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July 31, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-07-31

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VOL. VIII. No. 15


t '

Members of Majo' Wilson's Military
Course Inspect Mt..Clemens
Training Quarters
(Staff Correspondent)
With Major C. H. Wilson's Forces at
Selfridge Aviation Camp, Mount Clem-
ens.-Twenty-seven engineers enroll-
ed in Major Wilson's military courses
at the University of Michigan inspect-.
ed the plant here last Friday morning
and afternoon.
The students left Ann Arbor on the
6:37 o'clock train for Detroit, via the
interurban to Mount Clemens. A mot-
or boat, which was chartered by the
party for the remainder of the trip,
arrived at the aviation camp at 10:30
March Through Camp
"Attention!. Fall in! Right face!
March!" were the orders issued by
Major Wilson -to his men at the en-
trance to the field. The ranks were
quickly formed and the men, with
Major Wilson and Private Lenz of the
Michigan National Guard, heading the
column, marched through dust a foot
thick to the officers' headquarters.
After a brief delay Private Len
showed the men through the aviators'
barracks, several of the buildings and
the co-operative store, where a halt
was made for a good sized breakfast.
Visit Hangars for Planes
After partaking of the light break-
fast the guard escorted the party
through the 12 aeroplane hangars.
Each hangar will hold from six to
seven machines, depending on the size
of the aeroplanes.
The buildings are thoroughly mod-
ern, and are similar to those erected
on the other U. S. aviation grounds.
They are approximately 300 feet long
50 feet high, by 100 feet wide. Each
hangar has a concrete floor, steam
plant, and a non-leakable roof.
Room for 70 Machines
Inside of six weeks 70 machines
of the standard United States instruct-
ing type are expected to be housed
in the hangars. At the present time
there are about 20 aeroplanes making
(Continued on Page Four)
Observatory to Remain Open Two
More Nights for Visitors
Nearly 60 students visited the Ob-
servatory between 8:30 and 11:15
o'clock last night. Last year there
were about 100 at the Observatory
each visiting night. The Observatory,
will be open to visitors tonight and
tomorrow night.
Opportunity will be given to look
at the moon, and possibly several of
the largest stars, through the enor-
mous telescope. Different astronom-
ical instruments are also on display
in the building.
Admittance to the Observatory in
one of the three sections announced
in the last issue is free to all persons
securing tickets from the summer
school office upon the presentation of
the treasurer's receipt.

University Turns N MALNI S
To'Spud'Growingj rnrn
May Replace Class Contests with Races AME bV L J
In Digging Potatoes, is
Prediction Ouly Four Regulars Play In All-Cam-
pus Line-Up; Too Weak for
If you yell "Hey Rube" next fall be Normalities
careful! Don't speak the phrase above
a whisper on the campus! The secret REGULARS PLAY A GOOD GAME
is out. Hist, Listen and we will tell
you. The University of Michigan has Inability to get the men, who were
turned farmer. signed up for the All-Campus team, to
Under the direction of the Buildings play last Saturday on Ferry field be-
and Grounds department, the Univer- cause other pleasures were undoubt-
sity is growing a 32-acre crop of po- edly more attractive, enabled Ypsilanti
tatoes, beans and corn on the out- Normalities to cop the first game of
skirts of the city. Over 50 tons of hay the series by the score of 9 to 5.
has been harvested and is already in The All-Campus team played with
storage. four regulars in the line-up and five
In its unofficial bulletin regarding pick-ups' lured in from the sparsely
its rural pursuits the University says
that its crop of 'taters is turning out numbered but enthusiastic rooters
fine. They are all ready to be hoed. while Ypsilanti was present with a
The potato crop covers 15 acres. In strong battle front. The visitors were
the fall, the entire crop will be sold kept in doubts concerning the final
to the University hospital, outcome of the game until the last in-
Shades of M. A. C. Next foll instead ning was over as the iAll-Campus
of having a pole rush the authorities pick-up team persisted in plling off
may line up the freshmen and the ph-pam egistd inphingmoft
sophomores on different sides of the the rallying stunts when hits meant
field and see who can dig the most Yusr
Ypsl Scores Two in First Round
potatoes. We bet on the freshmen; The first inning opened with a bang,
don't you? the Teacherites scoring two runs by
nailing out three two baggers and one
RED CROSS GIFTS three bagger each one due to the rag-
NEVER REACH MEN ged support of the All-Campus out-
field. With this handicap to overcome
Local Contributions. Lost Entirely the Pick-ups desired revenge on Oliver
When Steamer is Snkib r the south paw artist, so Ohmacher
Submarine picked a singy and Dwyer hit by a
pitched ball forped. Ohmacher to sec-
ond base and then the players running
A large quantity of Red Cross sup- the bases in a-la-Cobb style brought
plies made by the local chapter was home the necessary two runs. The
destroyed early in June when the second inning resolved itself into a
U~nited States steamship Orleans was pitchers battle, neither side scoring.
After the third inning fracas the
torpedoed and sunk by a German sub- Normalities were three runs to the
marine. The total value of the ship- good and the All-Campus Pick-ups got
ment was $10,000 according to a letter a lone zero.
received today by Dr. L. P. Hall from The rest of the game saw the All-
Campus team playing fast ball en-
tentionaTls shedquters at deavoring to overcome the lead of the
ington. This is the letter: visitors. Several times one of the reg-
Dear Sir: ulars pulled off a spectacular play
"Information concerning the des- in his frenzy to tie the lead of the
truction by torpedo of the steamship visitors.
Orleans early this month has come to Regulars Show Good Form
Hammond behind the bat played
us as a keen disappointment. On errorless ball and made the young
board this vessel were hospital sup- (Continued on Page Four)
plies valued at $10,000 bound for
France. These were almost entirely PLANS MILITARY
the donations of various chapters in-
cluding Ann Arbor and individual con- W ORK FOR FALL
tributors. The sinking of the ship of
course meant the loss of the entire Lieutenant Mullen Already Busy Mak-
cargo. ing 1917-1918 Drill and Study
"Thus far this is to our knowledge Course Plans
the only loss of this character since
the entry of the United States into
the war. While this incident comes as Lieutenant Mullen is already engag-
a shock and a bitter disapointment, it ed actively in making preparations for
should not dishearten but it should next semesters military training
stimulate further effort on the part of courses. The course ,will consist most-
all who are able to furnish these mud o t . a r n
needed suplies. ly of instruction i military drill and
"sWe wish to express our thanks for in technic and theory. Strict mili-
you splendid part in past service and tary discipline will be kept during
to bespeak your co-operation in future class hours.
efforts. It is indeed a service which Lectures will be given by Profess-
demauds the best efforts we can put ors interested in the work. Lieutenant
forth. Please be assured that the ut- Mullen may be seen in the gymnasium
most will be done to safeguard future office any time between the hours of
shipments." 9 and 11 o'clock.


It Is Such a
"Why You Shouldn't Worry About
the Draft"; Figured to Fine
A clever exposition on the draft was
recently read, so it is said, in the regu-
lar session of the members of the
house of representatives} tat Wash-
ington. The work is more or less an
argument in favor of the draft, and
is said to be dispelling gloom through-
out the country
it reads as- follows:
"Everyone has to register You are
either drafted or you are not drafted.
If you are not drafted you have noth-
ing to worry about, and if you are
drafted, you have two alternaives. You
are either put in the Home Guards or
are sent abroad. If you are put in the
Home Guards, you have nothing to
worry about. If you are sent abroad,
you have two alternatives. You are
either put in the reserves or sent tb
the trenches. If you are put in the
reserves, you have nothing to worry
about, and if you are in the trenches,
you have two alternatives. You are
either shot, or you are not shot. If
you are not shot, you have nothing to
worry about, and if you are shot you
have two alternatives. You either get
better, or you don't get better. If you
get better you have nothing to worry
about, and if you don't get better you
can't worry any more, so why worry
about the draft."
Mrs. Louise Compton and Mr. H. A.
Stevens Take Part in School of
Music Program
Mrs. Louise Compton, soprano,
guest soloist from Detroit, and Mr.
Harrison A. Stevens will appear in
the next complimentary faculty con-
cert given under the auspices of the
University School of Music at 8 o'clock
tomorrow evening in Hill Auditorium.
Mrs. Compton is a well known sing-
er and has appeared in numerous re-
citals in Michigan. For the past year
she has been taking special study
courses under the direction of Mr.
The program will be as follows:
Musette en Rondeau ... ...........

27 Students Signed Up For Tourna-
ment to Determine
Twenty-seven students have signed
up for the summer tennis tournament
which will begin on Friday of this
week. Drawi gs for the preliminaries
in the single will take place at The
Wolverine offices between 12:45 and
3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. All
those signed up are requested to come
to the offices between those hours, so
that their places and their op pnents
in the contests may be drawn. On
Friday of this week, the first part of
the schedules will be played.
Those who have signed up fr the
tournament are as follows: H. J. Bur-
tis, grad, William Egley, grad, G. R.
Anderson, J. M. Graff,''20M, William
Stinson, 'OM, M. G. Hedin, '18, R. H.
Drake, med, W. W. Dawley, lit, M. B.
Doty, eng, E. J. Jeffries, lit, C. E.
Buell, lit, A. L. Kirkpatrick, lit, J. J.
Powells, grad, Geo. W. Cooper, lit,
Edward C. Sawyer, phar, Karl Blintz,
eng, C. B. Barnard, eng, R. A. Chand-
ler, lit, Herbert Schiele, lit. J. L.
Stadeker, '18, R. F. Fitzpatrick, lit,
Philip C. Emery, '18, Charles E. Hardy,
'18, S. E. Doolittle, lit, C. A. Lang-
worthy, grad, Guy Fox, grad, and W.
L. Krohngold.
Give Four Signal Corps Men Complete
Outfits; Send Soldiers Clip-
ped Stories
The equipment for eight single beds
In the French hospitals was shipped
recently by the local chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution.
Each set consists of 36 pieces such as
sheets, pillow slips and convalescent
gowns. Altogther 390 articles were
sent and a surplus of 210 was turned
over to Mrs. L. P. Hall.
Each of four men in the signal
corps was presented with an entire
outfit of knitted garments besides an
army blanket. The same was given to
three men in Company I.
The work of the clippings bureau
is proving successful. The plan of.
sending to the soldiers short stories
clipped from the current magazines
was popular during the Spanish-Amer-
ican war and therefore has been taken
up again.
Official Notice of Washtenaw County
Men on Board in Court House
The official list of names called from
Washtenaw county to military service
was posted for public inspection in
the court house this morning. The
list reached the office of the local
board of registration officials some
time yesterday. The board went into
immediate executive session on re-
ceipt of the names.

Student Supply Store


Huzurka .................... Chopin
On Wings of Song .... ..--.....
Variations on a Theme of Paganini
(Book II) ................ Brahms
Mr. Harrison A. Stevens
I Heard a Cry ...............Fisher
A Rose Rhyme ... . ......... Salter
Mrs. Louise G. Compton
Pastorale (Angelus) ..............
......... ......Corelli-Godowsky
By the Beautiful Blue Danube (Con-
cert Arabesques) ...............
.Strauss-Schulz Ev er
Mr. Stevens
When Your Dear Hands ....LaForge
The Joy of Spring ........ Woodman
Mrs. Compton
Miss Frances Louise Hamilton, Ac--

- m

Student Supply Store

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