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May 06, 1949 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-05-06

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Congress Group Asks
Investigation of Nazis

Present Mozart Festival
Center Symphony Soloists

Gingold to be Soloist
At Madrigal Concert

Texas Congressman Reveals vicious
Anti-Semitic Attitude in AAUW Speech

The De t r o i t Metropolitan
Chapter of the American Jew-
ish Congress has passed a reso-
lution calling on the United
States Senate to "conduct a
public investigation into the
implementation of the denazi-
fication program and the inten-
sification of anti-Semitic and.
anti-democratic trends in the
American zone of Germany, and
that an opportunity be given
to recognized public organiza-
tions to present their evidence
and recommendations.
The Congress group urged
citizens to write Senators Homer
Ferguson and Arthur Vanden-
berg' confirming this resolution.

The orchestra of the Jewish
Community Center, under the
direction of
Julius Chajes,
w i11 present a
Mozart Festival
on Monday,
May 16, at 8:30
p.m. a t th e
Center's Audi-
Assisting art-
ists ' will be Wyn
Garden, sopra-
no, Irving Ro-
sengard, b a r i -Robert Shulman
tone, and Robert Shulman, nine-
year-old pianist. Admission will
be free.

Joseph Gingold, violinist and
concertmaster of the Cleveland
Symphony orchestra, will be
guest artist at the concert of
the Madrigal Club of Detroit at
the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Gingold will play an original
composition written by-Dr. Au-
gust Maekelberge, organist at St.
John's Episcopal Church, direc-
tor of the Madrigal Club.
Patricia Kelly, lyric soprano,
will, be soloist.
Proceeds from the concert will
be used for the Club's student
fund, which assists deserving
young people who wish to obtain
music training.

Noted Caterers Invite
Public to 'New Zack's'

Sunday, May 8.
The new Zack's was designed
and supervised by Chatlin and
Wilber and consists of two din-
ing rooms which will accommo-
date from 50 to 450 persons, a
large stage with perfect acous-
tics, a modern public-_address
system, a beautiful bridal cham-
ber and many other features.

Cleveland College Maps
Two-Year Hebrew Course
year course in modern Hebrew
will be introduced next fall at
Cleveland College, a branch of
Western Reserve University. The
course will include a study of
the grammar and literature of
the language.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zack, noted
caterers of Mt. Clemens and, re-
cently, of 12th St. invite the
public to an open house at their
new catering e s t abli shment,
13124-26 Dexter, from 2 to 6 p.m.


(Copyright, 1946, Jewish Telegraphic
Agency, Inc.)

spoken enemy of the Jewish
people has emerged in Wash-
ington in the person of Rep.
Ed. Gossett, a Democratic mem-
ber of Congress from Wichita
Falls, Texas.
Washington Jews are still
seething with indignation over a
:::harangue de-
livered by Gos-
. sett on April 23
to the receptive
tears of the la-
::dies of the
W ashirigton
Chapter of the
American Asso-
Mr. Friedman ciation of Uni-
versity Women. Gossett attack-
ed the Jews, defended the Ger-
mans, and got a big hand.
This was Gossett's debut. He
had previously passed a few
public anti-Semitic remarks as
a member of the House immi-
gration subcommittee consider-
ing Dr! legislation, and made



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some questionable entries in the
Congressional Record. But April
23 was his day to howl!
Homeless Jews coming to the
United States as DPs are "an
injection of virus in our na-
tional bloodstream which is al-
ready becoming polluted," Gos-
sett told the ladies of the AAUW.
He also "warned" them that
"you can't discuss the Jewish
angle without being accused of
anti-Semitism.' 'slid then he
proceeded to make his anti-
Semitic remarks. He was en-
thusiastically applauded.
Gossett charged that many
Russian and Polish Jews in the
DP campsad never been per-
secuted and could have re-
mained comfortably in t heir
homes in Eastern Europe. Capi-
talizing on current public opin-
ion regarding Russia, Gossett
singled out Russian Jews as
being especially undesirable.
Gossett said American Jews
had "connived" to bring about
United States suport of Israel.
He claimed that "800,000 Arabs
have been displaced; and 300
or 400 Arabs are dying every day
and they (the Jews) are not-
crying about them."
Of Jewish DPs he stated: -
"They are people who are not
seeking to do honest work and -
are people who we would be
better off. without." He said he
would prefer to bring to this
country "good German folks
who are not afraid of physical.
work." The Germans, he said,.
are . of "better stock" than "the
dregs of the DP camps."
Specific charges of destruction
and, sabotage by Jewish DPs
made in the Gossett speech have:
b e e n contradicted. The T.T.S.
Army and Congressmen who
served with Gossett on the im-
migration sub-committee said
his statements about the des-
truction by Jews of their bar-•
racks at the Zeilsheim camp in
Germany. was "news" to them.-
They said they knew of no sucli.
incident. An Army spokesman
said that the Zeilsheim JeWs:
were known by the military
command in Germany as "espe-;
cially cooperative."
Gossett made other pro-Ger-
man and anti-Jewish references.
He also made a reference to the
AAUW. He said it gave him
"great pleasure to address the
intelligentsia." They beamed.
Not one of the more than i100
university graduates present . got
up to question any phase of
Gossett's attack on the Jews.
There were quite a number of
questions about What could be
done to help the "poor German
expellees" (Germans kicked out
of Eastern European comntries
where many of them operated'
for Hitler as a fifth column.)

Tikvah Lodge Women
End Bowling Tourney

Team 1 and team 2 of the
Bnai Brith Tikvah Lodge Wom-
en's Bowling League met in a
special 3-game tie play-off for
individual high game last week.
Captain Esther Farber, Til
Helfgott, Celia .Garish, Kathleen
Lax, and Lorraine Gold bowled
1 to victory by ten pins, taking
first place for the season.
Trophy awards to the League's
winners will be made at the in-
stallation luncheon at the Sea
Food Grotto Wednesday, May 18.
The Tikvah bowling group or-
ganized last fall consists of
women. Women interested in
joining this group may contact
Mrs. Jerome Kirschbaum at UN.

Large Crowd Expected
As Omena Inn Opens.






Northern Michigan's resort
season opens with the Decora-
tion Day weekend. This year, a
large crowd is expected to spend
the three-day holiday at Omena
Inn at Omena, Mich., • 22 miles
from Traverse City on M-22.
Fishing, tennis, swimming,
boating, golf, shuffle board, eve-
ning dancing and entertainment
are among the features of the .
Omena Inn . program. Reserva-
tions are now being taken for
the Decoration Day weekend.


Friday, May 6, 1949



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