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January 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

… terrific pa e, but the ifre Thursday night. Some of the Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, 9 o'clock, Delta after their defeat Friday night Wolverines had the edge and forcedT .ayed an old-style four-man de- the play…

… did their plan work verine sextet forced the puck down tc Delta Upsilon vs. Theta Delta Chi; Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Ph, Tau at the Wolverines were not able the Wisconsin goal, where Reynolds 8:30 o…

…- matters up. Several minutes after the Tau Upislon vs. Phi elta Cii, Phi Intramural department for .a date. t. The goal looked like an ea- Wolverine goal, Captain Johnson shot Delta Theta vs. Gamla Alpha Ep…

… 3 vs. group 5; group sonatrth" do teFburI 1HEN yuwl elz ha nuuuloprtnt}h~i o ycu. The Wolverines came on the . The battle marked the last appear-2:vs. group 6; group 4 vs. group 8; examinations. All…

… man- sters graduate in February, and their' Delta, junior medics vs. upper dents, nify their intention of wrestling o keep the disc away from the loss will open a gap in the Wolverine fresh engineers vs…

January 20, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

… second meet on the Wolverine sched- ule, here Saturday night. Michigan went down in defeat be- fore the veteran Aggie team last Sat- urday night, losing 20-6. The over- whelming defeat was largely due to…

… Wolver- ines is the first mat win for an Aggie team in five -years. The Farmers won four of the bouts on falls and lost three on decisions. Baker, Wolverine 115 p~ounder was counted on for a win in the…

January 20, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… authorities and developed into one of the best milers ever to run for the Wolverines, and, had he been able to continue his running, would have been the leading Conference miler this season. He holds the field…

January 20, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… Northmen earned the right to first place by the victory over the Wolverines and two tie games against the University of Wisconsin sextet, Michigan held first place before last 1 night's game, with one…

… victory and a tie game with the Cardinal hockey team to her credit. The titleholder will be definitely decided next week when the Wolverines journey north to play Wisconsin ana Minnesota meeting each school…

…- igan team made desperate attempts, especially in the final period to get the puck into the Gopher territory, but the powerful defense of Iverson's team repelled each Wolverine effort to score. With…

January 20, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

… will )41r nounced thuat ther e arie no changes meet. the Wolverines Saturday after- likely in the Michigani lineup w~hich noon at Yost field house in the first>. will stat the game with Inn St-~ home…

…, Iowa have Exclu'sive Lasts. and Patterns nick, who went on the Iowa jaunt, or hein- esgnd ndSod nl2b Bre.It is possible that both of shownth Wolverines i great form, DesgneadSldOnlb an fte gv hssrieaan…

January 20, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 84) • Page Image 7

… Tuesday night Neil Gabler, stellar defense man of the Wolverine team was rushed to the University hospital where he was treated to pre- vent the spread of blood posoninir which resulted from a wound caused…

… hockey club only with great difficulty. In spite of ,this handicap, Gabler played his usual fast and steady game against the Mines team, and his enforced ab- ,sence would hamper, the Wolverine defense…

January 20, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…, perdor, 1.20 ie'wui Co., 215 Rh Ave.. .. e f UNIQUE Th a Lead A Colored 1',-, in i12 colors-:11.00 per dez. But you only have to walk half a mile for a good meal at the Wolverine, where college men meet…

…. We specialize on our Sunday Chicken Dinner. Wolverine Cafe The Pride of Ann Arbor Opp. Wuerth Theater "Perchance a lowly sophomore Was ambling down the street, When the blatant beep of a bus His…

January 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… method of production. very slow, the Gophers appearing Harry Wallace, '30, general chair- to be tired after Friday night's bat- man, and Charles Monroe, '30, tie. The Wolverines carried the music chairman…

… Issuanceonditions ilolr long shots. Conway aided him'on eOfm Tmporary the first one with a perfect pass Permit that drew the Wolverine defense men to one side enabling the Go- URtiE EARLY APPLICATION pher center to…

… hard one period beginning at noon of Fri- passed the Wolverine goalie from pday, Febgandmendngato ockFr directly in front of the net. day, Feb. 8 and ending at 8 o'clock Michigan continued to carry the…

… compared with six not be required to re-register their for his Wolverine opponent. cars for this occasion. Other stu ot Plenty Of Fight dents desiring to drive at this time, Both teams showed plenty of…

… away from him, and permission be given to any student I evading the single Wolverine de- to drive a car home later than 8 fense man, he drove a hard one 1 o'clock Monday morning, Feb. 11," into the net…

January 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 88) • Page Image 7

… for so early in the sea- the high hurdles, however, and is son. The other prospects for places expected to lead the Wolverines in on the relay team included Grun- this event. Potter will also compete ow…

Wolverine Poorman, another "M" man, who side, with the Seymour twins, D. A. has been getting 42 feet regularly, and D. G., the best quarter milers and Brooks, a sophomore, will take on the squad. Freese, a…

… member of care of the shot putting assign- last year's mile relay team, and ment for the Wolverines. Baker and Colby, sophomores, are Besides the above men, who will the other entrants in this event. make…

January 20, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

… if they turn out to be a harder bunch to beat than the last three have been, as it is hardly beneficial to stack up the Wolverine Cubs against one long string of teams one rarely hears of and who…

… could not quite catch up with the 13 point first half which Rieff rolled up. j This loss virtually knocks the Wolverines out of the Conference race, since with three losses and two wins out of five games…

… of each period at. Madison and he will be ready for a full assignment by the end of the week, when he will fill in the gap in the Wolverine offense. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of machines. Our…

… night. The announcement was made by au- thorities of the Midway club, who deemed it inadvisable to incur the expense of a trip to Ann Arbor. Last year the Wolverines met the Chicago team in the Windy City…

January 20, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

… reaching distance of the 1934 Big Ten Championship to- night by subduing Michigan, 1-0, in another resolute Gopher-Wolverine fight at the St. Paul Hippodr'ome. The Gophers' triumph which swept the two…

…-game series, came only after a determined attack which brought ts winning counter when less than 'our minutes of play remained. Cu- deruss teamed with Billy Munn to score the goal. The Wolverines set up a stout…

January 20, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

Wolverines came from behind after the Nittany Lions had annexed the first two bouts by decisions. Weidig Is Beaten Tom Weidig, inexperienced Michi- gan sophomore, fell a victim to Carl King's clever grappling…

… Mericka, Wolverine 136 pound- er, took the advantage at the outset and with his opponent, Frank Glea- son, having an advantage of head scissors, the Wolverine used this to his own advantage to pin Gleason…

… State ahead 12-10. Morgan gained the advantage at the start, but was unable to hold the ap- parently stronger Bachman in a see- saw struggle. Buckeyes And Wolverines Meet At I-M In Battle Of Champions…

Wolverines may emerge from a year's submerg- ence and rise again to the pinacle. Patnik Should Win The diving, both first and second places, should be conceded to- the in- vaders. Al Patnik, National cham…

… N G II with an In the quarter, Ohio will have to fight for its points. Welsh and Hay- nie can win but Ed Hutchens may swim instead of the Wolverine cap- tain. For Ohio, it will be between Johnson…

January 20, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

… an extent that- he would waste his strong men against stronger Michigan men wherever possible and thus by chi- canery make it possible to weazel out a Wolverine victory over a potential- ly stronger…

… kept control of the ball most of the time. Tonight's victory brought the Bad- gers to the even .500 mark and the defeat dropped the Wolverines to .167 and next to last place in the Big Ten standings…

…. Immediately following the game, the Wolverines set out for Ann Arbor where they will prepare for Satur- day's battle with Ohio State's Buck- eyes who chalked up their second straight win r tonight by whipping…

…, the Spartans and Tartars may have just as well gone wading. The events were strictly no contest as the Wolverines, without even ex- tending themselves, chalked up un- disputed triumphs. Wolverines Never…

… race of the night in which the Wolverines had to go all out for vic- tory. Riedl gave Williams a six-yard lead, but the blonde Michigan utility man was unable to hold it in face of the furious assault…

… Weise. The rest of the field had to be content with the last three places as the Michigan ace churned the distance in 1:41.4. Then to further display the com- plete supremacy of the Wolverines, Capt…

… result of all to the Wolverine mentor was the almost blanket finish by the three freestylers in the 100, which fore- casts nothing but trouble for future contestants in the 400-yard freestyle relay when…

January 20, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

… touch the fleet Wolverine once he hit open territory. He hugged the sidelines and crossed the final marker standing up. Sportswriters unanimously agreed that it was the best exhibition of open field…

… four for the Wolverine forward, was one of the outstanding factors in Wisconsin's two victories over Michigan last week-end with a total of 35 points. King, on the other hand, could only bucket 17 in the…

… Expense of Wolverines By BILL MULLENDOlIRE Paced by three men who are well up in the race for Western Confer- ence scoring honors. Coach Ward Lambert's Boilermakers of Purdue will be seeking their fifth…

… for Michigan to bring home the Con- ference crown, the two contests may easily prove to be the decisive factor in Purdue's championship bid. A pair of defeats at the hands of the Wolverines would leave…

January 20, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

… period, Michigan's hockey team easily defeated Minnesota, 9-4, last night at the Coliseum to give the Wolverines their second victory over the Gophers this season and run their winning streak to 11 games…

…. Michigan's fast-skating forwards and hard-checking defensemen proved too much for the Gophers as the Wolverines completely dominated the play in the first two periods, scoring four goals in both stanzas, and…

… was on last night at Yost Field House, defeating North- western 56-37 and gaining revenge over the Wildcats, who had beaten it by the same 19-point margin last Saturday in Evanston. The alert Wolverine

January 20, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

… February 11, Pittsburgh, away Wolverines Must Defeat Gophers To Stay in Race By BILL BRENTON This one's a must! Needing a victory to stay in Western Conference title conten- tion, Michigan's Wolverines re…

… the Wolverines last season, come to town with a 1-2 win-loss mark in the Big Ten. The club was favored to cop the crown at the season's start, but faltered on foreign Wisconsin and North- western floors…

January 20, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRI Skating ueen Hurt 7°~ America's Tenley Albright Dims Championship Hopes I MSU SWIMMING COACH McCAFFREE AND JOHN DUDECK Wolverine Swimmers, MSU Clash Tomorrow CORTINA D…

… at Michigan State's powerful nata- tors tomorrow night in a dual- meet at the Wolverines' home pool. In their first meeting earlier this month, the Spartans whipped Michigan easily, 76-63. But this was…

… night for their second victory over the Maple Leafs in as many nights. verines and their other compett- tion. The Wolverines, meanwhile, are depending on individual perform- ances from swimmers like the…

… Ernie McCoy, who resigned to become athletic direc-; tor at Pennsylvania State Tegch- ers College, Perigo replaced the Wolverines' slow deliberate offense with his own fast, high-shooting, brand of…

… in the Big Ten. This was evidenced last year by the squad's 74-58 upset of Iowa's NCAA semi-finalists. He believes that things may be-' come even brighter for the com- paratively small Wolverine team…

January 20, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 88) • Page Image 10

…- week exam layoff.- t The Wolverines, going into the semester break with a rather dis- mal 3-9 season record, will get a relief from conference wars on the second when they play host' to lightly regarded…

… Big Tenl indoor track champions will kick the lid off the 1961 season withc participation in three meets dur- ing the semester break. The Wolverines will test Big Ten competition for the first time on…

… Last year the Wolverine relay teams won both events, in the meet's first year of existence. At Yost Fieldhouse on the same day the rest of the squad will be competing in the Michigan AAU Relays. This…

… meet will also feature teams from all over the Midwest. Notably missing from the MSU Relays will be two Wolverine stars who are defending Big Ten cham- pions in their events. Robinson Out Sprinter Tom…

January 20, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

Wolverine wrestling Coach Cliff Keen "as tough as any in Gopher history" invades the Wol- verines' home territory Friday night in what shapes up to be one of the best matches of the year. Terry Barrett, and…

…-regarded San Francisco at Chicago Stadium on Dec. 11, he hit 16 field goals and 13 free throws for 45 points, a Michigan individual mark for one game. No Wolverine fan can forget the number of times Cazzie has…

… led Michigan from the brink of disaster to victory. Last year he twice hit game-winning field goals at the buzzer, made 11 points against Princeton in the last 412 minutes as the Wolverines came from…

… behind to beat the Tigers by two, got five in 33 seconds in one game as Michigan won by two,, and scored eight points in over- time in a five-point Michigan victory. But the Wolverines' offense is! not…

… Michigan's board strength. With three starters gone from last year's team, many observers felt that the Wolverines would not be as stronga contender for the Big Ten crown. But any team with Cazzie Russell is…

January 20, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

… beat the Green (and white) Giants is, "use the strength-to-strength ap- proach.'' He's not selling MSU short, even though McCaffree aud- ibly subordinated himself to the Wolverines, admitting, "I…

… even drooped under the shadow of the Spartans, as he was forced to default his con- test on a technicality. The Wolverines will be able to double their early season victory total if they manage to…

January 20, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 94) • Page Image 8

… sixteen straight game home engagement. Armstrong was so ex-. cited that he kept the bus going all during their last game here. The reason for all the travel talk is that the current first place Wolverine

…- sen and Paul Domm are still re- covering from last weekend's in- juries and junior center Bruce Koviak has been slowed by a popped knee cartilage. Bob Baird, the Wolverines' most proficient .9 Dick…

…. After the trip to Colorado ot one term can adequately Springs, the Wolverines journey ibe this team," Matchefts ob- to Houghton next weekend to d, "because we are still quite take on the always tough…

… The Wolverine cindermen are best team in the league. I'm not still waiting in the blocks for the that familiar with them but I do signal gun to sound next weekend know Denver's personnel and I'm I on…

… down All- weekly time trials and in the American honors last year and Chicago Holiday Track Meet on S- Dec. 23, the Wolverine tracksters have let it be known that they are a force to be reckoned with…

… his ever-burgeon- NE W FOR 1967 ing collection with a heave of 57'5" _ - - --'-in the shot put, good for a meet' t and field house mark. .' 4:12.5 Mile The other Wolverine triumphs were earned by two…

January 20, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

… STEWART shows the form that brought him All-America honors as a Pennsylvania prep performer. Ac- cused of being "lazy" and "moody" by some fans, the quiet junior has been one of the Wolverines' steadiest…

… against OSU next Saturday in two home games)," predicts Dennis Ste- wart. "But if we don't . . ." he trails off, remembering the Wolverines haven't won a Big Ten game in their last 10 starts. Buckeye coach…

January 20, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

… Farley must have helped scare the Spartans right out of the pool as they were humbled by ,w the Wolverines 69-50 last night. It started in the first event when one State swimmer left the blocks too soon in…

… they entertain the Wolverines tonight in Iowa City. The dual meet will follow the Minnesota-Iowa basketball game, and the near-capacity crowd will be treated to performances by Big Ten Champions in…

…, elated with his first hat trick as a Wolverine, who 2himed, "I'll be ready for to- morrow night." Western Ontario coach Ron Watson was not at all happy with his goalkeeping: "Bonney hasn't come up with a…

…'t organized the Grapplers' is aware of their presence. Chorale. Because if they did, Probably the most impressive' there's one Rodgers and Ham- Hawkeye from the Wolverine merstein song they'd be singing point…

January 20, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 91) • Page Image 8

… occasions Michigan ping charge against Wolverine O------ig Bill Cusumono 1' City ._Zip y0 Sti -- i i ___ PRESENTS I WELCOME STUDENTS! Let us style your hair to your personality .. . Michigras…

…-3 loss but couldn't capitalize on it. Cap- tain Dave Perrin was unable to convert on several breakaways and Merle Falk had a straight shot but missed. One problem t h e Wolverines had both nights was…

… sophomore goalie in the 6-2 Wolverine victory at the Coliseum last Friday night. In for the rebound is Tech's Lyle Moffat (21), while Michigan defenseman Brian Skinner (2) attempts to check an unidentified…

… did not blame Bagnell for any of Saturday's voes. "He ice and the Wolverines journey up played a good game, but Tech had there this weekend for a series. better chances than the night be- In addition…

… the Wolverines are fore." not in the best of health. A flu Nevertheless, Michigan, with a epidemic has struck the team and 7-5 conference record (10-7 over- Brian Skinner, Jarry, Don Deeks, all) will…

January 20, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

… had a couple of other good games, too, grabbing 18 re- bounds and scoring 32 points against Harvard and Wyoming in the Michigan Invitational. He also helped the Wolverines upset then tenth…

Wolverines needed so sorely to make them into a contender for the Big Ten title. And then there were those bad games, the games where Brady just couldn't seem to do anything right. He couldn't score or rebound…

… methods an diving styles of the leading coach- es in order to mold his team into contenders. "A coach must recognize whatl good diving is," says the Wolverine1 diving coach Dick Kimball. "He must have a…

January 20, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 91) • Page Image 7

… straight out of the late 60's. And it isn't just talk. NIGHT EDITORS: All week the Wolverines work- -T ed tirelessly on fast break drills. MARC and ROGER At one point assistant coach Jim Dutcher warned his…

… conference. Few persons,a except Orr, feel the Boilers are for real. If they win today, though,3 just watch everyone say, "I told you So." Perhaps only slightly more folkst expected the Wolverines to burst so…

… in Indiana THE MICHIGAN wrestling squad will meet the Hoosiers in Bloomington today and another Wolverine victory is expected according to the outcome of some recent matches. Last week Michigan pulled…

… a 22-12 decision over North- western, a very significant win for the grapplers. Jerry Hubbard led the Wolverines in the trimming of the Wildcats, followed closely by teammate Gary Ernst. The Hoosiers…

January 20, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

… through an excru- ciating sophomore year during whichhedandHenry Wilmore never got it together as an effective working combination. The Wolverines started strong, but rapidly floundered, sput- tered and…

… Mich- igan Coach John Orr. "He wasn't jumping well or getting good . arc on the ball. But he did some fantastic things in the second half, didn't he?" gushed Orr. That he did. The Wolverines looked for…

… 21 3 12 1 6 S 4 1 4 21 82 45-84 45-82 36-61 10-16 38 Doily Photo by STUART HOLLANDER JUMPING SPARTAN Edgar Wilson (33) plays the tough defense against Wolverine Chuck Rogers (53) in the first half of…

… opening period provided the im- petus to turn the scoring around and spell doom for the Michigan' hockey team as the Wisconsin Badgers came from a two-goal t deficit to beat the Wolverines 6-3 F here last…

… program' celebrated its 50th anniversary yes- terday as the Wolverine matmen blanked a young Indiana squad 39-0 at. Crisler Arena.' Dave Curby registered the only oin of the day, flattening Hoosier' Bob…

… Pell with 35 seconds remaining in their meet-ending 190-pound con- test. Curby was leading Pell 16-0 when he finally put him away. Jim Brown got the Wolverines off on the right track at 118 pounds by…

… sidelined by a shoulder separation suffered in the Hoosiers' 22-19 victory over Western Michigan Friday night. The shutout was the second of the year for Michigan and left the Wolverines with a 3-0 conference…

…. These two injuries seemed to urn the game around as the, Badgers came back with four goals n the second period and one in the hird while replacement Badger' goalie Mike Dibble shut out the Wolverines for…

January 20, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 90) • Page Image 7

… organized basket- ball in high school, Cender at Ann Arbor St. Thomas under Michigan's current head coachr Carmel Borders, and Young at Cass, where along with current Wolverine teammates Lydia Sims and Linda…

… rim, but team works together. put- second about making my move the ball keeps slipping out of If the Wolverines do advance on offense." my hands. 1 guess I have to that far, the fear felt by the dif…

…, and others," Loken said. Injuries continue to rack the Wolverines this year. The Blue's all-around men, Nigel Rothwell IiY and Bruce Schuchard, both suf-I fer nagging injuries, but Loken{ expects them…

…, parallel bars) with a swollenI thumb, and Rich Nisivaco (all- around, vaulting) pulled his calf: mus:le thhis week, to mention a, few Blue injuries.{ the Wolverines met Western Ontario in Ann Arbor and…

January 20, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 90) • Page Image 8

… DUNBAR ing 121/2 ppg. Pa season high of 19 ville. due team that takes the floor THE BOILERM against the Wolverines tonight. ing scorer, forwa The Boilermakers are more dan (19.7 ppg), s experienced and…

Wolverines finish wit King and probably Mitch Mar sicano, each having suffere merely one setback this se son. Coach Johannesen sums Michigan's chances, "We ha to wrestle the best we've wr 1tied all season to…

…- sibly the Wolverine's best wres- tler in lightning fast sophomore Mark Churella (9-0), ranked number two in the nation. Chur- ella finished third in the NCAAs last year at 150 while Zuspannl accomplished…

January 20, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 91) • Page Image 8

… - if the players still, recognize it. After five straight weeks and six straight conference losses on the road, the Wolverines finally return horme to host the North Dakota Fight- ing Sioux in a two game…

… KNOX THE AGE OLD RITUAL of congratulating a teammate after a goal has not been a regular occurence for the Wolverines of late. The icers hope to end the scoring drought and their six-game conference…

January 20, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 91) • Page Image 9

… then used it to blow Wisconsin out in the second half, notching an 83-64 Big Ten victory. The Wolverines retired to the lockerroom after the first twenty minutes of play knotted with the Badgers, 32…

… quiet Crisler Arena crowd to its feet in the final minutes of the game with its inten- se play. Once again the shooting of Mike McGee led the Wolverines. With the score even at 48 at 12:49 in the second…

Wolverin Baxter and Hardy from the perimete went inside and out,. more and even Mik fast break pass, dis fancy moves and la bucket. For the first ti radio station WC cast an away bE Thanks to a spe the…

… JUNIOR WOLVERINE forward Alan Hardy seems to be casting a voodoo spell on Wisconsin's Joe Chrnelich during action in last night's game which saw Michigan win, 83-64. The Hardy hex did the job, as the…

… reserve asketball team outran Eastern ichigan, 79-76, prior to the varsity ontest last night. Although outsized at every match- p, the quicker Wolverines pressed early in the game and confused the Hurons…

… first places for the Wolverines. In addition to Flom in vaulting, Ginger Robey on uneven bars, Colleen Forres- tel in floor exercise, and Axon on the balance beam led the gymnasts' charge. Axon's 8…

January 20, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… the Literary See SPECIALISTS, Page 3 f Ug E NW , , e ' r.:..m .... Daily Photo by MAUREEN O'MALLEY MICHIGAN'S MIKE McGEE (40) sinks two of his 23 game points as the Wolverines upended number-two ranked…

… Ohio State 75-74. The game might be the biggest college basketball upset of the year. Wolverine Thad Garner (45) watches from above as Ohio State's Carter Scott grabs the ball and prepares to inbound it…

…, the upset victory was a much-needed shot in the arm after dropping three suc- cessive road games to Indiana, Pur- due and Illinois. At 3-3 in the Big Ten and 10-5 overall, the Wolverines remain in…

January 20, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 90) • Page Image 8

… NORTh CAMPUS STORE. YOUR COMMENTS, SUPPORT A SUGGESTIONS WILL APPRECIATED!& Page 8-Sunday, January 20,1980-The Michigan Daily LERG TALLIES FOUR GOALS Wolverine dekers batter Badgers By JON WELLS I…

… completed a Wolverine series sweep and sends the fourth-place Badgers reeling back to Madison with visions of fifth, maybe even sixth place in the WCHA. The game began innocuously enough with the two. teams…

… the sprawlingdFricker. Soon after, Murray Eaves and Dennis May closed out the scoring for Michigan. With the sweep over the Badgers, the Wolverines maintained their un- blemished record at Yost, and…

… yesterday and Purdue Friday. The meets are a tune up for next week's challenge with perennial Big Ten champion Indiana. His optimism stems from the depth displayed by the Wolverine swimmers this weekend. "We…

… qualified for the NCAA championship meet., The Wolverines worked hard this past weekend, winning the meet on Friday against Purdue as well as yesterday's confrontation against Illinois. The Blue tankers will…

January 20, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 90) • Page Image 9

… Michigan too lightly. "We knew Michigan was a very good team. They've just lost some tough games on the road. They just worked harder than we did and deserved to win." A. MAJOR explanation for the Wolverine

…'s success was their ability to put the ball in the hole and rebound with unusual consistency. The Wolverines had not been able to have a better hooting percentage than their op- ponent in their previous eight…

Wolverine, 6-8 junior center Paul Heuerman held his own and at times outplayed Ohio State's much-heralded pivotman, Herb Williams. The 6-10 Williams came into the game averaging 20 points and 8.4 rebounds per…

… and contributed nine points. He's now led the Wolverines in rebounding in the last five games. "Heuerman has really come on," sai Frieder. "He's proving to be one of the Big Ten's top players." Other…

…. Trailing 4-2 in the second minute of play, the Wolverines scored six unanswered points, propelling them in- to a lead they kept for the next ten minutes. With the Wolverines scrapping for everything they…

… moments of the second half as the Buckeye's went on a 6-1 scoring barrage to close the deficit to 43-40. THE WOLVERINES opened their lead to four points, 58-54, with 7:26 left in regulation time, on a…

January 20, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 94) • Page Image 8

…, Mich. Union Stanovich chalked up the meet's highest score of 9.6. Michigan's Darrell Yee placed second on the still rings, while Stanovich finished third in the high bar. The Wolverine's coach, Newt…

…, too, can be considered a challenger." The Wolverines have their work cut out for them immediately, however. This Saturday they travel to Min- neapolis where they will take on the defending Big Ten…

Wolverines were for- ced to compete with the bare minimum of six performers. Shearon will probably remain out of competition far at least another week. As usual, the Wolverine's strongest event was the vault…

January 20, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 94) • Page Image 9

… Michigan women's track team con- tinued its most successful indoor cam- paign ever with a second-place finish at' the Western Michigan Invitational last Saturday. 'The only team to outscore the Wolverines

… "training" meet for some tracksters. THOUGH MICHIGAN entries in most events were few, the Wolverines dominated the shotput, as freshman John Nielson took first in 55'11%/ Phil Wells second in 52'91/4", Mike…

… Turner, a 6-3, 172-pound point guard from Flint Central, called Michigan coach Bill Frieder on Christ- mgs Eve and presented the Wolverine mentor with the news that he would be playing in Ann Arbor next…

January 20, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 90) • Page Image 7

… the gym at the Coliseum where the women's gym- nastic team practices five days a week, coach Sheri Hyatt tried to get thi atten- tion of the Wolverines' top all-arounder, who was working out on the…

… GOOD, IN fact, that she is quickly becoming the best women's gymnast in Michigan history. Last year she set an all-time high mark in the all-around (39.95) and was the first Wolverine ever to qualify…

January 20, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…, recruiting coordinator for Bo Schembechler's Wolverines. "Bo is determined to make the players aware and make sure they graduate." Can ham THERE IS ALSO the question of whether or not a coach would be willing…

January 20, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 91) • Page Image 10

… Turner, who hit only three of 12 shots (two airballs), and committed three turnovers, found himself condemned for lack of consistency. The men in the striped shirts got their fair 'share as the Wolverines

…, compare the Wolverine faithful to some real basketball fans, the crowd at last Saturday's Michigan-Wisconsin game in Madison. Wednesday night, the Maize and Blue "fans" b5ooed Dan Pelekoudas whenever he…

…'s fans never booed the home team. They continuously .were loud and supportive, even when Michigan cut a 12-point halftime deficit to two in the second half. Therein lies the difference. Wolverine rooters…

…, will not result from a recent hard- fought meet. Rather, it will be due to the Wolverines' full practice earlier in the day.' MICHIGAN COACH JON Urbanchek has worked his team' through double practices…

… well, but we should be able to win the meet." The Wolverines will use this meet primarily to improve their swimming strategy, according to Urbanchek. "You need a meet like this to keep the kids sharp…

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