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January 30, 1959 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-01-30

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Beth Yehudah
Plan 17th Annual Beth El Institute
OpenS 4 Schools for Christian Clergymen on Feb. 6

A network of schools in De-
troit, ,Oak Park and Livonia will
be in operation when the Beth
Yehudah Schools begins its new
semester on Monday.
Afternoon schools will serve
the Dexter area (the Yeshivath
Beth Yehudah), Northwest sec-
tion (Northwest Young Israel),
Livonia (Botsford School) and
Oak Park (in conjunction with
Cong. Bnai Israel).
The latter will open as a new
school, offering classes for be-
ginning or advanced boys and
girls, as will all other branches.
Bus service is provided.
A full program is presented
at the Beth Yehudah day school,
Dexter at Sturtevant, for stu-
dents of nursery age through
high school, and there is a Beth
Hamidrah for advanced stud-
ies at the college level.
The day school's Oak Park
branch, designated as the He-
brew Academy has classes run-
ning from nursery school
through second grade, a half
grade being added with each
new semester.
For information on the over-
all program or for registration,
call the schools' main office.
WE 1-0203.

Gen. Marshall to Talk
in 'Focus on Israel'
Series of Lectures

Brig. Gen. S.L.A. Marshall,
editorial writer and military
critic of The Detroit News and
author of the recently-published
"Sinai Victory," will present the
second in a series of lectures
on "Focus on Israel."
Part of the program of the
seventh annual
Adult Insti-
tute, the ad-
dress will be
presented a t
8:30 p.m., Tues-
day, at Beth
Aaron Syna-
gogue, accord-
ing to Rabbi
Benjamin H.
Gorrelick, In-
stitute chair-
Others who Gen. Marshall
"will speak in the weekly series
include Boris M. Joffe, execu
tive director of the Jewish Com-
munity Council; Philip Slomo-
vitz, editor and publisher of The
Jewish News; and David A.
Tesher, of the Israel Consulate
General's office in Chicago.
In addition to "Focus on Is-
rael." other new Institute
courses are "Modern Problems
in Jewish Life" taught by Rabbi
Moses Lehrman. and "Midrash
and Jewish Lore" by Rabbi Hy-
man Agress.
Congregations co - sponsoring
the Institute with Beth Aaron
are Adas Shalom Synagogue,
Ahavas Achim, Bnai Moshe,
Shaarey Zedek and Evergreen
Jewish Cong.

Two guest rabbis will be

session is Dr. G. Merrill Lenox,
featured speakers at the 17th executive director of the De-
annual B. Benedict Glazer In- troit and Michigan Council of
stitute on Judaism for Christ- Churches.
ian clergymen of Detroit on
Rev. James Laird, minister
Feb. 6, at Temple Beth El.
of Central Methodist Church,
They are Dr. Abraham J. will introduce Rabbi Borowitz,
Feldman, rabbi of Cong. Beth whose topic for the 1:30 p.m.
Israel, Hartford, Conn., who session is "Changing Attitudes
will speak at the morning ses- in Theological Thinking and
sion, and Dr. Eugene B. Borow- Their Effect on Religious Edu-
catio not Children."
At sabbath services of
Temple Beth El at 8:30 p.m.,
that evening, Dr. Feldman will
address the congregation on
"Being Religious Today."
Dr. Feldman, past president
of both the Central Conference
of American Rabbis and Syna-
gogue Council of America, was
ordained from Hebrew Union
College and holds honorary
doctorates' from his alma mater,
Trinity College, Hillyer College
- •

and Hart College of Music.
He presently serves on the
Dr. Feldman Dr. Borowitz
boards of numerous national
organiaztions, is visiting
itz, director of the Commission
on Jewish Education of the professor of homiletics at Heb-
Union of American Hebrew rew Union College-Jewish In-
Congregations, who will address stitute of Religion, is the auth-
or of several books and a fre-
the afternoon program.
The Institute will open at 10 quent contributor to scholarly
a.m., with Rabbi Sherwin T. periodicals.
Wine, assistant rabbi of Temple
Beth El, giving the invocation Resume Adult Study
and Dr. Richard C. Hertz, sen-
ior rabbi, welcoming the as- at Temple Israel
sembled ministers.
The second half of its Bible
Rabbi Feldman, who will be study program will be launched
introduced by Dr. Paul T. Ran- by Temple Israel this Monday
kin, president of the Detroit night. The course will continue
Council of Churches, chairman for eight successive weeks.
of the morning session, will
Dr. Leon Fam will lead a
speak on "What Is the Judeo-
class in "The Shorter Books of
Christian Tradition?"
Luncheon at 12 noon will be the Bible," including the Song
served by the Sisterhood of of Songs, Book of Esther and
Temple Beth El. Rabbi David Prophet Micah, Rabbi M. Robert
A. Baylinson, assistant rabbi S y m e will teach from the
of the congregation. will give prophetic books of Hosea, Joel
and Malachi.
the invocation, and Dr. Hertz
will speak briefly.
Other courses will include
Greetings will be extended "Current Problems in Jewish
by Rev. Charles F. Kesting, Life and Their Historical Back-
minister of St. John's Evangel-; ground," taught by Dr. Fram.
ical and Reformed Church; and "Study of the Hebrew Lan-
Bishop Marshall R. Read. of 1 guage" by Rabbi Syme.
the Detroit Area Methodist
Classes are held from 8 to 9
Church; and Rev. Hubert N. and 9 to 10 p.m. At the close
Robinson. minister of Ebenezer of the first night's session,
A.M.E. Church.
there will be a reception for all
Chairman of the luncheon registered students.




'SZ Juniors to Host
USY at Havdallah

Shaarey Zedek Junior Con-
gregation will conduct Hav-
dallah services for its part
in the United Synagogue Youth
week-end, Feb. 6 to 8. The
services on Saturday night will
be followed by a dance in the
social hall.

Junior Congregation social
committee, is planning several
house parties on Feb. 21 to
introduce new members to the
old ones.

The Institute will be held at
the Esther Berman Branch
the United Hebrew Schools.
Mrs. Carl Schiller heads the

committee on arrangements for

Rabbi S i m c h a Wasserman,

former head of Beth Yehudah
Schools here and currently dean
and founder of the West Coast
Talmudical Seminary in Los An-
geles, will speak at a melaveh
malkeh on the evening of Feb.
7, at the Dexter Young Israel
Rabbi Wasserman began the
seminary less than five years
ago with a dozen students. The
school has since expanded and
outgrown its quarters and is
presently building a new cam-
pus in North Hollywood.

the Institute.
The central theme for this
year's Institute, to continue on

successive Wednesdays through
March 4, is "Life's Challenge
and Jewish Response—the Clas-
sical Approach."
Lecturers who will follow Dr..
Orlinsky are Prof. William Ir-

win, Rabbi Bernard J. Bamber-
ger and Rabbi Ben-Zion Bokser.
A limited number of new reg-
istrants for the Institute will be
accepted at the Midrasha, 18977


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Confidant of Ben-Gurion • Ranking Member of Mapai Party

Coming to the United States on a Special Mission

Rabbi Arm Gets

Publisher-editor of the Jerusalem Post, the only English language

Detroit Pulpit

daily in Israel ... A Philadelphia newspaperman who rose to be

Rabbi Milton Arm was called
to the pulpit of Cong. Ahavas
Achim, by unanimous election
of the synagogue's board. on
Monday evening. He will as-
su me his new post prior to
Passover as successor to Rabbi
Jacob Chinitz.
Rabbi Arm, who was or-
dained by the Jewish Theo-
logical Seminary of America,
was assistant rabbi of Cong.
Shaarey Zedek here until a
year ago. He was called to the
pulpit of Cong. Beth Israel in
Milwaukee prior to the last
Holy Days.
On the last sabbath, Rabbi
Arm delivered the sermon at
the Ahavas Achim.
Rabbi Chinitz has accepted
a pulpit in Philadelphia, Pa.

Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, pro-
fessor of Bible at Hebrew Union
College-Jewish Institute of Reli-
gion, will open the Midrasha
Lecture Series, Wednesday eve-
ning, Feb. 11, with an address
on "Law — Man's Relation to
Society and the World Around
Him—Book of Deuteronomy."


West Coast Yeshiva Head
to Speak at YI Feb. 7


Prof. Orlinsky to
Open Midrasha
Institute Feb. 11


Mayor of the HOLY CITY.

On the Same Program

MASHA BENYA, Yiddish and Israeli FOLK SINGER


Detroit Jewry is invited to a


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1959, 8:30 P.M.

Morris L Schaver Auditorium

For Reservations Call


UNiversity 4-7094

19161 Schaefer Hwy.

Contribution $1.00

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