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February 28, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-28

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Light Snow Florries





Public Resents Private
Interests Of Big Business ,



Track Team
Swamps Pitt;
Mermen Win
Easy Victory

Injry Joits Wolverine Title Hopes

As 40-
Two N





Week Is Continued;





McCarthy Suffers
As 'M' Thinclads
Panthers I Dual
Natators Regain


Summer Term Will Begin June 15;
Regents Decide On Revised Calendar.

Varsity Will Close
Cage Season Today
Like a circus wild animal trainer
subduing a jungle cat, Michigan's
track powerhouse tamed a band of
Pittsburgh Panthers at Yost Field
M-ouse last night with an overwhelm-
ing 77 2/3-26 1/3 win. It may prove
to be a very costly victory, however,
as Frank McCarthy, high scoring
Wolverine star, sustained a severe hip
injury which may keep him out of
next week's all-important Confer-
ence meet.
McCarthy, whose versatility has
been one of the highlights of Michi-
gan's 1942 track season, had already
placed first in the high jump and
high hurdles and second in the broad
jump when, running third in the low
hurdles, the husky Wolverine stum-
bled and lunged across the finish
line, falling to the cinder track on
his side. Trainers, who carried Mc-
Carthy into the locker room, declared
that the full extent of his injuries
caiinot be ascertained until the thin-
clad star undergoes X-rays at the
University Hospital today.
Starting off in high gear by sweep-
ing all three places in the mile run,
the first event on the card, the Wol-
verines never let up on their terrific
pace, taking nine out of a possible 12
first places. Neither Pittsburgh nor
(Continued on Page 3)
Swimmers Score
One-Sided Win
Coach Matt Mann used everybody
but his ten-year-old son as a make-
shift Wolverine swimming team
scored an easy 50-34 victory over
Iowa's hapless Hawkeyes in the
Sports Building Pool last night.
The Iowa boys were quick to sense
the final outcome of the meet and
consequently joined in one the god-
natured horse play that existed
Speculation arose yesterday over
the possibility that several Michi-
gan coaches including athletic di-
rector, Fritz Crisler, are headed for
key assignments in the nation's
armed forces. The authenticity of
the reports is discussed in Sports
Editor Hal Wilson's column on
page 3.
throughout the evening with the only
real excitement coming from trying
to guess who Mann would start in the
different events.
Mann was greatly pleased by the
showing of several newcomers in the
Wolverine lineup, and feels more con-
fident of his reserve material that
will be so important in the Confer-
ence and Intercollegiate meets.
The tanksters that Coach Dave
Armbruster brought to Ann Arbor
last night were hardly comparable to
the recent Hawkeye teams that at
times tested the strongest Wolverine
aggregations that Mann could place
against them.
While the Wolverines took six out
of nine first places, none of the times
were impressive in view of their bril-
liant past performances.
High spot of the evening as far as
(Continued on Page 3)"
Cagers To Close
Season Here Today
Michigan's basketball charges open
their final home stand of the season
tonight when they battle Chicago in
Yost Field House, the game scheduled
to begin at 7:30 p.m.
For the second consecutive game
the Wolverines are top-heavy fav-
orites to whip the Chicagoans who1
are deeply entrenched in the cellar'
of the Big Ten standings and who
have not won a Conference engage-

ment in their last 30 games.
The losing streak of the Maroons]
began with the final four games of1
the 1940 season, followed through last
year when they dropped 12 Big Ten
clashes and hit the 30 mark when
..1- nr .-1

Smith Proposal Defeated
!As Sweeping Majority
Records 226-62 Count
Dies Report Shows
Intensive Espionage


* * .

* . .

Michigan's hopes for the 1942 Big Ten indoor track crown received
a severe setback in the dual meet against the Pitt Panthers yesterday
as Frank McCarthy, versatile Wolverine thinclad pictured above, sus-
tained a severe hip injury which may keep him out of the all-important
Conference meet next week.
Allied, Jap Warships Clash
As Java Tensionl Increases

(Associated Press War Editor)
Warships of Japan and the United
Nations battled in the Java Sea to-
day in a clash which may signal the
start of an all-out Japanese drive to
invade and wrest Java from the
United Nations.
The two sea forces met and went
into battle formation some time last.
night, the Naval Department at Ba-
tavia announced, but no details of the
'certainly bitter fighting were given
There was little doubt that the
Japanese had been pressed for time
in their Java adventure. Dispatches
have told of the strengthening of the
Java stronghold by "many' thou-
sands" of American, British and Aus-
tralian troops as the showdown for
this rich Dutch colony approached.
Bombers In Action.
Earlier yesterday, the Allied air
force had come upon a Japanese fleet
off the island of Bangka on the west-
ern edge of the Java Sea and just off
Sumatra. Bombers went into action
immediately, but the results of the
engagement are not known.
Whatever the disposition of the
Japanese forces, the unit off Bangka
was given a severe pounding. Re-
turning fliers said they encountered
a concentrated barrage of anti-air-
craft fire and were forced to fight
off a formation of ten Japanese navy
fighter planes.
The anti-aircraft fire was so in-
tense Allied fliers were unable to ob-
serve the effects of their attack.
The possibility of some important
Choral Union
Will Present
Piano Team
Vronsky and Babin, the unique
two-piano team, will bring their in-
teresting and different type of con- I
cert entertainment to Ann Arbor
when they appear in a Choral Union;
concert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill
In private life Vitya Vronsky and
Victor Babin are plain Mr. and Mrs.
Babin. Both natives of Russia they
met as fellow piano students in Ber-
lin. The two young people, neither
over thirty, have since won world
acclamation for their duo-piano pre-
Tall, muscular Babin delights in
mathematics, chess and golf while his
wife, who dislikes all three, prefers
the "cinema" for her relaxption.
Tuesday the pianists will play Son-
ata in G by J. S. Bach; Jesu, Joy of
Man's Desiring by J. S. Bach; Duet-
tino concertante, after Mozart by Bu-
soni; Second Suite, Op. 17, by Rach-
maninoff; Three March Rhythms by
Victor Babin; Scherzo, Op. 8, by
o-; +_C~r. " i-n hr nf . r" nr

turn in the strange neutrality ar-
rangement between Russia and Ja-
pan arose last night.
First of all, the Japanese began to
talk of breaking through the Indian
Ocean to "destroy the whole Anglo-
Soviet plan of material cooperation"
-that is, presumably, to cut off Rus-
sia's supply lines between Britain,
the United States and the Persian
'Controlled' Comment
The comment quoted was by the
Japan Times and Advertiser, which is
controlled by the Tokyo foreign of-
fice, and aside from the curious belli-
cosity of its tone toward a nation
with which Japan was on a neutral
footing it was interesting because of
the fact that it came on a day that
brought a disclosure of the first Jap-
anese attack upon the territory of
This was a Japanese bomber raid
on the Andaman Islands, which lie
in the Bay of Bengal on the British-
Allied sea routes from the Indian
It was in general an indecisive day,
the most interesting development
having been the Japanese assault on
the Andamans.
No Serious Damage
It was an attack more important
for what was portended than what
was accomplished for Port Blair, the
main objective, was not seriously
It gave some measure of encour-
agement to the opinion in some quar-
ters that the Allied crisis in the Bur-
mese-Indian theatre was hardly less
menacing, although less immediate,
than that for Java.
The situation on Luzon yesterday
was more clear-cut than in the Dutch
East Indies-it was clearly improved
for General Douglas MacArthur's
American-Filipino forces.

Trimming the rough edges from its
program for accelerated higher edu-
cation, the Board of Regents decided
yesterday that the University's sum-
mer term will begin on June 15 and
close on Sept. 26, just nine days be-
fore the opening of the fall term.
First classes in Michigan's war-
born "third-term" will commence two
weeks after the close of the present
semester, with registration beginning
three days earlier.
Two Summer Terms
According to the new calendar, the
University will offer concurrently a
summer term of 16 weeks, which is
equivalent to a full semester, and an
eight-week summer session, which
will cater to high school teachers and
others who will be unable to attend
the long summer term. As in past
years, the summer session will offer
concentrated two-hour classes. Sum-
mer session students usually carry no
more than eight hours. The eight-
week session will commence June
29 and will close on August 21.
In the course of a three-term year,
U. of M. students will get a total of
35 days vacation time. There will be
a 10 day Christmas vacation, an av-
erage of approximately one week be-
tween semesters, and four one-day
holidays-Thanksgiving and Wash-
ington's birthday, plus two new ones
-Labor Day and Fourth of July.
No Ten-Day Finals
Ten-day final examination periods
are part of the peace-time past. Sum-
mer term exams will last four days:
fall term exams, six days; and spring
term exams, seven days.
Probably the most formidable aca-
demic problem facing University ad-
ministrators today is the job of de-
vising some sort of split-course sys-
tem to accommodate the concurrent
summer term and session. Whether
or not identical courses will be of-
fered is yet to be decided. As the
eight-week summer session has al-
ways emphasized graduate work, it is
possible that only a light academic
schedule will be scheduled for the
short session.
No Aspirin In Budget
Finances are expected to be an-
other headache for the University.
The present budget does not provide
for a long summer term nor do War
Board officials know what percent of
the "uncertain" students will actu-
ally enroll this summer.l
As a measure of economy, this
year's Memorial Day Commence-
ment will be held in the Yost Field
House instead of Ferry Field. In the
past it has always been necessary
to prepare the Field House for the
ceremony in case of inclement wea-
The final three-term calendar was
prepared v the War Board in con-
sultation w±,h the various schools
and colleges.

The following three-term calendar for the coming year, pre-
pared by the University War Board in consultation with the various
schools and colleges, was approved yesterday by the Regents.
June 11, 12, 13-Registration for the Summer Term.
e June 15-Summer Term opens.
June 29-Summer Session (eight-weeks) opens.
July 4--Independence Day, no classes.
August 21-Summer Session (eight-weeks) closes.
Sept. 7-Labor Day, no classes.
Sept. 23.-Final exams for Summer Term begin.
Sept. 26-Final exams for Summer Term end.
Sept. 26-Summer Term ends.
Sept. 28-Orientation period opens.
Oct. 1, 2, 3--Registration for Fall Term.
Oct. 5-Fall term opens.
Nov. 26-Thanksgiving Day, no classes.
Dec. 23 (evening)-Christmas vacation begins.
Jan. 4.-Classes resume.
Jan. 25-Final exams for Fall Term begin.
Jan. 30---Final exams for Fall Term end.
Jan. 30-Fall term ends.
Feb. 4, 5, 6-Registration for the Spring Term.
Feb. 8-Spring Term opens.
Feb. 22-Washington's Birthday, no classes.
May 20-Final exams for the Spring Term begin.
May 26-Final exams for the Spring Term end.
May 29-Commencement (Yost Field House).
Regents Authorize Leaves
For Seven FaCulty Members

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-(P)-A
determined drive to suspend for the
duration of the war Federal laws
calling for a 40-hour week and extra
pay for over-time suffered an unex-
pectedly smashing defeat in the
House today.
Most of the Republicans joined
with large numbers of Democrats to
bury the proposal, 226 to 62, on a
standing vote after the Roosevelt ad-
ministration, the AFL and the CIO
had mustered their biggest guns
against it. A volley of cheers swept
the House when the result was an-
The lop-sided nature of the vote
was a surprise even to administration
leaders in the chamber, who had ex-
pressed fear that the proposal, of-
fered by Rep. Smith (Dem.-Va.),
would be accepted.
Plan Was Amendment
Smith had offered his plan as an
amendment, or rider, to a bill broad-
ening the war powers of the govern-
ment. Earlier in the day, President
Roosevelt had declared that the prac-
tice of putting riders on vital bills
to escape vetoes was reprehensible.
His criticism was aimed, obviously,
not only at the 40-hour week amend-
ment but at a Senate farm bloc which
has been making determined efforts
to raise prices of major farm pro-
The farm proposal, in the form of
an amendment to a $32,000,000,000
military appropriation bill, provides
that'nonie of the mcmney could be used
to buy government-held farm com-
modities at less than "parity prices."
A decision on this is expected Mon-
Hotly Debated
The House engaged in a hot debate
on Smith's amendment.
"MacArthur's men are calling for
tools and it is high time for America
to answer that call," said Rep. Rus-
sell (Dem.-Tex.), supporting the
Smith amendment.
Representatives of the AFL and
CIO were on Capitol Hill, button-
holing members in an effort to beat
the amendment. AFL President Will-
iam Green and CIO President Philip
Murray issued statements denoun-
cing it.
Two Tankers Suank
Near Atlantic Coast
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27-(P)-The
Navy Department announced tonight
that the Atlantic Refining Com-
pany's tanker W. D. Anderson had
been torpedoed off the Atlantic
The W. D. Anderson, a 500-foot,
10,227-ton vessel, was built in Oak-
land, Calif., in 1921 and her home
port is Philadelphia.
Meanwhile, the blackened hulk of
the 7,451-ton Standard Oil tanker
R. P. Resor, torpedoed and set afire
about 20 miles southeast of Man-
asquan, N. J., drifted out of sight of
shore watchers today, the fate of 38
of her crew of 41 shrouded in the
haze left by her smoking ruin.
The crude oil carrier, eight days
out of Baytown, Tex., and plodding
northward along the New Jersey
coast became for residents of this
resort community a "ghastly sight"
when at least two torpedoes blasted
open her hull at 12:38 a.m.
Billowing flames lighted up the sea
as rescue boats quickly put to sea.
They returned with two survivors and
one unidentified body.
Dies Report Shows
Intensive Espionage
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-G)-The
Dies Committee charged tonight that
the Japanese carried on intensive
espionage and propaganda activities
in this country for years before Pearl
Harbor with the aim of preparing
the way for an eventual invasion and
Making its third major report on
subversive activities, the Committee
nn Trn.- Amnri n A mf-4nc. ~IA

Unpleasant, But Possible:
Ann Arbor Has No Guarantee'
Agrainst BQmbing, Ganoe Says

National war-time needs continued
yesterday to take. their toll of Uni-
versity personnel as the Board of
Regents granted leaves of absence to
seven faculty men, all of whom have
been called to special duty by either
the Army or the Navy.
Two of them-Prof. Elmore S.
Pettyjohn and Prof. Henry L. Koh-
ler of the chemical and mechanical
engineering departments respective-
ly-received leaves for the duration
of the emergency. Both men are on
active duty with the U.S. Navy.
Moore To Give Courses
Dr. Earl V. Moore, director of the
School of Music, is to be absent from
the University for the month of
March, during which time he will
assist the Morale Division of the
Army in the establishment of a
School for the Training of Regiment-
al Morale Officers at Camp Meade.
He will also organize and give courses
in music to the initial group of 125
officers from whom a permanent
faculty for the school is to be chosen.
An identical leave was granted to
Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director of
Intramural Sports. His services have
been requested as instructor in a
Training School for Recreation Offi-
cers during the first month of its
Sawyer Will Leave
Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer of the phys-
ics department will be absent for at
least the remainder of the present
semester. As Lieutenant Commander
in the Naval Reserve, he was called
by the Chief of the Bureau of Ord-
nance to report for duty at the Naval
Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va.
The services of Prof. Robert Craig
and Prof. William Kynoch of the for-
estry school have been requested by
the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory.
The men will assist in a study of the
design, fabrication and inspection of
wooden containers for the Army Ord-
nance Denartment

dier Ruthven and Vice-President S.
V. Smith and Dr. Henry F. Vaughan
wvere confirmed as Directors of the
University Musical Society.
New members of the Board in Con-
trol of Physical Education were an-
nonced as Prof. Carl Brandt and
Prof. Samuel Graham.
Other appointments made were:
Prof." Charles Stocking as Secretary
of the College of Pharmacy; Lieut.
Nicholas Pananides as assistant pro-
(Continued on Page 6)
Campus Sales
ofINew Garg
Continue 'Today
Creeping deep into its dusty ar-
chives, exploring behind the rusty
typewriters in its office, peering into
long unused desk drawers, the Gar-
goyle staff has announced that it
has uncovered enough of its new
and screaming edition to continue
campus sales today.
Fraught with dream-writing of its
opium inhaling staff, Gargoyle will
be openly- and bravely-sold today
secure in the knowledge that those
rash and foolish youths who neglec-
ted their duty, nay their obligation,
to themselves cannot but succumb to
the new, the exotic Garg.
This writer is not aware just where
the issue will be on sale. But he
closes serene in the knowledge that
wherever you see a biting, fighting,
howling mob, there Gargoyle will be
making a spectacle of itself. Get in
there and fight for your copy.
m:c u-i. C' 1 3 1* . .

(Editor's Note: This article serves
as an introduction to a series on Uni-
versity and City air raid precautions.
The first article of the series on the
general University air raid organiza-
tion will appear in tomorrow's Daily.)
Although the average University of
Michigan student thinks it can't
happen here, it can.
"No place is exempt from air at-
tacks," is the way Col. William A.
Ganoe, commandant of the Univer-
sity's ROTC unit, phrased it. While
the Axis powers are no more apt to
select this University city as a bomb-
ing objective than they did the Brit-
ish cities of Oxford or Cambridge,
the possibility of an air attack always
'cn.ir, pmiP " irl nI(ne, ("anner

and that in any war in which she
engaged action would take place
away from our shores.
The attack on Pearl Harbor de-
stroyed this illusion permanently.
The necessity of total war prepara-!
tion for any eventuality must be clear
to every thinkinguAmerican, Colonel
Ganoe pointed out. Air raid pre-
cautions shoulC be undertaken in
every community.
Withmbitteryinvective, Colonel
Ganoe redalled that a sense of com-
placency and smugness led us to
our present unprepared state. Too
many people fail to realize the seri-
ousness of our present position.
Filled with the erroneous thought
that the United States has never lost
a war. the nation neglected both mil-

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