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July 28, 1917 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1917-07-28

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Prof. E. D. Adams Shows Influence of
Civil War on English People;
Uses "Punch" Illustrations
"The victory of the North in the
American Civil War was a victory for
democracy in England," said Prof. E.
D. Adams in the lecture given in the
Natural Science auditorium at 8
o'clock last evening. "At that time
America was the only great democracy.
Had the North lost, democracy would
have stood condemned of inefficiency,
and its progress in England retarded
for a long time."
Taking the cartoons from London
Punch to illustrate his talk, Profesor
Adams traced the changes in the at-
titude of the aristocratic, governing
class in England towards the Ameri-
can conflict. Punch, he explained,
was chosen because it was the leading
"humorous, political, pictorial news-
paper" of the day and accurately re-
flected the opinions of the ruling class.
Trace Lincoln Portraits
The earlier cartoons in Punch show
Lincoln as a silly incompetant, and
anticipate an early victory for the
southern cause. As the war goes on
the pictures change, the face of Lin-
coln becomes more strong, even'
despotic. In all the cartoons, even up
to the end, a northern victory is rated
as impossible. l
Professor Adams praised the neutral
stand of the English government dur-
ing the war. He pointed out that it
had been a characteristic of the Eng-
lish to stand by their word when once
it has been given. This, he explained,
was especially praiseworthy on thec
part of the government at that time,
since they could not have been ignor-
Announcing a Sale of
hair Switches
and Hair Goods



ant of the tremendous impulse a north- 25 years. It is being carried on on
ern victory would give to the reform 1 uu Priivr a 0alarger scale in the University of
movement which they were fighting. PAT -CH ES UMichigan, where the equipment i the
Speaks of Leaders of Time ll1PU NT 1SFOR EX IM 1best and mot convenient in the coun-
CLIIJll IILIiILI try. Each of the 17,000 plants is
During the course of the lecture,
pictures of the statesmen of both coun- Concealed in the Summer School Di- lrof. H. Ii. Hartlept Conducts HeredIty Sa r the o er pedigrttended
tries were shown. Thecattitude and rectory we found the following story Test on 'lants at Botanical with exceeding success, cur the most
tplaned. He took occasion to em- Gardens productive species has produced over
phaie e took oasion HOWE HE CAPTURED IER HART. 300 varieties which have been investi-
phasize the part played by Godwin ( tr rmRelLf
Smith of Oxford, later professor of (A Story from Riehl Life) Heredity in primroses is the subject gated besides many that have not yet
history at Cornell university. John A Young Mann had an awful Case of an experiment now being carried been tested. These forms appear in
Bright, he said, spoke to the masses on a Jewell of a girl. Her neck was on with 17,000 primrose plants in the accordance with the Mendelian laws
who were already in favor of the White as Snow, her lips red as a botanical gardens of the University on of heredity. Much of this success is
north, while Smith took the lead in Berry, but she was shy as a Quail. - Packard street. The experiment is be- due to the careful work of Mr. Mar-
creating among the educated classes a . So he planned how he might Wynn ing conducted by Prof. H. H. Bartlett tin Bilon, who has done all the actual
sentiment favoring the Union. this Wild Rose. He had a perfect of the botanical department, with the work of gardening and is one of the
In conclusion Professor Adams told Record from the Past, so he deter- assistance of Miss Freida Cobb. most expert budders and grafters in
of the change in English sentiment mined he Wood get started Wright The purpose of Professor Bartlett the United States. Mr. Bilon came to
that toobk place after the death of and beat the other fellows to the Tape. is to investigate the hereditary be- the University of Michigan from the
Lincoln. He showed the cartoon in He wasnt going to be too Swift, neith- havior of plants, especially to prove agriculture department at Washington,
which Punch paid tribute, and finished er would he be a Frost. that new varieties of a species appear D. C. Many kinds of the American
by quoting from Tom Taylor's well By Avery happy coincidence they suddenly and spontaneously, without Evening primroses, which are being
known poem. sat together in class one Day. He being preceded by a long period of used at the botanical gardens, can not
asked her if she Wood like to go specie development. be grown in Holland on account of the
Roweing Erly that evening. She said This theory was first formulated by climate.
she Wood, and he walked home with Dr. Hugo de Vries of Amsterdam, and
his head in the clouda, for he was the experiment is an extention of the All the popular hits for August on
Free Verse Ttledreaming of what he saw in her Opal original one which Dr. de Vries car- the Columbia Records are at Almen-
eyes. tied on during a continuous period of dingers. 122 E. Liberty St.
Foreign Committee Liberally Gives He shaved in the privacy of his
Honor Because of Vacuity room, for he knew the fellows would
on Bcs ofay Kidd him if they found ho was spend- SUMMER SCHOOL
of His Poetry ing Moore time than usual on his
toilet. Because of the poor light he TDOVM' ' . tftK T
Paris, July 18.-(Via private wire cutehimself withthis Gillette, but he B O O K S
to The Wolverine.)-The commission restrained his Anger, merely saying, i awlnw AND SECOND-HAND
appointed in the spring of 1914 by M "-_______ it!" and applied a piece
Armand Couteau, minister of educa- of Alum to his Fayce. D pAWING INsT VMENTs
tion, to ascertain the founder of free In spite of his trouble he rang the
verse has decided that the honor be- Bell on time andthey started throughs Thej : Slater Book Shot'
longs to Dr. Thomas Lovell of Ann Towne to the river. They Rowed
Arbor, Mich. slowly along in the Gray twilight. The Phone 430 336 So. State*
Green Hills, covered with new-mown
Boston, July 27.-Richard La Gal- Hay, the Crows flapping lazily from
Ion, America's best known magazine Stump to Stump and the new moon J QLJ C D QK nOK(C
poet, who was the representative of in the West broke down the Wall of ( v
this country on the free verse commis- her reserve and she showed she was U.In-'Q r
sion, granted the following interview no Lemon. - /.L Q
to The Wolverine's New England cor- At the Beach by the big fiat Stone p
respondent today: they landed to get a drink from the
"Complied to study his poetry, I Spring. He picked a Purdy Flower W rk or Play U
soon found that the apparent simplic- from a nearby Bush and said quietlyQ0
ity of it was only apparent. When I (though his teeth Clicked together
attempted a dissection, I found that from emotion, sounding like a Can-
he had shaken himself free from the non to him), "I can't Hyde it any
trammels of formal diction, and had longer. You have Robbed me of my
spel forward on the wings of rythm- heart. Don't be Cross at me, but if
less, rhymeless verse to the absolute you won't love me I see my Finnish." -,
vacuity of thought which is the es- Fortunately she replied, "Oh, Eddy,O
sence of all true poetry. In my opin- I'll be your own little girl."
ion, he is not only the founder but also With that he Tucker in his arms
the greatest exponent of present day and gave her an almost Savage em- p The urie of deliciousness and refresh-
mpressionist poetry." brace while the Brown birds twittered ment whether you're "burning the mid-
sleepily byhthe Poole ad Desing over- t oil", or after a stiff dame. A treat Demsndthegeieey Ad
head Granted them its blessing. Q fulnytiml nameze-msb naedisQ
BLE CHAIR BUILDING (Copyfright by P. A. T., 1971.) At any time. enouresubatituton
ATE STREET (Rights of translation unreserved in U THECOCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA,.GA.
will be given by Thomas M. Iden, all foreign languages, including vvp
isiser Bible Chair. Scandanavian, Modern Slang and Nl '.v ° 20v Q aCO1 or g
f Religion and the Bible. Seven Hawaiian.)
turdays.. ________
ysth" and "Science and Miraele"
tudy of the Bible. Four o'clock P. Push the Button
Literature." and "The Inspration and and Presto- oo THE BEST PART
the students of the University Summer
may care tohear themJ
Installation of New Electric Booklftsib M c
in the Library Makes Efficiency
and Economy Possible Summer School
Life looks moe promising every
day. Press a button and electricity
does the rest-the next thing we know,
some old grouch will be advising us
to have it discontinued as a promotor
nd Women's Fashionsc1917 of sloth, but until then let's be happy.b C ' (11
Not much longer will we need to
rooms of the Library. We will just O aep
tep into the elevator, work our Official Summer School Paper
mentality to the point of deciding what
floor we wish to visit, push the but-
jjton and presto-there we are at the
loor which we desired. Soon, snugly ubscribe N ow !
ensconsed in one of the study rooms S b c i e N w

dining [place J high up in the stacks we may decide
that a book located in the basement
izing lunch- is essential to our happiness.
jffNo longer need we hesitate to ask ATYU DOR HEE IMSAW K
)tained at a for it through regard for the longauf AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES A WEEK
during any ing librarians or our own aching
members, now comes the chance for
opping day.fthat marvelous new electric booklift
to play its part.
Dinner, 65C
Phone 342-R STATE and WILLIAM

MONDAY, JULY 23, 1917
Call and look over my complete line.
Mrs. T. L. Stoddard
707 N. University. Tel. M-a




TWO SERIES, ofgrtwelve icetures each
the regular instructor in the AsA
SERIES I.-Some Scientifir Aspectso
o'clock P. . ongThursdays and Sal
Subjecis fsr the ceming week: "Selonee and
SERIES Ii.-An Introduction to thek
M. on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Subjects for the co iin week: "The Blbl#
Authsrity of the Bible."
These lectures are offered especialiy for
School, but they are open andfree to all whor

'1867 -Dry Goods, Furniture, a:

A cool, quiet
where an appet
eon can be of
moderate cost
part of the sh
Special Noon

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