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February 06, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-06

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tUESDAY, FEB. 6, 1945

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Swimmers Break Jinx
Agaist Buejaekets
Natators Win All Events but Diving Contests
In 50-34 Defeat of Powerful Sailor Team

Breaking the jinx which the Blue-
jackets of Great Lakes have held over
Matt Mann's swimming teams for the
past two years, the Michigan mermen
last Saturday handed Great Lakes a
crushing 50-34 defeat.
Losing only the diving events, in'
which Ullyses Lopez fought valiantly
against overwhelming odds to snare
a third place, and the 150-yard back-
stroke, in which Ed Fulkman and'
Bob Munson took second and third
places respectively, the Maize and
Blue swept the other seven events in
championship style.
Zimmerman Surprises1
The most surprising event of the
evening was Jack Zimmerman's per-
formnance in the 440 yard freestyle.
Zimmerman who had previously tak-
en a third place "to Captain Mert
Majors Conduct
NEW YORK, Feb. 5-(P)--Gambl-
ing on baseball games will be sub-
jected to a searching investigation byC
both major leagues and steps will be'
taken to ban advance information of.
pitching selections and other "insde"'
dope that might promote the illegal
Presidents Will Harridge of the
American League and Ford Frick of
the National League today declaredk
an open war on the gambling ele-
ment that they fear will swing toward
baseball if the race tracks still are1
closed in April when the season
"I note that the Iinternational,
League has forbidden managers to
give out pitcher's names in advance,"k
observed Harridge. "We will pro-
ceed along the same line."s

Church in the gruelling 220 yard
sprint, competing in the longer dis-
tance race, beat out the Navy stars,
Achilles Pulakus and Arnie Pylkas,
in the very fast time of 5:17.08.
Zimmerman's records nave been
steadily improving all season, and
Coach Matt Mann is more than pleas-
ed with his almost phenomenal 'im-
Last Saturday's Great Lakes meet
also thoroughly established the fact
that Captain Mert Church has ef-
fectively rounded into shape, and will
be ready to go against the freestyle
stars of the Conference next month
at Northwestern.
Church Wins Two
Church again last week captured
first places in the 100 and 220 yard
freestyle races, and also sparked the
400 yard freestyle relay team to vic-
tory. His time in the 220 yard event,
2:19.2, was exceptionally fast, and it
represents an eleven second improve-
ment in the period of a little more
than three weeks.
Chuck Fries and Heinie Kessler,
freestyle and breaststroke men 're-
spectively, also showed up to good
advantage in the meet, with Fries
taking a first in the 50, a second in
the 100, and bolstering the 400 yard
freestyle relay team to a triumph,
while Kessler regained his supremacy
in the 200 yard breaststroke from
Ray Mondro who had beaten him
three weeks previously, and also took
care of the breaststroke leg of the
300 yard medley relay.
Ed Fulkman, who has taken over
the number two position in the Micha
igan backstroke division now that
Gordon Pulford is being used almost
exclusively in the freestyle events,
stepped briefly into the limelight by
beating out team-mate Bob Munson
for second place in the 150 yard back-
stroke event.I
--- - - ----- -- ----

DOUBLE TROUBLE-The Hume twins, who ran the third and anchor
legs of the two-mile relays in the Milirose games Saturday night at
Madison Square Garden, which was copped by the Wolverines for the
fourth straight year. Bob (right) started the race for Michigan and
Ross (left) finished it up with a 1:57 half-mile.'
ilirose Games Are Warm-Up
For Michigan Relays Saturday
With six members of the Wolver-i
ine track squad having tuned up Sat- Coach Ken Doherty that he is suffer-
dngno ill effects of the toe he frac-
urday by winning the two-mile relay tured early in the season.
and placing in several other events Hume Boxed In
at the Millrose Games, the team as a Bob Hume, although he placed
whole is pointing this week for the third in the half mile run, did finish
Michigan Relays, which will be held ahead of Bob Kelly, Illinois' crack
here Saturday night in Yost Field runner, and Dartmouth's Don Burn-
House. 'ham, I. C. A. A. half mile champion.
In the New York show, the 2-mile Running in a crowded field, these
foursome successfully defended the three title holders were boxed in and
title which they have held for four prevented from moving up during
straight years. Archie Parsons, who the whole route.
ran for N. Y. U. last year, took the In the Mel Sheppard 600, which
first leg, and gave the baton to was won by the veteran Jimmy Herb-
George Vetter with a 2-yard lead. ert, Dick Forrestel finished third.
Vetter increased this to four, and Bob The race was restarted once, after
Hume, running third, maintained a Elmore Harris, National Collegiate
slight lead, before Ross, who anchor-
Syards, iquarter-mile champion, took a hard
ed the team, stretched it to 10 yrs spill on the first turn. In the mixup,

Basktba1 Teamn SpIits
TwJgeend C tests
Cagers Stage Shooting Display Here Friday;
Lund, Mullaney Are Defensive Stars Saturday
With only three more contests left before the end of the season,
Michigan's cagers looked back on a two-game weekend schedule which net-
ted them a split record in the won and lost columns, as they bowed to Iowa
Saturday at Iowa City by a 50-37 score after beating Wisconsin here
the previous night, 50-39.
In reviewing the Badger contest. Assistant Coach Bill Barclay called it
Michigan's "best basketball game of this year, or any other of the three
years since I've been here. Our play -
during the first half was particularly eye scoring ace last season, to two
good," Barclay continued, "and the points during the remainder of the
high calibre of the Wisconsin team contest. John Mullaney, who switch-
which we beat is demonstrated by ed to a guard spot after Lund ap-
their loss to Ohio State, 40-36, and peared on the floor, was also out-
by the fact that they came out on the standing 'on defensive play, besides
short end of a 59-49 score against being the high scorer for Michigan
Great Lakes, probably the second best with 13 points.
team in the country this year." Team Arrives Late
Woiverine Shooting Good The Wolverines, who didn't arrive
Barclay stated that the Wolverines' in Iowa City until two hours before
shooting was excellent Friday night, the opening whistle, never headed
and that they made 30 percent of Iowa after the Hawks had jumped
their shots, which was just equalled into a 9-2 lead during the early
in their first, 54-53 defeat of Indi- minutes of the game, the assistant
ana this season. Their accuracy on coach stated. He adder that the
the free throw line was also praise- contest was a trifle faster than the
worthy, as they made eight out of 12 earlier game with the Hawks in the
charity tosses, getting only two chan- Field House, but that Michigan dis-
ces for free throws in the second half. played essentially the same kind of
Commenting on the Iowa game, attack they have employed in their
Barclay praised the work of Don last five games.
Lund, who got into the lineup after Using the same lineup which has
seven minutes of the first half had started the last three games since



elapsed, and held Dick Ives, Haw
Gophers Aain
Jolt Pckse rs
Greers Pair of Coals
Avert Second Slut-Ou


Lund's ankle injury at Ohio State two
weeks ago, Coach Oosterbaan named
Bob Geahan and Keith Harder for
the forward posts, Mullaney at cen-
ter, and Lon Lindquist, who retired
from the game on fouls in the second
half, and Walt Kell at guards. With
Lund's recovery, Barclay said that
next weekend's games will probably
see a return to the previous start-
ing list, with Harder being used fre-


A"e'aR3'ME srr3f AryAf (


C ontinuous from 1 P.M.

and the victory.
Ross was timed in 1:57.4, or two-,
tenths of a second slower than Char-
les Beetham's winning time in the1
open 880, and was an indication to
M '
Mat meii.Return
To RoutineA fter
Touh Weekend,
After w'ading through its toughest.
weekend of the season, Michigan's.
mat team is once again settling down
to the familiar routine of intra-squad
wrestling with several challenge
matches already on this week's!
The overwhelming 25-5 victory over
Ohio State Friday night followed by
Saturday's 12-12 draw with a strong
Indiana outfit led Coach Wally Web-
-r+ ff '~h ~ca i or ~"i

Forrestelsprained his ankle, but de-
cided to tour the distance again. His
running was described by coach Doh-
erty as, "remarkable performance,
against such star-studded competi-
Six Teams in Relays
Julian Witherspoon, Buddy Young's
shadow in the dash events last year,
showed power as he won his prelimi-
nary heat, in :6.5. He reached the
semi-finals before losing out.
Saturday night's program, which;
will see Notre Dame, Michigan State,
Purdue, Ohio State, and Western
Michigan bringing teams, officiallyE
opens the indoor track season here
in Ann Arbor.
In accordance with the recent
efforts to eliminate the opportu-
nity of gambling on collegiate
sports and owing to the shortage
of telephone equipment, the Daily
asks its readers to refrain from

Minnesota's hockey squad lived up
to expectations when it swamped an R o
outclassed Wolverine sextet, 15-2.; aisino f Race
Saturday night for the second time
thi yar.T a k T
Minnesota picked up an early leadK1
and added to it throughout the tilt, T T*a
scoring three goals in the first period W idely Hinted
and six in the other two stanzas.
Michigan's two points were made NEW YORK, Feb. 5.-0")--Prior to
by Captain Ted Greer, easily the the racing ban, a turf writer would
most outstanding Wolverine puckster be subjected to "sure-fire" tips on
of this season. His first tally came winners--that didn't win. But in
in the middle of the second period, recent weeks the alleged inside info
when he performed what is becoming concerns when racing might resume
his usual stunt of eluding the de- sand prospects for various tracks.
fensemen and performing the task on! None of the sources would be quo-
a solo,ted. of course, but pick-ups from
Michigan's secopd and last tally racing's rumor factory say:
of the evening came when Greer, at 1--That if Germany is knocked off
the tail end of the tilt, again solod quickly, New York will open in .the
for a score. At that time the score spring as usual.
was 1:3-1 and right after Greer's tally 2---Or, by the same token, New
Bob Carley whizzed two past Michi- York will open around May or June,
gan's goalie, Dick Mixer, to bring the even if restricted to part-time sched-
Minnesota scoring to 15 points. ules.
The game was played almost ex- '3----That if New York resumes in
elusively on the Michigan side of 1945, Belmont Park will be its only
the ice. Mixer saved 58 shots and immediate home, maybe until con-
the Gopher's goalie, Bob McCabe was ditions permit construction of -a new,
only called on to block 21 attempts huge track.
with only two passing him. 4-That there might be late March
__ __ 1 a dr Ani rainr t Flnii c idn~n





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" 8:30

er to sta'te.. 1me tam very"- calling in for information concern- Fast, rough play was the order of
nitely improving-it gets better every ing Michigan athletic contests. Full the evening, as eight penalties were1
Saturday." details of the games will be carried called-six on Minnesota and two on'
I However. the one criticism made in the following day's Daily. the Wolverines. There were also
by Coach Weber of the Wolverine's some near fights.
performance was that some of thes
grapplers are weak in the take-down -
technique. "We would have been
able to beat Indiana," Coach WebeiLA SSED Adl ,"fTrme
in this art."
The past weekend's wrestling saw - ~
several good performances turned in ---------------- day week, Vacation with pay. Ap-
by Wolverine matmen. As usual Jim LOST AND FOUND ply Miss Tomlinson, University
Galles won his bouts in easy style, - ----- Health Service. 2-4531.
scoring a fall against Steve Kolas 'LOST: In State St. Store, white mit-- --
of Ohio State then coming back to ten, name inside. Please return to MISCELLANEOUS
rack up an easy decision over Joe Ann Davis, 3523 Stockwell. -------- ---------
j Roman of Indiana the next day. ---' '------. ROOM AND BOARD for men and
Bob Johnston also remained on the LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two women at inexpensive rates rang-
undefeated list as he performed a weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street, ing from $4 to $8 per week, in six
workmanlike job on Art Budd, de- ' White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729. student co-operative houses. For
feating the Hoosier; 4-1. Other ster'-. further information call Joan
ling performances were turned in by LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches Schwartz, 6957.
George 'Darrow who pinned Sam long with topaz attached. Lost in -
Schmittle of Ohio State Friday night or near Rackham on Washington BOARD AND ROOM at the Sigma
and then ieturned the next day to up to parking lot. Family heirloom. Phi Epsilon House, 733 S. State.
lose a very close decision to Hugh Substantial reward. Spring term, for students only-
fraternity men preferred. Locationj
Wilson, last year's Conference chain- LOST: Plain gold cross on black rib- near campus. See Mr. Reeck at 12
pion and captain-elect of this seas- bon-in Union swimming locker or 6 p. m.
on's Wolverine wrestling team before room. Sentimental value. Tele- --- --
he was transferred by the Navy; and phone 2-2914 or 4483 evenings. DORMANT PRUNING. House or-
Bob Gittins who took an easy 8-0 de- - ------ - --- chards. Limited schedule filling
cision from Al Kosh of the Buckeyes HELP WANTED now. Rapid approved service. P.
in the 136-pound class then beat Lee -_O. box 536.
Rogers of Indiana, 4-0, in the 145- WANTED-Housekeeper, family of ----
pound bracket while being outweigh- three, laundry out, no children. WANTED
ed by ten pounds. Call 2-1592.
---- -GRADUATE STUDENT and wife de-
HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and sire apt, near campus. Will do
MOSELEY TYPEWRITER fountain. Excellent hours. Better some maintenance for part of rent,
AND SUPPLY CO. pay. Witham Drug Co. 601 S, D. H. Baker, 414 Adams, Owaso,
* Forest. Michigan.

anu p ipr racing aU .L'iori tas lropical
and Gulfstream Parks-again with
the proviso that the Nazis fold in a
There will be a meeting of
Sphinx at 7:15 p. m. Thursday in
the lounge of the West Quad, Pres-
ident Hank Mantho announced to-
Military Styles
are blended and shaped to con-
form with your facial features!
Liberty off State
It's her biggest "date" of the
year! Make it truly noteable
with a distinctive gift in the
best BALFOUR tradition!
802 South State Phone 9533
-yo<--y t) t)<--y?=o<=

Phone 5 88
Complete Typewriter Service

WANTED: Assistant cook, experience
not necessary if capable and will-
ing to learn. Meals furnished-6


Today and Wednesday
Shows Continuous from 2 P.M.

The Departmient of Speech Presents
PIay Prodnctioi . . . in
A r. 1F F. ~IlES, KEI Eb1 91111T E 1i1I1


Aecr AF MTn r AAnI

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