SUNDAY, PEIB.1i, 1q44
U1 14,11P
11111 Jill~N ~~i
- E EV
Sextet Wins; 'T hi'nel Sepe
rft~JL ~LV~I
et, 93-11
... ,. _ n
Bob Ufer"Wins
:Holis 600' as
Dodds Copsmile
BOSTON, Feb. V. .. Di}--fyni1ty
studlent Gi l Dodds sped .to a 4:09.5
HungerMile victory and a hlo20
Yard, win over Bill Hulse of the New
York A.C., the American outcloOr re-
cord-holder tonight, while gaining
his first mpajor -hometown success- be-
fore a. 12,00OBoston A.A. track meet
audience at Boston Garden.
The University of Michigan's,.Bob
Ufer, a Big Ten 'cha npiion, acc ujitedI
for the Hollis "600"' with'two yards to
spare ovgr ,Jim EHerbert, the New
York veteran, while }being timed in
1:13 flat.
While reeling off Boston's fastest
Indoor mile Ain history, Dodd&' took
command of his four-man field after
the first lap and, ,wthout -being
pressed in the slightest degree, ran
as if a man-eating tiger .was snap-
Ping at his heels.
Johnny Futon, Stanford Univer-
sity junior, reeled off his second con-
secuiVve _eastern track vctory by
winning in the featured Lapham
W ilverines Take Cl se
One from Vickers, &5
In one of the most thrill-packed
hockey games Michigan fans have
ever seen for some 'time, the Maize
and Blue sextet last night held a9
narrow one-goal margin over the l
hard-pressed Vickers Sports Club to
distance, and pulled Mixer Out (fthe
nets to tally at 6:25.
Vince Abbey was the aiMi~
and Blue playert a lar
breakaway, but luck was n t whI
the lanky wind who a atog
evening al lthe way ronodijr. T'mse
the :hot by a narrow tmarin. Shrt-
defeat the Detr'oiters 6-5.. ly after Abbey eras ,blnke h pick-
The game opened with a fast ed uip the prink agrain ndpa dto
break-away by the Michigan for- Gr'eer who tooJk it o toa'barsh
ward line. Center Ted Greer sheered 1lpoetruha 1:2
up-ice Qompletely unhindered with
Vihce Abbey paralleling him at wing,
and John Jenswold inches behind.
Greer passed to Abbey within the
blue line, but the lanky right wing
failed to take the pass, and the op-'
portunity to score was lost. Seconds
later the same combination was suc-
cessful when- Greer took a short pass*
from Jenswol and scored after only
fifty-five seconds of play.
Vickers -Scores Second
-Second blood was drawn by Eano
Kauppi, 'Vickers center, who stole the
pUck from Greer within shooting
a illl
Upton Tallies
Freshnian Kerb Up;. on, gunning
for his second goal o te; er,:ui
verted on a pass ro A, nnsa
15:12, and thenjutormite
jlater stocky Bob Dlli ne h
scoring for the eioa tto
took one from the d. ogt ad thens
to scores at 19:42.
In the second milnut e of !h : ,--ndpr o b a d ri ng ~f i , - B o
Henderson was jerked 1from We(,game
for tripping, and during >two min-
utes he was in the i):ena1Lty box Vick-
ers went on a twio-goal (; oring spree,
Kauppi scoring' thef irst goal and
Frank Gresnick, agfgresivc Vickers
defenseman, scoring tU o econid.
Varsity Lags it s c-ond eti(:e
It was not iin it i te>; UUbl
of the period thu t ti !a'n:- ri i ud
again regained its ('qiililbrlu :i n ~d
made a concerted c Li urt to co
Dorleth pulled a very clever bek
away, threading thronab II ic enltire
Vicker~s wall to race up thae ice un-
checked but failed to scot-c on his
solo dash. A sec'ond lato'1, Iho, ,4('er,
Athens, the persi4tet (feeder, pse
one within easy sotit i tc n
Derleth conveyrt?cI Givreer1e i
final !Michigan score 1at1,,,:,, uui a
close-up shot from Ahey.:,%
Luxurious pajamas to lounge in~, study or read in...
Rich black satin trousers, with a "gay oriental striped
long-sleeved .coat, of deliciouisly soft non-crushable
27he VAN',BUREN Sh0j,
8 Nickels Arcade
iehioagn Takes -I1of
Si i-OTSon1, Gairdner XW1
Gaining first places in 11 of 12l Blanchard
events and sweeping all three places ning :06.
in five of th en. Michigan's powerful yard dasi
indoor track team last night began Nussbaunm
Sits quest to regain the Western Con- bs a
1h rence em inpienship by swamp- Notre Dae
ing Weten Michigan's outclassed finish a p
1squadl, :3 to 11. The oh
wave Rad('bhi was the only Bronco 1 fted by C
ithincladr to win an event for his team. squadl as t ujnhT ~toyieCrNcols bto f
to captrro the high jump with a fine dour seeni
perfoi niannee (f 22 ft. 4 3/4 in. West- --
ern gained no seconds and only eight
thirds as the Michigan cindermen
'swe'pt tin ougl almost unchallenged. ± ?
yElmner Swanson and Bob Gardner
were the only double winners, Swan- ,
,son taking both the 65-yard high and (
low 1 uflecs in excellent early season (
time, wiille Grdner won the shot put _
and finished in a tie for first with
13111l1Dale in the high jump.
Hlume Twins 'Cie for First
The mile run, opening event on the
program, ended in a dead heat be-c;n
tion T~i winingtimewas :21.,ti
_tween Bob and Ross Humne, Mih-{
l ln's famed twin -brother combina-I
vecry good for the reason's first meet.a
One of the evening's big surprises
was the performance of Jim Pierce r
ill the 440, who beat out Wolverine'R1Dtlle mBrnoilPt-
w~ho was at pre-meet favorite to win. 4 t.
Pierce also opened up a tremendous9
lead in the mle relay while running s
in the leadoff position. The Michi-
gan quartet grabbed this event by it;. Kf'..
100-yard mar in.
Itox'11r(,u b Iriumiph
Bi ei h l - ie c a p J h Roxhorougli captured his specialty
with ease, bi ecing across the finish
line with no one anywhere nlear him
in 1:57.4. "Roxy" was paced by Wil-
lis Glas during, the first two laps but'wanerpuedi)tefalsgs
as his lengthy strides easily outdis-
tanced his pursuotis.
i3ob Seguda, Wolverine ace poleE."
vaulter, grabbed a first in that event '
withr a lean of 13 t. 1 in. Segtla was
pressed by teammate gene Moody atsI
c Moth boys cea red 12 ft. 6 in. t
Although fBronco Dave Radcliff was
favored to winl the event, Brucel i
880-Yard run -Won by Roxbor-
ough (Michiganr); tie for ,second,t
.Boband fo s H[mne (Michigan.
T e1:57'..
(i5yardl low hi'dles--Won by
Swanson (Michian) ; second, Nuss-
baurner (Michigan) ; third. Harris
(Wester'n Mihigan). Time .07.6.
Mile relay- Won by Michigan
Pier'ce, Negus, Sternisha, Detwiler) .
Time 3:31.9.
j roadljurnp -- Won by Radclifflb
(Western Michigan) ; second,Nih
As MiNick- ,Is third, Barr (Western
Michigan . Distance 22 feet 4 in.
Tole vault-Won by Segula (Mich-I
igan) ; second, Moody (Michigan;
third, Southern (Western Michigan).
H-eight 13 feet 1 inch.
liighjurp-Tie for first between
rGardner and Dale (Michigan); third,
Radcliff (Western Michigan). Height
6 fcbt l1'inch.
Athens,tUp ton,7
12 Firsts;
in Twvie
icame through with <
4 performance in the
, closely followed by7
Ler, also of Michigan.r
clff, who starred a(g,,
ne last week, could do'
noor t hird.
er evets were also)_!don
cach Ksen Doherty'si
b~e Wolverines gave an
Psheer power which is
in a track meet.
- -
!, om.Fn th intherus arc easily laundered. They
N-come in oH ca;', s--pastels and red, rufnning in size
Gtr from 1 93 o4~/
Its AlcooRaonbl riP
fin - AGE cLINEN SoP
cx~~~ ~~ - ----------~( ~~~O~(
. . . .. - r.- ~-,- . a - _, . 1 1 v &- .If
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1 1 i v I%.. I N-/I\ I
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y 2. 7l ' y.
£' YOU . . . in a feminine
dreps s 'fromY the shop that
x is famous for Fashion.
f >' This is Leapyear, and part of
your persuasiveness must be
in a provocative dress.
Whether he's taking you or
t.:You're "TAKING" IHim, cd
your choice in time for f ur-
lough dates, USO paries and
f t. ihVictory rall!
N ew Navy Frocks
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from $16.95
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est Valentine of al New Dance Frock,
~UY AR BNDSfrom $16.95
Sizes from ,9
ieh &zateth 2l t40, hop
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Mile 1un---TYiie for frsfljsad
Bob flum-e (Michigan) ; thir1d, Bar3I-
nar~d (Michiga:n,. Timie 4:21.9.
60-yard dash:-- Won Iby Blanefhard
(Michigan); (second, No ssb alnmer'
(Michigan) ; third, Radehciff (West-
ern Michigan). Tlime :06.
440-yar'd run-- Won by Pierce
(Michigan) ; second, Detwiler (Mich-
igan) ; third, Pi t tn-I2 a (Western
Michigan). Time :52.1.
65-yard high hur'dles- Woni by
Swanson (Miclfaun); se'ond, I tnw
(Michigan) ; Lthiid, Caspar Lii t Micihi-
gain). Time :08.:x.
Two-mile run--Won by Thomipson
(Michigan) ; second, Chute (Michi-
gan) ; third, Birdsall (Michigan).
Time 10: 18.
ShotPut---Won by Gardner (Mich-
igan); second, Kraeger (Mic'higan)
third, Collia (Michi-an) . Distance
45 feet 6 f inches.
A b*Jkht beginninug to a hard
Mv.rl1.g wardrobe
1. N ;
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See theoje o the busiest
coeds on campus. Svelte,
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in all styles with matching
They'll be everything to
your spring wardrobe. Right
anywhere, anytime, any-
Ready for you now. Spot-
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your most becomn-)1 9Pas-
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June Grey cdso has all
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"I T 1yLy.4
VETERANS returning
from war service were as-
sured last week of a place
at the University. Friday
a broad., plan was an-
nounced which would re-
adjust and create facilities
within the University and
the state to aid returning
veterans to once again feel
comfortable at college. The
plan, prepared by, the Ad-
visory Board on University
Policies, has been submit-
ted to Governor Kelly for
possible state action. It
provides for the establish-
ment of a Central College
Information Center. This
would mean the pooling of
the resources and the co-
operation of all colleges
and universities in the
state in order to help the
returning veterans. The
primary advantage of the
plan is that great duplica-
tion of effort will be avoid-
ed; each institution would
not have to set up such a
service. President Ruthven
estimated the plan could
go into effect within three
part of the program whict'
the University is now es -
tablishing is the Admis-
sions and Counselling Ser-
vice, which will provide -
more personalized aid than
the information center.
The program also vagu ely
suggests modificat~ins :in
educational method, ba:ed.
in part on the results of
the ASTP programns. Thet,
board Nwhich drrew up; thek
plan is headed by Pro,'.
Charles L. Jamison. Thec
purpose of the progriam is
summed up by Dr. Rth-
yen in the preface to) the
report, "From now on the
discharged soldier who
knocks at the door of the.
University may be sure not
only of a warm xvelcome,
but also of a prompt and
intelligent consideration of
his needs''and probilems."
nally camne to Ann Arbor.
Toward the end of the
week the heaviest snow of
the winter fell. Itwa
beautiful, all right, -bt -
and social maladjustments
of modern society and how
those maladjustments
could be removed, in oather
words, how recreation can
lower the amount of juive-
nile delinquency,
setdthe, ninth concert
in the, present Choral Un-
io'l series Thllursday. His
selecionswereof thew lyric,
rom antic typec. Jean Ath-
ay, Da<ily r u sc critic, ob-
jected7to thl ack of varia-
tion inlIk selctlins,
lrie iis techniqu? e. She
nri- i Al LeopoAdld Mttinan,
whl o accompanied Elman,
said his works was "bril-
liant and highlly finished."
Some students, howeVer,
just said it weas a -miser-
able concert." Perhaps the
fact that next week is the
last week before fIinals had
something to dio ywith tis
AVUKAII, camput~s Zion-
ist organization, circulated[
petitions last week; protest-.
- . ...Clip here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armzed Forces------------------
SUNDAY, 'EBiRUsARY 13, 1944
:i 3
} M1 y
ry. ,-,
that really maoke
Suit completec.