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January 30, 1959 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-01-30

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S—Fr iday, January 30, 1959-30

Hint Reid May Succeed
Lawson as Ambassador

Lincoln Quiz

R. Reid, former president and
editor of The New York
Herald Tribune, is under con-
sideration for United States
Ambassador to Israel, accord-
ing to reports from Washing-
It is understood that Reid's
appointment has been taken
up at the White House. Reid,
who is 33 years old, will re-
quire the approval of the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
If approved by Israel and
confirmed by the Senate, .Reid
would succeed Edward B. Law-
son, a career diplomat who is
U.S. Ambassador in Israel at
present and wants to return
to the United States.

On the Sesquicentennial of the
Great Emancipator's Birth

NY State Exempts
Second Bond Issue

This year marks the 150th an-
niversary of the birth of Abra-
ham Lincoln, 16th President of
the United States. The entire
year has been proclaimed by
President Eisenhower as the
Abraham Lincoln Sesquicenten-
nial Year. In its observance, the
National Jewish Welfare Board's
Jewish Community Center Divi-
sion has re-published its popu-
lar 94-page anthology, "Lincoln's
Birthday", a manual of program
material for Jewish groups,
compiled by Philip Goodman.
The answers to many provoca-
tive questions about Lincoln and
the Jews are given in a lively
and informative quiz, one of doz-
ens of fact-and-fiction program
aids contained in the anthology.
The quiz, developed by Ber-
nard Postal, director of JWB's
Bureau of Public Information,
is pertinent, informative and
entertaining for American Jews
of all ages, in every setting. Try
it yourself, and see how much
fun it can be to learn about
American Jewry in the momen-
tous days when the Great Eman-
cipator was President.
Copies of the Lincoln anthol-
ogy from which this quiz is ex-
tracted are available from the
National Jewish Welfare Board,
145 E. 32nd St.. New York 16,
at $1 per copy.

Attorney General Louis J.
Lefkowitz announced that he
has issued an exemption from
the filing requirements of the
New York State Securities •Law
to the Development Corporation
for Israel. an agency of the
Israeli government for a $300,-
000,000 issue of State of Israel
The bonds are of two groups:
Interest-bearing bonds denom-
inated 15-years four per cent
dollar coupon bonds. and cap-
• • •
ital appreciation bonds denom-
inated 10 year savings bonds.
The bonds are the second de-
velopment issue by the Israeli
1 — Were the Jews in the
government, and constitute a United States prior to the Civil
second stage of financial plan- War in favor of or against the
ning by the state of Israel to abolition
secure adequate funds for the
2—What Baltimore rabbi se-
young democracy.
verely attacked slavery?
3—What Southerner was gen-
Ex-Nazi Gets Jail Term erally
considered the most
for Defamation of Jews prominent Jew in America dur-
BIELEFELD, Germany, (JTA) ing the period of the Civil War?
—A one-time high functionary 1 4—To whom, among others,
in the Nazi party, Karl Krumi- did Lincoln turn when he sought
seek, was sentenced to seven to deny the baseless rumor that
months in prison on charges of he was a member of the Know-
libel, defamation of the memory Nothing Party, a mid-19th cen-
of the dead and condoning Nazi tury anti-alien and anti-Catholic
po litical party?
Krumiseck had declared pub-
5—To what celebrated Jew-
licly last April that it was "un- ish religious leader has Lincoln
fortunate that "not all the Jews
been compare d?
had been gassed" and that it
6—What Jews served as dele-
was "imperative to shoot or poi-
gates to the 1860 and 1864 Re-
son the Jews in Israel."
Now a prosperous merchant, publican National Conventions
Krumiseck had offered to pay at which Lincoln was nomi-
1.000 marks to the Herford Jew- nated?
7—What Jews were Lincoln
ish community as a "voluntary
atonement" if the community presidential electors in 1860 and
would withdraw the charges. He 1864?
told the court that he sincerely
regretted the remarks, although
1—A •th th e
he could not remember saying lation, there were Jews who
them in detail.
were in favor of the abolition of
slavery and others who were
Histadrut Policy Change opposed.
2—David Einhorn.
to Aid Small Employer
3—Judah P. Benjamin was At-
drut, Israel's huge labor fed- torney General and later Secre-
eration, plans to amend its con- tary of War and Secretary of
stitution to permit small em- State in the Confederacy.
4—In a letter to his personal
ployers to become full members.
Among the proposals to be friend, Abraham Jones, dated
voted on at the Histadrut con- July 21, 1860, Lincoln explained
vention, which will open Feb. in full his position on the Know-
10, will be one allowing owners Nothing Party after his alleged
of workshops employing a few membership in the party threat-
assistants to become members. ened to become a political issue
Under the proposal, member- in the 1860 presidential cam-
ship also will be opened to paign.
5—Moses. To Moses because
artisans and self-employed mem-
he, like Lincoln, also freed
bers of some professions.
Since such proposals are con- , slaves, and because he also died
sidered "deviations" from basic before entering the promised
Histadrut trade union princi- land of peace.
6--Moritz Pinner of St. Louis
ples, left-wing parties in the
Histadrut are expected to op- and Lewis N. Dembitz of Louis-
ville, an uncle of -Louis D. Bran-
pose them.
deis, were Lincoln delegates to
the 1860 Republican National
Gets Anti Bias Post
WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Da- Convention, and Maier Hirsch,
Salem, Oregon, voted for Lin-
vid A. Sawyer, former director
of the Jewish Community Rela- coln's renomination in 1864.
7—Sigismund Kaufmann of
tions Council in Indianapolis
and more recently area director New York was a Lincoln presi-
for the American Jewish Com- dential elector in 1860, and
mittee in the Pennsylvania re- Abram J. Dittenhoefer, also of
gion, has been appointed execu- New York, held a similar post
tive director of the District of in 1864.
Columbia Commissioners Coun-
Additional Quiz in
cil on Human Relations.
Next Week's Issue


Controversial Line:
Reimbursed Expense

Israel Radio Backs
Iraq Anti-Nasser Moves

The Internal Revenue Service
has announced that the con- Israel Radio was on record with
troversial Line 6(a), dealing the first Israel statement un-
with reimbursed expenses, has equivocally in support of the
been omitted from the 1958 In- fight by Iraq Premier Kassem
against President Nasser of the
come Tax Return.
This year taxpayers will find, United Arab Republic.
The chief commentator of
near the bottom of Page 1 of
the Form 1040, two questions Radio Israel's Arab program,
relating to expense accounts. which represents the Israel
These two questions MUST be Foreign Ministry line, called
Iraq a "liberated Arab coun-
This is an artist's concep-
The Internal Revenue Service try," and added that Nasser
tion of the American Flag
further points out that em- was still "trying to enslave all
with Hebrew letters, prepared
ployees who are required to, Arab countries under his rule
by Abraham Kohn of
and do account to their employ- and is selling his country once
and presented to Abraham
ers for reimbursed expenses, do to the West and once to the
Lincoln in 1861 before he left not have to report these items East."
for Washington to be inaugu- on their returns. However, a
The commentator said . that
rated as President. The story taxpayer who makes a profit "Iraq wants freedom and Nas-
of this flag is one of the many from the expense account, or ser wants jails." He also sup-
dramatic incidents linking claims more expenses than the ported the sentence against Col.
Lincoln to the Jews described amount reimbursed must attach Aref, Premier Kassem's former
in the 94-page anthology, "Lin- a schedule to the return and pro-Nasser deputy.
coln's Birthday," republished either the income or the ad-
by the Jewish Welfare Board ditional expenses should be
for the Lincoln Sesquicenten- shown on Line 5, Page 1 of NY Hospital to Use
nial Year.
New Weapon on Cancer
Form 1040.
Employees who do not ac-
French Synagogue Body
count to their employers or who 24,000,000-volt betatron — the
newest weapon in the fight
Denies Naming Chief Rabbi
MUST attach an itemized sched- against cancer — has been in-
PARIS, (JTA) — The Jew-
ule of expenses incurred and stalled in Mount Sinai Hospital
ish Consistoire of France and
any reimbursement received and will go into action in about
Algeria, central synagogual
regardless of the net outcome. a month.
body of the Jews of France
The machine, which can
and the North African terri-
treat cancer with either elec-
tory, denied reports that Rabbi Public Gobbles Up
trons or X-rays, stands inside
I. Moreli had been named
Israel Oil Stock
seven-foot thick concrete walls
Grand Rabbi of the city of
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Ten as part of the hospital's new
Algiers or that Grand Rabbi
Jacob Kaplan of France had million Israeli pounds worth of $750,000 radio-therapy center.
Dr. John Boland, new direc-
been named Grand Rabbi of bearer bonds, convertible into
common shares, issued by the tor of the hospital's Depart-
There has been no discussion National Oil Company, were ' ment of Radio-Therapy, will
snatched up by investors on the supervise use of the betatron.
in official circles or with Rabbi
first day they were available.
He has been working with
Moreli, a spokesman for the
It was the first time the Is-
Consistoire declared. He noted rael public was offered a chance multi-million volt X-ray ma-
further that since 1955, Dr. to invest in oil propsceting. Pre- chines for four years at the
Kaplan has in fact held the viously, such prospecting was Christie Hospital in Man-
title of Grand Rabbi of France conducted with funds raised chester. England, the largest
and Algeria but has delegated directly by t h e prospecting radio-therapy center in the
his powers as Grand Rabbi of firms. The company had an- world.
Algeria to another spiritual nounced that the shares would
leader. No decision has yet be sold over a six-day riod Deny Fresh Water to Ship
been made in filling the latter but the entire issue was pur- ► Carrying Cargo to Israel
post, the spokesman empha- chased in a few hours.
One effect of the transaction ' Norweigan ship S.S. Sekvic,
was a drop in dollars and gold which had been refused fresh
Hebrew Corner
in the free exchange rate which ! supplies of water at Port Sudan
in recent years have shown a and prohibited from loading
continuous tendency to rise. cargo for Europe because she
The drop in demand for dollars plied the Israel trade, returned
also was attributed to Finance to Elath. The Norweigan vessel
Minister Levi Eshkol's state- will take on adequate water
Translation of Hebrew Column
ment that Israel would not de- supplies at the Israeli port and
Published by Brit Ivrit Olamit
the pound.
[ will return home without cargo.
Education in Israel in the last
ten years was confronted by
difficult and complex problems.
And first of all, due to the
rapid increase in the number
of pupils. It will not be an
exaggeration if we will say
that this increase is unique in
~ tZ1tU'3
the entire world.
In the year 1948 there were
'40 Inv
, x
about one hundred thousand
pupils in Israel in schools of
all types, whereas today their
number reaches half a million.
Despite its difficult economic
position the young state took KY13L1 114
upon itself a compulsory edu-
cation law. Every child up to
the age of fourteen is obliged
to go to school and receives -
a free education.
1948 1'0;
It was necessary, of course,
to build numerous new schools
1P .it L 21flrtr;
and also to increase the number
of pupils in the existing schools.
—17t? nK 1
Up -to this day there are still
schools in which the pupils
study in two sessions: one dur-
ing the morning hours and the
np!'? 17172 13 -I p7?
other during the afternoon
Similarly, it was also neces-
sary to find additional teach-
ers. From 5,000 in the year
1948 the number of teachers
grew to 20,000 this year. Many
of them began to work before
they completed their studies in
the Teachers' Seminary and they
are continuing their studies
while they work (in the midst
of their work) at school.
Israel has developed in many
fields during the ten years of
its existence. The development
n'TP%?nn 10
in the field of education does
not fall in importance (below)
n'-) rtrfulo
that in every other field, and
perhaps even surpasses them.


Ten Years of



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