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October 06, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Acclaim Chronicle Hour The Jewish Chronicle Hour presented its inaugural program Sunday over W1(5111 --Ph otos by Jack Bigeltnan Mrs. Josephine Weiner, president of the Women's Division of the JIVE; and Seymour Tilchin, publisher of the Chronicle, who acted as moderator. The picture on the right shows the program's dramatic staff: I. to r., Bob Seymour, director, Seymour Tuehow, narrator, Lee Robinson, Marvin Bernstein, Irwin Immerman and Je...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 2

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 2 , Thursday, October 6, 1949 Honor Gov. Williams Metropolitan Group to Meet "Munich to Dachau to Peeks- kill" discussed by Rabbi Shepherd Z. Baum at a meeting sponsored by the Committee to Reinstate the Metropolitan Chap- ter, AJC, at 8:30 p.m., Wednes- day, Oct. 12 at the David Simons auditorium, 4000 Tuxedo. Rabbi Baum, chairman of the committee for a democratic AJC, has been a member of the con- g...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, October 6, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Raps St. Louis Police for Special Jewish Files By PHINEAS J. BIRON LT. ANDREW AYLWARD, head of the St. Louis bureau on police records will have to do better. His explanation that Jews are not classified on St. Louis police records under "White Americans" because it facilitiates quick identifications of Jewish criminals Isn't good enough. It does not explain wh...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 4

…Page 4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, October 6, IMO Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. 2827 Cadilla1 Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan WOodward 1-1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich.. 'under the Act of March 3, 1879. SEYMOUR TILCHIN Publisher Thursday, Oct. 6, 1949 0.4/1...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Thursday, October I, 110 Aids Affair DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE &trope Trip I for Sobeloff AJC Speaker Isidore Sobeloff, executive di- rector of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, will leave Friday for a month's trip to Europe and Israel in behalf of the Joint Distribution Commit- tee, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Council of Jewish Fed- erations and Welfare Funds, Jul- ian H. Krolik, federation in'esi- dent, announced. MRS, ...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Page 6 WOMEN'S CLUBS The Radomer Auxiliary is completing preparations for its annual donor dinner to be held Jan. 17. Mickey Woolf will enter- tain. For tickets call Mrs. Ben- jamin Halpern, TE. 4-7097 or Mrs. Joe Wisotsky, TY. 5-4594. The Women's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools, in keep- ing with Education Month, in- vites the community, to attend the opening meeting of the season to be held Thumlay, at the North- west Hebrew Conger...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 7

…• Thursday, October 6, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH I Bnai Brith, Highlights CHRONICLE 1/1/YOU11001i. By LIONEL GINSBERG' RFUL .... exciting ... WONDE RFUL WONDE Detroit Chapter Page l sented before Bnai Brith Lodges. Chapters and any. ;interested groups. Vic Bloomfield, vice- ptesident Of Detroit Greater Bnai Brith, is adviser of the hardwork- ing group. • • • Maynard Kalef, president of the Detroit-Windsor Council of AZA, announces that• th...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Page 8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE in the Realm o Milton Gilmans Back from Honeymoon Trip Ttairsday, October 6. MIS "local Soddy Bride of Detroiter Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Gilman (Roxanne Grevnin) have re- turned from an extended honey- !noon on the west coast. The couple is temporarily residing at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Grevnin, of 18613 Wildemere avenue. To Wed in Spring Career Women Slate Israel Talk by ...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Thursday, October 6, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Fete Dorothy Shekter at Pre-Nuptial Affair Page vro Pa rkside Unit to Hear Leon Kay Plans January Nainials October bride-elect Dorothy Shekter of Detroit was feted at a luncheon and shower at the Co- lonial lintel in Mt. Clemens, given by Mrs. Max Elkin and Mrs. Wil- ham Elkin. Betrothal Told Leoh Kay, president of the De- troit Zionist organization, who recently returned from Israel,...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Page It DETROIT JEWISH Million Given Health Back CHRONICLE Sisters in Dmt ► le Weddin ,r Thursday, October 6, 1919 GnyayPnlen Ii Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Katzman of Windsor announce the en- gagement of their daughter Blanche to Ben Salinger of Detroit. The wedding is set for Nov. 13. NEW YORK —, The greatest postwar medical rehabilitation Mr. and Mrs. Lester Landes of Glynn Court announce the program undertaken by. a .volun- engagement of t...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Thursday, October II, 1149 CO. hark 9112w_ By MARC H. TANENBAUM (Mizrachi News Bureau) (THE WORLD AS I SEE IT. A By Albert Einstein. 112 pp. New York Philosophical Li- brary. $2.75.) To leaf through the mind of Albert Einstein, who has been called "one of the few genuine immortals of our time," is an ex- hilirating experience. In this slim volume, which is an abridged collection of Einstein's views on everything from the meaning of life, re...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Page 12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, October 6, 1919 Torch Fund Plans Charted by Jewish Women's League PHIL ROTHSCHILD The number of registrations for The League of Jewish Women's Hebrew Courses at Wayne Uni- Organization's first meeting of versity for the coming semester the 1949-50 season will be dedi- have exceeded the available ca- cated to the Torch Fund drive. pacity, Rabbi Morris Adler, The affair will be a compli- chairman o...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 13

…Thursday, October 6, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE On Oct. 15 members of the high school of the Temple will enjoy a progressive dinner which will get under way at Sid Klein- man's abode, wi,Ii the main course By HELEN TENNENBAUM at Ealine Platz's, and dessert at PLAY TIME IS here again, and Marlene Shulak's home. • • • we find a group rehearsing for a repeat performance of that hil- BY TI1E WAY, how about giv- arious production of The Mur- ...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 14

…ti Page 14 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, October 8, 1919 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A. M. Wednesday Rates: 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00. Payable in Advance of Publication 2827 CADILLAC TOWER 'RUBBISH DRUMS ASII AND RUBBISH DRUMS. TwO dollars delivered. Matt Dean. Phone GA. 94274 or KE. 1-1193. WO. 1-1040 WALL WASHING LOST AND FOUND CARPENTRY MALE SPITZ dog, all white, medium sine. A...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 15

…Thursday, October 6, 1949 DETROIT Rites Listed for Succoth 8:30 p. m., Friday at the Art Institute. The children of the religious school have been invited to the Succoth rites at 10:30 a. m., Sat- urday. The children are working (Continued from Page 11 officiate at all services. The re- on three distinct Succah projects. • • • ligious school will hold a Succoth party at 4 p. to., Thursday, Oct. Shaarei Zion 13 at the Synagogue Succah. First...…

October 06, 1949 • Page Image 16

…--•■•••■•••■ Page 16 •■•••■••= now •IIIIMIONNIPIPOPMEIMOM DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE r OUR ATHLETES Thursday, October 6, 1919 Map Balfour Hall Plans Living Room Bad Spot for Yom Kippur By MITCHELL TENDLER RAINED on Yom Kippur. A The sky was grey, sullen, overcast, and aesthetically speak- ing, depressing. It was the kind of afternoon a single guy wishes he were married and vice versa. We mulled about the living room during a respite fro...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NE S Detroit 26, Michigan, May 6, 1949 VOLUME 15—NO. 8 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 • . • A ... of 'Jewish Events A Weekly Review Detroit's Allied Jewish Campaign Supports the UJA Causes . • \ „,• • \ , \ • • • • • / /, • cr •- , For Israel Independence Day Celebration at Fair Grounds Coliseum Story on Page 2 7 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c - . v4,/ • • - -• Reserve May 15 • W 6 . Salute...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Community Mobilized to Celebrate Israel's First Anniversary ay 15 Cantors, Consuls, Ben-Ilan, Rabbi Adler, JWV on Program The entire Jewish community is being mobilized for the demonstration to be held on Sunday, May 15, at 2:15 p.m., to honor the first anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. It is expected that 10,000 people will attend this event at the State Fair Coliseum; Woodward and Eight-Mile Road. Organized under th...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 3

…ti Orthodox Groups Welcome Chief Rabbi Herzog Auxiliary Workers Take Assignments Israel's Religious Leader Tours U.S. for UJA Drives . Dr. Isaac Halevi Herzog, chief rabbi of Israel, will be guest of honor at a dinner meeting m of the 1949 Jewish Campaign at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, at the Jewish Community Center. Sponsors of the dinner are the Council of Orthodox Rabbis, Rabbi Joseph Thumin, chairman ; Mizrachi Organi- zation of Detro...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Treasure of Purim Member: American Association of English-Jewish News- papers, Michigan Press Association. Services: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, King Features, Central Press Association, Paicor News Agency. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 2114 Penobscot Detroit 26, Mich., WO. 5-1155. Subscription $3 a year; foreign $4. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post O...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Jerusalem, Latrun Road Area Still Held as 'No Man's Land' Israel, American, British Dignitaries Patricipate In Statehood Anniversary Celebrations; Arab Refugee Solution Sought JERUSALEM—JTA—Lt. Col. Moshe Dayan, Israeli commander of the Jerusalem area, in a press statement, re- vealed that the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv railroad is entirely in the hands of the Israelis as a result of the Rhodes armistice agreement, but warned that the Arab Legion is...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 6

…, . • •: :-- * ::: g : •••• 6 . Freedom is a wonderful thing ... but the desert gets cold at night The longest journey human beings ever took is over for most of the Jewish Displaced Persons. They started from a point in darkness. Terror, oppression and death were their baggage. And now they have arrived at the freedom sta- tion—the new state of Israel. Now they are free. Pause and feel the word in your throat. It bursts with joy. It is...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH NEWS - 7 Governor Enrolled as Zionist Friday, May 6, 1949 Jewish Center's Annual Meeting To Be Held May 15 GOVERNOR G. MENNEN WILLIAMS is enrolled as an honorary member of the Zionist Organization of America by MORRIS M. JACOBS (left) , president of the Michigan Zionist Region, as the Governor signs the "Book of Rememberance" of the Zionist Organization of America. Looking on is BEN ROSENBERG of Sodus, Mich., member of the execu...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 8

…• No picture is big enough to describe the 'drama of And no picture can fully convey the urgency and the emptying of the D. P. camps. No picture is big the compelling summons of higiory to give new life enough to depict the mass transfer of 250,000 Jews and hope to people who- have at long last reached from Europe to Israel. No picture is big enough to the port of embarkation for freedom. tell the great homecoming story of the 25,000 ...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Young Adult Community Junior Division Pledges Roll Temple Israel Youth In, Workers Report Progress Elects New Officers Birthday Ball Queen Coronation Planned By Junior Hadassah THE JEWISH NEWS - 9 Friday, May 6, 1949 Weekend Seminar Set By Detroit Hechalutz The Junior Hadassah member who brings in the largest The founding seminar of Snit amount of money for Meier Hechalutz of Detroit will take Shefeyah, Israel children's vil- place the...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 10

…JEWISH NEWS Council Delegates' 10—THE Friday, May 6, 1949 Session Advanced National Hadassah Heads Council Here To This Tuesday Leader to Speak Mrs. Lewis B. Daniels, newly- elected president of the Detroit Delegates to the Jewish Com- To Detroit Chapter Section, National Council of munity Council will meet at 8:30 Mrs. Lewis Daniels Jewish Women, was installed, in p.m. Tuesday, May '10, at the Jewish Community Center, in- stead of May 11, a...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH NEWS-11 _Bowling trophies and awards for • the RABBI MANDEL M. ZA- GER CHAPTER BOWLING TEAM will be awarded the team's annual banquet May 22 at North- wood Inn, it was announced by Jeanette Rudin, newly-elected team president. Other new offic- ers are: Shirley Taylor, vice president; Mrs. Abraham Shap- iro, treasurer; Mrs. Abe Sin- clair, secretary; and Mrs. Sey- mour Berman, corresponding secretary. the Mothers' Day program of th...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Detroit Zionist \Reports On Israeli Experiences By ROBERT MARWIL (Editor's Note: The following report has been received by The Jewish News from Mr. Marwil, prominent Detroit Zionist who is presently visiting in Israel with Mrs. Marwil). JERUSALEM.—We have just returned from Rabbi Berlin's funeral. Thousands of people folowed the bier on foot, from the home of the deceased leader in Rehavia up the road past the - Jewish Agency building, the ...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 13

…• Ir e 1 a Congress Group Asks Investigation of Nazis Present Mozart Festival Center Symphony Soloists Gingold to be Soloist At Madrigal Concert Texas Congressman Reveals vicious Anti-Semitic Attitude in AAUW Speech The De t r o i t Metropolitan Chapter of the American Jew- ish Congress has passed a reso- lution calling on the United States Senate to "conduct a public investigation into the implementation of the denazi- fication progr...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 14

…1 14—THE JEWISH NEWS Schools PTO He Florence Ferentz Wed Elects New Officers Friday, May 6, 1949 divitiei in Sot-lett, To -Allan Davis April 3 Mrs. Jack Pinsky of Warrington Drive, is touring England, France, Switzerland and Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gornbein are visiting in Miami Beach with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Ehrlich will attend the Okrent-Adler wedding May 1 in Cincinnati, a...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH NEWS-15 Friday, May 6, 1949 Adivitiei in Soddy Plans Summer. Nuptials Marilyn Klein of Monterey Ave. has returned from an ex- tended stay in Miami Beach and Havana. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Sorock of Santa Monica, Calif,. are visit- ing the family of his son, Dr. Milton L. Sorock of Wildemere Ave. Later, they will visit the senior Dr. Sorock's two daughters in Long Island, N. Y. Dr. Sorock came to Detroit in 1908 from Yale University t...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 16

…16—THE JEWISH 'NEWS Golden Rule Aid Fete Israel Sisterhood Prepared for May 10 To Name Officers English Leader of Pioneer Women Opens Drive Here The annual meeting and elec- The Women's.Golden Rule Aid tion of officers of Temple Israel Society will sponsor a Mothers' Sisterhood will be held Wed- and Daughters' banquet at 6:30 nesday, May 11, at Knollwood Country Club. A subscription luncheon at 12:30 will precede the program. All reservatio...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 17

…Congregational Activities Young Israel Celebrates 26 Years Of Service for Jewish. Community Completion of 26 years of ser- vice to the Jewish community of Detroit will -be marked • by Young Israel at a dinner at the Mayfair, Dexter and Waverly, Sunday evening, May 29. The Detroit group was organized in 1923 by a handful of young men and women. One of the major features of DAVID I. BERMS Young Israel work in this city has been the sponsorshi...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 18

…18—THE JEWISH NEWS Furniture Section Organizes For Outstanding Contribution Friday, May 6, 1949 U. S. Hebrew Culture Council is Outlined At National Meeting NEW YORK, (JTA) — Jewish scientists, educators, scholars and cultural leaders, represent- ing 35 national. Jewish organ-. izations, adopted a resolution to cerate a council of these organ- izations to promote Hebrew cul- ture in this country. The dele- gates attending the two-day first...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 19

…• • Confidence in Work of WA Expressed at Women's Events THE JEWISH NEWS-19 Technion Directors Tour Israel Friday, May 6, 1949 Linen, Laundry Drivers Boost Campaign Pledges Linen and Laundry Drivers of the 1949 Allied Jewish Campaign raised their pledges 58.8% over their 1948 contributions at an organizational brunch meeting at Lieberman and Citrin Res- taurant. Isaac Litwak, business agent of the group's union local 285, presided. Thre...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 20

…Israel Club Sends State Field Kitchen 20, E THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 6, 1949 On the Record By NATHAN ZIPRIN (Copyright, 1949, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Notes and Observations Israel Club of Detroit Purchased a Canteen on Wheels (field kitchen) for use in Israel. Left to right: Albert Kurzmann, financial secretary; Samuel.. Brown, treasurer; Abe Zeff, vice-president; Jack Natow, chairman of entertainment; Louis Margolis, pre...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 21

…211111111111041111 /11M111111 ffilit11111111111111 11161 1111111111111111111111111111111t1111111101M11111111111111111111111111111111111101111E = Danny P 0 THE JEWISH NEWS-21 Friday, May 6, 1949 Goldkette . . . who affection- ately refers to them all as "My boys." , , Jean doesn't take as LET much credit as she should . . but the records talk for them- selves. * * * BRUCE TAYLOR, handsome assistant to Goldkette, is New York boy who also r...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 22

…22 — THE JEWISH NEWS The Sporting Scene: Friday, May 6, 1949 Obituaries Tam O'Shanter Developments Si gnificant in Tolerance Fight Memorial Tributes PEARL SHANBROM, 4031 Ty- REV. ABRAHAM H. KUTNICK, ler, died April 30. Services were 73, of 2910 Waverly, died April Honor Pvt. Grossman, held at Kaufman Chapel, with 27. Funeral services were held at Reburied Here April 26 Rabbi Joseph Thumin officiat- the Hebrew Benevolent Society, ing. S...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 23

…Classified Advertisements Mrs. Joseph Welt, NCJW President, Will Attend International Parley _ Mrs. Joseph M. Welt, president of the National Council of Jew- ish Women, left for Paris to represent her organization at the Interniaional Council of Jewish Women, which will open its four-day meeting on May 29 - in the French capitol. Prior to the meeting of . the international body, she will make a three-week tour of in- spection of the activiti...…

May 06, 1949 • Page Image 24

…roncluding bastallment of Weizmann Autobiography "The. Historic Day of May 5: The Rise of the Stale of Israel and America's Recognition As One President to Another from Madison Square Garden, where the Jews of New York were celebrating at a mass rally which I could not attend be- cause of ill health. He brought definite confirmation of the re- port. That evening my friends gathered in our hotel apart- ment, and raised glasses of champagne i...…

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