Beth Abraham to Hold Rally for Youth Sunday
YEL Luncheon
Feb. 18 to Assist
Needy Children
Final arrangements for its
annual luncheon, marking the
close of the Youth Education
League's pledge fund drive, will
be made at a meeting Monday,
at the home of Mrs. Jack Mun-
son, of Birwood Ave.
The luncheon will be held at
12:30 p.m., Feb. 18, in the Foun-
tain Room of Masonic Temple.
It is being called a "mystery
Mrs. Robert Lewiston is chair-
man, and is assisted by Mes-
dames Phil Kaplan and Gerald
Mosher. The program will in-
clude entertainment and the
awarding of a number of prizes.
YEL, she added, provides as-
sistance in many fields concern-
ing child welfare, including tui-
tion for special schools for prob-
lem and retarded youngsters
and those afflicted with cerebral
In announcing the purpose
of the program, Mrs. Jules
Sanders, vice-president of the
yearbook. stated that the group
has evolved from a small or-
ganization to one that has a
membership of 250.
The group provides clothing
and new shoes for school chil-
dren and for those attending
Fresh Air Camp, offers scholar-
ships to worthy young men and
women and provides emergency
aid in cases applying to children
of indigent parents.
Tickets to the luncheon are
available from Mrs. Avery
Tucker. reservations chairman,
DI 1-2817.
Continue Israel
Art Exhibition
Considerable interest is being
shown here in the exhibition of
works of Israeli artists, now on
display at the Grinnell Gal-
leries, 1515 Woodward.
The exhibit will continue for
another week.
There are 90 art works. and
among the distinguished artists
represented are Jacob Stein-
hardt. Zvi Mayro•itz, Miran
Sima and Nahum Gutman.
The oils and watercolors are
attracting particular attention.
Councilettes Slate
Dad - Daughter Confab
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cohn, of
Pinehurst Ave.. announce the
engagement of their daughter.
Sharon Lee. to Alvin S. Kaufer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Kaufer, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Miss Cohn is a graduate of the
University of Michigan. Mr.
Kaufer graduated from Wes-
leyan University, Middletown,
Conn.. where he was affiliated
with Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
After two years in the U.S.
Army, he entered the U. of M.
law school, where he presently
is a senior and a member of
Phi Delta Pi legal fraternity.
Plans are being made for a
June wedding.
Vets Name Post
for War Hero
Post 160 of the A mv ets.
World War II veterans or-
ganization. has been named for
1st Lt. Arthur J. Osborne. who
lost his life in the service of
his country on Dec. 18. 1946.
a gold plaque
recording the naming cere-
mony were Lt. Osborne's par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Osborne,
of Griggs Ave.
The ceremony was witnessed
by members of the family, in-
cluding his sister and her hus-
band. Mr. and Mrs. Jordon
Mellen, friends and veterans
affiliated with the post at a
semi-formal inaugural ball last
Lt. Osborne. a pilot in the
U.S. Army Air Corps. was
killed in Germany. His body
was brought back to this coun-
try, and was re-interred in
Machpelah Cemetery.
Born on April 9. 1918. Lt.
Osborne had attended Hutchins
Intermediate and Central High
School, graduating from the
latter school in the class of
He received his wings on
Nov. 20, 1944, and saw con-
siderable action during the
war. Before entering service,
he had been a buyer for a
local drug chain.
Councilettes, junior division
of National Council of Jewish
Women. will hold a father-
daughter meeting at 1:30 p.m.,
Feb. 15. in room 106 of the Mc-
Gregor Community Conference
Building. 483 W. Ferry. A panel
will discuss the relationship be-
tween father and daughter.
On March 15. Councilettes will
hold a fashion show and book
and record sale at Adas Shalom-
Synagogue. Each show partici-
pant will contribute a clothing
outfit for the Council resale
shop. Books and records are so- NW Druggist Starts
licited for the event. Contribu- Money-Saving Plan
tions may be dropped off at the
Ben Baskin, owner of Bas-
home of Mrs. Nathan Shevitz,
kin Drugs. at 18910 W. 7 Mile,
18272 San Juan.
this week announced a plan
which will be made available
Pinsker Aid Society
to residents of the area during
the coming week.
Installs New Officers
Details of the plan. for
The following officers were
installed by Pinsker Proges- Northwest and suburban area
sive Aid Society at ceremonies residents. will be announced
held recently at the Hayim in The Jewish News. and a
special certificate will be
Greenberg Center:
Sam Rosenberg, president; mailed early in February.
Baskin. who has been a
David Weiner, vice-president;
Herman Bronson and Albert pharmacist in this area for
Klavons, treasurers; Fred Katz eight years, advises that the
and Abe Kusnit, secretaries; plan, first of its kind in Michi-
Harry Newman, sgt.-at-arms; gan. will enable users to save
and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Per- as much as S50 annually on
chick and Ben Hoffer, hospital- regular prescription purchases.
Baskin, whose store provides
ers. Louis Levine, Hyman Lip-
sitz and Klavons served on the seven-day-a-week service. also
installation committee and a announced that the forthcom-
special presentation was made ing plan is one of several un-
to Mr. and Mrs. Perchick for usual services he is preparing
for his customers.
their efforts in the Society
Wednesday morning's com-
mencement exerciss marked the
culmination of four valuable
and exciting years for the 190
January graduates of 1959. The
seniors were addressed by -ale-
dictorians Sandra Eastman and
Robert Rosman. Ceremonies
closed with the distribution of
diplomas by principal, C. E.
Frazer Clark.
The commencement commit- '
tee, under the direction of Fred
Steinhardt and Robert Taylor,
were in charge of all prepara•
tons and rehearsals for the
Climaxing the many senior
activities this semester was the
Senior Prom, "Rhapsody in
Blue." held Thursday evening, ,
at Lovett Hall. Greenfield Vil-
lage. The seniors danced to the
music of Panchito and his or-
chestra amidst a setting of blue
and silver. This traditional
event signified the final activity
of the January Class of 1959.
Student Council members held
their formal installation of of-
ficers Monday in the audit°-
, rium. Steering the Council dur-
ing the next semester will be
Sue Rice. president: David
Drachler, vice-president; Beth
Rosenthal. recording secretary;
Judy Katz. corresponding secre-
tary: and Wendy Yolles. treas-
Both the outgoing and incom-
ing officers of the new semes-
ter were honored at the semi-
annual Council-Faculty Break-
fast, held Wednesday. in the
school cafeteria.
During the breakfast. outgo-
ing president Carlotta Jones dis-
: cussed the activities and ac-
! complishments of the Council
during her term of office. then
gave the gavel to Sue Rice.
president-elect, who outlined
her plans for the next semester.
Social committee co-chairmen
Marie Scruggs and Stuart
Freedman. handled the ar-
rangements for the breakfast.
Hoping to retain their posi-
tion as Detroit's high school
chess champions. Mumford's
chess team will compete in the
second annual city tournament
on Feb. 21, in the University
of Detroit student activities
building. Ten Detroit high
schools will be represented.
Members of the winning
team will receive individual
prizes. while their school will
be awarded the Morrehead
Chess Trophy.
* * *
Members of the publication
staff of the Mercury treated
the staff of the Redford Out-
post to a party Monday in the
school cafeteria in honor of
their victory in the annual
Goodfellow drive.
This marks the second time
in the six year old rivalry be-
tween the two schools that Red-
ford has defeated Mumford.
The "Little Blue Jug," the vic-
tory symbol between the
schools. was presented to the
Redfordites by Linda Reistman
and David Rottenberg, who
made the arrangements for the
Mumford's cagers lost a one-
point decision to Central 49-48.
last Friday. This brings the
Mustangs to third place in the
East Side League with a rec-
ord of two wins and two losses.
Mustang high scorer was Mike
Kukes, with 19 points.
Jewish Boy and Girl Should
Belong to a Synagogue Youth
Group." Participants are An-
drew Kohen, of Cong. Ahavas
Achim; Harold Topel. of Cong.
Shaarey Zedek; and Dennis Rice,
of Beth Abraham.
A musical program and re-
freshments also are planned,
to Larry Matlin,
New Theater Group
youth group president. Willie
Sets Talent Auditions Opperer is adult advisor to the
Detroit Theater Arts, a new, group, while Dr. Lawrence Yaf-
non-secretarian group which will fa is chairman of the youth
participate in all fields of thea- commission.
ter production, will hold audi-
tions for actors. musicians, thea-
ter craftsmen and technicians
on Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday of this week at the Fort
Wayne Hotel. Persons interest-
ed in musical tryouts are ad-
For Any Occasion
vised to bring their own music.
No appointments are necessary.
The group is headed by pro-
ducer-director Stuart Piggins, ,
and plans incorporation after a
membership drive. Some re-
hearsals are already underway
TR 1-4141
for early spring production.
A special rally for youth, to
launch a new program of activi-
ties for 13 to 17-year-old boys
and girls, will be held by Beth
Abraham Synagogue at 2 p.m.,
A feature of the afternoon
will be a panel on "Why Every
It seems improbable that we,
or any nation or group of na-
tions, will attain peace until
each man, in his own mind and
heart, treats all men as his
brothers.—Eddie Cantor.
Other Srnurt Combos)
Excellent Seats
Opening Night, Feb.
Salty Fields
TR 1-4141
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