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January 30, 1959 • Page Image 1

…• ••, The Major Campaign Admonitions HE JEWISH NEWS For Humanity's Sake—Faith in the UN Editorials Page 4 A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XXXIV—No. 22 loOrtierculoninshaop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, January 30, 1959 Splendid Biography of Theodor Herz! Dr. Jung's 'Guardians of Our Heritage' Book Reviews Pages 2 and 4 $5 Per ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 2

…THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS—Fr iday, January 30, 195 9-2 Purely Commentary y. Flanked by Israeli veterans, the body of Theodor Herzl, which was disinterred from the grave in Vienna, was brought to the Israel Parliament building, then in the Hakirya in Tel Aviv, on Aug. 17, 1949. The remains of the founder of the world Zionist movement now rest on a hill west of Jerusalem, which has become the historic spot known as Mount Herzl. * * 'Theodor H...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 3

…Italian newspapers reported. 1956 Suez crisis may return the United Arab Republic. • Continued from Page 1 • eged" to save 1,000,000 Jews there independently of their (From Paris it was reported They said that official con- from Eastern Eureopean night to the European Zionist religious or ethnical back- that following the recent con- firmation of the trip and the countries who will soon be- Conference by Dr. S. Levenberg, ground, it was offici...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 4

…Israel's Serious Needs THE JEWISH NEWS issue of July 20, 1951 Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National iliditorial Association Published every . Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6. 1942 a't Post Off...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 5

…People Make News Campaign Starts With $1,913,785 Gifts Continued from Page 1 Declaring that "we are here not to seek anything for our- selves but to give of ourselves. Mr. Cohn introduced his asso- ciates in campaign leadership —Mr. Fisher, Leonard N. Sim- ons, Hyman Safran, Abe Shiff- man, Mr. Zuckerman, Abe Green, Charles Gershenson, Louis Blumberg, Harry Barnett and Jack Wanger. A message was read from Samuel Rubin, president of the Ameri...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 6

…THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS—Fri day, January 30, 1959-6 Honor Jerusalem's Mayor Agron at Histadrut Dessert Supper Here Truman Becomes Honorary Head of Young Judea Joseph Sprinzak, Speaker of Knesset, Dies at Age of 74 Joseph Sprinzak, Speaker of and a daughter. Another son, the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, David, was- killed in the Israel Gershon Agron, Mayor of NEW YORK (JTA)—For- died in the Hadassah Hospital in War of Independence in 1948...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 7

…A Review of Dr. Nelson Glueck's "Rivers in the Desert: A History of the Negev," Published by Farrar, Straus & Cudahy and the Jewish Publication Society of America. res TE ost! get By DR. RICHARD C. HERTZ Senior Rabbi Temple Beth El • The State of Israel's security problem remains troublesome in no small measure because of the nature of international geo- politics: Israel lies at the pas- sageway of Near Eastern civil- ization, where Asia ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 8

…Israel to Take Complaint on Syria 'Leavitt Honored by New Broadcasts from Russia Call Hebrew University Israel a 'Tool of U.S. Imperialists' to United Nations Security Council MUNICH (JTA) — A report For the most part, the broad- (JTA) — The I A third kibbutz member re- on Soviet anti-Israel propaganda I cast is said to have rehashed Israeli was released here by Radio the standard Soviet cliche that Israeli Cabinet decided to corn- turned the...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 9

…WASHINGTON, (JTA) — A spokesman for the Israel Embassy said that Ambassa- dor Abba Eban has accepted special invitations of the United Jewish Appeal and Israel Bond Organizations to undertake an emergency coast-to-coast tour of the main centers of American Jewry with a view to raising funds for immigration re- quirements. The immigration crisis has has resulted from the unex- pected permission given Ro- manian Jewry to depart from that country...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 10

…Israel Police Check on 3 'Missing Girls' Judaism Council Lauds Stand of Southern Jewry; Blasts Zionists TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israeli police initiated an investigation into the identity of three Israeli young women allegedly arrested by United Arab Republic auth- orities in a villa along the Gaza Strip, which, the Arabs assert, was also occupied by three Ca- nadian soldiers assigned to the United Nations Emergency Force there. UNEF liaison office...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 11

…I The Suburban Community Friends of Library Brings Bit of Culture to Suburbs tions as a guide to composing By the Oak-Woodser A unique group in Oak Park dances. Other portions of the program will present an unusual program on Feb. 12, in the auditorium will include dances to Israeli melodies, a narration and dance of the Oak Park High School. The organization is the based on the Psalms and other Friends of the Oak Park Libra- arrangements o...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 12

…Beth Yehudah Plan 17th Annual Beth El Institute OpenS 4 Schools for Christian Clergymen on Feb. 6 A network of schools in De- troit, ,Oak Park and Livonia will be in operation when the Beth Yehudah Schools begins its new semester on Monday. Afternoon schools will serve the Dexter area (the Yeshivath Beth Yehudah), Northwest sec- tion (Northwest Young Israel), Livonia (Botsford School) and Oak Park (in conjunction with Cong. Bnai Israel). The ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 13

…New Works by Cantor Fenakel at Feb. 8 Concert Two new compositions by Cantor Nicholas Fenakel will be introduced to the Detroit public at the ninth annual Fes- tival of Jewish Music sponsored by Ades Shalom Synagogue at 8 p.m., Feb. 8, in the main sanctuary. "R'tzeh" will be a solo num- ber sung by the cantor, while his "Haneros Halolu" will be presented a s a duet with Marjorie Gor- d o n, soprano who is a mem- ber of t h e New York Civic Op...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 14

…RS „ . Out of tm s world • • • • THE DET ROIT JE WISH z CS In this world Most of us are still trying to adjust ourselves to the satellite age ... we sort of "peer" into space with little understanding of the immensity of that which surrounds us. Mentally we "jolt" back into this world of everyday realism and its many varied tasks. The Jewish News covers this world with its world-wide news gathering agencies. Digesting the news for ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 15

…Women's CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, will hold a Histadrut meeting, originally scheduled for Jan. 21, at 12 noon, Wednesday, in the Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 Schaefer. Friends are invited. * * Mrs. Bernard Aston, president of the HOME FOR AGED AUX- ILIARY, announces a service board brunch, to be held at 12 noon, Thursday, in the home of Mrs. Morris Ostrow, 13142 Borgman, Huntington Woods. Co-hostesses will be Mesdames George Bass, Morris Gerb...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT JEW ISH NE W S—Friday, January 30, 1959- 1 6 Miss Harand Here for Sisterhood Donor at Adas Shalom Pearl Harand, noted as a folk singer, comedienne and dramatic star, will be featured entertainer at the annual donor lunch-' eon of the Adas Shalom Sisterhood. T h e lunch- eon will he held at 12 noon, Wednes- day, in the synagogue so- cial hall. Mrs. Sol Ham- merstein, do- nor chairman, announces that Miss Harand will be seen in a p...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 17

…Weds Ex-Detroiter in Miami Ceremony MRS. HARVY S. HUBAR A blue and white theme was the setting for the Jan. 4 wed- ding of Linda Sharpe and Harvy Sanford Hubar in the Rosewood Room of the Fontainebleau Hotel, in Miami Beach, Fla. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Walter Sharpe, former Detroiters, now of 5801 N. Bay Rd., Miami Beach. Mr. Hubar is the son of Mrs. David Hubar, of Hunting. ton Woods, and the late Mr. Hubar. Dr. J...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 18

…13B Women Fete Dili ria»t Hirst to Wed Mrs.R.A.Coggtm Stanley Steinberg IZ The Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Women's Council will hold a testimonial luncheon honor- ing Mrs. Robert A. Coggan, president of Women's District No: 6 at 12:30 p.m., Feb. 10, at Holiday Manor. Mrs. Coggan, past president of the Detroit Council, helped to organize a n d served as first president o f the East Side Chapter in 1942. In the gen- eral commun- ity, Mrs. Cog-...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 19

…$50,000 Raised by R a e r-Klinge r JNF Auxiliary Nuptials, Jan. 18 More than 1,200 contributors - to the annual donor project of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish National Fund partici- pated in the closing function of this year's fund-raising effort, at Temple Israel, Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. Al Schneider, fund-rais- ing chairman, announced that the sum of $50,000 was.contrib- uted this year. This income will be used for the planting of t...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 20

…• a Center Festival Brenda Fried Wed in Double-Ring Rites Concert on Feb. 3 ctivities in Society Harold Silver,. regional chairman, Miss Edith Edwards, Detroit School System, Mrs. Sara Stewart, YWCA, and R. J. Wagener, Michigan Youth Advisory Council, all of Detroit, met with 50 state leaders at Lansing last weekend to plan Michigan's preparation for the President's White House Conference or Children and Youth. The group was called togethe...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 21

…Beth Abraham to Hold Rally for Youth Sunday YEL Luncheon Feb. 18 to Assist Needy Children Final arrangements for its annual luncheon, marking the close of the Youth Education League's pledge fund drive, will be made at a meeting Monday, at the home of Mrs. Jack Mun- son, of Birwood Ave. The luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.m., Feb. 18, in the Foun- tain Room of Masonic Temple. It is being called a "mystery fun-o-rama." Mrs. Robert Lewiston i...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 22

…THE DETRO IT JEWIS H NEW S—Fr i day, Ja nu ary 3 0, 1959-22 Pioneer Women's 'Membership Tea' Stone Memorial 117SU Students Plan Group Readies to Put Accent on Israeli Flowers Wedding in August Kids' Circus Trip The annual Louis Stone Me- morial Foundation Shrine Circus caravan for underprivileged and disabled children will take place this year on Feb. 12. Approxi- mately 2,500 children will be transported by chartered buses to the circus per...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 23

…GM e and the Colonel' Continues; Book Relates 'Danny Kaye Story' Danny Raskin's Soustelle Favors Israel Alliance PARIS (JTA)—Means of in- the Israel section of the Alli- fluencing the new French ance. He analyzed the situation As Jacobowsky ("Me") in "Me and the Colonel," Danny Parliament to work for a formal in the Middle East. Kaye performs one of his great roles. There is much tenderness alliance be- It was noted that 80 French in his a...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JE WISH NE WS—Fr i day, Janu ary 30, 195 9-24 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individ- uals by Telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Dead- line for display classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charges $1.00, or $2.94 per column inch. CALL VErmont 8-9364 10-ROOMS FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL room for rent. New furniture, kitchen privileges. 3029 Buena Vista. TO 5-3546. CLEAN, ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 25

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE LAUDER-7 MILE Lovely Seyburn built Colonial. This home has a 1st fl. lay; big tiled kitch; a rec rm. with nat. firepi; 22' liv. rm; gas F.A. ht; 2 car gar; huge lot with fruit tree. Winship school 1 blk. Of- fered at $20,900. Mr. Williams. GROSS REALTY NORTHWEST OFFICE UN 4-3100 13420 W. 7 MILE Assume 4 1 /2% Mortgage Cooley near 8 '.Mile. Ultra mod- ern ranch. 3rd bedroom paneled. Beautiful large kitchen, bath and a ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 26

…= 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE Huntington Woods Lincoln Dr. - Scotia Area Only 2 yrs. young. Brick 6-room ranch. 3 large bedrs., beautiful kitch., ser. porch. carpeting. drapes. gar., drive, gas, dec- orated. Asking 531,500. Miss Gay- lord. Hubbell - Curtis Most unusual 1 1 ,-story - brick bung. 7 rooms in all incl. large pan. den, plus 1 bedrm. up. Must sell. Priced right. 18628 Schaefer Available irnmed. Large 5-room duplex...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 27

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE PALMER WOODS Elegant 8 yr. young centrally air condit. G.E. COL- ONIAL. 4 family sized bdrms., 3 baths, 1st flr. powd. rm. Magnificent fam. rm. Spacious encl. rear terrace. Mod. kit., GAS A.C. heat. Sprinkl. 120' landscaped lot. Att. gar. "Must be Sold" 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE Stansbury 19816 19197 INDIANA OPEN SUN. 2-5 Most spat. 5 rm. Ranch Bung. ever to be offered. Deluxe feats...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 28

…• 7•••71- 77 ,;" Friday, January 30, 1959_28 •. ■ • ■ 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PARK, 23240 Oneida. 3 bed- room brick, 4 years old, basement, garage, and other features, $17,500, reduced to $16,900 for quick sale. $900 down. F.H.A. LI 1-9316 or LI 6-5451. LIVONIA, gorgeous 3 bedroom ranch THE DETROIT JEW to 24031 Moritz. Custom bit; face brk. ranch. 3 huge bedrms; carpt. liv. rm; tremendous kitch; panI'd eat. sp; walk ...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 29

…STOEPEL 19300 Open Sun. 1-5 7 rm. brick 3 huge bedrms, large living room, dishwasher, disposal, finished rec. rm. car- peting, drapes, metal awnings, gar. only $2,000 dn. GROSS REALTY 9107 Linwood TY 6-7003 Curtis-Wyoming Sec. Large 5 rooms, all on 1 fir. rec. rm. gas ht. 2 weeks poss. $16,200. BORSEN Office LI 3-2010 Sun. or Eves. LI 6-4507 Monte Vista-Outer 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE Wales—Huntington Wds. Cor. lot, 3 bedrms., brick r...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S—Fr iday, January 30, 1959-30 Hint Reid May Succeed Lawson as Ambassador Lincoln Quiz NEW YORK (JTA)—Ogden R. Reid, former president and editor of The New York Herald Tribune, is under con- sideration for United States Ambassador to Israel, accord- ing to reports from Washing- ton. - It is understood that Reid's appointment has been taken up at the White House. Reid, who is 33 years old, will re- quire the approval o...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 31

…Sam Winkelman Dies; Unveil Monument Was Wassau Merchant for Mrs. Rottenberg An uncle of Isadore Winkel- man, surviving founder of a ladies apparel chain here, died Jan. 26, in Wassau, Wis. He was Sam Winkelman, who oper- ated stores in Manistique and Manistee early in the 1900's before opening a shop in Was- sau in 1910. A member of Cong. Shaarey Zedek here for 50 years, Mr. Winkelman also had been ac- tive in Zionist circles and in Wassau ci...…

January 30, 1959 • Page Image 32

…THE , DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS—Friday, January 30, 1959-32 Adenauer Condemns Rising Anti-Semitism as Disgrace to Nation; Plans Crackdown BONN (JTA)—Fifteen years after the Allies smashed Hitler's nightmare s t a t e, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer felt compel- led last week to declare that his West German Government re- garded "recent anti-Semitic ex- cesses" as a disgrace to the German people. Participating in a debate in the West German Parliament...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 1

…Indomitable Spirit of Vintage Celebrants . . . Is Russia Intensifying War Against HE JEWISH NEWS A W eekl y R eview Jewry? Editorials Page 4 I of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XXXIV—No. 21 loo el nion Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364--Detroit 35, January 23, 1959 USSR Anti- Semitism as Reported by Levine . Our Mounting Prob- lems . . . Give Priority to UJA ...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 2

…THE DETROIT JEWI SH NEWS—Friday; January 23, 1959-2 Purely Commentary By PHIL SLOMOVITZ Mounting Problems for World Jewry There are problems galore for Jewish communities every- where. There is the Russian problenr and the mounting anti- Semitism in the USSR—in spite of the vague denials by Anastas Mikoyan. There is the increasing prejudice against Jews in Ger- many where Nazism is showing signs of revival. We have our local problems — in ...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 3

…NEW YORK (JTA) — The American Jewish Congress called on Soviet Deputy Pre- mier Anastas Mikoyan to go assurances of his beyond friendship fOr Soviet Jewry by supporting the restoration of facilities "essential" to preserv- ing cultural and religious life among Russia's 3,000,000 - Jews. The Congres welcomed what it termed the "friendly senti- ments" expressed by Mikoyan regarding Soviet Jewry but said such assurances are not respon- sible to t...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 4

…• • Jewish Music Month THE JEWISH. NEWS CONT R/807 Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich.. VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6 Entered as second class matter Aug. 6. ...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 5

…Bnai Brith Opens Dr. Orliusky to Address Lincoln Exhibit Third Midrasha Institute Opening Session Feb. 11 WASHINGTON—The story of Abraham Lincoln's association with Jews of the Civil War Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, pro-1 period is told in a new exhibit fessor of Bible at the New at the Bnai Brith museum here. York school of Hebrew Union Original documents and pic- College-Jewish Institute of Re- tures depicting the role Jews ligion, will be the f...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 6

…- THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS—Friday, January 23, 1959 4 Israel Stamp Issue to Honor Writer Israel Philatelic Agency announces that the State of Israel will issue a 250 pruta postage stamp to commemo- rate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sholom Alei- chem. Release has been set for this spring. Miami Bond Dinner to Honor Golda Meir One of a group of 90 Israeli art pieces being shown at the Grinnell Galleries is this woodcut by Jacob Ste...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 7

…The Emotion of the Folk Song ,- By CANTOR J. 1EL SONENKLAR Does any other people have such a treasure of folk songs as does the Jewish people? Is there a people as emotional, as sensi- tive and as soulful as ours? Which other people feels as pro- foundly as ours—feeling at once W,Ifear, trepida- tion, hope, de- spondence, op- timism and pessimism? The Jewish scene is filled with folk songs —t h e Jewish soul is im- Sonenklar mersed in folk s...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 8

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-1'riday, Grave Challenges to Jewry in '59 Outlined by Klutznick at Yudkoff Testimonial Dinner 500 Attend Bar-Ilan Dinner for Philip, Max Stollman The weather, two brothers named Stollman, a university in Israel celebrating its first gradu- ation and a fine guest speaker all combined last Wednesday to provide an evening many folks -,• • • ......... In a stirring address to the mittee for the dinner, was toastmaster....…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 9

…Intensification of the Detroit branch with a certificate. Due to the unexpected re- Israel Histadrut Campaign in view of rising immigration to lease of large numbers of Jews Israel from European countries from east European countries was voted unanimously at a and the upswing of immigra- tion to Israel that may exceed drive rally last Sunday. Representatives from all 100,000 in 1959, the National phases of the campaign pledged Roll Call Confer...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 10

…THE DETRO IT JE WISH NEWS—Friday, January 23, 1959- 1 0 Alas Shalom Plans 9th Annual Music Festival SYNAGOGUE 0.0 SERVICES : Beth Aaron USY Sets Beth El Adult Courses Still Open Late Friday Services Registration Registration is still being ac- Youth United S yn a g o g u e cepted for the Beth El College outh Chapters of Beth Aaron a Jewish Studies which began will conduct their annual late its winter semester on Jan. 19. Arias Shalom Synag...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 11

…Open Registration at UHS Branches Evergreen Cong. to Begin Services in New Building United Hebrew School Registration for the new United Hebrew Schools semes- Branches are Adas Shalom, 7045 ter„ which begins Feb. 2, is Curtis; Beth Aaron, 18000 Wyo- now being accepted. To meet ming; Beth Abraham, 8110 W. graduation and Bar Mitzvah re- The Evergreen Jewish Cong. quirements, children who have Seven Mile; Esther Berman, will hold its first Frid...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEW S—Friday, Janu ary 23, 195 The Suburban Community Modern Techniques Mark Hebrew Academy's 1st Year By the Oak-Woodser It has been a year now since the Hebrew Academy opened the doors of its Peter and Pauline Goldstein Bldg., in sub- urban Oak Park, and in that short length of time, the Acad- emy has more than doubled its enrollment. This is the report. of Rabbi Jacob Levi, school supervisor, who also announced that t...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 13

…One of three candidates to file petitions for the office of Mayor of Oak Park in the forth- coming spring election is Abel J. Selburn, a practicing attor- ney for 17 years, who lives at 14339 Oak Park Blvd. Selburn, who attended Wayne State University and graduated from the Detroit College of Law, entered the race because he feels there is "considerable waste and inefficiency in the present city government" He is campaigning for the separation...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 14

…- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fr iday, January 23, 1959 14 Brandeis Women Miss Levine's Troth Plan Annual Tea Told at Family Party g ewry The annual tea of the book fund committee of the Detroit Brandeis University Women's Committee will be held at 12:45 p.m., Monday, in the home of Mrs. Nicholas S. Gimbel, 17711 Hamilton. Aline B. Saarinen, author of the recent book, ''The Proud Possessors," will be the guest speaker. Her subject is "Adven-...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 15

…Folk Chorus Concert Offers `Martirer Blut' Women's Chub activities AHAVAS ACHIM SISTER- that evening at 7:30 p.m., when HOOD is planning an oneg Inspector Bullack of the De- shabbat at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, troit Police Department's bu- in the home of Mrs. Manuel reau of censorship, will speak. Faxstein, 19467 Snowden. Mrs. Husbands are invited. • * * Richard Burns, chairman. ad- vises that Rabbi Emanuel Ap- LADIES OF YESHIVATH plebaum-will a...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT JEWISH N EWS—Fr iday, January 23, 1959- 16 Bowls 300 Game in BB League g3nai q3ritiz Activities Reside in Oak Park After Dec. 25 Rites Fred Sorkow, bowling in the early Wednesday night league of Ivan S. Bloch Lodge of LOUIS MARSHALL LODGE Bnai Brith, did what every will present David Gutman in bowler dreams some day of a demonstration of hypnosis on doing. He rolled a perfect Tuesday evening, in the Hayim "3007 score, bowling a...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 17

…MRS. DAVID MITCHELL Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Ray- mond Eder. of 19375 Canter- bury Rd., announce the Dec. 28 marriage of their daughter Beverly Lois to Richard David Mitchell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mitchell. of 14241 Lin- coln Dr., Oak Park. The candle- light ceremony was held in the Sheraton-Cadillac Crystal Ball- room, with Rabbi Morris Adler and Cantors Jacob H. Sonen-1 klar and Nicholas Fenakel of- ficiating. Serving as bridesmaids were B...…

January 23, 1959 • Page Image 18

…THE DETROIT JEW ISH NE WS—Friday, Janu ary 23, 1959- 1 8 ,1•1 ■ 4•4111111114.111 ■ 14 omen s Cluhs IMUMFORD U S To Wed Feb. 28 Radomer Groups to Install Leaders A joint installation ceremony Thursday. in the Hayim Green- (More Clubs Page 15) is planned by the Radomer Aid berg Center. when Lawrence GAMMA KAPPA CHI ALUM- Society and its Ladies Auxiliary NI AUXILIARY has scheduled Fleischman, art expert and col- at 8:30 p:m., Tuesday, in t...…

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