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October 06, 1949 - Image 8

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1949-10-06

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Page 8


in the Realm o

Milton Gilmans Back
from Honeymoon Trip

Ttairsday, October 6. MIS

"local Soddy

Bride of Detroiter

Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Gilman
(Roxanne Grevnin) have re-
turned from an extended honey-
!noon on the west coast. The
couple is temporarily residing at
the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Grevnin,
of 18613 Wildemere avenue.

To Wed in Spring

Career Women Slate
Israel Talk by Berger

The Career Group of the Na-
tional Council of Jewish Women
will present Isadore Berger as
guest speaker at its first meeting
of the season at 8 p.m., Tuesday,
at the Center.
Berger, a Detroit attorney, will
••• report .on his recent visit to
Nurope and Israel. His talk, "Mr.
Berger from America," will be
illustrated with slides.

Mrs. Fanny Halperin, of To-
ronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Margolis of Oakman Court. -

Rita Cooper Speaks
Vows to Roy Radner

The Julius W. Gilberts left Oct.
6 on a motor trip throtigh New

Mark G. Cooper of Merton
road announces the marriage of
his daughter Rita Gail to Roy
Radner on Sept. 23.

Marianne Shapero, daughter of
the Nate Shaperos of Stratheona
drive, is a student at Wellesley
College, Wellesley, Mass,

Among the out of town guests
who attended the Bar Mitzvah
of Jerome Alan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Simons of Leslie
avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Blantzow of Cleveland. Also, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Balantzow of
Cleveland, Mrs, Sidney Sandler,
of Philadelphia and Mrs. Ben
Sharon, Edna Sharon and I.
Sharon of Cincinnati,

Back from a short trip to Kala-
mazoo arc Mrs. Harry, L. New-
man, Mrs. Isaac Gilbert and Mrs.
Oscar M. Zemon.

. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ginner
of Fullerton avenue announce the
engagement of their daughter
Beverly Marie to Jack L. Beck,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Beck
of Hazelwood avenue. A dinner
in the couple's honor will be laid
Mrs. Fannie Bonin has return- Sunday in the home of the bi ide-
ed from a trip to New York City, elect's parents, The wedding will
where she visited her brother take place in the spring.
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lip,haw
Cantor and Mrs. A. A. Rosen- and Mr. and Mrs. Morrey Kantor
feld, of Glendale avenue, will are on an extended trip thlIaigh
leave for an extend6d visit to Washington, D. C. and New
New York on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Boesky
of Wildemere avenue left last
week for Miami Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Free-
man have closed Freeman Lodge
at Sturgeon Pointe, Mich., and
have returned to their home on
Chicago boulevard.


Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elden of
Rochester avenue left for a visit
to New York, from there they
will proceed to Miami Beach.

Back in their Akron home after
a visit with their parents, Justice
and Mrs. Henry M. Butzel of Edi-
son avenue, are Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Spiegel and daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prussian
of Chicago are the guests of their
mother, Mrs. Myer Prussian of
McNichols road.


Back from a stay in New York
City is Mrs. Howard Fredman of
The marriage of Ruth Steloff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving
Back in their New Orleans Steloff of Allenhurst, N. J., to Louis Jay Stober, of Detroit, son of the Book Cadillac Hotel.
home following a visit with the the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stober of Montreal, took place at the
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fink of
Henry Winemans are Mrs. Arthur Hotel Pierre, New York City.
Davis and son,
The Rev. Julius Silberfield of Temple Bnai Abraham, Newark the Lee Plaza Hotel left on an
extended visit to New York.
N. J., performed the ceremony.
Lee Merjur of Fullerton ave-
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white
Back from a visit, with rela-
nue is visiting in Toronto.
chantilly lace gown. made in princess style, trimmed with seed tives in Chicago is Mrs. Rae,
pearls. Her tulle veil was attached to a cap of heirloom lace, and
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hopp she carried a prayer book with markers of white orchid and Krause of Boston boulevard.
will be hosts to a group of friends stephanotis.
at dinner on Oct. 15.
Mrs. David Stober, of Detroit, sister-in-law of the bride, was
City noit'S
matron of honor. Harriet Stober was maid of honor. Lynn Zillman
Mrs. Eugene Arnfeld of Strath- of West Orange, N. J., was flower girl,
cuna drive is visiting in New
David Stober was his brother's best man. Ushers were Arthur
The Bay City Jewish commun-
York City.
Steloff, brother of the bride, and Richard Miller, both of Allenhurst, ity held its annual Yom Kippur
N. J.; Lonnie Stober, Fred Greenspan and David Wigderson, of night dance Monday at the We-
Joan Silberstein of Leslie ave- Detroit, and Jerome Pitofskv, of New York City,
nonah Hotel.
nue left for Tucson where she will
After a trip to California, Mr. and Mrs. Stober will reside at
attend school for the winter.
980 Whitmore Road in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Anthony
The bride attended Marjorie Webster College in Washington, have as their.holiday guest their
D.C., and was graduated from the Latin American Institute in New sisters. the Misses Rose and Helen
York City.
Rosenberg of Detroit,
Mr. Stober attended the University of Detroit,'and is an alumnus
of the University of Michigan.
Mr. and tins. Harry Goldberg
and their children, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Institute to Exhibit
Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick Shevin Cared Wolfson of Gladwin, at-
and son, William, have returned tended Rosh Hashonah services
Palestinian Paintings
at Temple Ansche Chesed.
to thei( home in L ong Islad,
The Detroit Institute of Arts N. Y., after spending the hol
will present an exhibition, "Art days with their parents.
Back from a summer at their
of Palestinian Children," Oct. 4
Killarney Beach home are Mr.
through Oct. 30.
and Mrs.-George Kahn.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph Wallach
The exhibit will contain ap- of Roslyn road have returned
proximately 35 paintings and from Cleveland. .
Mrs. 'Alex Kahn entertained a
prints done by Palestinian chil-
group of her friends to honor
dren between the ages of ten and
Mrs. J. Sommers of Los Angeles
fifteen. It is being loaned by
The Aaron and William Ger- who is visiting her parents, Mr.
"Children to Palestine," a na- shensons gave a dinner party at and Mrs. Jacob Weinberg of this
• committee for Jewish (rr- the Book Cadillac Hotel, Oct. 1, city.
Back from Europe are Mr. and
Remember Her Birthday or /
Anniversary with
Dawn Demont of Blaine ave- Mrs. Harold Smilay and children.
nue, has returned from a two Malcolm and Rhoda of Balttoral
week visit to New York City,



Mah Jongg Sets

Tiles, Flowers, Racks. Cases

• • •
Thg betrothal
announced of
Muriel Irene Stern, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Stern of
Atkinson avenue, to Sidney Sing-
er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Singer of Cortland avenue. A
February wedding is planned.
— -


and his SHOW BAND


Fall Now for Information:

UN. 3-3737

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Smith

ill entertain at dinner, Oct. 15.

Detroit's Best Laundry


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Mrti as Coiling wood

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