.I:' s am m m amma w !-. - - _ __ _ -- - - 1
Word was received yesterday
by President Clarence Cook Lit-
tie, to the effect that Robert A.
Falconer, president of the Uni-
verity of Toronto, who was
scheduled to speak at the Wash-
ington convocation, Monday,
Feb. 22, had suffered a broken
arm, and will be unable to at-
tend the gathering. As a result
the convocation has been can-
No classes in any college of
the University will meet Mon-
day, the day being a legal holi-
day in commemoration of the
birthday of George Washington.
PROVIDES $381,009,000 CUT
IN 1926; $342,000,000
house Restores Inheritance Tax And
Other Items To Bill Which
Senate Repealed
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-Tax re-
duction, amounting to $381,000,000
this year and $343,000,000 thereafter,
was agreed upon today by Senate and
House conferees on the revenue bill.
This compromise, which must be
ratified by both branches of Congress
before the bill becomes law, repre-
sents an increase of about $50,000,00
over the total written into the bill
by the House, but is $75,000,000 less
than voted by the Senate. It was de-
scribed as acceptable to the adminis-
tration as within the limits the treas-
ury can afford.
Force Restoration
Iouse conferees forced the restora-
tion to the bill, with some modifica-
tions, of taxes on inheritances, auto-
mobile passenger cars, and admis-
sions and. dues, which the Senate had
voted to repeal. Senate conferees, on
the other hand, obtained greater re-
ductions in some of the surtax rates
than were voted by the House.
The compromise measure will be
placed before the House for ratifica-
tion Monday or Tuesday. If approved,
it will be taken to the Senate the fol- I
lowing day, and upon its approval
there, it will be sent to- the' White
House for the signature of President
Coolidge, which is expected to make it
-- law in ample time for it to become
effective before first income tax in-
stallments are due March 15.
Dissatisfacton Apparent
While considerable dissatisfaction
was apparent on both sides as a re-
sult of the inheritance tax compro-
mise, which often involves allowances
of a retroactive cut in this tax, lead-
ers expected immediate ratification
of the bill by the two chambers.
The conference agreement on the
points in dispute follows:
Restoration of the modified inheri-
tance tax rates voted by the House,
including the provsion allowing 80
per cent credit on account of state in-
heritance tax payments.
Retroactive cut in the inheritance
tax, whereby the increased rates vot-
ed in 1924 will be eliminated in favor
of the lower rates in the 1921 act.
Allowance of the increased reduc- the surtax rates, applying on
incomes between $26,000 and $100,000,
as voted by the Senate. This involves
a saving of $23,000,000 anuually to
taxpayers in this class.,
Repeal of the capital stock tax as
voted by the Senate.
Increase of the corporation tax,
now 121-4 per cent, to 13 per cent
for this year and 13 1-2 per cent
Restoration of the 10 per cent tax
on admissions and dues, but with an
increase in the exemptions to apply
on tickets costing 75 cents and less,!
rather than 50 cents and less, as vot-!
ed by the House.
Restoration of the automobile pas-
senger car tax, with the rates re- I
duced from 5 to 3 per cent.
Retroactive reduction in the gift
tax to make the lower rates in effect
on inheritances in the 1921 law effec-
tive . This tax, as far as the future
is concerned, is repealed by the bill.
Increase from $50,000 to $100,000,,
the exemption from the inheritance
GENEVE. - Both Owen D. Young
and Prof. Allyn A. Young of Harvard
have been invited to sit on the League
of Nations' commission which is to
prepare for the International economic
of conference.
Cable Collins of Trinidad, Colo., has
arrived here. He is to make a health
survey of Turkey on behalf of the
Rockefeller Foundation.
Waldo Frank, Novelist, Discusses
Modern Trend In Literature;
Defines Word "Novel"
With "The Revolution in Art and
Literature" as his subject, Waldo
Frank, American critic and novelist,
and author of "Our America," "Holi-
day," and "Salvos," as well as various
critical essays on literature and the
(drama, presented a lecture yesterday
afternoon in University Hall on the
revolutionary trend and the decad-
ence of modern art. Mr. Frank divid-
ed his lecture into two phases, using,
firstsexamples from the pasteto em-
phasize his points, and later, giving,
a more definite and complete discus- I
sion on modern literature itself to-I
gether with its motives and aims.
"In the past," asserted Mr. Frank,
"all art was the culmination of all
that had gone before. It was, in short,
culminative endeavor." This particu-
lar culminative endeavor is what Mr.
Frank called scriptural art, which is
the result of all aesthetic experience
of the past. "A good novel," Mr.!
Frank continued, "is a good story well
told, and in this sense we may take
Cervante's 'Don Quixote' as the typical
example of this definition."
"Modern literature, that is the lit-
erature which we are producing to-
day, and which will be read tomor-
row," he said in conclusion, " the
last analysis completely decadent. In
fact all America today and the world
we are living in is decadent, for Amer-
ica is merely the pieces of Europe,
and all that is ancient in civilization
is combined in America and exempli-
fled in our literature."
Mr. Frank was the guest of Mr.
Oakley Johnson during his stay in
Ann Arbor, and was entertained last
night at a reception of the various
members of the faculty of the rhet-
oric and English departments.
'28 Engineers To j
Start Activities'
Listening to speeches by represent-
atives of the athletic department to
enter the activities of the intramural
department 100 per cent engineers of
the class of '28 began their class ac-
tivities for this semester last Tues-
day. Tentative plans for a banquet
to be held Tuesday, Feb. 23, were
Leslie D. Weston was chosen a mem-j
ber of the Student council of the engi- 1
neering college, by a vote of 27 to 26,1
over Harlod L. Matheson. Chester H.
Hamilon has been elected treasurer to
fill the vacancy caused by the death of
Daniel D. Cluff, who was killed in an
automobile accident on Feb. 5.
Illini Take Lead
In Basketball Race
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 19.-Il-
linois jumped 'into the lead in the Big
Ten basketball race here tonight by
nosing out Indiana in a furious en-
counter, 21 to 20.
With a whirlwind offense and an
uncanny eye for the basket, the Illini
took an 8-point lead at the start, and
were never headed. Indiana was be-
hind 12 to 10 at the half. In the sec-
ond period, Illinois again gained an
8-point lead. A desperate Indiana ral-
ly led by Kreuger and Sponsler fail-
ed by one point.
Diggings Show Site
Of Ancient Palace
BAGDAD, Irak, Feb. 19.--Excava-
tions at Ur of the Chaldeas, mention-
ed in the Bible as the birthplace of
Abraham, have disclosed the site of,
EXPECT 5,000
Hospital Clinic Sessions To Be Held
For Week As Part Of Full
Two noted European physicians will
be guests in Ann Arbor next Thurs-
day, when the American Congress on
Internal Medicine, meeting through-
out the week in Detroit for its twelfth
annual clinical session, will conic
here for a one day program of demon-
strations and clinics. Dr. Knud
Faber, professor in the University of
Copenhagen, and Dr. Jacques Fores-
tier of Aix les Bains, France, whose
research work with iodized oil has
attracted considerable attention, will
attend the Congress as specially in-
vited foreign guests, and will be pres-
ent at the Ann Arbor session. Both
these doctors are scheduled to ad-
dress Detroit meetings of the conven-
Doctor Faber was educated at the
University of Copenhagen, and enter-
ed his career as an interne in the
State hospital there. In 1893, he was
made reserve physician, and in 1896,
chief physician and professor of clini-
cal medicine at the Fredericks hos-
pital, Here his research work in
the field of internal medicine estab-
lished him as the head of the medical
profession in Denmark, and in 1910
lie returned to the State hospital as
director. His discoveries revolution-
ized the treatment of such diseases
as anemia, digestive troubles, and gas-
tritis. For the past several years he
has also been giving time to the Uni-
versity of Copenhagen, where his lec-
tures on internal medicine have re-
ceived much favorable comment. He
is said to devote the greater part of
his talks to the generalities, rather
than the details, of his subjects. A
copy of several of these lectures has
been published under the title, "A
Text Book of Internal Medicine", and
a later work, "Nosology", has been
translated into English.
Doctor Forestier first attracted at-
tention when he was assistant to Pro-
fessor Sicard, an eminent, specialist
on the nervous system at the Univer-
sity of Paris. Doctors Sicardl and For-
estier together discovered the use of
iodized oil injections for the localiza-
tion of 'tumors of the spinal column.
Since that time Doctor Forestier has
successfully employed this oil for a
number of other things, among them
the demonstration of the enlarge-
ments on the bronchial tubes and
lung cavities. The oil used for these
injections is composed of iodine and
poppy seed oil, and as it is absolutely
non-irritating, it can be freely used
for experimentation and diagnosis.-
More than 5000 physicians from all
parts of the country are expected to
be present at both the Detroit and
Ann Arbor sessions of the Congress.
There will be a full program of clin-
ics and meetings in the Detroit hos-
pitals throughout the week and
Thursday in the University hospital, as
well as talks by President Claren '
Cook Little, members of the medical
faculty, and by prominent doctors
from other localities.
13 Engineers Make
Perfect Records
All-A records were made by 13 stu-
dents of the Colleges of Engineering
and Architecture during the first se-
mester of the 1925-26 school year. The
seniors holding such records in the
Engineering college are as follows:
Max W. Benjamin, Clarence A. Brady,
and Clark E. Center. Members of the
class of '27 achieving the honor are:
James DeKiep, Robert W. Miller,
Waldemar J. Poch, Earl R. Riethmil-
ler, John B. Verhoek, and Lal C.
Verman. Four sophomores also made
the all -A record: Walter Arch,
Daniel D. Cluff, Edward A. Ravens-
croft, and Winfried E. Reichle.
'Two freshmen in the Medical
school: George L. Patee, and Richard
L. Sutton, received all-A records.
John F. Huber, a sophomore in the
same school also received a perfect
Overcoat Thefts
Lead To Warning
Seven overcoats have been stolen
from the University buildings during
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-Plainly
showing the effects of the severe cold
which has kept him in bed for nearly
two days, President Coolidge return-
ed to his office late today for his
semi-weekly conference with news-
The President returned to his desk
for the first time in forty-eight hours.
He had spent most of the day in bed,
having called off a morning meeting
with his cabinet, and cancelled other
engagements for the day.
In husky voice, he conversed for
about 15 minutes with reporters on
current questions, interrupting his
replies to questions to order Rob Roy,
his snow white collie that had ac-
companied him from the executive
mansion, into a leather chair.
The President walked from his liv-
ing quarters to his office under a
covered porch, partly protected from
an unusually raw day and a bluster-
ing snowstorm.
Team To Be Selected By March
Will Sail From Montreal
On May 1
Award of the Sen. James 1
Couzens testimonial to members
of the two teams which repre-
sEnted the University in Central
league debates during the past
semester, was made by Prof.
Thomas C. Trueblood, head of
the public speaking department,
before his class in debating yes-
terday morning.
SThe Couzens testimonial of
$50 is presented annually to each
man representing the University
in varsity debates. Yesterday it
was awarded to John H. Elliott,
'26, E. R. Comberg, '27, and John
Yeasting, '27, who composed the
I affirmative team; and Harry
Gervais, '27, Thomas V. Koykka,
I '27, and Philip N. Krasne, '27,
I members of the negative team.
Members of the team which will
represent the University in a series of
debates to be held in England in May,
will probably be selected by March
15, it was indicated yesterday, follow-
ing the preliminary meeting of can-
didates for the team.
The first of the formal tryouts will
be held late next week. Other tryouts
will be held in the following weeks,
and after the squad has been reduced
to eight or ten, the final selection
of men to compose the team will
probably be made by a jury of faculty
Delta Sigma Rho men. Juniors and
seniors of all colleges, except the
Graduate school are eligible to try
out for the team.
Prof. R. I1. T. Hollister, who will
accompany the team on the English
tour, is in charge of try outs, and
will assume charge of the coaching,
assisted by others in the public
speaking department, after the teamj
is named.
Sailing from Montreal on May 1
aboard the steamship Regina, the!
team will spend three weeks in Eng-
land. Though the final schedule of
debates has not been arranged, it is
probable that the men will meet
Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham,
Glasgow, Edinburgh, Oxford and Cam-
bridge universities, and possibly two
Michigan will support the affirma-
tive side of the two questions which1
have been chosen for discussion; "Re-
solved, that this house views with
alarm the entrance of women into the
learned professions and statecraft,"
and "Resolved, that this house op-
poses the growing tendency of gov-
ernment to invade the field of individ-
ual 'rights."
Setting Friday, May 21, as the date
for the annual Senior ball, the com-
mittee composed of members from the
various colleges of the University or-
ganized yesterday, and began the gen-
eral arrangements for the affair. The
event will be held in the Union ball
( room. William L. Diener is general
Two orchestras, one of national
prominence and the other a local or-
ganization, will play at oppo-
site ends of the ball room for the af-
fair. Negotiations are now being car-
ried on with musical organizations in
the East and in the South to play, and
it is expected that the main orchestra
will be chosen by the end of the1
Tickets will be placed on sale at
f first through members of the commit-
tee, and later will be sold from the
desk in the Union.
Union Will Revive
Music In Tap-Room
As a beginning of the revival of mu-
sic and entertainment in the Union
tap-room on certain evenings of the
week, the house department is arrang-
ing a brief program of amusement for
next Monday evening immediately
fnrownith hcxh o 'l k 1,lhca1''.11gamywith
President Thinks Italy, As Aly,
Should Receive Leniency, As Aus-
tria Got 20 Year Delay
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-President
{ Coolidge feels that failure of the sen-
ate to ratify the Italian debt settle-
ment would serve to relieve Italy of
any obligation to negotiate an agree-
ment. The president is confident that
favorable senate action on the Italian
agreement will be obtained, although
he appears to be somewhat disturbed
over the opposition which has devel-
He is convinced that prompt dis-
posal of the question would be to the
best interests, not only of the United
J States and Italy, but of the entire
world. Ratification of the agreement,
which has been approved by the house
and is pending in the senate, would,
'in the president's opinion, benefit the
foreign trade of the United States,
enable the Italian government to map
out its fiscal program, and stabilize
jtrade and currency generally.
If the Republican party is willing
to show a liberal attitude toward Italy,
accepting the judgment of the Amer-
ican debt commission as to that na-
tion's capacity to pay, the President
holds that the Democratic opponents
of the funding agreement should be
willing to give it approval.
It was pointed out at the White
House today that, until the Mussolini
government became established in
Italy, no disposition had been shown
to fund the American debt. The
question, as laid before the American
commission by the Italian representa-
tives was considered, as the President
sees it, by a bi-partisan commission
of experts who had original sources
of information on Italy's capacity to
It was also recalled that a 20-year
moratorium was extended to Austria,
although that nation was not allied
with the United States in the world
war, and it is the president's convic-
tion that Congress should be willing
to extend leniency toward Italy,
which was a comrade-in-arms.
Even if the Senate should reject
the agreement, Mr. Coolidge is con-
fident that a large vote will be mus-
tered for ratification, indicating to
Italy, in view of approval given by
the House, by the debt commission,
and by the President, that sentiment
in the United States is favorable to
the pact.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-Wet, heavy
snow tonight succeeded a smoky fog
that hovered over the city most of the
day. With a gale and a sharp drop
in temperature predicted, storm warn-
ings were posted along the coast.
The steamer Providence of the Fall
River Line from Fall River, Mass., and
the steamer Richard Peck of the NewwI
London Line from Norwich, Conn.,
were fogbound in Long Island Sound
throughout the day. The two, due to
dock at 7 o'clock this morning, car-,
ried 700 passengers.
Delay of ferry services jammed the
Jersey tubes until it was almost im-
possible to reach the trains. Surbur-
ban trains and L trains were forced
to hold to speeds that upset their
schedules, and automobile traffic pro-
ceeded cautiously.
Twenty-four Men Selected For Trip;
To Give Joint Recital With Iowa,
Grinnell Socieities
Following two elimination trials,
selection has been made of 24 mem-
bers of the Varsity Glee club to repre-
sent that organization in its third
year of competition in the intercol-
legiate glee club contest, which will
be held Monday night at Orchestra
hall in Chicago.
The men making the trip will leavej
Ann Arbor early tomorrow morning,
in order to give a joint recital withj
the Grinnell and Iowa organizations
in the afternoon before the University
club. At 9:30 o'clock tomorrow night,
they will broadcast Michigan songs3
from radio station WGN at the Drake
hotel. During their stay in Chicago,
the glee club members will make!
their headquarters at the La Salle
hotel, and will be given house privi-
leges at the University club.
Fifteen mid-western universities
colleges will be represented in the
contest, which will constitute a semi-
final for national honors. The club
which is successful at Chicago will'
be sent to New York to compete in
the national contest. In the last two
years, Michigan has placed second,
losinig the premier position both
times by less than six points.
For general competition this year,
"The Lamp in the West" will be the
prize number. In addition ,the Mich-
igan club will sing "I'm Troubled in
Mind" by Alexander Russell, for its
selected son, and "Laudes Atque Car-
mina," for the college number.
The club members who have been*
selected to appear in the contest are
as follows: E. I. Herrold, '26, C. S.
Higley, '26, T. J. Montgomery, '26,
Benjamin Boyce, '26, Barre Hill, '26,
Theodore Trost, '26, H. C. Armstrong,
'26, Harry Olson, '26, R. L. Hall, '27E,I
Carl Kraatz, '27, H. C. Mullen, '27,1
Otto Kock, '27, W. C. Welke, '27Ed.,
Maurice Judd, '27, Lawerence Segar,
'27M, E. A. Ruetz, '28L, J. R. Hogle,1
'28, R. N. Detzer, '28, H. K. Cornell,,
'28, P. R. Culkin, '28, J. W. Alberson,
'28, B. L. 'Norton, '28, Harold Chalk,
'27E, and G. R. Watland, '27E.
Collapse Of Wall
Kills Two Firemen
VALPARAISO, Ind., Feb. 19.-Col-
lapse of a wall today during a fire
that destroyed the Academy of Music
building here, caused the death of
two firemen, and the injury of four
others,' one of whom may die. The
fire damage is estimated at $300,000.
A rear wall of the burning buildingI
crumbled precipitating the six fire-E
men from the second floor to theI
Wolverln'e Defense Unable To Stop
Olson And Kuhlman; Each
Scored Twice
Minnesota entered into the lead in
the race for the Big Ten Conference
hockey championship, by overwhelm-
ing the Michigan hockey team, last
season's Conference titleholder, in a
fast game in the Coliseum last night,
the Gophers winning by a score of 5
to 0.
The Northmen earned the right to
first place by the victory over the
Wolverines and two tie games against
the University of Wisconsin sextet,
Michigan held first place before last
1 night's game, with one victory and a
tie game with the Cardinal hockey
team to her credit. The titleholder
will be definitely decided next week
when the Wolverines journey north
to play Wisconsin ana Minnesota
meeting each school in a two game
Varsity No Match For Minnesota
The Gophers outclassed the Michi-
gan team in every department of the
game, showing superior speed and un-
canny ability in checking. The Mich-
igan team made desperate attempts,
especially in the final period to get
the puck into the Gopher territory,
but the powerful defense of Iverson's
team repelled each Wolverine effort
to score.
With Captain Olson and Kuhmani
alternating at bringing the puck down
the ice with whirlwind speed, th
Gophers presented an attack which
baffled the defense of Coach Barss'
squad. Minnesota made five out of
the six goals by bringing the puck
down close to the Maize and Blue
goal on brilliant passing formations
which the Michigan wings were un-
able to break tip.
Minnesota took the offense at the
start of the game, and scored the first
goal within the first two minutes of
play, when Thompson, left defense,
pushed the puck past goalie Weitzel
on Wilckens rebound. With Captaiu.
Olson leading the attack, the Goph-
ers continued their fast pace and fol-
lowed with another tally, when Gus-
tafson scored on a short pass from
Coach Barss sent in McDuff and
Hooper at the wings in an effort to
break up the passing attack of the
visitors, but the Gophers' speed prov-
ed too much, and before the period
ended they had netted another score,
the period ending 3 to 0 in favor of
the Northmen.
Squad Shows Improvement
In the second period Michigan
showed improvement in checking, and
held the Minnesota sextet for the first
five minutes on comparatively even
terms. Roach and Gabler frequently
moved up from the defense and
brought the puck down the ice to the
Gopher net, but on each occasion
lacked a teammate to aid in passing
the rubber past the goalie. Captain
Olson made the lone score in the sec-
ond frame, when he brought the puck
down the ice unassisted and made a
beautiful shot from mid ice past Welt-
Michigan made a desperate effort Di
the final period to score against the
strone Minnesota tea~~m hi .t icd
Administration's Ecoi
Criticized An
(My Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-The ad-j
ministration's economy program was
assailed and defended in the HouseI
today during the debate on the ap-
propriation bill for independent of-
The chairmen of congressional cam-
paign committees for the two parties,
Representatives Wood of Indiana,
Rep., and Oldfield of Arkansas, Dem.,
clashed over the question of the ad-+
ministration's efficiency.
Mr. Wood declared prosperity had
come to the country through' Republi-
# Oi itgIVIUICZULULe1m, u DU msser
the net on each occasion. The offen-
nomy Program sive play alternated frequently, first
O y ' Michigan would bring the rubber far
d Defended In Ho use into the Gopher territory, only to lose
it and resort back to the defense to
check the speedy returns of Olson and
nothing to the government", said it Kuhlman. Four minutes after the
was one "of the evils forced on the opening of the final period, Olson rac-
country by the Democratic party." Mr. I ed down the ice with exceptional
Oldfield termed it a "millstone around speed, and brought the puck close to
the necks of the people" and, while the net by clever dodging, drawing
admitting he voted for it, blamed this the Michigan defense over to the right
administration for what he called its a side of the rink. A short pass to Kuhl-
present uselessness. man, directly in front of the Michi-
Representative Garner, Dem., Texas, I gan goal netted the fifth score of the
asserted that the President had "des- game, when Kuhlman pushed the rub-
troyed the efficiency of the commis- ber through the net after a hard fight
sion by the personnel he had put in with goalie Weitzel.
it." Reversing the formation, which net-
Action of Republican leaders of the ted the fifth tally Kuhlman worked
Senate yesterday in deciding to curb the puck down the ice and passed to
congressional investigations was as- Olson, who made a fast shot through
can control, and that 5,000,000 more!
I a1miL p. ~n wun t work iz 1, ,'vo i,