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July 03, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-07-03

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VOL. VIII. No. 3



Delivers Second Address in Series of
Lectures to Be Given
This Summer
The second address of the summer
session lecture series will be given by
P rof. A. G. Hall at 5 o'clock this after-
noon in the auditorium of the New
Science building. Prof. Hall will lec-
ture on "Michigan Men and Moments."
To the new summer session students it
might be said that Professor Hall is
registrar of the summer session and
also holds the same position during the
regular school semesters.
Professor Hall's lecture should be of
much interest to all students of the
summer session, but of particular in-
terest to those students not familiar
with the development and history of
education in the state of Michigan.
Professor Mall will outline the history
of the University of Michigan begin-
ning with the ordinance of 1787 that
established the University as an artic-
ulate part of the educational system
of the state.
He will also deal with the various
other legislative acts that have been
conspicuous in the development of the
University, including the Governors
and Judges Plan, and the act of 1821
which first 'established the various
academic branches of the University.
In his discussion of Michigan men,
Professor Mall will give the history of
the University under the direction of
George P. Wiliams. He will also tell
of the regimes of Presidents Tappan,
Haven, Acting President Frieze, and
Presidents Angell and Hutchins, also
discussing such interesting episodes as
the threatened suppression of the fra-
ternaties in the early fifties, the in-
troduction of co-education in 1871 and
the Origin of the Plan of Certification.
The first lecture of the 1917 summer
session series took place yesterday
afternoon when Prof. A. Tealdi of the
landscape design department, de-
livered an illustrated lecture on "Wild
Flowers and Wild Flower Gardening"
in the auditorium of the Natural
Science building.. For the initial lec-
ture of the season, the attendance was
good and the usual interest manifested
in previous lecture series is expected
again this year.
Tear Down Old
School of .Mlusic
Plan to Complete New Building in
Tine for Use When Fall
Term Begins
Work on the tearing down of the old
School of Music on Maynard street,
next to the Ann Arbor Press building,
has been progressing rapidly, and in
a few days the major proportion of the
building will be removed to make way
for the much larger structure.
The present construction plans in-
dicate that the new building should be
completed by about September 1, in
order that the new structure may be
put into use as soon as the fall term
begins. The new building will provide
ample practice studios, making it pos-
sible for students to do their practice
work to some extent at the music

school. Heretofore there has always
been a shortage of rooms and facilities
for such purposes. Additional teach-
ing studios and offices will also be

Various Colleges and Universities
Represented on Michigan
Michigan's 1917 summer session fac-
ulty rivals those in past years in that
it has an attractive list of outside un-
iversity professors who will be here t
give various courses. Approximatel
12 professors from different colleges
in the country will be represented on
the faculty.
The outside professors, the univer-
sities from which they come, and the
branches of work they will instruct are
as follows: Prof. Arthur L. Corbin, of
Yale university, law; Prof. Reuben M.
Strong, Vanderbilt university, zoology;
Prof. Ephraim D. Adams, Leland Stan-
ford Junior university, history; Prof.
Raymond G. Gettell, Amherst, political
science; Prof. Adolph Ziefle, Oregon
Agricultural college, pharmacy; Prof.
Charles H. Rogers, University of West
Virginia, pharmacy; Prof. William
Merrit, Oregon university, law; Prof.
Herbert Wing, Dickinson college, his-
tory; Prof. Max M. Ellis, Colorado un-
iversity, zoology; Prof. Frank G.
Gates, Carthage college, botany; Prof.
Paul Van Brunt Jones, Illinois univer-
sity, history; Prof. Stanley K. Horn-
beck, Wisconsin university, interna-
tional law and diplomatic relations.
Reception To loe
Given On Friday
President Huteiins' Annual Welcom-
ing of Summer Session Students;
All Urged to Attend
The annual reception of President
Harry B. Hutchins to all the students
of the summer session will be given at
5 o'clock Friday evening in Alumni
Memorial hall. The deans of all the
departments as well as the entire fac-
ulty will be present.
Since this will be the first oppor-
tunity for the summer school students,
especially those who have not been in
attendance at the University during
the last few years, to become acquaint-
ed with the University officials, it is
expected that a large number will turn
out. All students are urged to at-
tend in order that a closer friendship
may be made between the students of
the summer session.
The affair will last for one hour,
being concluded sharply at 6 o'clocx,
so as not to interfere with the dinner
hour or other engagements.
Mr. McKenzie to Give Talk on Second-
ary Education Thursday
There will be no medical lecture this
evening at 8 o'clock as scheduled in
the lecture bulletin. The first medical
lecture of the summer session will be
given Tuesday, July 10th, at 8 o'clock,
by Prof. C. J. Lyons, his subject being
"The Relation of Mouth Infection to
Systematic Diseases."
"Segregation in Secondary Educa-
tion" will be the subject of a very in-
teresting pedagogical address by Mr.
D/ McKenzie, principal of Central high
school, Detroit, Mich., at 5 o'clock
Thursday afternoon. Mr. McKenzie is

a recognized authority on the problems
of segregation in secondary education
and has made a special study of sec-
ondary education in England and other
European countries.

President Hutchins Greets
Students of Summer Session
To the Students of the Summer Session:
I gladly take advantage of the courtesy of The Wolverine to ex-
tend to you the cordial greetings of the University. I trust that the
weeks that you spend with us may be profitable and pleasant. The op-
portunities offered through the summer term are varied and will meet,
it is hoped, the wishes and needs of all in attendance. While your
predominant energies will be given to the work of the class room, you,
will not neglect, I am sure, the incidental opportunities offered.
Among those I wish to call attention particularly to is the public lee-
tures provided. Well known specialists have been secured for these.
The program is a most attractive one.
Wishing you abundant success in the work of the term, I remain,
Very sincerely yours,

SoSth Odd Jobs and Steady Work Await
Applicants Who Wish to Earn
With more odd jobs and steady posi-
tions than applicants for them, Mr.
Peck, employment secretary of the
University Y. M. C. A., urged yester-
day that all students looking for posi-
tions send in their names and hours
they could work as soon as possible.
The places now open consist of odd
jobs for all periods of the day, steady
positions for room and board, soliciting
and other occupations. It is necessary
that those who desire positions ;ake
personal application to the secretary,
and leave their addresses, telephone
numbers and occupations they are
most adapted for.
During past summers and during the
regular school year, the 'Y" employ-
ment bureau has secured a large numt
iber of positions for students, thus per-
mitting them to defray a considerable
amount of their expenses while at
school. The employment bureau is lo-
cated in Lane hall, the newly con-
structed Y. M. C. A. building, on North
State street, two blocks from the cam-
Doctors Cummings and Drury Lave
Charge of Men, and Dr. Pratt
of Women
The University Health Service open-
ed Monday morning for all students
attending summer school. Dr. H. H.
Cummings and Dr. C. P. Drury will
have charge of all the men students
this summer. Dr. Clyde B. Stouffer.
connected with the department last
semester, is located at Camp Davis
with the engineer and forestry stu-
The hours for men will be from 10
to 12 o'clock every morning in the
week, with the exception of Wednesday
mornings and Sundays. The Health
Service is also open for the examina-
tion of all students who are taking
Prof. J. A. Bursley's course in armyI
stores methods, from 2 to 4 o'clock
on July 3, 5, and 6.
Dr. Elsie S. Pratt will have charge
of the women students from 9 to 12
o'clock every morning, with the ex-
ception of Wednesday mornings and
Sundays. Women students can obtain
conkultatibn hours only by appoint-

Arsned Mob of Negroes Seek Revenge
for Injuries Inflicted Last
East St. Louis, Ill., July 3.-East
St. Louis was still under mob law this
morning. Five are known dead, scores
are injured, some seriously, and armed
robs are patrolling the streets defying
four companies of Illinois National
Guards and the entire city police force.
Yesterday Mayor Mollman ordered
all saloons closed. Unless the mob.
estimated at from 3,000 to 6,000 per-
sons, is dispersed soon the city may be
placed under martial law.
Additional Militiamen En Route
Three additional companies of mil-
itia are en route and are expected to
detrain soon.
Scores of ghite women and girls,
riding on stteet cars, were terror-
stricken when the mobs stopped cars,
dragging off all Negroes-men. women,
and children. Several Negro women
and children are reported injured.
Noted Bell- Tolver
Disappears Soon
historic Chimes, New Being Removed,
Caused to Ring at All Times
of the Day
The chimes have been ringing at
strange hours of the day for the last
48 hours. which only makes. their dis-
appearance from the old Library the
more real. Laborers were active all
day in taking down the immense clocks
and were carefully removing, part by
part, the historic bell-tower.
Owing to the removing of the cat-
alogues from the Library, the tearing
down of the main bell-tower has been
delayed for several days. In a few
days, the whole structure will have
been torn down and the old Library
will be written in history.
*M ******

Furoliment About Normal; Engineer-
ing and Medical Departments
Make Gain
The enrollment of the 1917 summer
session, after yesterday's list was fair-
ly scrutinized, seemed to show that
this year's attendance record was still
keeping apace with that of last year,
although in several cases a dropping
off was evident. The heavy enrollment
in military courses. however, seemed
to counter-balance any loss in other
departments. Approximately 1,400
have alrealy enrolled.
The literary department showed a
slight decrease but hovered around
520. The engineering department has
already passed last year's record by 39,
amounting to about 327. The medical
school has a larger enrollment than
usual also, while the Law school has
dropped about 40 per cent. No definite
reports were obtainable from the grad-
uate and pharmacy departments, but
it is believed that these two depart-
ments will hold their own.
Considerable enrollment is expected
today and the final reports will tend to
show what loss or gain there will be.
At present it appears that the at-
tendance will be nearly normal.
Give Free Concert
Tomorrow Night
School of Musie Provides Compli-
mentary Program for Summer
The University School of Music, co-
operating with the summer authorities
of the University of Michigan, have ar-
ranged for several complimentary con-
certs which will be given in Hill audi-
torium as part of the entertainment
courses conducted by the summer
The first number on this series will
take iIlace tomorrow evening, July 4,
on which occassion Frank A. Taber, a
graduate of the University as well as
of the organ department of the Univer-
sity School of Music, and who has been
engaged as a member of the faculty
of the latter institution for next sea-
son, will give a recital on the organ
in Hill auditorium.
tie will be assisted by Mr. Kenneth
N. Westerman, tenor, of the vocal fac-
ulty of the University School of Music,
Accompaniments will be by Mr. Otto
J. Stahl, of the piano department.
The recital is complimentary to the
general public as well as to the sum-
mer school students.
The following program will be of-
Suite G ique ........... Boellmann
(a) Chorale and Menuet
(b) Prayer
(b) Toccata
Frank A. Taber
Siciliana (Cavallerie Rusticana)
................. M ascagni
Spirio gentil (LaFavorita) ..Donizetti
Kenneth N. Westerman
Fountain Reverie ...... ..... Felcher
Mr. Taber
Ah, Moon of My Delight ."... Lehman
Love and Springtime ........ Metcalf
Mr. Westerman

The Magic Harp............Meale
(Pedal Etude)
Pastoral ...................Guilmant
Fiat Lux ..................... Duboi
Mr. Taber


Those who wish to take Mil-
itary drill or Military science
are requested to meet Major C.
E. Wilson between the hours of 2
and 4 this afternoon in room 339
of the Engineering building.
The first drill will be held at
2:30 o'clock, Thursday after-
noon, on Ferry field.


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