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January 20, 1971 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-20

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Wednesday, January 20, 1971



rage 5ev

West stars v
on this and that
The Big Man
comes of age
Lin eric siegel



BOSTON (P)--Chicago team- Boston Garden crowd of
mates Chico Maki and Bobby Hull fans, was worth $500 per
scored a pair of almost identical the West stars and mark
goals from opposite sides of the first time ever that a We
rink last night and the West Di- has beaten an East squad i
vision made them stand up for a| playoff or All-Star play.
2-1 victory over the East in the i The losers got $250 ap
24th annual National Hockey The game was just 36
League All-Star game. old when Maki opened the
The victory, before a capacity for the West.

14,994' The Black Hawks' right winger
man to grabbed a loose puck in the cor-
ked the ner behind the West net and
st team started a solo dash up ice. He
n either stopped short just over the East
blue line and New York defense-
iece. man Brad Park, dropping back on
seconds the play, set himself to block the
scoring drive.
But Park was screening goal-
tender Ed Giacomin of New York
and Maki's blast sailed past both
the defenseman and goalie.
Four minutes later, the West
scored again, once more on a 50-
foot shot by a Chicago player.
This time it was Hull, who was
cruising down left wing when Bill
Flett of Los Angeles unloaded a
power-play slapper from the right
side. The rebound landed squarely .
on Hull's stick and Bobby sent it
flying off Giacomin's pad and into
the nt
ThenBoston crowd, never sym-
pathetic for the New York goalie, ~K''
hooted long and loud at Giacom in
and cheered derisively whenever
he made any easy save after that.. .
Montreal's Yvan Cournoyer cut2.
the West lead in half less than .
two minutes after Hull scored. -Associated Press
First Cournoyer ripped a long, EAST GOALIE ED GIACOMIN takes hold of a shot by Gordon Berenson (7) in yesterday's NHL All-
hard shot at Chicago goalie Tony Star game. Bobby Orr (4) watches the play in a game won by the West 2-1.
Esposito, who just managed to de _--__ --. ___ __ ___
flect the puck away.
As the rebound bounced to the
other side, Cournoyer took off to-
wards the net. He fought off some
tenacious checking by defensemans, n e
Ted Harris of Minnesota and
shoveled a short shot past Es-
posito for what was to be the only
East goal.

-Daily-Terry McCarthy
Brady (15) shoots against Indiana
FOR THE FIRST 11 games of the season, Michigan's sopho-
more Ken Brady was not exactly everyone's ideal of a 6-9,
235 pound center.
He started off the season well, leading the Woilverines in
scoring and rebounding in their opening loss to Notre Dame.
He had a couple of other good games, too, grabbing 18 re-
bounds and scoring 32 points against Harvard and Wyoming
in the Michigan Invitational. He also helped the Wolverines
upset then tenth-ranked Villanova for third place in the Rain-
bow Classic tournament, with 14 points and as many rebounds.
But even though he had played well, Brady was still not
the big, dominating figure under the boards that the
Wolverines needed so sorely to make them into a contender
for the Big Ten title.
And then there were those bad games, the games where
Brady just couldn't seem to do anything right. He couldn't score
or rebound in the first two games of the Rainbow Classic against
St. Louis University and Hawaii, and he was pulled in favor of
Ernie Johnson in last week's Big Ten opener against Wisconsin.
Brady had shown that he had the ability to be a good big
man, but he had yet to show that he had the real aggressive-
ness and consistency to help the Wolverines be a winner.
Then Saturday, in his - and the Wolverines' - biggest
test of the season, Brady put all the inconsistency, all the
bad games, and even all the merely good games behind him.
He went out against the strongest, most physical team in
the Big Ten, and convincingly showed that he can more
than hold his own under the basket.
Brady finished with 18 points on eight of 13 field goal
attempts and two out of two from the free throw line in the
Wolverines' 92-81 win over the 11th ranked Hoosiers. But, most
Importantly, Brady went to the boards, hauling in 20 of Mich-
igan's 49 rebounds.
"This is Brady's best game this year by far," Michigan
coach Johnny Orr noted after the game. "His play was a
big factor in the victory. When he goes to the boards and gets
the ball out on the break, we can really move."
Orr's comments were echoed by Brady's teammates,
'The difference was the rebounding," said guard Wayne
Grabiec, who is often on the front end of the Wolverines'
fast break that is started by Brady.
Brady's performance is all the more impressive when one
considers that he was battling two or three players almost as
big as he is everytime he went up for the ball, George McGinnis
and Joby Wright, both of whom stand over 6-7 and weight
In around 220, played almost the entire game, much of it inside.
Steve Downing; who also stands about 6-7 and weighs about
220, saw quite a bit of action, most of it under the basket.
"Everyone kept saying all week that if we were going to win
this game we had to rebound, rebound, rebound." Brady said
after the game, stretching out on a trainer's table with an ice
pack on his ankle. "So I just went to the boards."
It is worthy of note that Brady went-to both the
boards, not Just one of them. He got Michigan's fast break
going with a defensive rebound and a quick pass on a
number of occasions, and got six points on three tip-ins at
the other end of the court.
Brady made his tremendous strength known to the Hoosiers
early in the game, too, as he went to block a shot by McGinnis,
reputedly one of the strongest forwards in the conference, and
sent the Hoosier star sprawling on the floor.
"It was just a matter of getting my confidence up," said
Brady, assessing his performance Saturday in view of his
more trying experiences earlier in the season.
Now, the former Michigan high school player of the year
who sat out his freshman year because he was academically
ineligible seems to have all the confidence and aggressive-
ness he needs to go along with his very obvious physical
"I don't want to say how far we can go in the Big Ten,"
Brady said, "but we've proven to ourselves how good we can
Oh, yes, in addition to everything else, Saturday was also
4 the first time this season that Brady was able to play the entire
game without a rest.
It was also the first time he was too valuable to take out,
but the odds are good it won't be the last.
Professional League Standings


-Associated Press
NEW YORK'S DAVE DeBUSSCHERE (22) has his hands full as
he battles for a rebound with San Diego center Elvin Hayes (left)
and forward John Trapp. The Knicks went on to dump the
Rockets 117-113.

Pistons edge Sonies, Haywood

By The Associated Pres
DETROIT - Spencer Haywood
had his best night with the Seat-
tle SuperSonics, but the Detroit
Pistons eked out a 106-102 Na-
tional Basketball Association vic-
tory last night.
Haywood scored 24 points, five
more than his best previous out-
put in a total of six games since
the former University of Detroit
star jumped from the Denver
Rockets of the American Bas-
ketball Association to Seattle.
Dave Bing led Detroit with 27
points and Bob Lanier had 18 as
the two divided Detroit's last 12
points to pull away from a 94-
94 score with 3:45 remaining.
Lenny Wilkens added 22 points
for Seattle.
* * *
Buffalo bows
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Cleveland's
John Johnson, with 24 points, led
the Cavaliers to a lopsided 111-
79 National Basketball Association
victory over Buffalo last night.
Johnson was aided by Mike
Smith's 22 points as Cleveland
stormed to a 17-point lead after
the first quarter.
The Cavaliers increased their
lead to 58-36 by the half, kept
adding to the margin the rest of
the way and led by as many as
34 points in racking up only their
seventh victory in 53 games as
a first-year NBA club.
Buffalo. also a freshman team,
finished with its lowest score of
the season. The Braves were led
by Mike Davis' 16 points.
Rockets nippedj
NEW YORK - Mike Biordan
broke loose for six points in over-
time, leading New York to a 117-
113 victory over the San Diego
Rockets last night, snapping the
Knicks' four-game National Bas-
ketball Association losing streak.
San Diego's 5-foot-9 rookie. Cal-
Badgers top
Wnicat five

vin Murphy, helped the Rockets
wipe out New York's 101-90 lead in
the final minutes. His two jump-
ers enabled San Diego to dead-
lock the score 103-103 at the end
of regulation time.
Baskets by Walt Frazier and
Riordan gave the Knicks a four-
point lead early in the extra per-
iod but again Murphy hit twice
to tie it 110-110.
Then field goals by Cazzie Rus-
sell and Riordan put New York
ahead to stay and Riordan sewed
up the triumph with a steal and
basket in the closing seconds.
Bill Bradley led New York with
27 points, Frazier had 24 and Wil-
lis Reed added 21. Elvin Hayes
of the Rockets took game honors;
with 29 points and 35 rebounds
and Stu Lantz hit 27 and Murphy
23 for San Diego.
Dave DeBusschere of the Knicks

sprained his ankle in the first
half, sat out the rest of the game
and will miss tonight's game in
* * *
Bulls breeze
CHICAGO - The Chicago Bulls
nearly lost a 21-point lead, but
saved enough punch in the final
quarter to beat the Portland Trail
,Blazers 123-111 in a National
Basketball Association contest last'
Chicago moved to a 93-72 ad-
vantage midway in the third
quarter behind the 13-point effort
of Jerry Sloan and a 10 point push
by Tim Sloan and a. 10 point
push by Tom Boerwinkle.
Chet Walker, who scored 32
points, tosssed in seven in a two-
minute flurry to move the Chi-
cagoans ahead, 112-100 with 4:90

Change, both in the actual rou-
tines and methods of practice, is
one of the hallmarks of the sport
of diving.
While the technique of diving
is more or less standard the styles7
for each dive are set by the coach-
es. The style that is in vogue one
year may be out of date a fewa
seasons later. Consequently,, a
good diving coach must keep up
with the practice methods an
diving styles of the leading coach-
es in order to mold his team into
"A coach must recognize whatl
good diving is," says the Wolverine1
diving coach Dick Kimball. "He
must have a picture of what the
dive should look like before he1
can correct his divers' moves."
Kimball, diving coach of t h e
1964 Olympic team and one of the
leading college mentors in t h e
country, has carried the innova-
tive nature of the sport into his
training techniques. One of the
practice methods Kimball has per-
fected is the use of spotting rigs
with the trampoline and the
Port-A-Pit diving board.
The trampoline has been used
widely for years and has b e e n
considered a tremendous asset to
diving because of the similarities
of the actions. Kimball feels that
working on the trampoline is a
good method for learning twisting
and the correct way of landing.
Now, Kimball's divers use a sys-
tem where a pulley is mounted on
the ceiling over the trampoline.
The diver is attached to the pul-
ley by a belt which allows him
freedom of movement. This makes
practice on the trampoline safer
and it becomes an excellent tool
for teaching forward and back-
ward sumersaulting dives.
Another favorite Kimball mec-
hanism involving the pulleys is
the diving board mounted over a
Port-A-Pit. The "pit" is actually
a net and plastic encasement fill-
ed with a type of poly foam. It
provides a safe landing spot for
the diver and prevents him from
injury in the event he lands on his
back or stomach. Kimball con-
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siders the Port-A-Pit a great as-
set because it enables a diver to
practice many approaches and
take-offs in a short span of time.
Kimball was one of the first
diving coaches in the country to
establish a summer diving camp.
His camp in Florida has b e e n
growing during the five years of
its existence. He feel s it is a
worthwhile experience b e c a u s e
"This w a y you can develop a
youngster rather than remaking a
college age diver."
Although Kimball has his var-
sity divers at camp he also takes
long looks at grade school ath-
letes. "I like to look at them young
and see how fast they develop.'
He can work with high school ath-
letes until their senior year when,
according to NCAA rules, he is

forbidden to work with them.
Kimball's coaching and recruit-
ing techniques have been highly
successful as he has molded some
championship divers. Leading his
squad is senior Dick Rydze who
has twice b e e n national AAU
champion on the 10 meter plat-
form. He finished second on the
springboard in the AAU and Col-
legiate meets and has twice been
named an All-American.
Behind Rydze is sophomore Joe
Crawford who won the Northern
California championship while in
high school and who was an AAU
finalist as a freshman last year.
Kimball also has high hopes for
two former state champions who
are n o w Michigan freshmen:
Steve Schental of Louisiana and
Peter Agnew of Illinois.

Hoope Pickiiigs
Ann Arbor, Mich. - The Michigan Daily last night revealed
plans for an attempt to feed the remaining survivors in the be-
leaguered campus dormitories. According to reliable sources the ever
generous twirps on the sports staff have instituted Hoope Pickings
with the hope that the weakly winner will split his Cottage Inn pizza
with his compatriots.
With the pending possibility of a total shut-down of the Univer-
sity, these same humanitarians are reportedly ready to offer to the
winner of each week's Hoope Pickings a free game of bowling for
himself and his best buddy at the Michigan Union Bowling Lanes
to help pass those dull studyless hours away.
So get those picks into the Daily by midnight Friday, being care-
ful to pick the exact score of the Michigan game, and who knows,

maybe you'll live long enough to
you are.
1. MICHIGAN at Northwestern
(pick score)
2. Ohio State at Minnesota
3. UCLA at Notre Dame
4. St. Bonaventure at Duquesne
5. Villanova at Pennsylvania
6. Dayton at Detroit
7. Kentucky at LSU
8. Toledo at Western Michigan
9. Depaul at Marquette
10, Ohio U at Miami, Ohio
11. Oklahoma State at Kansas
12. La Salla at Lafayette
13. Jacksonville at Mercer

find out how lousy a prognosticator
14. Western Kentucky at Eastern
15. Auburn at Vanderbilt
16. St. Joseph's Pa. at Niagara
17. Clemson at Virginia Tech
18. Massachusetts at Providence
19. George Washington at
20. Furman at Virgin Islands

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
aDick Rydze_____
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oots, Coats, and Accessories
Distinctive Men and Women's Clothing
1317 S. University 769-4529

MADISON. Wis. W-) - Wiscon-
sin's Badgers squandered a 20-
point halftime lead, then came
back for an 87-72 Big Ten basket-
ball victory over stubborn North-
western last night.
Clarence Sherrod put in 26
points toward the Badgers' first
conference victory in four games,
and their sixth in 12 starts. North-
western is 0-3 in the Big Ten.
The Wildcats fell behind early,
averaging only a point a minute
while Wisconsin moved out front
37-17. The Badgers led at inter-
mission 43-23.
Northwestern got untracked, and
pulled to within 61-60 on Rich
Sund's tip-in. Sherrod and center


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