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January 20, 1972 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-20

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Thursday, January 20, 1972


Page Seven

Thursday, January 20, 1 9 7 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Seven


Special To The Daily
continued to play uninspired
hockey en route to a 72 drubbing
by Michigan State last night in3
the MSU ice arena.
The game was heavily seasoned
with penalties. Michigan received
20 of the thirty that were called.
Out of those twenty, at least five
were inexcusable, and cost heavily
as State converted four power play
The viciousness of the first
stanza was foreshadowed at 2:18
into the period. Paul-Andre Paris
sagged to the ice when, with his
chest, he blocked an MSU shot at
point-blank range.
But Paris returned to the ice a
few minutes later to take a pass'

in front of the net from Randy
Neal and slashed the puck by
States' goalie Jim Watt.
Less than a minute later State's
Don Thompson gathered in a re-
bound and shot it past a tardy
Karl Bagnell for a power play
goal. State then bungled numer-

ous scoring opportunities while two-foot dump shot by Paris.
Michigan was continuously head- Throughout the game State re-
ing for the penalty box. ceived considerably more shots
than they were entitled to. Bag-
At 12:15 into the period MSU nell played an excellent game de-
Mark Calder took a lead pass from spite the score. The continuous
Thompson and pocketed a 30-foot lack of offensive punch partly due
shot just inside the far post. to the penalties allowed State to
The boisterous State fans got pitch a tent in front of the Wol-
what they asked for with 1:27 in verine net. Michigan coach Al
the first period when Michigan's Renfrew said, "I can't figure out
Jean Cartier and State's Rick 01- what we're doing wrong. At times
son sprawled on the ice in a mod- we play pretty good but the puck
ified bear hug, each trying to get just wouldn't go in.
his arms loose to throw a punch. Five in a row!
As the referees tried to break it FIRST PERIOD SCORING: 1. M-
up State's (6-2, 185) Chris Mur- Paris (Neal Iefebvre) 5:17; 2. MSU-
phy decided to start his own fis- Thompson (Murphy, Chaurest) 6:26; 3.
tlcuffs, flooring Michigan's (5-8, MSU-Calder (Olson, Thompson) 12:15.
160) Bob Falconer. Before the arm' PENALTIES: M-Lefebvre (interfer-
flailing started, a collision at the ence) 8:31; 3. MSU- G. Gagnon
.Michigan net dislodged it from (slashing) 11:24; 4. M-Jarry (spearing)
the bars creating a 40 minute de- 12:00; 5. M-Jarry (interference) 17:00;
lay.6. MSU-Boyd (high sticking) 18:16; 7.
The period closed with State coner (roughing) 18:33; 9. MSU-Olson
commanding a 2-1 lead. (roughing) 18:33; 10. MSU-Murphy
(fighting) (game misconduct) 18:33.
The second period was high- SECOND PEDIOR SCORING: 4.
lighted by Michigan's IunkheadedMSU-Chaurest (Boyd, G. Gagnon) 7:36.
lihe yMcia' ukedd PENALTIES: 11. M-Mallette (slash-
penalties. Presented three minutes ing) 2:48; 12. M-Falconer (interfer-
to score a power play goal, Mal- ence) 5:49; 13. MSU-St. Jean (slashing)
lette unnecessarily englutted two 11:45; 14. M-Paris (charging) 14:30; 15.
M-Lefebvre (tripping)' 19:25.
minutes for slashing. THIRD PERIOD SCORING: 5. MSU-
Thompson (Barnes, Michelutti) 1:05; 6.
State scored the only goal of the MSU- Boyd (Chaurest, G. Gagnon) 3:40;j
period with 12:24 remaining. 8. M-Paris (Falconer, Neal) 16:49; 9.
MSU-Chaurest (S. Gagnon) 18:30.
Chaurest took a pass directly in PENALTIES: M-Jarry (roughing)
ront of the Michigan goal from 2:35; MSU St. Jean (roughing) 2:35;
M-Straub (elbowing) 2:40; MSU-Boyd
Bob Boyd and skidded a 15-footer (interference) 5:04; M-Straub (hook-:
past Bagnell. Naturally it was a ing) 5:28; MSU-Thompsn (hooking)!
7:07; M-Paris (illegal checking) 9:04;
power play goal with Falconer in MSU-Barnes (holding) 10:21; MSU-Ol-
the box for interference. son (roughing) 12:05; M - Werner
(roughing, 10, misconduct) 12:05; MSU-E
State poured in four more goals Barnes (holding) 12:59; MSU-Demarco
(roughing) 18:56; M-Skinner (rough-
against the sauntering Wolverines ;ing) 18:56.
while Michigan added theironly 'GOALIE SAVES:
Bagnell, Michigan 18 15 9-421
oWer score in the third period, a Watt, Mich. St. 7 20 18-511

Wings dumped, 4m1

By The Associated Press
DETROIT-The Minnesota North.
Stars scored in every period last
night to defeat the Detroit Red
Wings 4-1 and snap the Wings'
eight-game home winning streak,
their longest in seven years.
Lou Nanne's goal at 4:18 of the
first period gave Minnesota a lead
it never lost as the North Stars
ended their six-game National
Hockey League winless stretch.
Bill Goldsworthy scored his 19th
goal of the season and Jude Droin.
added his seventh on a power play
to give Minnesota a 3-0 advantage
at the end of the second period.
Detroit's Mickey Redmond, the
NHL's hottest scorer in the past
month, drilled the puck into the
net at 4:34 of the final period for
his 26th goal of the season and
19th in the last 16 games.
Charlie Burns iced the game for.
the North Stars at 10:43 of the
final period with a blast past De-
troit goalie Joe Daley.
* * * i
Canadiens squeak
MONTREAL-Center Pete Ma-
hovlich rammed home a goal with
only two seconds to play last night,
carrying the Montreal Canadiens
to a 1-0 National Hockey League
victory over the Toronto Maple
Penguins pulverized
PITTSBURGH - The Vancouver

Canucks scored five last period
goals, three of them within two
minutes, blasting the Pittsburgh
Penguins 6-1 in a National Hockey
League game last night.
The game was comparatively
tame during the first two periods
in which Jean Pronovost scored
for Pittsburgh and Orland Kurten-
bach tied It for Vancouver.
Vancouver came out in the final
period with Andre Boudrias scoring
what turned out to be the winning
goal after just 39 seconds of play.
Then Wayne Maki scored at
2:24, Dale Tallon at 3:55 and Ted
Taylor at 4:23.
* * *
Squires rule
LOUISVILLE - Charlie Scott
scored 46 points as the Virginia
Squires whipped Kentucky 138-132
in an American Basketball Asso-
ciation contest last night that
snapped the Colonels' 10-game win-
ning streak.
Kentucky, which got 37 points
from Dan Issel and 35 from Artis
Gilnore, bad led most of the way.
The Colonels held a 13-point lead
in the first half and a 94-83 margin
in the third period.

out to lunch
mort noveck

* i
IM overcrowding:
There's still hope
ANYONE WHO HAS EVER tried to play basketball on cam-
pus knows that Michigan needs a new intramural building.
The present sports building was adequate for the student popu-
lation of the 1920's, but it's far too small to service current
enrollment. It's still possible to play basketball at 8 a.m., but
by afternoon the courts are jammed and in the evening they're
used by the league teams.,
However, there is still hope for those of us that just want
to go in and shoot some hoops. Assistant intramural director
Norm Parsons acknowledges that the facilities are near capa-
city, but insists that there is a place for every student in the
porgram. "There's no one on campus we can't reach," he says.
What concerns most of us is the availability of free
play facilities. And though the gym is already overcrowded,
Parsons admits that "free play is really growing. People
are becoming more interested in participating than spec-
The sports building almost always operates at capacity
during the free play periods. It opens at 8 a.m. and is popu-
lated by 8:15. By mid-afternoon there are 200-300 people try-
ing to play basketball. A reservation is needed to play paddle-
ball after 10 a.m. and if you don't have one by noon, forget it.
The courts will be full until they close at 11 p.m. And of course,
the swimming pool and squash courts are almost as bad.
Going to Waterman Gym is about the only way to get
to play now. The IM. building gym is used for the league
teams at night so it's just not available after five. So at
the moment Waterman has to handle the overflow basket-
ball players.
But Waterman isn't going to be around for very long. It's
over 100 years old and the Chemistry department needs the
land to expand the Chem. Building. When Waterman closes
some cagers are going to be out In the street.
The same is true of Yost Field House. It is currently
available for use for the league and club games, but the ath-
letic department has plans for it in the future. If this league
competition moves into the sports building free play will have
to move out.
There are 230 basketball teams entered in this year's
leagues. They play from 6:30 to 11:30 Sunday through
Thursday. This is the first year games will be played on
Sunday and if the league continues to expand like it has
they'll soon be playing seven days a week.
Once upon a time teams could reserve courts for practice
sessions. These days are long gone. In fact a team is now only
assured of playing three games when it enters one of the I.M.
leagues. Parsons would like to be able to get them six or seven
games, but he just hasn't got the space to play them in.
And if the problem isn't already bad enough it can only
get worse. The competitive aspect of intramural sports is rap-
idly growing. It's divided into five divisions and only the resi-
dence hall and fraternity groups are about as big as they can
get. interest is still growing among the faculty for their league
and in the graduate and independent divisions. More and
more grad students decide not to give up on their bodies once
they get their degrees. Those that stay in shape can participate
in the independent "league, but those who have lost a step or
two are swelling the ranks of the graduate division.
In addition there are other special programs. Waterman
Gym is reserved for foreign students on Friday nights. Ac-
cording to Parsons it's designed to give them a chance to
get together and play some of the sports that are big in
their countries but aren't usually played in Waterman.
Volleyball, table tennis and badminton seem to be the fa-
vorites of the 200 plus people that show up each week.
There is also the co-recreation division program. This is
the fastest-growing division as students seem to be in favor
of co-ed sports. The I.M. building is open to both men and
women every Friday night and there is even co-ed competition
in several sports.
All of this is really nice. The competitive programs are open
to all students, so everyone could take part if they desired.
But it still doesn't do much for the person who just wants to
go fool around for a while. And it doesn't look like much will
be done in the near future.
Until additional facilities are available, there will be
no choice other than to fight the crowds. Parsons isn't ad-
mitting defeat, but he knows that one day soon he's going
to run out of room. But until then he'll keep trying to make
a place for all Michigan students to participate in sports.
It Just might not be a very big place.

-Associated Press
The Big 0's
Garland Tunnfe (left) and Cedric Schlaurght 7-2 backcourt
mates at Nebraska's 'state championship Muldburn St. Wencelas
High School, and two of the nation's most heavily recruited
preppers are seen after their meeting yesterday with Michigan
coach Johnny Orr. Tunnfe told reporters, "I would deeply relish
the opportunity to play with superstars the likes of Henry Wil-
more and Campy Russell, but Coach Orr should go stick his
head in the sand."


Koufax selected to Hall

NEW YORK (AP) - Sandy Kou-
fax, who figured his shortened ca-1
reer might dissuade his supporters,
became the youngest player ever
elected to Baseball's Hall of Fame;
yesterday and was paid the ulti-
mate tribute with a record har-
vest of votes.
Yogi Berra, former catcher for'
the New York Yankees, and 300-
game winner Early Wynn joined
the 36-year-old former Los An-
geles Dodgers pitcher in gaining
entrance to the Cooperstown, N.Y.,
shrine, where baseball's immortals'
are housed.
Koufax, whose blazing fastball
produced a single season record of
382 strikeouts and four no-hitters,
including a perfect game, received
344 votes -- the most in the 40-
year history of the balloting by
members of the Baseball Writers
Association of America.
Berra received 339 votes and
Wynn 30-1, with 297 needed to take
the step toward formal induction
at the upstate New York city Aug.
7. A record 396 ballots were cast,
with the players needing to be
named on at least three-quarters
to be elected.,
Ralph Kiner finished fourth, 62
votes short,, with 235 in the bal-
loting which produced the first
m ul tip1e election since 1955.
Rounding the top 10 were Gil
Hodges, 161; Johnny Mize, 157;
Enos Slaughter, 149; Peewee
Reese, 129; Marty Marion, 120,
and Bob Lemon, 117.
Koufax, who appeared with
Berra while the announcement
was being made at a midtown
hotel, is only one of nine players
ever elected in their first year of
eligibility. And he said he thought
he might not make it.
"I'm a little surprised I got as
many votes as I did," Koufax ex-
plained. "I didn't have as many
good years as some others in the
Hall and I_ thought that might
count against me."
Koufax spent 12 years in the
majors, but only in the last six
did he become the pitcher recog-
nized as a Hall of Fame candidate.
In the last four years, from 1963
to 1966, he posted records of 25-5,
19-5, 26-8 and 27-9 with earned
run averages of 1.88, 1.71, 2.04
and 1.73. He was only 31 then -
but his career was over, his left
arm ridden with arthritis and
threatening permanent injury.
Berra, gaining election in his
Officers of the rugby club will
be elected in a meeting at the
Student Activities B u ild ing,
Room 3516, at 8:00 tonight.
IAnyone interested in joining the
^. club should attend.

second year of eligibility, admitted1
the tension had built at his home
prior to the announcement, but
Wynn seemed to take it in stride
after failing to make it for three
"My fans and friends wereI
really pulling for me," Berra said.1
"I got half a dozen phone calls
this morning, but I told them I
didn't'know anything yet. My kids
are happy and I feel great."
Others elected to their first
year of eligibility were Jackie Rob-
inson, Bob Feller, Ty Cobb, Babe
Ruth, Honus Wagner and Christy
Mathewson. Musial with 317 votes,
is the only other player to receive
more than 300.
Wynn who pitched for Washing-
ton, Cleveland and Chicago in a
career spanning a record 23 years,
had a 300-244 lifetime record -
one of only 14 pitchers in history
to win 300 games.
Koufax, in his 12-year career
with the Dodgers, had a 165-87'
record and struck out 2,396 bat-
ters in 2,325 innings while pitching
a no-hitter in each of the years
from 1963-1966, including his per-
fect game aaginst the Chicago
Cubs, Sept. 9, 1965.
Berra; who hit 358 home runs,
spent his entire playing career

with the Yankees, batting .285. He;
also managed the Yankees for one
season, leading them to the Amer-
ican League pennant in 1964.
Berra currently is a coach with
the New York Mets, Wynn is a:
scout for the Minnesota Twins and
Koufax is a broadcaster for

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Final control over operations
of the University Cellar book-
store belongs to our Board of
Directors. ;1)hey are ten people'
appointed as follows: six stu-
dents by the student government
council for two-year terms, three
faculty .members appointed by
'the seaate assembly for three-
year terms, and one administra-'
tive member appointed by Pre-
sident Fleming.
Three of the six student seats
on the Board will soon be va-
cant. If you're a student, you're.
eligible to fill those vacancies.
If you're interested, pick up on
application .at the information
desk in the U Cellar in the un-
ion basement anytime ; today
through January 21st.


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