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January 20, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-20

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1937





Petitioning For League Posts

To Begin Jan. 25


Judiciary Body
Will Interview
All Applicants
Committee Chairmanships
Are Opened; Deadline
Set For Jan. 30
Petitioning for the 1937 major
league positions will be held from
Monday, Jan. 25 through Saturday,
Jan. 30, in the Undergraduate office,
it was announced yesterday by Mary-
anna Chockley, '37, head .of Judiciary
The positions open for petitioning
are those of the League president,
the three vice-presidents, the secre-
tary-treasurer, the chairmen of the
six League committees and three po-
sitions on Judiciary Council, Junior
women are eligible to petition for all
these offices with the exception of
the two junior positions on Judiciary
Council, which are open to members
of the present sophomore class. The
senior position on this body may be
applied for by junior women.
Three Schools Represented
Junior women enrolled in the Col-
lege of Architecture, the School of
Music, the School of Education and
the literary college may petition for
the vice-presidencies. A representa-
tive from three of the -four schools
will be chosen for the positions.
Chairmanships of the following
committees are open for petitioning:
house reception, orientation, theatre-
arts, social, publiciy and merit sys-
Petition blanks will be kept in the
Undergraduate Office during the
above dates. No petitions will be
accepted afterJan. 30,
Interviewing of all applicants by
Judiciary Council will take place the
first three weeks of the new semes-
ter. The exact dates are to be an-
nounced later.
Petitioners for the three vice-
presidencies and positions on Ju-
diciary Council are selected by the
Council to form a slate which is sub-
mitted to an all-campus vote early
in the new semester. Applicants for
all other positions are chosen by Ju-
diciary Council and referred to the
Undergraduate Council for final se-
Others Are On Council
Miss Chockley emphasized the fact,
that the sophomore women elected to
Judiciary Council positions must be
prepared to remain on that body for
two years and only those interested in
the type of work done by the Council
should apply.
The chairman of the six commit-1
tees sit on the League Undergraduate
Council, the University women's gov-
erning body, in addition to their
duties as heads of their organiza-
tions. Other members of the Council
are the League president who pre-
sides, the vice-presidents, the secre-
tary, the head of Judiciary Council,
the president of Panhellenic Associa-
tion, the president of Assembly and
the women's editor of The Daily.
The officers chosen for the posi-
tions open for petitioning will be in-
stalled at the annual Installation
Banquet, to be held in March thist
year in the League Ballroom.
Miss Chockley urged all junior
women who have participated in any
of the League activities to apply for,
these positions next week.j
Bright, Gay Outfits
Are Recommended
For Exam Period
During these morbid weeks around
exams, it is a great consolation, even

a tonic for uplifting spirits, to see
an ensemble with a bright and gay
note in it. A dress that has a festive !
air- about it is certain to install a
little of its cheerfulness in the wear-
The peasant influence over fashion
has pepped up our whole wardrobe.
It manifests itself in every garment
from the top of our heads to the tip
of our toes. Not that one finds the
whole "regalia of some foreign tribe
blotting out our native costumes, but
hints of the holiday spirit of the1
Middle European peasantry have
given our clothes a grand revival.
Full skirts that are gathered in
tightly around the waist are very
smart worn with flamboyant blouses
in gay peasant prints. Also a short
trim little jacket may go with this
outfit. Incidentally, these jackets
may o over anything from slacks to
Embroidery has a peasant ancestry.,
Bright little flowers and designs are
r eceiving an unusual popularity.?
Peasant cross-stitching embroidered
in white on a dark blue jacket is
shown with a full skirt in the same
dark blue. Sweaters, mittens, scarfs
and hats alo are being decorated with
this colorful fancy work.
The luncheon for Dr. Bell will be
given at 12:15 p.m. today in D and E
rooms of the League, instead of in

Mannish Suts Shown

:+ t
' er

Dr. Bell Says Present Interests-
Were Formed In Grade School

SCA Plans Dunce
For Saturday Night
The fourth of a series of dances
sponsored throughout the year by the
Student Christian Association will be

Hair Dress
OUR OPERATORS, chosen for their skill, will create
a hair style to suit your individuality. We specialize
in expert haircutting.
HAIRCUT ... Fifty Cents
307 South State Street Phone 8384



Dr Margaret Bell, who is both di-
Lector of women's physical education
,nd director of Health Service in Dr.
Warren Forsythe's absence, when
asked what she considers the most
formative period in her life, con-
tended that it was her grade school
The foundation for all her inter-
3sts, her vacation and avocations, can
oe found in the training she received
in the John Dewey School in Chicago.
There she was early introduced to
the fields of physical education and
medicine by instruction in the tech-
nique of sports and laboratory work.
Through these she developed a love
for the two phases of work that has
ilways remained with her.
This laboratory, or progressive

+.weyli mnjy years iieadof the 'held at 9 p.m. Saturday in Lane Hall.
khilosophy department at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The character-IJacobs Wolverines havebeen hired
istic of this school that Dr. Bell re- to play for the dance, and commit-
talls most vividly is that there was tees are planning refreshments and
never any discipline. In an environ- other entertainment for the program,
ment such as this, Dr. Bell developed officials of the organization stated
a more or less "non-conformist" atti- yesterday, Admission will be 25 cents
nude which made it rather difficult for both couples and stags. A new
'or her to adjust herself to regula- plan of admitting NYA students for
icns of later life, particularly those 10lcnts wi tied. NY ticets
f the University of Chicago. 10 cents will be tried..NYA" tickets
Dr. Bell attended the University of must be presented.
Chicago. Sargeant College, to receive The dance series has been planned
iher degree in physical education, and for students who are:unable regular-
Push Medical School. While in med- ly to afford other campus dances.
Hcal school she taught science in the The Saturday dance will be the last
.julic school system in Chicago and I of the series this semester.

grade school, the first of its kind
in the country, was founded by John


- ---


D .R. Chapter
To Honor State
Officers At Tea

Nhysical education in the West Side
olayground movement. Dr. Bell re-
-eived her interne training at Sar-
inac, New York, while being cured
.f tuberculosis. Upon obtaining her
M. D. degree from Rush, she was of-
lered a position on the medical staff
L here.
SDr. Bell admits that she had no
intention or desire to come to Ann

Strictly tailored suits of solid
celored cloth, are again considered
the- foremost street fashion for
spring. Skirts are either straight
or widely flared while jackets are
filled in at the waist.
Grads To Hear
Courtis Speak
At Noon Today
"Student Improvement at the Uni-
versity" will be the subject of Prof.
Stuart A. Courtis, of the School of
Education, in his talk to be given
before the graduate. students' lunch-
eon at noon today in the League.
The talk will be a discussion rather
than a speech, according to Profes-
sor Courtis. Among the questions
which he plans to raise are what the
students feel they are getting from
college life and what they can con
tribute toward the improvement of
the University.
This is another in. the series of
luncheons of which Miss Jeannette
Perry, assistant to the dean of wom-
en, is in charge. The meetings are
held weekly and are informal. Each
week a prominent faculty member is
invited to speak before the group.
Women's Club To Hear
Lecture By Donaldson
The regular meeting of the Ann Ar-
bor Women's Club will be held at
2:30 p.m. today in the ballroom of
the League. An illustrated lecture
on Gari Melchers by Prof. Bruce M.
Donaldson will be featured.
Mrs. C. H. Griffiths, chairman of
the arts and crafts section of the club,
is in charge of the program. Miss
Lodema Miller, Mrs. 0. D. Gardner,
Mrs, H. F. Smith and Mrs. Arthur
Hochrein will be hostesses.

i y ',.'11CJilJJN sL1 ey Iaue
State officers of the Daughters of up her mind to come to Michigan
the . American Revolution will be was that the offer, made by President
honored by the Sarah Caswell Angel! Burton, of combining, physical edu--,
chapnreatby theaThraate3Angm.cation work with that of the medicalI
chapter at a tea Thursday at 3 p.m. staff, intrigued her, for it possessed
in the Grand Rapids room of the, he two types of work that she hadI
Michigan League. always wanted to do.
Mrs. Osmond D. Heavenrich of; ys d
Detroit, state recording secretary and Dr. Bell has never regretted her
state chairman of Americanism, will hoice and has refused repeated of-
speak on phases of her work on this fers from the University of Chicago
subject, it was announced by Miss co teach on its staff.
Josephine Pattison, regent of the - - ~----
chapter. #
Other guests of honor will include arAlpha Iot
the state regent, Mrs. George D. ! To M s a
Schermerhorn, of Reading; the state s a
vice-regent, Mrs, Bessie H. Gaegley
of Lansing; the state chaplain, Mrs. The alumnae group of Sigma Alpha
Humphrey S. Gray, of Benton Har- :ota, national music fraternity, w?1]
bor; the state corresponding secre- hold a meeting and musicale at A
tary, Mrs. William T., Gerstner, jr., od at the m s.eil
of Ann Arbor; the state treasurer, mm
Mrs. Edward W. Stoddard, of De- Staeblei, 801 Berkshire Road. As-
troit; the state consulting registrar, 'Isting hostesses will be Miss Nell
Mrs. Hessel W. Tenhave, of Royal Stockwell and Mrs. Frank Wilson.
Oak; the state historian, Mrs. Charles The patronesses invited are Mrs.


French Scholar
To Be Honored"
At Group's Tea
Dr. Grace Hill, professor of French
at Wayne University, will be honored
at a tea and reception. at 2:30 p.m.
Saturday in the Ethel Fountain Hus-
sey Room of the League. by thek Ann
Arbor women's branch of the Mich-
igan Club. Dr. Hill will give, a talk
on "Some Impressions of the Euro-
nean Situation."
Dr. Hill, a former student at the
Sorbonne, holds the degrees of bach-
elor of arts and doctor of philosophy
from Radcliffe College. She is cred-
ited with having done more for the
French orphans during the World
War than any other American, and
was decorated for this work by the
French government in 1919 with the
Reconnaissance Francaise. One of
the highest distinctions of France,
the decoration of the Chevalier de la
Legion d'Honneur, was given her last
October by the French vice-consul
in Detroit.a
Members of the Radcliffe Club of
Michigan will be guests at the recep-
tion, and an invitation has been ex-
tended to all other Radcliffe alum-
Mrs. R. Wallace Teed is in charge
of the reception. Assisting her will
be Mrs. Alexander Ruthven, Mrs.
Irene Johnson and Mrs. S. B. Conger.

All the Girls are Rushing these New
Crepe Rubber Soles
Thousands of coeds
> - from Maine to Cali-
fornia are sporting,
Same Style these snappy sports!
with Brown They're smart
Kiltie and
ilte easy to clean and
the kiltie is detach-


D. Beagle, of Flint; the state librar-
ian, Mrs. Orville W. Laidlaw of Te-
cumseh; and the state directors, Mrs.
Frank E. Bechmann of Battle Creek
and Mrs, Sigmund M. Wing of Cold-i
The Lyra Male chorus, directed by
Reuben H. Kempf, will provide mu-
sic. Mrs. Arthur Brown and Mrs.
Charles A. Sink will preside at the
tea tables.
Pollock Will Explain
State Civil Service Bill
The proposed civil service bill for
the state of Michigan will be dis-
cussed by Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department, at
an open meeting of the Congregaa-
tional Women's Society Friday after-
This meeting will be open in order
that persons not associated with
other groups which are having Prof.
Pollock as a speaker on this subject
may take this opportunity to hear
nim. His address is the second in
a series planned by the society in the
interest of better county, state and
national government. The meeting
will be followed by a tea.

George Patterson and Mrs. Morris
The program will include Marion
lelen Byrn, '38SM, pianiet, who will
sing "'Il Tramonte" by Respighi and
Dixon, '38SM, contralto, who will
play the "Schumann Novelette,"
Bach's "Sinfenia Second Portita, and
Debussy's "The Sunken Cathecral."
Charlotte Lewis, Spec.SM., 'violin-
celist, will play the "Arioso" by Bach
and the "Minuet" by Bolensin.
Mosher Hall will give a tea from
4 to 5:30 p.m. today. Mrs. Martha
Ray, Miss Jean Keller, Mrs. Phyllis
Reynolds and Mrs. Elizabeth Codd
will pour. Assisting Helen Jesper-
son, '38, chairman of the tea commit-
tee, will be Margaret Bryant, '39,
Janet Crawford, '40, Barbara Epp-
stein, '39, Jean Holland, '39, Joanne
Kimmall, '38, and Mae Schoede, '40.

Where To..Ga,
Theatre: Michigan, "One in a Mil-
lion," with Sonja Heine; Majestic,
"Sworn Enemy," with Robert Young,
and "Can This Be Dixie," with Jane
Withers and Slim Summerville;
Wuerth, "Three Married Men," with
Lynne Overman, and "Follow Your
Heart," with Marian Talley; Or-
pheum, "And So They Were Mar-
ried," with Mary Astor, and "The
Case Against Mrs Ames," with Mad-
eleine Carroll
Dancing Michig Inn.

Original Price
One-of-a-kind models of Crepe,
Satin, Velvet, or Lace. Many of
these may be worn late into the

----- ,


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Fraternities, Sororities,
Student Organization's -
,- Your group picture and any additional pictures you
may desire to appear on your page in the 1937 Mich-
iganensian must be taken before JANUARY 24th.
Avoid delay and arrange today with Messrs. Sped-
ding, Rentschler or Dey for your sittings.

I h AF'1 -% P1IN aJ -


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