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January 20, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-20

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Page Eight


Wednesday, January 20, 1971

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, January 20, 1971

i I

UAW avert
DETROIT (/P) - Chrysler Corp,
and the United Auto Workers
reached contract agreement yes-
terday just two hours before a
strike deadline and the company
and union announced they will
look into the possibility of estab-
lishing a 4-day, 40-hour week.
A six-member joint committee
will investigate the feasibility of
the four day work week for 110,000
production workers in the United
States and Canada.
Douglas Fraser, chief of the
UAW's Chrysler Department, said
the joint study "offers some very
exciting possibilities," and UAW
President Leonard Woodcock said,
"It may possibly be the answer to
the problem of absenteeism in this
Economic terms of the new con-
tract virtually parallel those won
earlier at General Motors, after a
67-day strike, and at Ford, where
a strike was avoided through
matching of the pattern of the
GM package.
All three carry a first-year wage
increase averaging 51 cents hour-
ly, restore an unlimited costsof
living wage escalator in the sec-
ond and third years and permit
an employe with 30 years' service
to retire on a $50 monthly pension
at age 58 in the first year and at
56 thereafter.
The new Chrysler-UAW agree-
ment climaxed a 22 hour bargain-
ing session.
While reaching a pact covering
production workers, negotiators
failed to agree on one to cover
some -10,000 clerical, technicaland
engineering personnel which the
UAW represents at Chrysler. The
UAW has no salaried membership
at'Ford or GM.
Like settlements at Ford and
GM, the Chrysler settlement is ex-
pected to raise the average pro-
duction worker's wage to between
$12,000 and $13,000 a year by the
contract's third year, beginning
late in 1972. Wages under the old
contract averaged $4.02 an hour.
Of the 51 cents average first-
year hourly wage increase, 26
cents are retroactive to Sept. 15
and the remaining 25 cents will be
paid back to Nov. 2. The No. 2
date was won in negotiations at
Ford and the union had said it
would strike u n 1 e s s Chrysler
matched it.
Strie delays
Life Culture
Wee k panels
The events scheduled for Life
Culture Week today and tomorrow
are postponed until next week to
demonstrate support for the strik-
ing AFSCME workers.
The programs will instead be
held next week at tle same times
and places.
If the strike continues through
Sunday, Jan. 24, the panel with
William Kunstler, Donald Suther-
land and Phil Ochs will also be
Speaking on behalf of the or-
ganizers of Life Culture Week,
David Gordon, New Mobilization
Committee coordinator, u r g e s
unity, between students and fac-
ulty behind the dehands of the
striking workers.

Negotiations stop,
dorm food runs out

Dorms struggle to remain open;
student groups aid AFSCME


(Continued from Page 1)
gone ahead and filed a petition for
fact-finding with MERC.
Union members picketed all day
yesterday, beginning at midnight,
when the contract expired.
Picketing was sparse during the
night, with groups of three and
four workers standing in the two
degree weather outside the hos-
pital door, and at some of the
By 7 a.m., workers had mobil-
ized at several assigned meeting
places. From there, they divided
into small groups and dispersed to
picket at dorms.
No food deliveries were made
yesterday. A few attempts were
made to deliver food, but the
picket lines were honored with no
reports of violence or force.
According to a union spokes-
man, the University and the union
are still apart on the following
-Health insurance. The union
is demanding Blue Cross-Blue
Shield family coverage fully-paid
by the University. The University
has so far offered to pay $26 per
month of the amount, and 70 per
cent of the increase if rates were
to go up.
In their final proposal Monday
night, the union said they would
accept the $26 contribution by the
University if the University would
also agree to cover all of the in-
crease if rates went up.
-Longevity pay. The union has
offered to accept adjustments in
the amount of longevity pay if the
University would agree to reduce
from six years to five the length
of time an employe must work be-
fore he receives such bonuses. The
University has so far refused to
do so.
-Cost - of - living adjustment.
The union desires the addition of
a cost-of-living adjustment to
their present contract, while the
University has thus far refused
this demand.
-Free child-care center. The
union wants the University to pro-
vide 24-hour child care for chil-
dren ages three to eight, but the
University has turned down this
-Retirement age. The union
has sought a change in the age
employees can retire and receive
benefits from age 65 to 60. How-
ever, the University wishes to
maintain the current retirement
age of 65.
-Life insurance. From ages 65-
70 an employe would receive
$3,000 a year instead of the cur-
rent $2,000.
-Pay rates. The union wants
the three different pay rates for
the same pay grade narrowed

down to one pay rate immediate-
ly. The University wants to take
three years to do this.
-Wages. The union's most re-
cent proposal asked for as10tcent
increase over the University's of-
fer for the top rate in each pay
grade. According to McCracken,
the two groups are between 20 and
40 cents apart on wages.
12 arrested
for drugs by
local police
(Continued from Page 1)
The raid on the Ann Arbor Ar-
gus house at 708 Arch began
shortly before 4 p.m.
Darlene Pond and Debbie Owens
were present in the house when,
according to them, a man whom
they knew only as "Terry f r o m
Detroit", knocked on the door and
entered the house.
Owens said Terry asked for
Michael, and was informed that
Michael was not at the house. He
then asked for Doug Connolly.
Connolly came downstairs and
Terry asked him if he could pur-
chase a quantity of marijuana,
she claimed. Pond said that Con-
nolly informed Terry that he did
not have any marijuana to sell
him and Terry then left.
Several plainclothesmen then
entered the house. Owens said
that they never identified them-
selves as police officers or stated
that they had a warrant.
The officers then escorted all
five of the house's occupants into
the sitting room and informed
them that they were "under ar-
rest for violation of state nar-
cotics laws."
The prisoners, who included
Rex Hauser, Barij Donabedian,
Douglas Connolly, Pond and
Owens were 'then handcuffed and
taken to the police station where
they were searched and photo-
The raiding party then left for
its third mission of the day, going
to 1315 West Huron. They found
the house empty, and left without
making further arrests or dis-
covering narcotics.
The Huron Street raid was con-
ducted to find Bill Tanner who
could not be located at the Argus.
Tanner was eventually found by
the returning officers at the police
station itself where he was placed
under arrest.

(Continued from Page 1) open so that students there could
At a noon Fishbowl rally yes- eat, but the entire snack bar area
terday the coalition to support' at South Quad was locked. Offi-
AFSCME urged students to de- cials explained that closing off
mand full services of the Univer- that area would ease the security
sity and not to scab. About 100 and cleaning problems.
students then marched from the: At the Law Quad, the elevators
Diagto theAdministration Bldg.nerestheLdining roomwere no
to set up picket lines there. The working, and in South Quad all
union has asked students not to elevators were turned off.
join the AFSCME picket lines.M.w g
At. a steering committee meet- Many students were disgruntled
ing last night, the coalition an- by the unusually long meal lines.
nounced a Fishbowl rally sched- With only a fractional work force
uled for 1 p.m. today to empha- available, it was impossible to op-
size support for the workers and erate the usual number of meal
organize picket lines. lines at the larger dorms.
The coalition also decided that Building directors had varied
it "intends to relate to the Re- opinions on whether the dorms
gents' meeting" on Friday, but would be able to stay open much
failed to decide on the nature of longer. South Quad director Bill
the "relationship." Ennen said the quad will remain


John Feldkamp, director of uni-
Building, and the Health Service.
versity housing, repeated the pre-
vailing sentiment that dorms
could stay open only if students
do minimal housekeeping work for
their own health and safety. The
AFSCME officials have said they
do not consider work necessary to
maintain health standards as
Buildings other than d o r m s
which were affected by the strike
include the Michigan Union, the
League, the Student Activities
Bldg., and the Health Service.
At the Union, a desk clerk ex-
plained thae "Guests have to
make their own beds." He esti-
mated the hotel occupancy at 100.
In the Office of Student Organ-
izations, a secretary commented,
"There will be a dirt problem to-
morrow. I was really ticked off at
lunch. There were trays all over
the tables. When I get stuck in
the elevators, they'll really hear
about it."
The University Cellar is open as
usual, though it is not receiving
any deliveries.
At the Union's check cashing
station; the clerk explained that
the volume was "very high," add-
ing, "I guess a lot of kids are
cashing checks so they can buy
food." ,'

Wednesday, January 20
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Money was also appropriated for
the emergency child care center
which has been set up by Women
in Support of Women Workers, a
group that has affiliated itself
with the coalition. ,
The child care center, for the
children of striking AFSCME
workers, opens today at St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church.
Although the food services was
the area hit most severely by the
strike, dorm maintenance also
Dorm supervisory personnel took
over for the AFSCME workers in
various capacities. Linens were
distributed as usual, since dorm
housekeeping departments a r e
generally operated by supervisors I
at all times.
In general, mail service and
other desk services were normal'
although some dorms experienced
a delay in mail delivery, stemming
from uncertainty whether such ac-
tion would constitute crossing
picket lines.
Bathrooms appeared to be
functioning normally and suffi-
ciently stocked. One resident ad-
visor explained that the staff
would refill the paper towel and
toilet paper dispensers gradually
so that there would be no oppor-
tunity for students to jam the
Although dirt was accumulating
on the floors in East, West and
South Quads, supervisors in all
buildings were trying to provide
some janitorial services.
Trash disposal remained an un-
settled problem last night. Al-
though most dorm trash recepta-
cles were not full, there was a rapid
pileup around meal times as stu-
dents bought more outside food
than usual.
Supervisory staff plans to pick
up perishable garbage once a day
from central areas within the
dorms, but asked students to keep
paper trash in their rooms
throughout the strike.
Many of the usual dorm con-
veniences were not absent yester-
day. Bursley's snack bar remained

open with services performed on
a minimal level "unless students
force the building to close."
Leon West, director of West
Quad, explained, "We won't be
able to keep the dorm open for
more than a couple of days."
Jack Bader, food service direc-
tor for the hill area and Oxford
housing, said he knew of "no ef-
forts to get scabs" and explained
that whether the dorms stay open
depends on "whether the students
care enough to pick up after them-

Ages 2V/-5
Registration days:

50c per hour
Wed. 1/20-Fri. 1/22

Day Calendar
Wildlife and Fishery Lecture: Q. Ross,
MSU, "The Role of Systems Concepts
in Basic Ecological Reearch," 1040 Nat.
Res., 12 noon.
Anatomy Seminar: Dr. H. Frost.
Henry Ford Hosp., 'Bomechanical Re-
sponses of Chondrai and Bone Browth,"
Med. Sci. II, Rm 4804, 1:10 p.m.
Botany Seminar: Dr. B. Chabot, Duke,
"tThe Origin and Ecology of the Sier-
ran Alpine Vegetation," Matthaei Bo-
tanical Gardens, 4 p.m.
Statistics Seminar: E. Thomas, "Psy-
chological Applications of Some Non-
Parametric Statistics," 2019 Angell Hall,
4 p.m.
General Colloquium: C. waddington,
U. of Minn., "On the Nuclean Com-
position of the Cosmic Radiation,"
P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 p.m.
History of Art: R. Ettinghausen,
NYU; "The Royal Hunting Carpets of
Sixteenth Century Iran: Innovation
and Tradition,": Aud. B, Angell Hall,
4:10 p.m.
Chemical & Metallurgical Engin. Lec-
ture: B. Carnahan, "An Introduction to
Digital Computers," Nat. Sci. Aud ., ,
7:30 p.m.
School of Music: Stanley Quartet,
Rackham Lect. Hall, 8 p.m.
General Notices
American Culture Students L u n c h
Cost is 35c; (mtgs. on first and third
Weds, next month). Guild House, on
tThurs., Jan. 21, 12 noon.

Attention Students: Jan. 21. 4 p.m.
is last date for Winter Term when Re-
gistrar's Office will: a) accept student
100 per cent withdrawal Notice for re-
fund purposes; b) allow refund for
student who reduces hours of course
credit below full time status. Feb. 19,
is last date for winter Term when
Registrar's Office will allow refund for
50 per cent withdrawal. Exception: Ap-
propriate adjustnients will be made for
those schools with classes that begin
other than Jan. 6. 1971.
212 S.A.B.
Interviews: Appointments made by
calling 764-7460 or by coming into the
January 21, B.E.S.T.S., Belgium. Jobs
Abroad, will interview at 1:30, 3 and
4; register in person or by phone.
January 22, Daven Tree Company, of
Kent, Ohio, 9:30-5:00; Interested in stu-
dents in forestry, biological sci. and
Applications available for P ar k
Ranger positions throughout the state
of Mich., SPS, 212 SA'BI.; application
deadline Jan. 25 for exam on Feb. 27.
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield
Villagey Interviews Schedule available
for working as guides, in food service,
as cashiers or groundsman, SPS, 212
Office of Studeit Organizations is
interviewing individuals to fill a full-
time position. People interested in
working with students, student organ-
izations, and administrators should
contact the Office of Student Organi-
zat ions at 662-4431 ext. 338 as soon as
possible - by Monday, Jan. 25th, at
the latest.

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From left to right: Andy Lawson, Larry Connell, Jerry Roman, David Chusney; Greg Smokovitz, Vince Pulsinelli
Photo Courtesy of Ypsilanti Press

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