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July 31, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOEEK THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1917 -riHCE FIVE CENT VOL. VIII. No. 15 ANN ARBOR, t ' 2/TKE TRIPT O AVITIO CMP Members of Majo' Wilson's Military Course Inspect Mt..Clemens Training Quarters WATCH SEVEN PLANES PERFORM (Staff Correspondent) With Major C. H. Wilson's Forces at Selfridge Aviation Camp, Mount Clem- ens.-Twenty-seven engineers enroll- ed in Major Wilson's military courses at the ...…

July 31, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…___THE WOLVERINE be I(olverine Wuerth Theatre The official student newspaper for Matinees a, :o. Nights 6:30, a, 9r30 the University of Michigan summer Saturdays-Sundays--Continuous session. Published by the students on Tes- -Flia Hall in "The Little Or- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- phan." ternoons. Twenty-five issues. AUGUST Wed--Douglas Fairbanks in "American Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- Aristocracy." Also Keystone Co. plicati...…

July 31, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE, LECTURES ON "ANCIENT Campus Building AND MODERN ATHENS1 HousesOld Tree Disk I verberates Back to Ancient Professor Winters to Speak on Famous Roime and Capture of Jerus- Greek City Today; Will Illus. alem trate Talk -- The same year that Odacer, the 'Ancient and Modern Athens" is the great barbarian chief, captured and subject of the lecture to be delivered sacked Rome, a great wind blew at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the audi-...…

July 31, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…JR THE NORMAL NINE WINS GAME; SCORE 5 TO 9 (Continued from Page One) teachers hug the base that John Ed- munds was guardian of. The tall first baseman refused to let any ball get beyond him within a radius of twenty feet. John also figured in the only double play in the entire game and his height was extremely necessary. Dwyer, ubiquitous second baseman, handled several fast grounders and grabbed three flies from the outfield station. "Billie...…

July 28, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…1tu1ITHE OLY OFFICIAL SURNEWSPAPER VOL. VIII. No.14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATUdRDAY, JULY 28, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS - ~ - ADMY STONES MN NOW IN_ U.S. AB 52 Memibers Pass Rigid Examination and Are Duly Sworn Into" Service LEAVE IN ABOUT TWO WEEKS Students in the Army Stores course are now men of the army of the United States. Of the 52 members of the Ordnance and Quartermatez s depart- ments not a single one failed to pass the rigid physic...…

July 28, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…Wuerth Theatre Matinees a, 3.:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Satudays-Sundays-Continuo:s Soo8-Mary Miles Minter in "Annie Poe Spite." Snn-MOn-a9;30-Sessue Hayakawa , in 'The Jaguar's .Claws" Tnes-31-Ella Hall in "The Little Or- phan" Orpheum Theatre Matinees a, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays--Continuous Sat-o8-Gadys Leslie in "An Amateur Orphan. Sun-Mon-293n-Jack Devereaux in "The Man Who Made Good." Tu e=3-rank Rena in "ionor Thy Nam....…

July 28, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE SAYS NORTH'S ICITORY ESTIALISHED DEMOCRACY Prof. E. D. Adams Shows Influence of Civil War on English People; Uses "Punch" Illustrations "The victory of the North in the American Civil War was a victory for democracy in England," said Prof. E. D. Adams in the lecture given in the Natural Science auditorium at 8 o'clock last evening. "At that time America was the only great democracy. Had the North lost, democracy woul...…

July 28, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE f 1 ARMY STORES MEN NOW iN IU. S. ARMY (Continued from Page One.) Waterloo, Iowa; Hyman, E. A., Kan- sas City, Mo.; Levinson, F. K., Indian- apolis, Ind.; Loveland, S. K., Milan, Mich.; Maloney, C. E., Arcadia, Wis.; Marshall, J. A., Richmond, Ind.; Nie- mann, W. K., Hermansville, Mich.; Potter, C. C., Kalamazoo, Mch.; Skill- man, W. M., Oxford, Mich.; Somerville, R. H., Ann Arbor, Mich; Wagner, Earl, Saginaw, Mich.; Ward, H. G...…

July 26, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…AFYOR DOl Ji r I T~HE M NEWSPAPERW VOL. VIII. No. 13- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS JEAM LOOKS COOD FOB FIRSTICONIEST Addition of Several Stars Strengthens Line-Up; Five Military Men en Squad YPSI NINE REPORTED STRONG Strengthened by the addition of sev- eral stars, the All-Campus diamond artists will cross bats with the Ypsi lanti normal aggregation at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon on Ferry field for the...…

July 26, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Mtiees 2, 3:3. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:s Saturdys-Sndays-Continuos Thus-fri-z6-27-nid Bennett in "Seek- ing Happiness." Sa-8 Mar Miles Minter in "Annie o Spite" Sun-Mo-2930e-Ssse Iayakawa is The Jauar's lws." 'I'tles-31-Ella Hall in "The Little Or- phan." Orpheum Theatre Matinees2 , 3:3. Nights 6 30, 89: 30 Strdys-Sndays-Cotnuous Thurs-Fri-26-y-Vivian Martin in "Giv- ing Becky a Chance." Sat-z8-Gadys Leslie in "An Amate...…

July 26, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE f i i f i 1 7 1 i 1 1 1 1 i l i . .._..... . . .... _.. ..... f ii...... WhA. Bali! 'litA ..Is as a" A ELTES5 NEWS ABOUT "SOT HELPS MAN 10 BOYS Al ALLENTOWN LIE" -_PROF. ANMIN Mrs. Elmer Stouflet Tells of Daily "Inventon Means Ability to Find Routine of Men in Training Beauty in Things Old and Camps New," Says Professor The period of beans three times a "The arts are one. Above all things, day has disappeared for the ambul-...…

July 26, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE CONSIDER CLASSES TO BE EXEMPTED (Continued from Page One) success in technical careers is open to doubt., "Each case is to be considered by the district exemption boards on its own merits. Students in technical schools are in no wise exempt as a class. No classes of persons are exempt from the operation of the selective draft ex- cept those specified in the act." Statistics of Graduate Engineers Graduates in engineering 1895 to ...…

July 24, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…Y ONLY OFFICIAL W nlurrizwSUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS W[N[EY DISCUSSES VIGIESOF I0091 Says "Get-there-at-Ive-ness" Is Card. inal Virtues of United States inl197 LECTUIES ON "HUMAN ELEMENT' "The cardinal virtue of tht United States in 1917 is Get-ther-at-ive-ness." said Professor R. M. Wenley in a lecture on "The Human Element," be- fore a large audience in the Natural Science auditorium y...…

July 24, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Matinees z, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Tes-24-Dorothy Phillips in "A Doll's 1 foute." Wod-2:-Rupert Julian in "The Bugler of Algior." Tohurs-'-ri-26-27-J nid Bennett in "Seek- Sat-2f-Bi ry Ailes Minter in "Annie Su:: -2930-Sessue Hayakawa io 'lb Jgars tas. Orpheum Theatre Matine y330.Nights 6:308, ,9:30 Saturdays-Sundays--Continuous Tues-4Wm. S. Hart in "The Return of Draw ogan." Reboo...…

July 24, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…And the Dream PAT-CHES Turned Out True But Not for "Y" Employment Secre- This is sure getting it handed to tary,, But for Aged Gentle- you! On the assignment eheet we man found just these sad words: "P. A. T. _____ -We are out of HUMOR." Well, the Chief ought to be back in his usual It was the good old summer time. good humor after he reads this little On a certain day in this sain old sum- EPILAFF mer time the employment secretary of Our edit...…

July 24, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…LGENTS TAKE UP 1ULS MOUTINR (Continued from Page One) le company agrees to install, and mpletely equip the laboratory, fur- sh the men to conduct the research, d provide fellowships for Univer- y students specializing in chemical gineering.. Results of all experiments may be blished by the University, either for benefit of the general public or for ence. The publication of the re- Its of experiments made for any pri- te individual, firm or cor...…

July 21, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

… [HE NLY OFFICIAI SUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VIII. No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1917 rAICE FIVE CENTS 1 JO BATL TODA Men Taking Quartermaster's and Ord- nance Courses Will Stage Fray DR. GEORGE A. MAY TO UMPIRE Michigan's summer baseball sport will begin today at 2 o'clock on Ferry field, when the Quartermaster and Ordnance baseball teams play their first game of their series. Then with the Ypsilanti Normalites scheduled to ...…

July 21, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Matinees x, 3:3o. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:3a Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Sat-o1-hfarjorie ambeau in "The tIocoling Miss Davion." See-Mlo::- z-23W-i laceo Reid oand Mytle Stedman fin"The World Ti'e s-2-orothy Phillips in "A Dolls l f ooc." Wed-o"-Rupert Julian in "The Bugler of Aiders." Thur,-Sri-26-Sy nid Bennett in "Seek- i C. oappiness." Orpheum Theatre Matinees z, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continu...…

July 21, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…ANNOUNCE ARJISIS FOR PBE-FBIYA[L SEBIES Galli-Curei, Ysaye, and Other Notables of Musical World to Appear Here Several of the world's greatest musi- cal artists and organiations have been engaged for the coming Choral Union season. The schedule contains stars that are foremost in music circles. Madame Galli-Curci, the famous Spanish-Italian coloratura soprano, will appear in October in a song re- cital. She will be assisted by a pianist and a ...…

July 21, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…Spotted Fawn In COMPANY I FUND NOW OVER $400 MseuIs isPlay Baseball Games Net $250; While $100 Unusual Colored Deer on Exhibition; Remains from Mexican Border Regarded with Superstition Money by Indians Contributions for the different funds One of the interesting exhibits on to be turned over to Company I are the second floor of the zoology muse- rapidly approaching the high water um is a spotted fawn. mark.% Pure white deer are occasionally U...…

July 19, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUH.ODOHR TIES WEEK VOL. VIII. No. 10 y TEONLY OFFICIAL I2MRNEPAPERI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1917 !!RICE FIVE CENTS f AL-STAR UAST TO APPEAG TOMORROW' Elsie Herndon Kearns Company Pre- sents Four Plays at Campus Theater ACTORS HAVE BIG REPUTATION Miss Elsie Herndon Kearns, assisted by an all-star cast, will appear in the first of a series of Shakespearian and Classical plays, "The Taming of the Shrew," at 3:30 o'clock...…

July 19, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…Wuerth Theatre Matinees a, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:3 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous l 'u ri 9.o-essie arrisecale in 'fle Sarl." Sat-M1-barjorie Rambeoa in "The- Dazling Miss Davison" Sos-Mon-2z-3-Wallace Reid and1 Myrtl5 Stedman in "'The World Aprt." 1s' o- ll:rothy Phillips in "A Do' is Wd_-Rprt Juian in "The Bugler of Algies." Orpheum Theatre Matinees , 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Thurs-ri-ng- islanni :UWa:d in" S-t...…

July 19, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE THRIEE MEN NEEDED' IN AUUMO UCE CORPS Extra Students to Fill Vacant Ranks at Allentown Leave This Week Michigan's three ambulance corps at Allentown, Pa., will be supplied by 24 more men, who registered last week with Dr. L. P. Hall of the dental de- partment. The extra men have taken the physical examinations, and have received orders to be ready to leave as soon as possible for Allentown where they will be enrolled...…

July 19, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…Another One of Poet Tom Lovell 's in Which Our Poetus Laureatum Pens A Few Lines to Our "Ameri- can Troopers" From the prolific pen of Ann Ar- bor's self and popularly-elected poetus laureatum, Thomas Lovell, esq., has come another choice bit, which The Wolverine has been given the honor and distinction of publishing for the first time by its venerable author. Here it is: - GOD BLESS OUR AMERICAN TROOPERS God bless our American Troopers I mobi...…

July 17, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…TYOUR D EK 3 TIMES A WEEK VOL: VIIL. No. 9 THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917 !RICE FIVE CENTS I SBOFESSOGS GET N 4h GOVERNMENT JOBS Professors Fishleigh, White, Field and Lovell Receive Mi Commislons Grea recur SEVERAL ALREADY AT POSTS pani all Five more professors of the Univer- traini sity have received commissions from the p Th the United States War department. deck Several have already depa...…

July 17, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…AGE TWO T HE WOL Ube Uoverine If its any sort Wuerth Theatre graphic work The official student newspaper' for t Matinees a, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 5, 9:30 the University of Michigan summer abou t 713 Eas Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous session. Published by the students on Tues-1y-Franklyn Frnum in "Bring- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- ieglomterathe" se.I samte Wed SJ. W ta erKerigan in "The ternoons. Twenty-five issues. seen. It is a matter Mea...…

July 17, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE AETHREE TWELVE APPLY FOR AMBULANCE PLACES Allentown Divisions Still in Need of More Men; Should Notify Dr. L. P. Hall Twelve men have already applied for places made available in the three ambulance corps of Michigan men by the recent order of the war depart- ment, which' increased the war strength of the corps fromp 36 to 45 men each. There is fear that the war depart- ment will fill up the places in the ranks with outsiders or...…

July 17, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE MAKE HOSPITAL BAS FOR WOUNDED SO[GIER1 Local Red Cross Group Actively En gaged Sewing Garments for Men at Front The Red Cross group that meets a Mrs. R. M. Wenley's once a week i busily engaged making hospital bag for the soldiers besides the regula knitted garments. When the men ar brought from the trenches their pos sessions, such as money, watches, let ters and pipes are put into these bags Thus the soldier is saved the annoy...…

July 14, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR 3JIDA WEEJ T (" i FTHE O FAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VIII. No. 8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1917 !z{ICE FIVE CENTS - i 22 STUDENTS CET AL 'SIN WOK Semester Report Shows Number of Students That Merited All Their Courses FRESHMAN CLASS HEADS OTHERS Keeping at par with all previous scholarship records against innumer- able odds, last semester's reports in the various colleges shows that 22 students received all A's in...…

July 14, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…Wuerth Theatre IMatnees a,3:3o.Nights5630,8, :3 Satrdays Sundays-Contsonuous Sat-14-Gladys iulette in "Pots and Pans Peggy." Sun-Moh-r,16-Lou eHuff and Jack iskforanky Feorul "Bng too: foelofater." o lfoo Theloovcrinel i _.._._ B ooooe of aMa. W rsFi- 1 oBese Bgariscale i he Snarl." Orpheum Theatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Soundays-Continuous Sat o aneo Wilbur in "The Single Code, S Mo-5-6-Wilfred Lucas in "Hands ...…

July 14, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

… W~Jomen Miss Agnes E. Wells, acting dean of women, and Mrs. Harry Bacher, dean of women of the University School of Music, and the Women's league will give a reception from 4 to 5:30 o'clock Wednesday, July 18, for the women of the summer school. The work on Alumnae House is progressing rapidly. The old front porch has been torn away, while sev- eral partitions have been removed to enlarge the rooms. A second story will be built to the rear w...…

July 14, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…Baptist Church 10A1 SERVICES IN Services at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. John Mason Wells will preach on "God AN ARB U O!R URC ES in Human History, or One Increasing. H UUH UH UHUH LUPurpose." SUNDAY SERVICES Unitarian Church Sunday services at 10:30 o'clock. Sermon on Well's new book, "God, the Invisible King." The new faith which the war brings to Mr. H. G. Wells and its relation to the philosophy of Prof. Wm. James. Congregational Church Sunday se...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…rTYOUDOORI 3 TIMESR A WEEK VOL. VIII. No. 7 AgMODLANCE THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917 t CORPS NEED 21 MODE MEN New Order of War Department Re- quires Additional Men for Dich- Igan Divisions WANT MICHIGAN MEN TO ENLIST According to a letter received yes- terday by Dr. L. P. Hall, of the dental department, from Sergeant Glenn M. Coulter, '17L, with the three Michi- gan ambulance corps now in...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…i Wuerth Theatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:3o Saturdays-Sundays-Cntinuous Th s-Frii2-t3o-Oiga Petrova in "The Undyig Flme. Satx-l adys hulette in "Pots and PansoPggy." Sd-Mon-s-6-Louise Huff and Jack P'ickord in "Seckleic." To s-'-akyn Farnum in0"r-ing- ig Io,,:Ftoe." W d-t8-J. Wrre e go i "'lb Measure of a Man." Orpheum Theatre Matnees , 3:3. Nights 6:3, 8, :30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuos Tih1urs-Fri-12-13-Chas. Ray in "Thec Pinh...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…W OL VE RI NE PAGE THREE 06 SIVOENTS fAKING ADMY SIDDES COVOSE Members Divided Into 11 Squads; In- spect Numerous Jackson Plants The Army Stores Methods course under Professor J. A. Bursley now numbers 66 students, which -are di- vided into squads of 11 each. At least one-third of the class are business men who have been in business for 5 or 10 years. Every Tuesday noon and Thursday morning the students leave at Hill auditorium in a special ...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…AJI A A ditional men, to save transportation, might come to them from the drafts of Texas, Arizona. New Mexico, and S California. Michigan draft troops might be sent, for the same reason. i to camps at New Jersey where Guards- Unfilled PlAces, to be Supplied by men of other states are to traii for le Plcese toe Sleied byFrance.- Meln Chosen from Selective "'There is a chance, of course, that Army we might be able to transport re- cruits f...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR 3 IMSA WEKI Imoo ooe SEUMMERLNEWSPAPER. VOL. XIII. No. 6 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY JULY 10, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS RELATES MEXICOS CHIEF HANDICAP Professor Allen in Lecture on "Un- known Mexico" Blames Unrest to Lack of Education ILLUSTRATES TALK WITH SLIDES "The chief factor in the political and social unrest of Mexico today is the great lack of education and the extreme unpreparedness of the mass of Mexico's population for...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Matnees 2, 3:3. Nighs 6:30, 8, 9:0 Snaturdys-S doy-Contiuoso Tu- oW de ood Noellino Toe Pulsc of Lie."Al so ay So. Wed .-11-Franklyn Farnm in "The M Who Took a Chance." Aoo ftaby Show 'hur-Pr-s-3-Og Ptova i: "Teo Undyig Mane. Sa t-14-G dys Hulette o "Pots an Orpheum Theatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Toes-ro-Douglas Fairbanks in "Flirting With Fate." Rebooked. ve. 5c. Wed-l...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE EXPLAINS COMPANY FOND AND 11USE IN WAD War Preparedness Board Urges That People Contribute for Soldiers', Benefit Lansing, Mich., July 9.-"If you are asked to give to the company fund of any organization of the Michigan national guard, give. Be as generous as you can afford to be and then a little more. For the company fund is as necessary and important to the soldier in the field as is the Red Cross" This is the message of th...…

July 10, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE SECOND CONCERT COMES TOMORROW School of Music Faculty Members Will Appear in Program in 11111 Auditorium The second complimentary concert of the season will be given by the members of the School of Music fac- ulty at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in Hill auditorium. The program will be offered by Miss Ada Grace Johnson and Mr. Albert Lockwood. The gen- eral public is invited to attend The program is as follows: Chaconne .............…

July 07, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DBOOR TIMES A WEEK VOL. VIII. No. 5 'Ar -.dde I mill ANN MAKES APPEAOL FA Draf Aegi 9HT 9PPREGUIATI Plan Rega Ine Professor Cross Gives Lecture en "The Story of American Sculpture" Washing the promulg PREDICT FUTURE OF SCULPTURE tions for I0 .- , bhoards to a "The Story of American Sculpture" the selecti with appropriate illustrations, com- army, it wa prised the summer lecturo given by the first inc Professor A. 1H. ?ross in the a...…

July 07, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE urhThea tre Matnes 33o . Nights 6:3o, 8, 9:3o << 337 O:. Courtney 3i "0 '1:" :1 icrwclif." .k: lfy 31: TOI:Ifsl.': 11:,::: id n ":p 8 l 040 t k . OrphurnTheatre Matnes a 3 33.Nights6:3, 8, 9:30 Satur as-un ay- 'otinuous 7 huVi 2-"1;;-Chas . 17::. ill finch mm-r.113f With Fat." , 13iokd."'ve.t3 833C. Wed-1-jackPiek,>>- 1 and 3oP3113':''af We haevenbthnthebinlintiodan theowquiaen oo furnish the9:3 b~essintbankigservpeiied St...…

July 07, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE IN1ERES INCHESES BILL INIDED WILL PAT-CHES IN DABY COURSE1 D E IDCORPS SIXTY-FIVE NEW BERRtftIS no's iid~a ~ SIudy Open to All Students with Sat- . IE ..lE o s'l 'fr i Air Fleet isfactory Preliminary in the Hall. All of them sweet, too. Mid'otfisre house Training s'lerday YOU'RE WELCOME. 'i Orleans Torpedoed and Sunk; Four of Crew Drowned; Vessel of 2,808 Tons Washington, July 6.-The American steamship Orleans, of the Oriental ...…

July 07, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…[AClE PADIY LOCKERS GO FAST inP nlu ai n ma n r n Studnta Tak.' e i- .-iN Al I HAI_15 PJMDU About 75 Women Attend Initial Meet- ing; Guests Becom Ac- quainted About 75 women attended the first Women's league party of the summer, from 4 to 6 o lock yesterday after- noon in Barbour gymnasium. Mrs. Tarry B. Ilutchins, Miss Wells, acting dean of women, and ' Miss Alice Crocker stood in the receiving line with the Misses Charlotte Kelsey, Mary Por...…

July 05, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR OOR 3 IMAWEEJ III v oeUJO00elfr itTHE ONLY OFFICIAL lo ll ISUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VIII. No. 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917. WIN FOR MICHVIG Naval Militia and Ambulance Corps Men Carry Off Honors in Competition SMITH AND SIMPSON TAKE EVENT Michigan students, who have enlist- ed in the army and navy branches, are carrying off honors daily in the ath- letic field at Allentown, Pa., and the Great Lake training station...…

July 05, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Theatre Matinees 2, 3:3. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturday-Sndays-Connuos Tlis -Fri-.6-Wm.,S. ldart in "'the Satq-Wm . Caasrtney is "h Rcoi S-Ma-8-o' a erlie F e derikan."He Better Se l." Tes-Wdgwod Kssss in "lihe IP te 11Lf." Als Baby JSa Wed.-rs-Franklyn Farnum in "The Man Who 'oosk a Chance." Also Baby Show. Orpheum Theatre Matinees a 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Thurs-Fsi-6-Kathlyn Williams and ...…

July 05, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE D.aUHI CELEBAJE PSYCHOPSEUDOGROANS AEDOPANS RlD 21 SI AN1NIVEBSAB samas1io' in I,;1y i. NCLAND; KILL 0 rtnght, said, "I dontsee old Celebration at J'resident-Emer- howuthee faculty concerts arso0suc- From 12 to 14 German Air Raiders itus Angell's Home, Where cessful without the rendition of such Drop Bombs on Essex Chapter Originated late hits as "Pretty Baby" and "Yaca Town Hula" and then there are many other1 OUTLINE WORK OF OR...…

July 05, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…a whole year. Any students interested in adopting an orphan shoud com- S UI I U municate with Mrs. W. H. Wait on r U n1706 Cambridge road, who will fur- HT Fnish one of the names sent by Madam Jusserand. The Navy league has established a Has Given $903.14 to Suffering During clipping bureau for the men of the Present War and Many Cloth. navy and the Daughters have en- ing Supplies dorsed this work and are working to supply the men on boats wit...…

July 03, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…r AT YOUR DOOR 3 TIMES A WEEK THE ONLY OFFICIAL ifl~gSUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VIII. No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS BECISTRH HALL LECTURES TOAY Delivers Second Address in Series of Lectures to Be Given This Summer SPIIAKS ON MICHIGAN'S HISTORY The second address of the summer session lecture series will be given by P rof. A. G. Hall at 5 o'clock this after- noon in the auditorium of the New Science buildin...…

July 03, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…Wuerth Theatre Matinees a, 33. Nights 6:3o ,8 ,9s:3 Saturadays-Sundays-Continuoun '13-yrtleG onzalei n"Sou hern Justice.", Alsot'wilight SObey." ShTw tato Ladies only in W\Vucrth Wet--Wm. Russell in s"The Iram- ''lhars--Fri-5-6-Wm. S. lart in "The Detert Man." Orpheum Theatre Istatinees a, 3:30. Nights 6:3o, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Tues-3-Myrtle Gonzalez in "Southern justite." Also "Twilight Sh-sp." Shawn to Men only in Os-stis Th...…

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