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November 03, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1949-11-03

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Thursday, November 3, 1141

of the Week



Open Wide, Please

Senior Judea held its first or-
ganizing meeting at the home of
Ethel Okum. The new groups are
being formed from past members
of Little Women of Hadassah and
Senior Judea clubs. The age
limits are 14 to 17. For informs=
torn call Joan Spevakow, UN.
• 1-7846 or Dan Elazar, UN. 4-9021.

The Men's Club of Temple
1 Israel heard an address by Dr. S.

Fineberg, national community
service director of the American
•.Jewish Committee, on the topic
of prejudice.

The season's first affair of So-
cial Inc. will be a "Night at the

BeIciest" at 8:30 p.m., Sunday.
Refreshments will be served and
entertainment and dancing will
be provided. For information, ,call
TY. 4-5289 or UN. 1-5581.

joined Linn here and they were
married by Rabbi Sidney Kay.

Art Institute Shows
`Books of the Year'

The Bnal Moshe Young Peoples
Club will meet at 8:30 p.m., Mon-
day. A social will follow business
with dancing and refreshments.

Page 5

The audience consisted entirely
of former concentration camp In-
NEW YORK — (YIVNA) — A mates.
The wedding was arranged
wedding, typical of the times, by the USNA.
took place in the DP Hotel Mar-
seilles in New York. The couple,
inmates of Nazi concentration
camps who miraculously escaped
with their lives, net in the no-
The annual "Fifty Books of the
torious Osmietzem camp, fell in
Year" exhibition will be shown
at the Detroit Institute of Arts
They were separated and after from Nov. I through 22.
years of exile and harrowing ex-
To stimulate added interest in
periences, were reunited and
this year's exhibition Merle Armi-
married in this country.
tage, chairman of tile Fifty Books
The bride, Miss Eva Wind, is
Committee, art director of "Look"
the only surviving member of a
magazine, and a prominent book
Jewish family of 22 who per-
designer in his own right, will de-
ished in Nazi death camps. The
liver a free lecture "The Dilemma
groom, Harry Tshokes, is simi-
of the Book" at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
larly a survivor of an exterm-
in the lecture hall of the Institute.
inated family.

The Center Social-Liles will
hold and autumn dance on Sun-
day evening. Music will be by
Stewart Cowan's orchestra.


1)1' Couple Weds
After Nazi Camps

-Eva came to Miami six months
ago, and there learned that her
lover was in New York. She re-

Dental service is one of the important departments of North End
Clinic, which gives medical, diagnostic and dental care to persons
unable to afford private medical care. Dr. Max B. Winslow is one
of 100 physicians and dentists who contribute time to the clinic.
In this picture, Dr. Winslow's patient is Shoshanna Kahana, 12
years old.

On Prou f! , rain

Listen to the Jewish Chronicle
Hour, the best in radio, at 10:45
a.m., Sundays over WICHII.

role of Leivick, in modern Jew-
ish literature.
Tickets may be obtained from
Harry Katz at the Center or from
Julius Weinberg at the Com-
munity Council office.

At the first meeting of the

Kollin Family Circle, the follow-

Mrs. Sophie Deutchberger, as-
sistant professor of social work at
Wayne University will speak on
"Sex Education in the Home," at
the first meeting of the Dexter
Parents' Group at 8:30 p. na,
Wednesday, Nov. 9 at the Center,
Margaret Alper, chairman of the
group, announced.

The Young People's Society of
Shaarey Zedek will hold a meet-

ing on Thursday. Nov. 10, accord-
ing to Abner Dunn, president.
Applications for the dramatic
group are being taken by Mae

• • •

Yiddish Group
to Fete Leivick

Leivick, noted Yiddish dramat-
Workmen's Circle PTA
will hold a get-acquainted meet- ist and.poet: Emma Schaver, De-
ing at 9 p.m., Wednesday. Follow- troit's world-renowned interpret-

er of Jewish song: and Rabbi
Morris Adler, chairman of the
culture commission of the Jew-
ish Community Council, will pre-
The Northwest YPC will have sent a Jewish Book Month pro-
a Sadie Hawkins Day dance at gram under the sponsorship of
9 p.m., Nov. 20, at the Northwest the joint Yiddish culture com-
Synagogue, Admission is 50 cents mittee of the Community Council
for members and 75 cents for and Center.
non-members. For information,
The program will be presented
call Dorothy Beitman. TO. 7-2341, at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 13 in the Center.
or Hal Shapiro, UN. 3-5571.
Leivick, whose 60th birthday
is being celebrated throughout
Morasha, HaPoel Mizrachi America, will read from his
group, will hold a meeting at 7:30 works. Emma Schaver will sing
p . m. Sunday at the home of Edna some of Leivick's poems which
Horowitz, 13221 LaSalle boule- have been set to music.
Rabbi Adler will discuss the


The Henry Cohen Family fir-
will meet at the home of
Jennie Cohen, 3039 Carter ave-
nue, on Monday. Two new mem-
bers will be installed. They are
Harvey Cohen and Harry Lewis.


• •

Beth El Men Plan
Rabbi Adler Talk

Rabbi Morris Adler will be the
guest speaker at the Sunday
morning breakfast club and. dis-
cussion group of the Men's Club
of Tempi, . Beth 31 at 10 a.m.
The breakfast club Is open to
oil men and women of the Temple


56 and $ 76

Sale-priced for November

The list of instructors include
Rabbi Morris Adler, Jay Bodzin.
Rabbi Jacob Chinitz, Prof. Joseph
W. Eaton, Dr. S. Joseph Fauman,
M. Goldoftas, Samuel Lehrman,
Sol Panush, Dr. Norval Slobin
and Samuel Sigal.
The Shaarey Zedek Adult In-
stitute is free and is open to all
men and women of the com-
A nominal registration fee of
$3 per person and $5 to a couple
will be charged in order to cover
incidental expenses. To register
call TY. 4-6200.

... our exciting collection

of fur - trimmed winter

coats. From the group we

sketch this fashion-im-

portant coat of wool

broadcloth, with black-

dyed Persian lamb,

22 1/2, $76.

Coat Shop — 6th Floor — Woodward — Section F



17t1h ANNUAL




block, gray, wine7•161/2-


The Wednesday Evening Dis-
cussion Group of the Center will
have as its guest speaker Dr. Wal-
ter G. Bergman, director of in-
structional research of the board
of education, at 9 p. m.

dinner dance at 7 p. m. Wednes-
day, Nov. 9, at the Northwest
Inn. For reservations, call Hy
Margolis, TR. 2.9390.

for Women

The institute will be conducted
for 20 consecutive Tuesday eve-
nings between 8 and 10 p.m., and
will offer 12 courses in Hebrew,
Bible, Yiddish, Jewish history,
modern Jewish life, the legacy
of the Jewish past and psychiatry
for the normal.

The Aesculapian Pharmaceuti-

Baal Association and Auxiliary
will hold their annual charity

"r 111 del'

Dr. Leonard Sidlow, chairman,
committee on education, announc-
ed that the 1949-50 Shaarey Zedek
Adult Institute of Jewish Studies
will open on Tuesday evening,
Nov. 22.


ing the report of the teachers.
election of officers will be held
and a movie shown.


S. Z. to Open
Adult Institute

ing officers were installed: Morris
Kallin, president, and Ben Gold-
berg, Mrs. P. Kollin, and Mrs. H.




and is under the direction of Dr.
Max Winslow, program chairman
of the Men's Club and his eom-


The Jewish Chronicle new
deadline is sees s Meadaye.


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