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January 30, 1959 - Image 32

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-01-30

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THE , DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS—Friday, January 30, 1959-32

Adenauer Condemns Rising Anti-Semitism
as Disgrace to Nation; Plans Crackdown

BONN (JTA)—Fifteen years
after the Allies smashed Hitler's
nightmare s t a t e, Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer felt compel-
led last week to declare that his
West German Government re-
garded "recent anti-Semitic ex-
cesses" as a disgrace to the
German people.
Participating in a debate in
the West German Parliament on
judicial reform, the Chancellor
said his Government would "not
tolerate the slander of our fel-
low citizens," adding that the
spate of anti-Semitic incidents
was "a serious affront to our
Jewish fellow citizens."

ground the world...

A Digest of World Jewish Happenings, from
Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Other
News-Gathering Media.

fer that reparations and indem-
ish Documentation in Paris—
nification to the Jews would
postwar outgrowth of an un-
eventually cost Germany $6,000,-
derground movement in
France—to collect documents
PARIS—An 11-week training course for directors of Jewish
community centers in Continental Europe opened here last week
pertaining to the fate of Jews
Herr Schaeffer, in defense of
in Nazi Europe—for assist.
under the sponsorship of the Joint Distribution Committee . . .
his Ministry, said that justice
ance in substantiating claims The protests of Jewish and non-Jewish organizations forced the
in the case of Nazi war criminals
second cancellation of a scheduled speech by Xavier Vallat,
for indemnification filed by
was slow because the judiciary
notorious anti-Semite who served as Commissioner for Jewish
was hampered by an excessive
case load. Both judges and
In the _trial of ex-concentra- Affairs in the Vichy government, established under the Nazi
prosecutors are overworked, he tion camp guards Wilheim occupation of France.
added, proposing that a central Schubert and Gustav Sorge at
AMSTERDAM—Israel Bonds worth the equivalent of $2,500,-
judicial administrative group Bonn, the prosecution asked if 000 were sold in Holland last year, $280,000 of the Bond pur-
be formed to speed the trying life sentences for the two for- chases having been made by non-Jews . . . The Dutch Jewish
of Nazi criminals.
mer Nazis who are charged with Restitution Committee (JOKOS) has reached an agreement with
responsibility in the murder of the West German Government to pay compensation for the furni-
Herr Schaeffer's sugges-
some 11,000 people at the Sach- ture of Dutch Jews confiscated by the Nazis and shipped to
tions brought derision from
senhausen concentration camp, Germany, payment to be made to original owners and heirs;
Socialist deputy, Dr. H. John,
many of the victims being Jews. and the Dutch Ministry of Finance at the same time stated it
who insisted that the Minis-
He told the deputies that
ter was evading the basic
The prosecutor asserted that would not demand repayment of subsidies it has paid to victims
the German people were un-
problem of bringing the Nazis
their guilt was proved in 159 whose furniture was stolen by the Nazis.
animous in condemning anti-
to justice.
cases of murder. The life term
LONDON—The British government refused to intervene
Semitism and that the inci-
Meanwhile, the Minister of is the maximum under German with the , West German Government to set up an independent
dents had disgraced the Ger-
law. The trial of the two Nazi commission of inquiry into charges
man people and hurt West
that former Nazi judges and
phalia told a meeting of legal guards has been going on for prosecutors were
Germany's reputation abroad.
being re-employed by Bonn in their former
experts in Dusseldorf that there several months, attracting positions . . . Assurances were given here that the British-
His comments were occa- would be no general amnesty world-wide attention.
Egyptian financial agreement will not affect Britain's present
sioned by questions posed by on Nazi crimes. Herr W. Fleh-
The crimes against humanity Middle East policy.
Social Democratic leader Adolph inghaus, the Minister declared commtited at the Sachsenhausen
Arndt who seized the oppor- that if an amnesty were de- concentration camp by the Ges-
VIENNA—Reports reaching here state that the fight that has
tunity presented by the discus- clared and criminals of the tapo were so monstrous as to been brewing for months between the Communist-dominated
sion on judicial reform to ask caliber of those now being tried be beyond comprehension, the Jewish Cultural Organizations and the Jewish religious groups
what the Adenauer Govern- in various German courts for state's attorney declared in his in Poland has become embittered and that a meeting of the
Communist-dominated group, held in Warsaw, accused "Jewish
ment was doing to bring Nazi the murder of hundreds and summation at the trial.
clerical elements of increasing the trend toward darkness and
criminals to justice. Arndt also thousands of human beings
The prosecutor pointed out
asked what the Government was were allowed to freely walk
obscurantism" . . . Viennese police authorities confiscated a
that by even the standards of
doing to prevent the escape the streets of Germany, the the Gestapo the defendants, second edition of the newspaper Der Trommler, whose pub-
abroad of wanted criminals like basic principles" of a state
lisher, Konrad Windisch, was arrested for spreading Nazi propa-
Dr. Hans Eisele, former con- based on law would be jeopar- charged with the murder of ganda. The second ban, which included also the detention of the
11,000 men, women and chil-
centration camp doctor who fled dized.
paper's editor, Helmuth Weswaldi, was ascribed to criticism
dren—many of them Jews— of police action in the first instance . . .
to Egypt to avoid prosecution
It was reported here
At any rate, he stressed, the were criminals. But, he point-
for crimes against camp in-
Warsaw that the famous monument memorializing the
statute of limitations would ed out, the German statute of from
martyrs of the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto is being restored and
come into effect in a few more limitations had intervened and
Dr. Arndt charged that recent years to end the prosecution of they could not be prosecuted for partially rebuilt at a cost of 1,200,000 zlotys appropriated by the
court decisions had underscored Nazis. Under West German law any of their crimes except mur- Warsaw Municipal Council, renovation work to be completed in
the fact that Germany still had charges of murder in such cases der. At one point, the attor- time for the 16th annual observance of the Warsaw Ghetto
not overcome its Nazi past. The must be tried before the close ney attempted to excuse the Martyrs' Day, in April.
government, he continued, was of 1965, while homicides are German people as a whole in
United States
guilty of "serious neglect" in limited to prosecution by 1960.
the matter of war crimes, as-
NEW YORK—The sum of $50,000 was raised for the Herzlia
failing to collect documentary
The Ministry of Interior of
serting that what went on be- Hebrew Teachers'
Institute at a testimonial dinner in honor of
evidence of Nazi crimes. He also
the state of North Rhine-
hind the concentration camp
hit a statement last year by
Westphalia reported that it
barbed wire was unknown to Dr. Emanuel Neumann . . . Two gifts totalling $100,000 were
$750,000 project for construction of a new
Minister of Justice Fritz Schaef-
has asked the Center for Jew-
the people at large.
Jerusalem School of Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of
Religion—$50,000 having been given by William Murstein of
Hamilton, 0., for a chapel in the school to be known as the
William Murstein Chapel, and another $50,000 was given by the
Dan Danciget Fund of Dallas, Tex. . . . Israel Finance Minister
Levi Eshkol returned to his country with a sense of confidence
NEW YORK, (JTA) — Dis-
tion of hate and racist litera-
Syria. "UAR foreign agents that American Jewry "will do its utmost to enable Israel to keep
crimination against Jews still
ture had reached a "new-
working on German soil in its doors open and to absorb as many tens of thousands of immi-
exists in middle and high
post-war height in 1958." The close collaboration with Ger- grants on a level of dignity and production integration" through
priced housing in New York,
report was made on the basis
man Nazi sympathizers have Israel Bond purchases and philanthropic contributions to the UJA
Irving M. Engel, president of
of the three-year study con-
recently engineered the escape . . . Messages of welcome were sent to President Arturo Frondizi
the American Jewish Commit-
ducted by the Committee.
and transmission leading Nazi of Argentina, upon his arrival in this country, by the World
tee, reported at the three-day
Jewish communities were ad-
propagandists and criminals," Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee .. Dr.
executive board meeting of the
vised "to avoid giving free
the report stated. "At least Abraham Mibashan, president of DATA, central representative
organization. "Jewish families
publicity for bigots through
nine ranking Nazis have turned body of Argentinian Jewry, Emilio Gutkin, president of the
are excluded from over one-
any public denunciation of
up already as military and Bueno Aires Jewish Community, and Rabbi Ziperstein, Argen-
third of the desirable cooper-
unknown individuals" en-
propaganda officials in the tina's Orthodox Chief Rabbi, were tendered a luncheon by the
ative apartment houses in Man-
gaged in spreading hate lit-
Jewish Agency under the chairmanship of Mrs. Rose Halpern.
United Arab Republic.
hattan," he said.
erature, "not to dignify their
WASHINGTON—A special consecration and reception for
The AJC board sent a cable
Engel charged that exclusion
to Chancellor Konrad Aden- 12 members of both Houses of Congress, of the Jewish faith,
of Jews from these coopera-
auer, stressing the West Ger- were tendered here by Adas Israel Synagogue, with many non-
tives in Manhattan is a carry-
The leaders of the American man government's resistance to Jewish members of Congress in attendance. and special prayers
over of discriminatory policies Jewish Committee also heard a the growth of Nazism and anti- were recited by Rabbi David H. Panitz.
which barred Jews from rentals report on how the United Arab Semitism and urging the Ger-
HARTFORD, Conn.—An exhibition of Israel handicraft,
in private housing. Following Republic is running an "under- man leader to devote his entitled "Forms from Israel," opened
a three-week show here
conversion of these buildings ground railway" from Germany special attention "to the in- at Wadsworth Atheneum, with Israel's Consul
General Simcha
to cooperatives. Jews are bar- to "import" fugitive, convicted vestigation, exposure and eradi- Pratt as a guest at the preview.
red from buying apartments in
cation of UAR subversive in-
them. He said that most of war criminals and Nazi agita- terference with the authority
these dwellings are located "in tors for high propaganda and and public order of the Fed-
JERUSALEM—A delegation from Cambodia, completing a
a distinct geographical area." military positions in Egypt and eral Republic of Germany."
t wo-week tour of Israel, informed the Israel Foreign Ministry
The AJC president revealed
f Cambodia's willingness to establish diplomatic relations with
that complex stock transactions
srael . . . A dispute over the quality of vehicles assembled by
are used to keep Jewish fam-
he Kaiser-Frazer plant in Israel developed with a charge by
ilies from these cooperatives.
. Arnon, director of the Service Center of the Government
With regard to the suburbs,
C ar Pool, that the vehicles were to 30 to 70 per cent more expert-
Engel said that there are sev-
ive than comparable imports while their performance has
eral areas in th suburbs of WASHINGTON, (JTA) — A commissioner to "take over all b een "most disappointing" and that troubles often developed
New York City where restric- d. elegation from the World Jew- operations of the Jewish Com- d uring the first 5,000 miles of the use of the vehicle . . .
bons against minority group ish Congress called at the State munity and all its monies, prop- p arliamentary finance committee approved a treasury guarantee
home ownership prevail, de- Department to draw its atten- erties, deeds, papers, books, cor- o
f a loan for construction of three freighters being built now
spite the 1948 ruling by the tion to a decree of the Libyan respondence files and other f or a Swiss-Israeli shipping company, the ships to be
U.S. Supreme Court making un- government dissolving the Jew- things concerned with its (the t on displacement, to be completed early in 1961 . of
. . Gary
enforceable restrictive coven- ish Community Council of Trip- community's) affairs."
ants based on race or religion. olitania, a Libyan province, and
The WJC delegation that call- b oasts openly that he crossed into Jordan "to see what it looks
To circumvent this ruling vari- placing a government-appointed ed at the State Department con- li ke," was returned to Israeli authorities
and was immediately
ous methods have been devised commissioner in its place.
sisted of Dr. Maurice L. Perl- h eld on charges of illegal crossing of the border . . . Celebration
to maintain restrictive prat-
The decree, Number 27, pass- zweig of New York and A. L.
f the 10th anniversary of the Parliament of Israel began with a
tices, he reported. "The situa- ed on Dec. 31, gave the com- Easterm an of London. The pecial review of the new detachment of Knesset
guards. Smartly
tion in New York city was missioner, Sayed Amar Sasi At World Jewish Congress esti- d
ressed in blue uniforms, the detachment included 24 men and
typical of a dangerous trend Yia, the same powers that the mates that there are some 4,300
0 ne 22-year-old blonde, to deal with women suspects.
now showing itself in many deposed administrative council
TEL AVIV—The 1959 budget of Histadrut was set at 22,-
metropolitan areas in the had exercised. The president of Jews in Libya, the majority of
United States," he declared.
the deposed council was ordered them in Tripolitania. Most of 500,000 Israeli pounds and co-treasurers I. Haskin and G. Leven-
At an earlier session of to assist the commissioner in the Jews live in Tripoli, the son reported that 13 per cent of Histadrut's budget was covered
taking over.
the executive board meeting
capital of Tripolitania, with a by income raised abroad by the Histadrut campaign . . . A
strike of chemists and pharmacists has left only
it was reported that distribu-
The decree empowered the smaller community in Benghazi. country-wide
emergency staffs on duty in public health institutions.

American Jewish Committee Reports Increased
Anti-Semitism, German-UAR `Underground Railway'

WJ Congress Seeks Intervention
on Liquidation- of Libyan Council.

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