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November 03, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Abdullah, Isrelel Open Talks C D EttLaist HROP Vol. 51 — No. 41 .4-4 -1o. 27 .N. 4>' . .c. c. .1' rif G .1: .e. ., :" „..<. 4 ,,,,,_ ,,,,,,,. . .zs, .,.. ,.,,,,, Thursday, Novemi. Honors for Leader ) LAKE SUCCESS (WNS)— Direct peace talks have be- gun between Israel and Transjordan, it was revealed by a 10c a Copy — $ 3 Per Year United Nations source following disclosure that the new State Dr. Hershman Finds Work of Maimonides NE...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Page 2 United States and as a leader in the American Christian Palestine Committee. Valerie Stone (Mrs. Stefan Heym), a successful columnist, editor and radio commentator, is the second in the list of person- alities and will discuss "Can We Achieve a Two-Way Passage to Israel?" NEW YORK (WNS)—Scoring what he called "scare reports about Israel," Dr. Eli Davis, di- rector of the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem re- vealed here that...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, November 3, 1114II DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL AP Agrees KKK Activit Is Growing • in South By PHINEAS J. BIRON FEW WEEKS AGO we chastised a spokesman of " the Anti-Defamation League for minimizing the importance of the KKK. Loyal ADL-nicks wrote in to take exception. The tenor of these various love-notes were not flattering to your columnist. • We were called alarmist and made to understand that the ADL...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 4

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 4 Plottin“ Inc. Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. WOodward 1-1040 2827 Cadillac Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. SEYMOUR TILCII1N Publisher Thursday, Nov. 3, 1949 Detroit 26, Mi...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Thursday, November 3, 1141 Events of the Week DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE — Open Wide, Please Senior Judea held its first or- ganizing meeting at the home of Ethel Okum. The new groups are being formed from past members of Little Women of Hadassah and Senior Judea clubs. The age limits are 14 to 17. For informs= torn call Joan Spevakow, UN. • 1-7846 or Dan Elazar, UN. 4-9021. The Men's Club of Temple 1 Israel heard an address by Dr. S. Fi...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Thursday, November 3, DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 6 `Stormy Petrel' • . -1NER • • NCJW Awaits Max Lerner Study Institute Lists Classes Service Group Old, New World Celebrate Elections Set Reunion at Carnegie Hall Thirteen thousand members of the Detroit Service Group—trade and professional contributors to the Allied Jewish Campaign— are invited -to attend the DSG annual meeting, at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 17, at the Center, to ele...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Thursday. November 3, ISIS WOMEN', S CLUBS The Home Relief Society wit hold a board meeting Friday Nov. 11 at the home of Mrs Frank J. Winton, 17574 Monica avenue. Final plans will be made for the annual donor luncheon and variety show to be held Wednesday, Nov. 30 at the Book Cadillac. Phil Brestoff will be master of ceremonies at the show. DETROIT Council, will be guest speaker. She will speak on "How Can We Bring Up Our Children Without...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Thursday, November 3. 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 8 Await 'Borschtcapades' Nov. 21 • Aiding H. B. Women's Fete B. B. Council Revue flailed as Hilarious A complete, two and one-half hour variety revue of sparkling dances Jewish songs and hilarious comedy melodies of today and yesteryear—and surprising novelties — — will be presented by Mickey Katz's "Borschtcapades." Nov. 21 at the Masonic Temple for the Third Annual Fund Rai...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Thursday, November 3, 1W DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 9 Leaders of Dei•oit Bnai Brith Highlights, Brith night, Nov. 13 at the Center. Sammy Barnett and his orchestra will provide the music. Pisgah Lodge Pi.,gah will hold a - Quarter Century Testimonial" at 8:30 p.m. Monday, in the center who have served the lodge for 25 gears or longer. Certificates of merit will be presenter by Samuel W. Leib, president of District Grand Lodge No. 6...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Page 10 DETROIT JEWISII CHRONICLE Thursday, November 3, 1949 in the Realm of Zocal Society Margery Brown Weds Marvin Betnun of Utah In Evening Ceremony Louise Sternberg Wed !In Candlelight Rites Margery Joan Brown and Marvin Joel Betnun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Betnun of Salt Lake City, were united in mar- riage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Brown of Santa Barbara drive, at a candlelight ceremony perform- e...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Thursday, November 3, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Honeymooning in Florida • Ruth Cantor Married to Dr. Milton White Newly Wed Mr. aro Mrs. Louis Cantor of Oakman boulevard announce the marriage of their daughter Ruth and Doctor Milton White. The rites were performed on Sunday morning, Oct. 30 by Rabbi Morris Adler. Doctor White is the son of of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Hazelwood avenue. Following a brief honeymoon, Dr. and Mrs. Whit...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Thursday, November 3, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 13 e rg! DONALD FOX LODGE The lodge will hold its first an- nual Feather Party at 8:30 p. Oct. 7—To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Seyburn (Beth Cetron) of Ilene Tuesday, Noy. 22, at 1312-1•Dexter avenue, a sun, Joel Carl. boulevard. Oct. 10—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Perlman (Helen Knopper) of Littlefield avenue, a son, Richard Marc. Oct. 14—To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lutchansky (Betty Held) of Tracey a...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 13


November 03, 1949 • Page Image 14

…Page 14 — - DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PHIL ROTHSCHILD A GROUP OF DEMENTED Janet Weingarden, Sherwin Co- " hombres have directed a let- hen Gilda Warnick, Adolph ter to the ole snooper to inaug- Markowitz, Iry Weinstein, Sid urate a campaign against the Gold, Ray Abrams, Hymie 'Adel- gals who are constantly late for son, Julius Gold, Sherman Lynn, their dates. In other words, the Al Gottlieb, Frank Schumer and Malcolm Cohen. dater has to Vai...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 15

…I Thursday, November 3, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 18 General Chairman Planner's Parley Slated in Yiddish man with Saul Weiss, Martha Michlin with Leon Foreman, Sandy Galshinsky and Jerry The Yiddish Program Planners' techniques, and demonstrations of Freedman, Jo Ann Applebaum Institute sponsored by the culture live talent, as well as movies, with Benny Grossinger, Marcia commission of the Jewish Com- film-strips, and other progr...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 16

…DETROIT JEWISH CIIRONICLE Page 16 Bets Gurion, Beth El Establishes a Chair Wayne to Honor Franklin Frisch Define at A `Call' to Youth (Continued from Page 4) they felt, "unquostamably served to spread doubt as to the patriot- ism of large numbers of Ameri- can Jews" and called upon the officers to "continue their efforts to secure a cessation of the coun- cil's publicity methods." • • • RELIEF RUDdETS LAST WEEK the "Morning Journal" publish...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 17

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, November 3, 1919 P.lee ■.■ Issue of took' 2 Campaigns Repudiate Surveys Israel east and west failed when Ike Soviet Union refused to partici- pate in negotiations, proposed by Israel, to place the so-called Lit- tle Assembly on a basis accepta- ble to all. (Russia has boycotted the Little Assembly, and Israel had apparently hoped that with changes in the structure of the interim group. it might become ac...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 18

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 18 Thursday, November 3, 1919 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A. M. Wednesday Rotes: 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00, Poyoble in Advance of Publication 2827 CADILLAC TOWER WO. 1-1040 WOMAN WISHES to share her beauti- ful 3-room apartment with woman or girl. Good location. TO. 5-9160 or TO. 7-7986, YOUNG COUPLE with baby, just re- YOUNG business girl will share apart- tur...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 19

…••• Unveiling Notice Synagogues Set Services SARAII RUBIN, 66, of 2014 Blaine avenue died Oct. 29. She leaves her sons, Sam, Walter, Maurice and William; and daugh- ter, Mrs. George Reese and Nis. I. Browarny, The family of the late Esthtr Moss (Muscovich) announces the unveiling of a monument in her memory at 2:30 p.m.., Sunday, at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi Josh- ua Sperka and Cantor Hyman EDWARD SCHWARTZ of Adler will officiate. Friends a...…

November 03, 1949 • Page Image 20

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 20 Thursday, November 3, 1941 Mission to Israel JWV Bulletin Mei.. iiie special U. S. mission which has just returned from Israel. There they conferred with high government and Jew- ish Agency officials on immigration needs. Their report will serve as the basis of the UJA's drive for 1950. They are above, left to right, Joseph Meyerhoff, Joseph Mazer and Sol Luckman Premier David Ben Gurion. Below are Samue...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Dr. Wei zmann and "The 25 Who 'Rule the World" Read Commentator's Column on Page 2 NEWS HE A Weekly Review ~~~ fiii of Jewish Events VOLUME 15—No. 12 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1 1 55 Detroit 26, Michigan, June 3, 1949 Detroit's 1949 Confirmands, Consecrants and Graduates On Page 28 ogey1.7 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Drive Reaches $5 Million Mark; Extended to Secure Full Quota A determined group of Allied Jewish Campa...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 2

…2—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3, 1949 Jewish War Vets, Auxiliary Open 2-Day Parley Saturday Dr. Segal to Tell Gov. G. Mennan Williams, Mayor Eugene Van Antwerp, Myer Dorfman, national corn- mander, and many other prom- inent speakers are scheduled to address the two-day convention of the Department of Michigan Jewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliar, at the Fort Wayne Hotel, Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and 5. Herbert Burdick, general chair-...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Peace Reigns in ZOA Under Daniel Frisch's Presidency By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ convention that commenced in the spirit of rancor and discord and was marked by numerous outbursts of bitter personal attacks end- ed in peace. The desired achdut and shalom (unity and peace) has been achieved by the Zionist Organization of America. But its emergence was marked by enigmas and contradictions. The opening sessions of the 52nd an- nual convention of the ZO...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 4

…As the Editor Views the News . -YOU;AND YOU... BUT NOT )2/ I Feast of Weeks Shevuoth, the Feast of Weeks, which marks the establishment of the covenant be- tween Israel and God, dating back to the days when Moses received the Ten Com- mandments, has been linked with two other events : the harvest festival and, in modern times, with graduations, consecrations and confirmations. It is primarily a festival of faith, influ- enced by the Law th...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Committee's Task Was. Difficult 1Yanich Wins State Zionist 1-Year Israel Fellowship THE JEWISH NEWS-5 Friday, June 3, 1949 Move Underway To Bring Frozen Meat to Detroit The Internal Relations Com- mittee of the Jewish Community Council reviewed the activities of the sub committee on Kosher meat. Reports were given by Robert Nathans, chairman of the subcommittee and Julius Weinberg, internal relations di- rector. Nathans reported on the ac...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Dickenstein, Robert St. John Address AMPAL Dinner Tuesday A report by Abraham Dicken- stein of Tel Aviv and New York, secretary of AMPAL—American Palestine Trading Corporation, and an address by Robert St. John, author and radio Com- mentator, will feature the an- nual meeting of Detroit AMPAL stockholders next Tuesday eve- ning at Hotel Statler Ballroom. There will be dinner music by Herschel Leib and his string en- semble. Wrote Best Seller...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Israelis Celebrate Maritime Day THE JEWISH NEWS-7 Friday, June 3. 1949 Tickton, Kormendy Guest Artists at Hashofar Meeting Jason Tickton, 'assistant pro fessor of music at Wayne Uni- versity and music director and organist at Temple Beth El, will' speak on "Music in Reform Temples" at the annual meeting of "Hashofar" Society for Ad- vancement of Jewish Musi c, Thursday eve- ning, June 9, at the Jewish Cen- ter. Margit K o r- mendy, Detroit...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Congregational Activities NW Hebrew Cong. Men's Club to Fete Kottler to Be Guest Bowling Champions Sunday Night Artist at Beth El's The Northwest Hebrew Con- elected head of the league. Other 99th Annual Dinner Congregation Men's Club Bowling officers elected for the 1949-50 League will crown the chain- season are David Holtzman an pionship winners of the 1948-49 Robert Trepeck, vice presidents; season at the annual banquet, David Penner, tr...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH NEWS-9 Bnai Brith Women's Council To Install Mrs. Coggan, June 8 • Mrs. Robert A. Coggan, veter- an member of the Bnai Brith, Will be installed as . president of the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Women's Council, on Wednes- day, June 8, at the Hotel Active in the formation-Of the council and in many organiza- tions, Mrs. Coggan's new office is a major one, as the council is comprised of 16 chapters comprising 6,000 members. She is a ...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 10

…10—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3, 1949 Late Elias M. Grossman's Etchings WCJW Aids Drive On Display in the Penobscot Bldg. years, including Mahatma During M-Week Dr., Mrs. Aronstam Honored On 50th Wedding Anniversary L Ghandi, Mussolini and others. Prominent in the collection are Mr. Grossman's etchings of Jewish leaders, such as Chaim Nahman Bialik, Albert Einstein and Chief Rabbi Herzog of Israel; Jewish faces .in attitudes of prayer an...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH NEWS-1 1 Friday, June 3. 1949 Funds illions in Isr • • iTo Be Released By Britain ' Late bulletin by special teletype service direct to The Jewish News through Jewish Telegraphic Agency. • LONDON—Britain has agreed to release approximately $28,000,000 in blocked Israeli sterling balances, it was learned this week, following the conclusion of Anglo-Israeli financial talks here. Sir Stafford -Cripps, chancellor and Haifa, each comp...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Receptions for Confirmands Of Temple Beth Ei June 5 Dorothy Conn Weds Flint Man on July 3 'Baby Is Born: Story Of How Life Begins' 12—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3, 1949 bined for the presentation of a Milton I., Levine, M.D., and- subject often thought risque but his wife, Jean H. Seligmann, now proven by. them to be a - parents of two children, are the normal approach • to a child's Annual Confirmation services of Temple Beth El will be...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 13

…THE JEWISH NEWS-13 Friday, June 3, 1949 Al! merchandise of - fired subject to prior sale! Avoid disco- . pointment and shop early! First come gets the best buys! Regular $2149 .1. 8 i x99 Dan River SHEETS 989 Regular $4.98 ' Printed Type 128 top quality at way Tess than regular. Stock up. PreWar Values Regular $3.49 42x8 I in. This is far, far more than just an Anniversary cele- ,a call to values • bration . — It is a call to sav...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 14

…14—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3. 1949 Our 10th A Rf Merv! Come! Spreads Bed. Satin Sale of '35 Petfectly 'Made Ail Colors $ 1 9 9 5 - • perfect- Sleek and love4y ly made, beaUtifully finished and fully lined. Here is per- fection at very low price. $16.95 Drapes Drapes ta match can be pur- chased separately if desired. $9 95 Pr. $35 MULTI-CORD BED SPREADS A special selling of exquisitely made bed 995 spreads . . . each is a mas...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 15

…Friday, June 3, • 1949 THE J EWISHH NEWS-15 ease of Quality ndise Unequaled aye! • COME SHOP... COMPARE vp.r C • 6. EVERTHING is FULLY GUARANTEED $9.98 Value Double-Width Curtains Fair 84x90 inch pair that will cov- er 2 windows. Plain marqui- settes, cushion or pebble dots. . . all with wide ruffles. Half Price! Flocked •Marquirette Curtains 4 )x81 Reg. $5.98, now 42x90 Reg. $6.49, now $3.49 pr. $3.98 pr. Interesting whea...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 16

…16—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3. 1949 Re.odi every word . . re,sd Our in %•th m eyery price! Here are tline horgoins in the ten year history of this,fine, re- 04011111e store. Come and shore . Save plenty! CTIO • Pinc' Pleated' 5-Inch Hems • - ifully tailored cur Beaut f rich Taffeta • tains made o lust for you in ices our workshops. Pr own begin at V.95 'a' pair 81 e inches long, for singl windows. . and compara7 ti...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 17

…Receptions For Confirmands Of Ter *le Israel June 4,5,11 NW Mizrachi Women Installation June 8 Annual confirmation services of Temple Israel were held Northwest Mizrachi Women's June 2, at the Detroit Institute of Arts. At homes will'be held club has elected Mrs. Edward Saturday, June 4, Sunday, June .5, and one, as indicated, on Lutz as president and will in- June 11, for the following Temple Israel confirmands: - stall its new of- LOIS RU...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 18

…Activiiiei in Soci4 Mrs. Becker Named President of LJWO Mrs. Harry Becker is the new- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert•. Goldman and daughters, Darlene and ly elected president of the Susan Beth, have moved from Dexter Blvd. to their new residence. League of Jewish Women's Or- 18011 ,Coyle. ganizations. She was elected at Irene Levine, whose marriage will be an event of June 5, the board of directors meeting was entertained by the following hostesses at...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 19

…Some 194 Jewish refugees, snatched from embattled Shang- hai in a last-minute emergency Hanita Chapter of Pioneer air-evacuation by the Joint Dis- Women's Organization, will hold tribution Committee, have now its tenth annual installation of officers, at 6:30 p.m., Monday, reached Canada safely, it was June 6, at Zack's, Dexter and announced by Moses A. Leavitt, JDC executive vice-chairman. Tyler. Myra Richardson will be mis- A cablegram recei...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 20

…Receptions for Confirmancis Of NW Hebrew Cong, .June 12 Confirmation services of Northwest Hebrew Congrega- tion and Center will be held, Sunday, June 12,,,at 10 a.m'. Re- ceptions in 'honor of confirmands will be held that day as follows RUTH SARAH BORAKS, daughter of Mr. and , Mrs. Ludwig: Boraks of 17135 San Juan Dr., 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday. ELAINE RUTH BRENT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brent of 17529 Greenlaw•, 6' to 10 p.m., Sunday. No...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 21

…a • Women tt A luncheon will be held June next January. Assisting her are 8, at the home of Mary Wal- lace on Pennington Dr., to hon- or Dorothy Brown, president of the LAWRENCE H. JONES AUX- ILIARY. The following officers will be installed: Dorothy Brown, president Celia Silverman, sen- ior vice president; Ruth Schrie- ber, Junior vice president; Jean Bross, corresponding secretary; Florence Beyers, treasurer. Trus- tees are Mary Wallace,...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 22

…••• Detroit Jewish Community History Is Traced Back to 1867 By IRVING I. KATZ Executive Secretary of Temple Beth El In 1887 Detroit had a popula- a tion of about 60,000, including about 400 Jews. Temple Beth El, organized in 1850 as an orthodox congregation,' was reform for some years, meeting in the Riv- ard Street' Synagogue, its first house of worship. Congregation Shaarey Zedek, founded in 1861 as a split from Beth El when the latter in...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 23

…Danny THE JEWISH NEWS-23 Friday, June 3, 1949 P -= 0 S LISTENING T General Clay Gets First Talmud Judaism Suppressed In 'Iron Curtain' Lands., Committee Report Says Raskin's NEW YORK (JTA) — Charges that "there exists a common pattern of suppression of all in- dependent religious, cultural and communal activities" in t h e Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe were made by the American Jewish Com- mittee in a statement issued...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 24

…Try and Stop Me 24 — THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3, 1949 --By BENNETT CERF N- EW YORK'S Mayor Bill O'Dwyer spotted Harry Hersh- field,' the star of the radio program, "Can You Top This," in the throng pouring out of the Yankee Stadium 'after a big double-header 41. with the Cleveland Indians. i"Climb into my car, <-@ Harry," suggested the' !mayor, "and I'll drive you downtown." The car zoomed southward, [ignoring red lights, at about 16...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 25

…World, Local News Brevities The appointment of Philip Houtz of New York as executive director of the NATIONAL JEWISH H 0 S- PITAL at Den- y e r , America's first free n o n- sectarian tuber- culosis hospital, was announced by Milton An- fenger, the hos- pital's president Mr. Houtz, for 11 years diked- Philip Houtz for of the Hos- pital's New York office, will as- sume his new post on July 1. A native of Detroit, Mr. Houtz re- ceived his bache...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 26

…26—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 3, 1949 Obituaries ROBERT L. ELLENSTEIN, 48, of 17329 Pinehurst, passed away, Friday, May 20, at his residence. Funeral serves were held Sun- day, May 22, Rabbi B. Benedict Glazer officiating. Interment was at Clover Hill Cemetery. A native Detroiter and a member of Perfection Lodge, FARM, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Bella Ellenstein; his wife, Shir- ley; son, William; sisters, Miss Florence Ellenstein...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 27

…Classified Advertisements LIVING QUARTERS For Sale To Rent Wanted Exchange LIVING QUARTERS For Sale To Rent Wanted Exchange Liners accepted from responsible firms or persons by telephone up to H a.m. Wednesday. Rates: 8c a word. Minimum charge, $1.00. Call WOodward 5.11155 EMPLOYMENT A RELIABLE SERVICE Established 29 Years WORKING couple desires 2 room apart- ment. NW section." Will decorate. WE. 1-3431. YOUNG , employed couple desper...…

June 03, 1949 • Page Image 28

…J 28—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday. June 3. 1949 1 665 6 6 0 C NGRATEL,, TO THE 1949 CLASSES OF Confirmands, Consecrants and Gradates of Detroit's Congregational and Community CONSECRANTS OF CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK Exercises Sunday, June 19 Nancy • Flo Baer Sylvia Helen Bachman Barbara Baum Annette Brode Rose Lynne Cantor Ruth Roberta Chodoroff Carol Rona Cohn Gail Thelma Edelstein Joan Ellen Erman Arlene Ruth Fineman • Hilda Rosalyn ...…

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