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January 20, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-20

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Approximately 1,500 Physicians Are
Expected To Be Present; Will
Inspect Hospita'
More than 20 clinics and demonstra-
tions will be given at the day's ses-
sion of the American Congress on In-
ternal Medicine here Thursday, Feb.
25, according to the program issued
yesterday. The congress, which is
the name for the annual clinical
'week of the College on Internal Medi-
cine, will occur from Feb. 22-27, with
six of the days at Detroit and the
remaining one at Ann Arbor. Approx-
Imately 1,500 physcians from all parts
of the country are expected to attend
the meeting here. .
Following the clinics and demon-
strations,which will be given by mem-
berst of the faculty of the Medical
school from 9:30 to 12:30 o'clock at
the University hospital, luncheon will
be served at the Union after which
inspection of the hospital by the visit-..
ing -physicians will take place, last-
ing till about 2 o'clock.
Addresses by President Clarence
Cook Little and Dean Hugh Cabot of
the Medical school will feature. thk
afternoon session of the congress toE
be held from 3 to 5 o'clock in the;
Union ballroom. President Little will
dmscuss "Methods, of Sterilization inI
the Light of BiolGgical Investigation"I
and Dean Cabots. subject will be
"Avoidance of Surgical Operations in
Patients Wth Certain Types of Per- a
sonality." Following these speeches
a' clinical-pathological conference will
be held, the participants being Prof.I
A. S. Warthin of the pathological de-
partment, Prof. F. N. Wilson and Di
rector J. D. Bruce of the internal1
medicine department, Prof. P. M.
Hickey of the roentgenological depart-I
t, and 1rof. F. A. Coller of the c
Many famous guests will attend thea
session of the congress here, among
them being Prof. Knud Faber of thev
University of Copenhagen at Denmark,f
who is regarded as one of the leading
physicians in internal medicine in
Europe today. Included among thev
other doctors of prominence to bet
lere are Prof. Charles Martin of the
redical school at McGill university,
lontreal, Canada; Prof. Andrew C.-
[vy of the medical school of North-t
western university; Prof. W. J'. Mac-
Donald of the- University of Torontob
it -Toronto, Canada; ahd Prof. Charles
Nlanning Childs of the University of
The American College on Internal
dicine is composed almost entirely
>f physicians interested in' internal
nedicine. Membership in the organi-
satlon can only be gained throughI
6lection. It is one of the largest
nedical societies in the country.
The following doctors will conduct
llnics at 9:30 o'clock on the day of
he session here: Profs. F. N. Wilson,
I. A. Pohle, R. B. Canfield, and C. D.'
Samp, and Dr. L. D. Stern. At 10:30
)'clock:" Profs. F. A. Coller, P. S.
3arker L. H. Newburgh, P. M. Hickey,
A M. Barrett, and Reuben Peterson.C
i 11:30 o'clock: Profs. U. J. Wile,u
f. M. Cowie, L. H. Newburgh, C. D.b
amp, J. B. Youmans, and W. R. f
Demonstrations will also be given
n the morning by Profs. A. S. War-s
bin, F. N. Wilson, P. M. Hickey, and
. Newburgh, and Dr. Kennethp
voler and Miss D. M. Stewart.
Sellars, Barker
To Address Club
Papers will be. presented by Prof. t
Roy W. Sellars of the philosophy de- '
partment and Prof. Earnest F. Barkert
f the physics department at thet
anuary meeting of, the Research clubs
o be held at 8 o'clock tonight in roomti

528 of the new Medical building.
Professor Sellars will discuss "Con-E
erning Values" while the topic chos-e
n by Professor Barker is "The Mich-l
gan Diffraction Gratings."n
ALBANY.-New York city, not us-e
tally thought of as an agricultural
ommunity, has within its boundaries t
,t least one good sized farm. The
arm is located on Riker's island.
r .Te . er anJ

(By Associated Press)
BRUSSELS, Jan. 19.-Cardinal
Mercier is sinking slowly, but
with the end not yet imminent.
He is devoting what apparently
are the last hours of a great life
to furthering the cause of the
union of churches at which he
has been working ever since the
Gently declining to yield to the
doctors' entreaties, the Cardinal
spent a goodly portion of the
afternoon discussing the prospect
with Abbe Portal, missionary
priest of Paris, who took part in
the famous "Malines Conversa-
tions" between Catholic and An-
gelican church ecclesiastics in
May, 1925.


ICKS, '26




Will Interrtd
Pictre vaogOB ~O A


Lecture Is Given In Connection With
Prof. Lake's Seminar; Arranged
By School Of Religion
Alexander Dow, president of the
Detroit Edison company, will offer a
public lecture on "Business Ethics" at
4:15 o'clock Thursday Jan. 21, in Nat-.
ural Science auditorium. The lecture,
which is the seventh 'of a series ar-
ranged in connection with Prof. Kir-
sopp Lake's seminar in the moral is-
sues of modern life, is arranged by
the Michigan School of Religion.
The degree 'of 'honorary Master of
Engineering was conferred on Mr.
Dow by the University in 1911. He
acted as electrical engineer to the city
of Detroit for three years, 1893-96,
and several years later became water
commissioner to that corporation. He
is now general manager as well as
president of the Detroit public utilities
The executive is a member of the
American Society of Civil Engineers,
of the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers, and of the British Institute
of Electrical engineers. Through his'
extended associations in the business
and professional world Mr. Dow is
said to be well fitted to discuss the
various moral problems which con-
front the man of business today. i
These lectures have been arranged
in order that prominent men in the
various- business and professional
fields may express before the students
of the School of Religion and other
interested persons, the moral prob-
lems peculiar to their field. The ques-
tions suggested by the lecturers are
later discussed in detail by the mem-
bers of Professor Lake's seminar.
President Frges Idealization Of Ann
Arbor Childhood
Emphasizing the need of an "or-
ganized reserve interest", toward
which we can bend j part of our ef-
forts all of the time, President Clar-
ence Cook Little, speaking before the
Chamber of Commerce yesterday,
urged that the childhood of Ann Ar-
bor be idealized as a common interest
between the city and University. "Ef-
forts made for the benefit of the
adults die when those adults die," he
said, "but efforts made in the behalf
of the future generations are self-
President Little spoke of how the
children grow up in the public
schools, then go through' high school,
and finally come to the University.
He gave this principle of holding an
"organized reserve" of interest as one+
of the ideals underlying the educa-
tional system. He likened this idea
to the winner of a foot race, who of-
ten is trailing until the end of the con-
test, then, calling on his reserve
strength, sprints ahead and leads at
the tape.E
Rev. Henry Lewis, of St. Andrews
Episcopal church', appealed for a wid-
er study and knowledge of great re- I
igious problems. The appalling ig-
norance of the public on religious
matters gives rise to one of our great-
est problems, he said.
Mayor Robert A. Campbell was
oastmaster at the luncheon, at which
men from various professions spoke,
considering what the Chamber of Com-
merce could do in the way of coopera-
ion with those professions.

Briand Faced By
Cabinet Problem

Was Member Of Team Which Bung
Up Michigan's Fastest Four
Mile Relay Time
Grant T. Hicks, '26, former Varsity
trackman, died Monday afternoon o
an acute malignant disease at his
home in Tacoma, Wash., according to
a telegram received from his father
Hicks entered Michigan unknown to
track authorities and developed into
one of the best milers ever to run
for the Wolverines, and, had he been
able to continue his running, would
have been the leading Conference
miler this season.
He holds the field house record for
the mile run with the remarkable
time of 4 minutes and 23 seconds, and
he won the mile run in the Cornell
meet a year ago.
Hicks ran at the anchor position
on last year's four mile relay team.
In the Illinois Relays a year ago, he
won the four mile relay for his team
from the best of the middle western
milers. At the Ohio Relays last year,
in addition to helping the four mile
relay team win the relay, he took first
place in the mile run.
Hicks' most spectacular race oc-
curred at Cleeland, a year ago. Hee
was running anchor in an invitation
medley relay and had as his chief
opponent Conger of Iowa State, a
Conference record holder. Hicks ran
second to Conger the whole distance
and beat him by inches in the last
few yards.
The four mile relay team on which
Hicks ran at the most important p-1
sition holds the fastest time ever run
by any Michigan four mile relay team,
according to Coach Farrell.
His last race was the four mile re-
lay at the Penn Games last year,
where theeMichigan team took third.
Shortly after this meet he underwent
a severe operation. He tried to get
back into condition for the Conference
championships last June, but Coach
Farrell would not allow him to run,
and from that time until the end, his
health gradually failed.
The members of the track team are
sending flowers.
Speaker Selects "Dawn Of Now Day"
As Subject Of Address
Dr. S. Parkes Cadman ,noted
preacher-lecturer and head of the
American Federation of Churches, has
selected "The Dawn of a New Day"
for the subject of his lecture to be
given Feb. 2 in Hill auditorium as the
seventh number of the season course'
of the Oratorical association.
This speaker has been compared to
Henry Ward Beecher as a preacher
and lecturer by those who have heard
him speak and by those who are per-'
sonally acquainted with him. Dr.
Cadman is now pastor of one of the
largest churches in Brooklyn, N. Y.,
and has held important pastorates in
greater New York for the past 30
He was born and educated in Eng-
land and came to the United States in
1890 to begin his career. His academic
and theological training were received
at the Wesleyan college, Richmond,
London. At present, the strenuous
duties of his large parish do not per-
mit him to give much time to his lec-
ture work, and officers of the associa-
tion feel fortunate in securing him
to lecture before an Ann Arbor audi-
WASHINGTON.-Japan is the chief
Asiatic market for American electrical
equipment, with British India second
and the Philippines third.

Dr. F. S. Onderdonk, instructor in
the College of Architecture, will in-
terpret a picture ?dialog entitled "Is
Life Worth While" at 4:15 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon in Alumni Memorial
hall under the auspices of the newly
organized Tolstoy league, a society
which he has been instrumental in
'founding at the University. The dia-
logue will deal with the philosophies
of Leo Tolstoy, the Russian writer.
Dr. Onderdon's recent lectures on
world peace have been attracting con-
siderable notice in Detroit and Chi-
cago newspapers. He was a student
at the Technical university of Vienna
throughout the late war, and was one
f of the few American students who
were allowed to pss a doctor's de-
gree in that country while the United
States was at war with' Austria.
Since returning to this country last
fall he has been lecturing on sub-
jects ranging from world peace to
(Continued oi Page Two)
First Irish Minister Wili Discuss
"Present Policies Of Irish
Free State"
Prof. Timothy A. Smiddy, minister
plentipotentiary from the Irish Free
State and professor of economics at
Cork university, wil' speak at 4:151
o'clock this afterndon in Newberry
Hall auditorium on the subject "The
Present Policies of the Irish Free1
Professor Smiddy is the first min-
ister of the Irish Free State to the1
United States and has been in Ameri-
ca on ministerial business since 1924,
although he first came to this coun-
try in 1922 when he was appointed
by Michael Collins, one of the fore-
most figures of the revolution, to pro-
mote trade relations between Ireland
and the United States.f
Many articles from different news-
papers, magazines and periodicals ap- I
pearing at the time when he first as-c
sumed his ministerial duties state that
Professor Smiddy was exceedinly wellr
liked in Washington and won the re-
spect and friendship of the official
world at- the seat- of the American
government. One article states: "Of t
unassuming and attractive manner
Professor Smiddy has borne with dig-c
nity the long period that precededr
recognition in a way to command thet
fullest admiration. Of high scholastici
attainments, refined and cultured, hisf
diplomatic bearing will d much tod
raise the prestige of Ireland and bring
to her side the powerful weight ofa
American sympathy in matters ofc
mutual interest between the two na-e
Professor Smiddy was educatedI
abroad in France and Germany andr
has traveled extensively. I-e took I
honors in mental and moral sciences 0
in the Royal Union in Ireland. Hisd
knowledge of Irish industry is by not
means confined to the theoretical
study of the classroom, he having had
some business experience before he
took a professorship.!
Miners Vote To
Continue Strike!(
(By Associated Press)
SCRANTON, Pa., Jan. 19.-The twin
spectres, privation and bankruptcy,
are stalking through the hard coal III
fields as the miners tighten their
belts and the merchants inventorys
their wares for an indefinite prolonga-t
tion of the anthracite strike.H
Although keenly feeling the pinchi
of need, the miners at three mass f

meetings in the last three days voted
to continue the strike, now in its fiftht
month', rather than accept the arbitra-I
tion of what shall go into a new waget

By Raising Tax Rate To 13 Per Cent
$43.000,000 Addition To
Revenue Estimated
i(By Assocated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-The Sen-
ate compromise tax reduction bill was
looked upon with hopeful but skepti-
cal eyes today at the White House and
at the Treasury.
It was stated at the White House
that, while President Coolidge was in
favor of retirement of the federal gov-
ernment from the field of inheritance
taxation in favor of the states, he was
not prepared to state whether the time
had come for repeal of the federal
levy, as proposed by the bill.
Compilation of estimates on the total
reduction provided for in the bill,
meanwhile, brought a quick alarm
from the treasury when it was dis-
closed that the measure would make
a slash of almost $400,000,000 in the
nation's revenues this year. The Sen-
ate finance committee was immediate-
ly called into session, and, dividing
on party lines, the Republicans voted
to increase the corporation tax to
13 1-2 per cent, effective upon enact-
ment of the bill into law.
The committe previously had voted
to increase this levy from 12 1-2 per
cent to 13 per cent on taxes paid this
year and to 13 1-2 per cent next year£
to offset the loss of revenue expect-
ed from the proposed repeal of thet
capital stock tax. By making the
rate 13 1-2 per cent immediately
Chairman Smoot estimated that this
would yield $43,000,000 additional
revenue this year and cut the reduc-
tion total of the bill to $352,000,000.3
Even this excess over the $330,000,-
000 limit approved by Secretary Mel-t
lon, was frowned upon by the Presi-I
dent, who felt that, while the treasuryt
might stand the additional reduction,I
difficulties might be encountered if
there was a depression in business
which would result in a decrease int
government revenues. Senator Sim-I
mons, of North Carolina, ranking
Democrat on the committee, announc-
ed that he would propose to the Sen-
ate that it meet any tax reduction
above the treasury surplus by amend-
ment of the sinking fund provisions
rather than through increases in taxes.
Senator Simmons proposed thatX
the amount of the sinking fund, creat-
ed to retire the public debt, be in-1
creased from 2 1-2 per cent of the do-I
mestic debt to 3 and 1-2 per cent and
that the cost of this be cut by apply-a
ing to it the payments received froms
foreign nations on account of war t
This would increase from $253,000,-a
000 to $350,000,000, the annual amount?
of the sinking fund, Senator Simmonsr
estimated, but of this sum, about $175,-
000,000 would be provided by debt I
payments, and he estimated that thet
public debt could be retired under thef
present program and at least $75,000,-
000 additional be allowed for tax re-l
duction than calculated by thee
Comnittee Is Told That Student Body t
Has Improved Morallyg
COLUMBUS, 0., Jan. 19.-FourF
Ohio State university professors whot
have been accused of being commun-
ists today denied before the univer-
sity trustees' investigating committeeb
that they ever had any connection
with communism or the slightest lean-
ing towards socialism. Three of the
four professors, it developed, served
overseas with the American Expedi-
tionary Forces and the other did war
service in various parts of this coun-
The professors called were: C. C. a
North, sociology department; H. R.c
Spencer, and F. W. Coker, political !.t
scirice - department; and George F.

Arps, dean of the education college. I
In its inqdiry into alleged liquor .-
law violations, the committee learnedl
from those appearing before it that it l
is "perfect nonsense" to say that there
is no drinking among stldents, butt
that the student body at the university '
has improved morally year by yearl
and is at present at its highest point;
that student bodier are "continually, ,
progressively and constructively at
wnrk1 n i o nln sr wit Choin wn - -n rn :

; r u u~e. HIL.



I( (By Associated Press)I
NEW YORK, Jan. 19.-America
lags far behind Europe in at-
tacking the problem of cancer
and should organize more of its
resources to combat the disease.
This was the assertion of Dr.
George A. Soper, managing di-
rector of the American Society
for the Control of Cancer, tonight
' at a dinner of the society at-
tended by many of the foremost
cancer specialists in America.
England leads in research,
while Franceand Switzerland
are foremost in establishing clin-
ics to treat the disease in its
I early stages, when it can be
I treated successfully, Dr. Soper
( said.
Calls Mussolini"Creation Not Creator"
Of Fascist Ideals; Movement But
One Step In Nation's Growth
"Benito'Mussolini should be consid-
ered as the creation, not the creator,
of Fascism and its ideals," according
to Prof. William A. Frayer, of the
history department, who spoke to the
Circulo Italiano last night on "The
Present Political Situation in Italy."
The Italian people, he said, are in an
"epic mood," which will produce great
things if the Fascist government is
Professor Frayer emphasized that
the revolutionary movement in Italy
should be considered as but one phase
of the long struggle of Italy to gain
the position of a first rate power.
The Italians of today remember the
Italian contributions to civilization,
yet they feel that they have been
patronized by other nations, and that
they are only a third rate power..
Fascism he characterized as an at-
tempt to bridge the gap between
Italy's aspirations and her political
position. He mentioned the Constitu-
tion of 1850, saying that it was a com-
bination of the influence of England,
France, and Belgium, and that it has
never functioned perfectly. Speaking
of Italy's part in the war, and of the
necessity of bargaining for what she
could get out of it, both before and
after, Professor Frayer said that
"Italy came out with as clean hands
as any other allied nation." In the
peace negotiations, however, Orlando,
in a select group of four statemen,'
had little chance to get much for
The disillusionment of the Italians"
at their small gains from the war, he
said, led, with Bolshevist influence
to a communistic rising in the country.
This, however, was replaced by the
actions of the Fascisti, who were, like
most Italians, not communistic, but
intensely nationalistic.
ProfessorFrayer mentioned the in-
teresting comparison to be made be- I
tween the cultivated D'Annunzio, the
first Fascist leader, with the former
"good blacksmith", Mussolini. The
latter, by his great personality, clev-
erness, and ability as a "stage mana-
ger," has been able to cow the talian
people into submission to a verysmall
group of men, under his leadership.
The people, he asserted, have no lib-
erty; they have sacrificed their free-'
dom of speech and their liberty of
the press. When it comes to the point
where the most able writers, men of
real worth to the nation, are quieted,
the matter may become extremely dan-
"Fascism should not," Professor
Frayer continued, "be censured for

not being democratic. Its very aim is
to set aside democratic institutions.
if it were democratic, it. would not
be Fascism.
Detroit Auto Show
To Celebrate Its
25th Anniversary
Detroit will attend its 25th annual
automobile show when the exhibition
of the Detroit Auto Dealers' associa-
tion opens next Saturday night. The
officials of the organization are cele-
brating the silver anniversary of the
show and state that it is by far the
largest as yet put on by the automo-
bile men. Convention hall is entirely
reserved for the event and, according
to the dealers, many companies could
not secure space to exhibit their
Included in the show will be stand-
ard and custom built passenger cars,
commercial cars, busses, automotive
nn , mn.._r _. nr hn-. a r .9 o

New Election To Presidency Will Be
Permanent For Remainder
Of School Year
Failure of the Administrative Board
of the literary college to remove Al-
bert Adams, 26, from the warned
list late yesterday afternoon, result-
ed in the calling of a special meeting
of the board of directors of the Un-
ion for tomorrow noon by Richard Bar-
ton, '26, recor~ding secretary, for the
purpose of electing '-a*new president
of the Union, who will hold office un-
til next June. The Administrative
board considered Adams' case yester-
day, according to a statement made
by Barton last night, and declined to
act favorably upon his petition for re-
moval from the warnedst because of
his deficiency in academic work.
Robert J. Cooper, '26M, acting pres-
ident of the Union, who was elected to
i that office temporarily by the board of
directors last Saturday, pending the
disposition of Adams' case by the Ad-
ministrative board, will hold offce un-
til the election tomorrow noon. Coop-
er isralsoevice-president of the Un-
ion, representing theMedcal school.
According to directors of the Union
last night, the new election to the
presidency tomorrow will- be perman-
ent for the remainder of the school
year. The five vice-presidents of the
Union, or any male student on the
campus, is eligible for the office, al-
though a student familiar with the ac-
tivities of the organization is desired,
it was stated.
Adams was placed on the warned
list of the literary college Dec. 17 and
automatically became ineligible for
participation in campus activities.
Learning that the Union president in-
tended to appeal to the Administra-
tive board for special consideration
of his case, the board of directors took
no action in the matter until last Sat-
S urday when Cooper was elected tem-
porarily. Had he succeeded in being
removed, from the warned list, Adams
would have resumed his office in the
Union officials emphasized the fact
last night that the investigation of
the organziation, which was instigated
by charges of gross inefficiency with-
in the Union made in- petitions circu-
lated about the campus early In De-
I cember, will be continued as usual,
notwithsanding the recent develop-
ments in the executive office. The re-
port of the investigation committee
will be made public as soon as it is
The special meeting of the board of
directors tomorrow will be held at
12:15 o'clock.
With the literary collee classifica-
tion period scheduled to close at 5
o'clock tomorrow, officials yesterday
announced that a large percentage of
students already have completed the
election, of second semester courses.
Upper class elections, including
those of seniors and juniors, are be-
ing. received from 9 to 12 and 2 to 5
o'clock daily in. the recorder's office,
University hall, while elections of
freshmen and sophomores are receiv-
ed only after approval by members
of the class committees.
After Thursday, when classificatio:

is to close, class cards will be re-
ceived only on payment of a fine of
$1. Opportunity will be given, bow-
ever, to make necessary changes after
the final examinations, without pay-
ment of the fee.
Will Reopen Old
Hospital As Rome
Of Convalescents
More than 25 patients at the Uni-
versity hospital will be moved to the
surgical wing of- the old hospital Mon-
day morning when the first step 'will
be taken in the reopening of the old
buildings as a convalescent unit of
the plant, according to a statement
made yesterday by Dr. Harley A.
Haynes, director. It is expected that
the old buildings, except that part that
is to be used for the treatment of
tuberculosis, will be entirely occupied
by recovering patients before March

Play Production Classes Will
Give Comedy By Shaw Tonight!
George Bernard Shaw's play "An- The play is now being presented
drocles and the Lion" will be pre- by the Theater Guild of New York at
sented at 8 o'clock tonight in the au- the Klaw theater, with Claire Eames
ditorium of University hall by Prof. and Tom Powers in the leading roles.
R. D. T. Hollister's play production In tonight's production the part of
classes. An additional performance Androches will be taken by Herbert
will also be given tomorrow night, Hueman, and that of Megaera, his
marking the final numhr in the nrne- wife hv MariAn Tinon n p.n' lThn

1, i 4


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