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January 20, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-20

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Fair Saturday, with no de- |
cided change in temperature.

Co-operative Counci Refuses
To Co-operate. . .

VOL. XLIV No. 85



W alter Brown
Brings Baek
His'Lost' Files
Official Of Hoover Cabinet
G i v e s Correspondence
To Postmaster Farley
Missing Documents
Found Last Tuesday
Believes Plot Was Made
To Bring His 'Character

Brown Returns Missing Postoflice Documents

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. - (A) -
Walter F. Brown late today delivered
to Postmaster General James A. Far-
ley a file of correspondence regard-
ing airmail that had been taken from
his office At the close of the Hoover
"This was the correspondence
which was 'burned'," Brown said with
a smile as he handed newspapermen
a copy of this letter to Farley re-
garding the correspondence:
"Last Tuesday evening, a few min-
utes before the leaving time of the
train I was taking to keep a pressing
business engagement in Ohio," the
letter said, "I opened for the first
time a box of books, printed reports
and personal correspondence which
members of my personal staff in the
Postoffice Department had packed
for me late in February last year.
Files Are Among Books
"When I got the box opened, the
lid of which had been held in place
by more than 20 long screws, I was
amazed to find among the mass of
books, printed reports and personal
correspondence, two files of official
correspondence, one labeled 'Airmail'
and the other 'Merchant Marine.' I
need not tell you what concern this
discovery caused me in view of the
insinuations and innuendos recently
aimed at my administration of air-
mail operations."
The Senate committee investigat-
ing airmail contracts has heard tes-
timony that some of Brown's official
airmail .correspondnce was burned
at the order of Brown's secretary.
Possible Causes Named
Brown's letter to Farley said that
Brown could think of three possible
ways that the airmail file had been
placed among his personal correspon-
dence. The first, he said was possible
carelessness by his personal staff; the
second, intentional misplacement by
some member of his personal staff;
third, "that these official files were
surreptitiously placed among my per-
sonal papers at the instigation of
someone who was engaged in a con-
spiracy of character assassination."
"There is some evidence to support
this (third) theory," the letter said.
Will Present A
Lecture Course
In Dentistry
'Is To Acquaint Dentists
With Recent Work Done
In The Profession
A one-day lecture-demonstration
course in dentistry, designed to ac-
quaint practitioners with recent de-
velopments in the various fields of
the profession, is to be held here un-
der sponsorship of the School of
Dentistry next Thursday, it was an-
nounced yesterday. It will be of
the same general type as those being
held periodically in medicine, and is
likely to be put on the same basis,
with lectures and clinics two or three
times yearly. An attendance of 100
or more dentists is expected, Dr.
Chalmers J. Lyons, professor of oral
surgery, said.
Invitations have been sent out only
to alumni of the School of Dentistry,
but the invitation is to be considered
general to all practitioners, where-
ever located. Lectures will be given
at the School of Dentistry and the
clinic will be held at University Hos-
pital. A noon luncheon also is
Dr. Marcus L. Ward, dean of the
school, and Dr. Robert K. Brown,
professor of operative dentistry, will
discuss and demonstrate the use of
Other subjects to be considered

and the faculty members who will
discuss them, are: "Children's den-
tistry." Dr. Kenneth A. Easlick;

-Associated Press Photo
W. Irving Glover (left), second assistant postmaster-general during
the Hoover administration, who was called before the Senate com-
mittee investigating airmail contracts after it was charged that Walter
F. Brown, (right), postmaster-general at the time, had ordered Glover
to destroy airmail correspondence. Brown yesterday delivered the
"missing" files to the government.

Iceberg Falls
Into Sea Near
Byrd Flagship
Expedition Nearly Meets
Disaster; Seaplane Also
Narrowly Avoids Crash
Jan. 19- (P) -(Via Mackay Radio)
-The collapse of a mountain of ice
near the flagship and the narrow
escape of a seaplane from a crash
nearly spelled disaster today for the
second Antarctic expedition of Rear
Admiral Richard Byrd.
This morning the plane had taken
off for its first flight when the men
on ship, horrified, noticed that both
its skiis were hanging vertically.
Butafter anxious moments Pilot
Harold June put her down in a bank
of soft snow. Two hours later the
craft was safely flown to the base.
A few minutes before noon the
flagship, creeping along the Bay of
Whales seeking a mooring place
along the barrier, approached the
landing place used in the previous
Suddenly and without warning a
quarter of a mile of ice barrier tum-
bled into the sea, about 200 yards
away from the ship.
The impact rocked the ship and a
hundred thousand tons of ice spread
fanwise over the water.
The ship subsequently swung back
to the edge of the Bay ice, about two
and a half miles northwest of Little
America. It will unload there and a
survey party was sent to mark a trail
to the base
The plane's escape was just as
Shortly after the take-off it was
noted that the huge skiis were dang-
June, glancing down, saw that
something had happened. He asked
his operator to radio the flagship
for information. Then he flew over
the ship.
It looked like a crash land. The
ship's doctor was sent ashore with
a first aid kit.
Then the plane swooped down. The
skiis wobbled in the air but pressure
was strong enough to push them back
to horizontal.
Druggists Ordered
To StopRum Sale
Drug stores were forbidden yester-
day to sell liquor for medical or other
purposes until they have filed with
the State Liquor Control Commis-
sion affidavits describing all alcoholic
liquor in stock on Jan. 12.
The order, which specified that sale
of spirits could be resumed by drug
stores only when they receive from
the commission a temporary permit
issued under Act. No. 8 of the Public
Acts of 1933, was signed by Frank A.
Picard, chairman of the commission.
All future liquor, it was specified,
must be purchased from the commis-
Drug stores must, under the terms
of the order, detail the brand, type,
and package of all liquor in their
MADRID. Jan. 19. -(O)-Four



Famed Illustrator,
Dies In New York
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. - (A) - Har-
rison Fisher, whose beautiful Amer-
ican girls have smiled from magazine
covers for more than 25 years. is
He died unexpectedly in Doctors'
Hospital today after an emergency
operation last night. He had been
ill for four months and was rushed
to the hospital yesterday for the
operation which failed to save his
life, The cause of death was not dis-
Fisher once said he decided the
American girl was the most beautiful
of all when he watched them pass
as he played in the yard of the house
in Brooklyn where he was born 57
years ago.
Bank Robbers
Surrender To
Police Forces
Five Men Are Taken After
Fierce Gun Battle With
Posse In Woods
QUINCY, Ill., Jan. 19. - (OP) -
Four of five men who allegedly
robbed the State Bank of Girard of
between $2,000 and $5,000 marched
out to surrender after a spirited gun
battle with a huge posse that trapped
them in a woods near Basco, Ill., to-
Shortly after the four surrendered,
the fifth alleged member of the band
was apprehended about a mile from
the scene of the gun battle. He had
fled on horseback.
The four, all strangers in the Basco
region, were rushed to jail at Car-
t-hage for identification.
Their arrest climaxed a gun battle
on the Milo McClintick farm as dark-
ness fell. A posse of 250 sheriffs from
four counties, deputies, state police
from Missouri and Illinois, Quincy
police, and hurriedly deputized farm-
ers-fired volley after volley into the
woods in answer to fire from the
trapped men.

Steps Taken
By Roosevelt
On Waterway
Prepares To Clear Way
For Passage Of Treaty
In The Senate
Blocks Move For
Increase In Bonus
Hopes New Government In
Cuba Is Stable Enough
For Recognition
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 - () -
From the vantage .point of the
White House late today, President
Roosevelt took steps to block con-
gressional moves for a hefty increase
in veterans' compensation and to
clear the way for the St. Lawrence
treaty in the Senate.
He announced an increase in vet-
erans' allowances of $21,092,205 and
this was expected to bring many wa-
vering Democrats back in line of
veterans legislation.
Canada Can Build Seaway
Shortly afterward Mr. Roosevelt
reminded a conference of railroad
and labor leaders that whether or
not the Senate ratifies the St. Law-
rence treaty, it lies in Canada's pow-
er to construct a seaway to the At-
lantic without entering the United
States. Much of the opposition to
Senate ratification apparently has
come from railroad interests which
fear the effect on their traffic.
The busy chief executive also let
it be known that he hoped the Men-
dieta government in Cuba would
prove stable enough for early recog-
nition and that he was hopeful also
next summer of traveling to the Pa-
cific coast by way of Puerto Rico
and the Panama Canal.
Farley Quits 'Dem' Committee
The succession of late develop-
ments in a crowded day found Post-
master General Farl eyrevealing that
he has asked President Roosevelt to
be relieved of duties as chairman of
the Democratic National Commit-
tee so that he might give his time
to his cabinet post.
For the time being, however, he
will do double duty, although a suc-
cessor for the chairmanship proba-
bly will be chosen in the next few
This apparently was not connected
with the furore over lawyer-politi-I
cians around the capital; but a for-
mer postmaster-general, Walter F.
Brown delivered some papers to Far-
ley that had a direct bearing on a
recent development at the Capitol.
Brown explained that he had
found some files of official corre-
spondence on air mail and merchant
marine in his personal papers.
Witnesses recently testified before
a Senate committee that official cor-
respondence of the Postoffice Depart-
ment had been burned at the former
postmaster general's orders.
Controversy On Money Program
Brown said the papers delivered
were the correspondence which was
"burned" and intimated that some-
one might have slipped them into his
files in an effort to injure him.
Meanwhile, congressional voices
rose and fell in praise or criticism of
the presidential monetary program
but after the oratory subsided the
principal decision had been to pro-
vide him with a dollar stabilization

fund early next week.I

Possibility Of
Fencing Team
Looms Again
Anderson And Yost Will
Decidle Whether Board
Will Meet On Question
Members Of Squad
Urge The Meeting
Conference Is Held Up Be-
cause Of Illness Of Ath-
letic Director
Whether or not a special meeting
of the Board in Control of Athletics
will be held in the near future to
study the question of re-instatement
of fencing as a Varsity sport is to be
decided today by Prof. Henry C. An-
derson, chairman of the board, and
Fielding H. Yost, athletic director
and secretary of the board, according
to a statement made by Mr. Yost last
The request for a special meeting
was made in a letter received yester-
day by Professor Anderson from sev-
eral members of the fencing squd.
The letter also contained a provi-
sional budget which, Mr. Yost has
pointed out, has been lacking in other
communications to the Board in Con-
The fact that Mr. Yost has been
confined to his home for several days
kept the two men from conferring
on the matter yesterday. However,
Mr. Yost said that he felt he would
be able to be at his office today to
confer with Professor Anderson.
A statement made by Professor An-
derson further exonerated the ad-
ministration from any blame in the
entire matter. He pointed out that
when members of the team had gone
to Mr. Yost about the matter early
in the school year he had told them
to draw up a working budget for $300
which he would willingly place before
the board at its regular meeting.
The budget submitted was not
carefully worked out, according to
Mr. Yost, and members of the squad-
were informed that such was the case
in plenty of time for them to draw
up a revised scheme. This they did
not do, consequently there was abso-
lutely no mention made of the offi-
cially dead Varsity fencing team at
the regular meeting of the board
three weeks ago. Instead, Mr. Yost
said, the matter was given to the
newspapers without any further at-
tempt being made to co-operate with
the board in private.
Good Will Fund
Drive Met With
Fine Response
Is Entering Second Week:
Need For More Clothing
Still Exists
With the Good-Will fund clothe
drive about to enter its second week
the response of students has beer
very satisfactory, according to a
statement made last night by Robert
A. Saltzstein, '34, president of th
Union, which is sponsoring the drive
this year.
Allen D. McCombs, '35, student
executive councilman, stated that in
spite of the excellent co-operation of
the campus as a whole, there wa

still a great need for more garments.
Complete renovation of the clothes
was practically assured when Har-
old Goldman of the Goldman Broth-
ers Cleaning Co. told The Daily yes-
terday that his firm would do the
work with the approval of the local
NRA board, which he stated was
"practically certain."
McCombs reiterated the statement
that Union student committeemen
will be stationed in the offices every
afternoon to collect clothes. Con-
tributors need only call the switch-
board operator at the Union and
leave their name and address.
Killian Chosen
Head fAnnual
Slide Rule Ball
Stapley Killian, '34E, was chosen
as chairman of the Slide Rule Dance,
annaln nrineers' hal h theS lide

Banker Still Held

-Associated Press Photo
Edward G. Bremer, 37-year-old St.
Paul bank president, is being held
by a gang demanding $200,000 ran-
som. He has been threatened with
Gophers Defeat
Michigan, 1-,
In Second Game
Single Goal Of Contest Is
Scored In Third Period
With 4 Minutes To Play
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 20.- (A) -
Cracking a stubborn barrier, the
Minnesota hockey team came prac-
tically within reaching distance of
the 1934 Big Ten Championship to-
night by subduing Michigan, 1-0, in
another resolute Gopher-Wolverine
fight at the St. Paul Hippodr'ome.
The Gophers' triumph which swept
the two-game series, came only after
a determined attack which brought
ts winning counter when less than
'our minutes of play remained. Cu-
deruss teamed with Billy Munn to
score the goal.
The Wolverines set up a stout de-
fense with Goalie Jewell starring, to
make most of the Gopher rushes
ruitless. Likewise, Minnesota's goalie,
Clausen, was forced to turn aside
nany a Michigan shot-25 in all over
the first two periods.
The winning goal was scored by
'Munn, Minnesota center, after 16
minutes of the third period had been
played without a tally. Jewell made
18 stops in the game, 11 each in the
frst two periods and 6 in the final
)eriod. The Minnesota goalie made
an equal number of saves throughout
he contest, divided 15, 10, and 3
County Board Sets
Plans For New Jail
The Washtenaw County Board of
Supervisors yesterday approved ten-
tative plans for a new jail and an
addition to the county infirmary, to
e carried out if the CWA is con-
tinued, and State and Federal admin-
strators approve the project. Their
approval concluded the business of
the special session, called primarily
to secure an affirmative vote on the
Tentative plans call for a building
costing $59,500, and an infirmary ad-
3ition to cost $35,000, the whole to be
paid by the Federal agency. Their ap-
proval represents a victory for Har-
Ald D. Smith, supervisor from Ann
Arbor and director of the Michigan
Municipal League, who has fathered
the proposal.
Smith To Be Speaker At
New York Alumni Dinner
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
and secretary of the University, has
accepted the invitation of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of New
York City to be the principal speaker
and guest of honor at the annual
banquet of the members of the club
to be held Friday evening, Feb. 9.
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, will
also be present to speak.
At Wisconsin Co-Eds
Ask For Prom Dates
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 19. - R) -
At least two Wisconsin co-eds are
having trouble gettin dates for the

Fear Bremer
Is Dead After
Finding Blood
Friends Assemble Ransom
Of $200,000 According
To Captors' Notes
Stains Found On
Automobile Seats
Family Greatly Concerned
Over Condition Of 37-
Year-Old Banker
ST. PAUL, Jan. 19. - () -- Anxiety
for the welfare of Edward G. Bremer,
prisoner of kidnapers demanding
$200,000, grew today as blood stains
were found on the seats of his aban-
doned automobile.
Mindful of death threats in the
ransom note left on the backdoor
step of the office of Walter Magee,
wealthy St. Paul contractor and
friend of the Bremers, the family
had assembled the $200,000 in old
$5, $10 and $20 bills, according to in-
Silence, however, screened move-
ments of the gang that abducted the
son of Adolph Bremer, personal
friend of President Roosevelt, and
principal owner of the Jacob Schmidt
Brewing Co. Not since the note and
blood-stained car of Bremer, presi-
dent of the Commercial State Bank,
were found has any contact been
established with the kidnapers.
Splotches of blood on both front
and rear seats of Bremer's automo-
bile from which he was kidnaped
Wednesday morning after taking his
eight-year-old daughter Betty to
school, stained the cushions.
Struggle Is Indicated
They indicated, authorities said,
that Bremer struggled desperately
with his captors, who probably nurn-
bered at least three, and was subdued
by a vicious blow on the head. Ap-
parently he was then dragged into
the rear seat,.wlerek was guarded
by one of the gang, while a com-
panion drove the car to an outlying
residential district. The Bremer car,
presumably, was followed by the
gang's own automobile, driven by a
third man.
The condition of the thirty-seven-
year-old banker was of great concern
to his family, which recalled that his
signature on the ransom note was
but a shaky scrawl. It obviously was
signed soon after his abduction, au-
thorities said.
City police aided by Adolph Brem-
er's plea not 'to "make any move
that will endanger Eddie's safety,"
and marked time awaiting his re-
lease. The Federal bureau of investi-
gation, however, marshalled its forces
here, heavily armed, determined to
hunt down the abductors. The Fed-
erai inquiry was masked in secrecy.
Legion to Join Hunt
At the same time, state officials of
the American Legion shaped plans to
throw their organization behind the
drive to apprehend the kidnapers and
free Bremer.
One possible clew was under inves-
tigation by Federal forces, directed
by Harold Nathan, assistant to J.
Edgar Hoover, chief of the Bureau of
Investigation at Washington, and
Frank J. Blake, who came here by
plane from the Southwest, where he
directed the search for abductors of
Charles Urschel, millionaire Okla-
homa oil man.

The single clew was the story of
George St.. Marie, an acquaintance
of Bremer who bowled with the miss-
ing man and his brother, Adolph,
Jr., Tuesday night. St. Marie said
that he espied two strangers whisper-
ing and intently watching the bank
president and once pointing to him.
Ask To Abolish
Punishment Of
If the recommendation of the Uni-
versity Council is accepted by the
Board of Regents at its meeting next
month, the practice of punishing stu-
dents by adding hours to their scho-
lastic requirements will be abolished.
Action of the council, made public
today carries such a recommendation.
It is felt by the council, supreme
body of faculty and administrative
officers. that students are here to

Timoslienko Says New Monetary
SPolicy Will N ot Help Farmer

The Roosevelt monetary policy,
now before Congress, if adopted, will
not do a great deal towards helping
the American farmer. That this
work must be accomplished through
international channels is the opinion
of Dr. Vladimir P. Timoshenko of
the economics department.
The government is attempting to
adjust the price level to the burden
of debt while they should adjust the
burden of debt to the price level,
Dr. Timoshenko feels. Since most
agricultural commodities in this
country are for exporting purposes,
the problem is international in scope,
he said.
The only way to raise the prices
on exort nmmodlities. he asertei

preciation of money will result in
higher tariffs and quotas. There may
occur a temporary advantage of one
nation over others, as when Britain
went off the gold standard, but no
degree of permanency is insured."
Dr. Timoshenko believes that the
agricultural problem cannot be solved
through monetary adjustment only,
and that the Agricultural Adjust-
mnt Administration clearly sees the
need of a policy which will control
production of agricultural products.
However, it is his opinion that we
cannot adjust the American agricul-
tural problem through the domestic
market alone.
"The real problem before us is to
create a larger agricultural market
bhonad_ Thein 1rrinLr nf hriffs on

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