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L~ixiy In Mlanagerial Duties And NotI against Cobb and Speaker was given
Crookedness C'aused Resignation kin these words:
Of ('iiij I1($5Both Were F'aiures
(By Associated Press) "As leaders Of men, they are fail-I
CHICAGO, Jan. 19.-The principal ;ores and they were not giving. tl it
blest to the public. The Leonard1
chares aains Ty obb ndTi chiarges involving them were incon-
Speaker, which caused President Ban sEequentiazl, though Comb's letter to
Johnson of the American league to; Leonard was foolish and something
dem~and their resignations as man- that should never have been writ-
ag,(r, involved incompetency and not tenl.
Crookedness, Mr. Johnson said today. "The chief reason why the. Amer-
Ile called the Dutch Leonard charges lean league will have no inoi' of them,
a°.ainst them inconsequential. is that they failed to live up to their
Johnson revealed a number of new! respo Alte~t h~~lcs abae
anlsto the 'celebrated case, which lhall club manager, Cobb should have
is dlue for a new threshing over here been training mariner at Paris Island.
Monday, but all related to laxness orI His way of handling players will not I
overzealousness in managerial duties,; be tolerated, in the American league.
and contained no hint of scandal. r "Speaker allowed his club to drift
Tl e American league prexy, who into a hiabit of daily betting on horsed
severely criticized Baseball Commis-: races, and the American league has
sioner Landis for making public the always been opposed. to betting. Ball
Leonard charges, mentioned Cobb's= players are paid to give their best to
handling of players as "not to be tol- the public, and they cannot do that if
erateq1 in the, American league," and ; they' are thinking of winning $4,2010
his principal count against Speaker pools on a horse race. Speaker has
related to betting on horse races. gambled all his life, and, if that bet-
"Talk of crookedness had no part Ting habit had been stopped, I think
in our decision to demand the nesig- 'the Cleveland _club might have won
nations of these two managers. They the pennant last year.
simply were not, equal to their jobs, "Talk of crookedness had no part
iid so they had to go." in our decision to demand the resigna-
This new and vital sidelight on the tions of these two managers. They
Cobb-Speaker case,publicity around siply were not equal to their jobs,
wbin le totheinvestigationof11 and,Chreadteuloigf}' so they had to go. The public
_ .. ' rgsad-heunosig fI as the right to expect, when they go
a nuaws of vague rumors of. other base- to a ball game, that the players are
ball irregularities, disclosures would, giving their best efforts to win, and
be made! here Monday. . neither Cobb and Speaker was getting
When Commissioner Landis gave th mot ot f hs tam
4 UATI~flII iiiiri T' State N/atmen W~'il Idecisions in the seven matches. The day by a score of 11-9, State gadining
IV iI~1 I ~t~i iiMaroons were conquered last Satur- three decisions and one fall.
I Meet Varsity Here;
PAP After defeating the Iowa State i Q4,~e BAS"-LIN
iJHUL L~LLIRTeachers cleeadlsn oCr
co l g n o i g t o -(-A fte ai ' stif sc im n age v ,'I the n ell college by a single point m argin,$L _. re
fr eshman cour t sqiuad last night in the! Coach Clifford Keen is preparing his l , . ®. ."9
iedol: o , Coach P. J. Mather an_ Varsity wrestlers for the invasion of
the Michigan State team, which will )41r
nounced thuat ther e arie no changes meet. the Wolverines Saturday after-
likely in the Michigani lineup w~hich noon at Yost field house in the first>.
will stat the game with Inn St-~ home meet of the season.
ura nigeht ait Bloomnington.IThe sam~e The East Lansing team is reputed ..I
ine men wie ho maude th e tr ip to Iow~a to be the strongest boasted by the
I wl rbbylaefrIdaat-Mcia tt nrcn er n morrow night with the Skipper though holds impressive victories over Cin-!
j there may be a mi added or one ciiiiati unliversity and Unvesiyof Elxclusively Designied
place change. Chicago already this season. The llhztie & e.~Hardy Shoes for Nett
Cabr, argn, otebaGreen and White defeated Cincinnati, 3e 17eii)o )fpa
Petrie, and McCoy will makeup the U6 to 4, by gaining two falls and three GUY' WOOLFOLK
starting lineup with the other men ---____- ____-____________
Jto make the tri .ncluding Martin, a the close of last season. The two& CO
Schroder, Molenda, and either Ras- gamnes with Syracuse and, Iowa have Exclu'sive Lasts. and Patterns
nick, who went on the Iowa jaunt, or hein- esgnd ndSod nl2b
Bre.It is possible that both of shownth Wolverines i great form, DesgneadSldOnlb
an fte gv hssrieaan telatter mnen will go oni the trip. Satda hycan riehthisHotrieragan W Hi A I T vd "U S E & HRY ,
The game will be on a foreign cour1t real battle for Confernee supremacy. 1OD~?TOK SRE 4 ET2DSRE
for the Wolverines, but this will not RAWYT40 S ET 4 ETTDS ET
be such a disadvantage as it might One of the two teams is due tfor. a METROPOLITAN OPERA IJOVSE BLIM. KN1ICK~k~oCXER. BUILDING
be, for the Indiana court is the same break and Saturday may be the time. 84 BROAD'WAY-AIT WALL STREET
size as the one in Yost field house. PHIADELPHIA-'1511 CHESTNUTSET
Indiana. has practically the same SucrefothMihgnDly
team as their championship outfit of
last year, Mather pointed out, while
lie said the Michigan team is any-
;tigbut that. The greatest blow to S A L L .
Indiana was the loss of Sponsler, all- C ~~dIiR A iNC E S
Conference guard, which ha~s left their.
- defense a bit weaker. But with Beck- .,
zner, Kreuger, Winston. and Sibley We are showing a few more exceptional values in Hats,
-forming an offense that is probable' Suits, Tuxedos and Furnishings
-by far the greatest scoring machine!
in the Conference, Indiana has proved Tuxedos Sut
unbeatable so far.
I Michigan's team, on the other hand Very Newest Style Blue Cheviots and Tweeds
a has not played consistent ball, accord-
ing to Coach Mather, as they were $29.75 and. $39.75 Y7
Ban Johinsont
certainly they are not giving their
entire attention to baseball, as the
public has a right to expect.
"Cobb is one of the greatest players
the game ever saw, but when lie began
to threaten his players, that be 'would
railroad' them out of the game, some-
thing had to be (lone. I wrote him
more than a score of letters, demand-
ing that he stop his practice of signal-
liug every pitch to the man in the
box, which delayed games an hour or
more. But he did not stop. He still
is a great player, but he was a failure
as a manager."
out the Cobb-Speaker investigationf Bet On Horses ~T
Involving the charges of Dutch Leon-. =heathe mnagerIlltltlllllll1-tlli1ll m11lllllllill~llltlllilt11 ats Corduro
ard, former Detroit pitcher, that the Whnte aae has a bettingw
two former-managbrs had knowledge commissioner in the park every day, =T Slicker and I
of a thrown game in 1919, both of the placing the bets of the players on Abup r ound u $3.5 to40 $5.95
principals denied the accusation, andi horse races, it follows that the ball S p riel7e
asked for a re-hearing. Rumors that game is not receiving his entire at-
there was more back of the case than tention. - NO RG E TSeil nDesn oe
involved in the published record, led! "The league has a rule against bet-M
Landis to call a hearing here Monday ing, though it Yloes not specifically
to go further into the situation. At- state that horse race betting is meant. -5 1N Tie. .4 46
torneys for the two former ball play- We do not mean that players mustCSpcasTIO
ers will be here and possibly the two not go to see races when they have °_ -
principals. Iand off' day, or bet $2, but when a group = 608 East Liberty
Johnson's explanation of he counts of players wins $4,200 in one pool.t-"
Sale of High Grade hirts- Bywhthasunctathevls
-$1.95 TBywt h suac httevle
= = ~in this sale are the best .
-Broken lines of Collar Attached Shirts obAothriWekbnde
Values to $4. Special for Thursday, a- A D
Friday and Saturday, $195. p
U -'
e F.mVphatiOSS reduSctioN n.Tebs _Bak>1>nc
clothing values in this city, we believe.-
ays ~iloe 2Seven Dollarsk
I'ir The Finest Clothing Made
' The New Fabrics and Models
Sheepskin Lined
- .75 8,75 $ Q75 =
Only for a few more days willI I.Ee nDolr -
we be able to offer such low prices Fit Ce s
on urfamusAll Others 20% Off
BARGINSIN FRNIHING ~"Thursday, Friday and Saturday
-Odd Trousers ' Brushed Wool -
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I rousers inow ......x0 1 lna 0 1ad2
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SutlndOecot_ 25 Dozen One Lot Fancy =
SisadOecasFancy Wool PulOve
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7to $1.00 49 Tinker& Compai
An opportunity to get "the best" at a big saving! Values .... 9c Regularly Priced -
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Values Nw$39
See IV, athig~on St. See 'Washington St. c'I
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3ariket Lined
,6 ty
Xs r,,
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fit wall
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'a ice;
aw w-
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