment Tb Be Discussed
The first institute will deal with
the treatment of tropical ills, includ-,
ing jungle yellow fever, malaria, dys-,
entery, typhoid, and the parasitical
Dr. Vaughan hastens to-.add, how-,
ever, that these diseases, though rare.j
are not all unknown in this vicinity.
There has been for instance, malaria
in Michigan imported by berry pick-,
ers from the Southern states. The
control of malaria-bearing mosquitos
may become of vast importance, for
since these insect vectors spread the
disease, the introduction of the af-
fliction here will present new dan-
Michigan Is Ready
To List New Men
In DraftMonday
LANSING, Feb. 13.-(J)- With
Governor Van Wagoner leading ad-
vance registrations at a Pontiac
draft board office tomorrow morn-
ing, Michigan is ready to list some
435,000 men between the ages of 20
and 45 in the third draft registration
Monday, the State Selective Service
headquarters today advised National
Director Brig.-General Lewis B. Her-
The 43-year-old Governor said he
may be in Washington Monday and
will exercise his right to pre-register,
along with others privileged to report
early to, avoid undue inconvenience
or expense.
Draft boards will remain open
Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for
the benefit. of such registrants,draft
officials said. Registrations already
are under way in some of Detroit's
war-production plants to avoid dis-
ruption of work schedules.
About 20,000 volunteer clerks will
set up headquarters Monday in spe-
cial depots established in public
buildings and factories to register
most of the 435,000 men eligible for
compulsory military service.

State military spokesmen said men
registering now are not likely to be
called before May "at the very ear-
liest" and that previous registration
lists would be exhausted before new
registrants would be called.

Inflation, War
To Be Watkins'
Committee For American
Defense Will Sponsor
Talk Here Tomorrow
An emergency problem that can-
not be solved by bayonets, "Inflation
and the War," will be. discussed at 4
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Lecture
Hall by Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of
the economics department.
This public lecture, fourth in a
series sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Chapter of the Committee to Defend
America, will be open to all students,
faculty members and townspeople.
Professor Watkins' acquaintance
with inflation andallied subjects
dates back to his doctoral disserta-
tion at the University. In 1929 he
received a $2,500 award for a book,
"Bankers' Balances," based on this
A member of the University fac-
ulty since 1926, Professor Watkins is
also connected with the Editorial
Board and Executive Committee of
the American Economic Association.
He has conducted research in his
special field, money and banking,
both in America and England.

War To Make
Men's Clothes
Joe College's "loud" clothes will
seem like only a low whisper in com-
parison with the new war-time styles
in civilian men's clothing, it appeared,
when coming trends in men's cloth-
ing were previewed last week at the
convention of the Association of Mer-
chant Tailors and Designers in New
York City.
Suits will be made of various
Scotch plaids and will include intri-
cate patterns and designs. Through
the duration of the war it is expected
that men's wardrobes will include
"baby blue" trousers with parrot yel-
low stripes for better visibility in
blackouts. Other clothes combina-
tions will be made of red, brown,
green and orange clothes.
Another change that will take
place in the men's styles will be the
suit coat without any lapels or collar
and it is also expected that all men's
trousers will be made without cuffs
due to the cloth shortages.
College men with their coverts and
tweeds are no longer rated the "best
dressed men." That honor has been
claimed by the men in uniform.


Polish Ballet To Give PrograIMn
Of Classical Music On Monday


To Give Recital

Program Of Bach, Gluck,
Copland To Be Offered
Featuring the music of Bach, Gluck
and the contemporary American
composer, Aaron Copland, Professor!
Palmer Christian will give the first
organ recital of the new semester at
4:15 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Audi-
With the presentation of Aaron
Copland's 'Episode,' Professor Christ-
ian will offer a diversion from the
usual organ recital program. 'Epi-
sode,' which is Copland's only pub-
lished work for organ to date, is de-
scribed as music definitely written
for "the ears of 1942" rather than in-
dulging in the romantic sweetness of
two decades ago.
Returning to the more conven-
tional organ literature, Professor
Christian's other featured numbers
will include The Prelude and Fugue
in E-flat of Bach, the Lento from
'Orpheus' by Gluck and two pieces
by the contemporary composer Eric
de Lamarter. Rounding out the pro-
gram will be the music of Martini,
Stanley and Guilmant.
'I'll See You Again --
In The Health Service

Coming through the courtesy of
Adolph Hitler who stranded them in
New York when he invaded their
mother country, the Polish Ballet
company will present a program of
classical music and folk tales at 8:15
p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium un-
der the auspices of the University
Polonia Society.
Felix Sadowski, former ballet mas-
ter of Warsaw Grand Opera, will
direct the troupe which originally
appearedhattthe New York World's
Fair as Poland's cultural emmissaries.
The Ballet's appearance in Ann
Arbor comes in the middle of an al-
ready -successful transcontinental
tour through New York, Phila-
delphia, Chicago, Cleveland and
other cities. With one-night stands
in American towns, the Ballet aims
to acquaint this country with age-old
dances of Poland..
Tickets for Monday's performance
will be on sale from 2 to 4 p.m. today
and all day Monday in Hill Auditor-

ium. They will also be offered at the
League, Union and campus book-
While representative of a Central
European culture. the Ballet is unique
in its American-born ballerina. Jan-
ina Frost. Miss Frost studied under
outstanding masters here before com-
pleting her training at the famed
Polish Ballet school.
The Ballet's program will combine
the works of great masters with the
dances and tales of Poland's peas-
antry. ,Chopin, Brahms and Pader-
ewski are among those to be pre-
In addition to the Ballet, Hill Audi-
torium's audience will hear Milo
Luka, former leading baritone of the
National Opera Prague. Mr. Luka is
now affiliated with the.Chicago Civic
Opera Company.
Another of the troupe's featured
ballerinas, Nina Juszkiewicz was en-
thusiastically received in London be-
fore joining the Ballet.

Morrison Returns From Conference

Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the
transportation engineering depart-
ment returned Wednesday from Salt
Lake City where he attended the
third annual conference of Highway
Professor Morrison read a paper
entitled "Economic Factors In De-

sign. Including Safety," before the
convention at its first meeting Feb. 9.
The conference, which is sponsored
each year by the Highway Research
Board, the University of Utah and
the Utah State Highway Commission,
laid particular stress this year on the
defense and economic aspects of
Highway Engineering.

Vermin Exterminators, Inc.'
Is Established By Sigma Chi






After a year's sick-leave,
Mrs. Flautz is again preparing
our meals. This makes our
foods better than ever - for
now our best quality food
is being prepared by the best
cook who even the French
chefs envy.
We don't cook
our food.

"Big Business" broke out on thet
Univer~ty campus yesterday-albeit1
on a very small scale-when two am-F
bitious and economics-minded stu-
dents officially incorporated a con-;
cern proposed to rid the Sigma Chic
house of mice.
Impressively titled the "Power Ver-;
min Exterminators, Inc." the mon-
opoly is being administered by Bob
Collins, '42E, and Al Owens, '42, who
yesterday had already purchased theE
traps and signed initial trapping con-
tracts with prospective clients.
The charter of the corporation calls"
for a capital of one dollar ($1), to be
raised by issuing 20 shares of stockt
at five cents ($.05) per share. The"
capital will then be turned into traps,
to be baited, emptied and tended by
the entrepreneurs.
Under contract provisions, clients
will pay five cents per mouse caught,<
Business Club
Aids Farmers
Commercial Group Plans'
To HelpIn Harvest
FOWLERVILLE, Feb. 13.-(P)-
Hoping to serve as an inspiration to
other farming communities through-
out the state, 170 members of the
Commercial Club of this 1,300 popu-
lation agricultural center are pledg-
ing themselves to leave their shops
and businesses during harvest time
and form flying squads to work on
farms hard pressed for hired help
because of the war.
The project, according to club
president Deo Blackner, a haberdash-
ery proprietor, will "mean hard work
and no pay for volunteers but it will
be worth every ache, pain and in-
convenience if it helps win the war."
Originally planning to charge
farmers $1.50 a day for each volun-
teer, with the revenue being spent
for defense bonds and converted into
funds for civic improvement projects
after the war, the club decided the
plan "would operate most efficiently
on a gratis basis."
Blackner said the project will op-
erate like an employment agency,
each volunteer's name being listed
along with his farm experience and
the days he will be available.
Congress Prepares
To Effect Repeal
Of Pension Law
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-(P)-
Bombarded with angry protests from
all corners of the country, Congress
seemed ready today to repeal the
law under which it granted pension
privileges to its own members, the
President and other Government of-
Senator Barkley (Dem.-Ky.) the
majority leader, termed the pension
act "untimely, unwise and unfortun-
ate," and in the general Senate de-
bate which followed the consensus
appeared to be that both House and
Senate had made a mistake.
Barkley, while calling for speedy
repeal of the Congressional pensions
provision, noted that it was only a
small part of a general measure deal-
ing with retirement privileges for the
many thousands of Federal Govern-
ment workers.
He recalled that he was absent the
day the Senate approved the legis-
lation and said he was confident no
Senator would have voted for Con-

though a special quantity 'rate of
three mice for a dime has also been
provided for. Of this fee, the man-
agers receive 40 percent, while the re-
mainder' will be turned back to the
stockholders in the form of divi-
It's value well over par now, all
stock in the company was completely
sold out within a few hours after is-
sue, and news of the first trapped
mouse-and the ensuing profit-is
expected shortly.
Overly-suspicious stockholders met
late last night to form a board of
directors, lest the entrepreneurs be
attempting to take financial advan-
tage of them, but as yet a daily audit
of the company books has failed to
show any discrepancies.
Company estimates officially pre-
dict a bag of at least 50 mice. After
the 40 per cent deduction for serv-
icing, the $1.50 remaining will be
paid to stockholders in the form of
dividends, offering a 50 per cent pro-
fit on the investment.
In the event of bankruptcy, caused
by insufficient mice, the corporation's
assets will be liquidated and the
stockholders will be reimbursed, their
only loss being that of depreciation.
Although the founders insist that
the concern has the full approval of
the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission, wary stockholders are keep-
ing a sharp eye out for trouble with
anti-trust laws, excess profits taxes
and war priorities.
Clements Library
Furnishes Material
For British Book
Escape and adventures highlighted
the life of Roger Lamb, a sergeant in
His Majesty's Forces, after the
American War of Independence as
recorded by the British author, Rob-
ert Graves in "Proceed, Sergeant
For much of the authoritative ma-
terial in his book Mr. Graves is in-
debted to Randolph Adams, director
of the William L. Clements Library,
as he states in its introduction. The
English edition of the book was in
print when Mr. Graves received a
letter from Mr. Adams saying that
in the Henry Clinton papers at the
Clements Library there was a manu-
script written by one R. Lamb de-
scribing his escape from York, N. Y.,
in 1782.
Graves cabled for a transcript of
the letter and a photostat was sent
him immediately. The two R. Lambs
jibed. The letter filled in several
points in 1809 at which he had to
"Proceed, Sergeant Lamb" is a
historical book written about the ser-
geant's experiences in America after
the War of Independence. It is a
sequel to "Sergeant Lamb's Amer-
ica." The American edition of the
books are on sale in Ann Arbor.
The introduction to "Proceed, Ser-
geant Lamb" concludes "I have now
incorporated the substance of the re-
port in the book, and express sincere
gratitude to Mr. Adams for permis-
sion to do so. I hope that the Univer-
sity of Michigan will see their way to
publish the original."
Dr. Harding Will Speak
To Maternal Health Club
Dr. Frances Keeler Harding of
Worthington, O., will speak on "Ma-
ternal Health In Other Lands" at
the annual meeting of the Maternal

J-Hoppers may well face the com-
ing week with misgivings.
According to Dr. W. M. Brace of
the Health Service, a new outbreak of
the three day measles is expected
within a few days since several stu-
dents broke out while at the dance,
doubtlessly infecting many others.
Since it takes approximately two
weeks from the time of infection
until the red spots appear, those at-
tending J-Hop have about one more
week of grace.
For the last few days the number
of measles cases appears to have
reached a level of between ten to
twelve new cases per day. By early
yesterday afternoon, ten new cases
had been reported at the Health
Since Jan. 5, there have been well
over two hundred cases of measles
among the University students.

Sunday -Huge
Stage and Screen Show,


Now Showing

Robert Warwick William Demarest " Margaret Hayes.
Porter Nall - Franklin Pangborn . Eric Blare
Writtn and Directed by Preston Sturges.A Paramount Pctur



. ..,




Also --"Better Bowling"

State Street between Washington and Huron
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and
J. Edward Lantz
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary Porter Gwinn, organist,
9:30 A.M. University Student Class in Wesley
Foundation Assembly Room.
10:40 A.M. Church School for nursery, beginners,
and primary departmeits. Young children
may be left in these departments during wor-
ship service.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares'
subject is "The Cause - Christian World
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for Univer-
sity students and their friends. Communion
in the Sanctuary.
7:00 P.M. We will join the other Guilds of the
Campus at the Baptist Church for a service
celebrating the World Day of Prayer as
sponsored by the World Christian Student
7:30 P.M4. Newly-Weds meet in the Parlors. Dis-
cussin on the topic, "What is the Proper
Attitude toward the Draft?", led by Floyd
Timmons. Refreshments.

409 S. Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30.
Sunday morning service at 10:30, subject:
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., open every day excepts Sundays
and;holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.,
Saturdays until 9 p.m.

(Evangelical and Reformed)
423 South Fourth Avenue,
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship,
"The Good Ruler."
6:30 P.M. Student Guild.


122 W. WAsH. PH, 7070

Sermon topic:






Lnws T---s --a
L.ost Times Todayf '


William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
9:30 A.M. Church. School. Classes for all age
groups. Mr. and Mrs. Class meets in Piggott
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. "For the Dura-
tion," sermon by Dr. Lemon.
10:45 A.M. Nursery during morning worship.
6:00 P.M. Tuxis Society will meet for devotion-
als led by Dorothy Parker. Mr. Grivanasen
will speak on Buddhism.
6:00 P.M. Westminister Student Guild will meet
for supper and fellowship hour, and attend
as a group the Inter-Guild Worship Service
at the Baptist Church.
6:00 P.M. Sunday Evening Club Meeting.
Location: State and William Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Director of Student Activities: Mrs. Vera
Bucknell Thompson.
10:45 A.M. Services of public worship in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre of the Michigan Lea-
gue. Dr. Parr will preach on the subject,
"How Good Poets and Preachers are Made."
5:30 P.M. Ariston League, High School group,
will meet in Pilgrim Hall. Dr. Mary C. Van

Place of meeting: Second floor, Y.M.C.A.
Building, 110 N. Fourth Ave.
10:00 A.M. A study of the Holy Bible. Lesson
topic: "The Healing Ministry of Jesus."
11:00 A.M: Morning worship. The sermon by
Garvin M. Toms, minister, will be the second
in a series on the general theme: "Imitators
of God." This will be entitled "God - Loving,
Good, and True."
7:30 P.M. Evening service. Sermon theme:
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
10:00 A.M. High School Class.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis.
4:00 P.M. H-Square'Club Meeting, Harris Hall.
5:00 P.M. Adult Confirmation Class, Church
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and Address.
Sunday: 8:15 p.m. Harris Hall, Prof. Palmer
A. Throop will speak on "Robert Grossetest,
Harbinger of the Reformation," continuing

_. ,us

A Charles K. Feldman Group Production starring
Elizabeth BERGNE Randolph SCOTT
.ith Basil RATIBONE



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