f 1
(Continued from Page One.)
Waterloo, Iowa; Hyman, E. A., Kan-
sas City, Mo.; Levinson, F. K., Indian-
apolis, Ind.; Loveland, S. K., Milan,
Mich.; Maloney, C. E., Arcadia, Wis.;
Marshall, J. A., Richmond, Ind.; Nie-
mann, W. K., Hermansville, Mich.;
Potter, C. C., Kalamazoo, Mch.; Skill-
man, W. M., Oxford, Mich.; Somerville,
R. H., Ann Arbor, Mich; Wagner,
Earl, Saginaw, Mich.; Ward, H. G.,
Big Rapids, Mich.; Washatka, H. F.,
Ludington, Mich.; Wilson, C. C., Jack-
son, Tenn.; Wissler, F. E., Richmond.
The course in Army Stores Methods
will be given this fall again under the
direction of Prof. J. A. Bursley, who
is in complete charge of the course
this summer. The training will very
likely occupy asimilar period of time,
and will be a duplication of the pres-
ent training.
Yesterday afternoon the men en-
rolled in the course were given a lec-
ture by H. N. Stronck, vice-president
of the Illinois Engineering and Audit-
ing company, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Stronck
discussed the fundamental principles
of the economics of materials, and of
the departments and functions neces-
sary to the most efficient utilization.
of supplies in the army. Mr. Stronck
is author of the book called the "Pur-
chase and Utilization of Supplies,"
which is being used in the course. Both
Mr. Stronck and Mr. C. H. Benedict,
president of the Chicago company, are
devoting at least 50 per cent of their
time to giving lectures for the govern-
ment along this line, having volun-
teered their services.
Students now enrolled in the course,
of which 23 belong to the Ordnance
corps and 29 to the Quartermasters
department, will complete their work
here in several weeks. In that time,
the +principle fundamentals of Army
Stores methods will have been given
Coming Events
(Summer Session Lectures)
Open to all students. Lectures take
place in Auditorium of Natural Science
building unless otherwise stated.
Monday, July 30, 5 o'clock-A Mark-
ing System for Secondary Schools.
Assistant Professor F. S. Breed.
8 o'clock-Recital, The Class in
Shakespearean Reading.
Tuesday, July 31, 5 o'clock-Ancient
and Modern Athens, (Illustrated.)
Professor J. G. Winter.
8 o'clock-Acquired Disease as a
Factor in Racial Deterioration. As-
sistant Professor C. V. Weller.
Wednesday, Aug. 1, 5 o'clock-The Bi-
ology of Youth and Age, (Illustrat-
ed.) Professor F. C. Newcombe.
8 o'clock-Concert, Faculty of the
University School of Music. (Hill
Thursday, Aug. 2, 5 o'clock-Maurice
Barres, (Illustrated.) Professor A.
G. Canfield.
8 o'clock-Educational Motion Pic-
Friday, Aug. 3, 5 o'clock - The New
Movements in Poetry. Mr. L. L.
Bryson. -
Saturday, Aug. 4, 5:30 o'clock a. m.-
Excursion to the Island of Put-in-
Bay,-Lake Erie, under the direction
of Assistant Professor I. D. Scott,
via Michigan Central Railroad to
Detroit, and Steamer to Put-in-Bay.
Monday, Aug. 6, 5 o'clock-Geography
and Politics. Professor R. G. Gettel.
7:30 o'clock. Visitors' Night at the
Observatory. Admission by ticket
Tuesday, Aug. 7, 5 o'clock-China and
the United States. Professor Stan-
ley K. Hornbeck.
7:30 o'clock-Visitors' Night at the
Observatory. Admission by .ticket
, o'clock-China and the United
States. Professor Stanley K. Horn-
Librarian Bishop Calls Congres-
sional System Model
"America has furnished the model
national library of the world," said
Librarian W. W. .Bishop in conclud-
ing a lecture on the Library of Con-
gress, yesterday afternoon in the Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
"The Library of Congress was found-
ed in 1800, the year in which the seat
of government was transferred from
New York to the new federal city of
Washington. Washington was a city
so new that it had no library upon
which Congress could depend so it was
necessary that it establish one for its
own use. The Library of Congress
was at first situated in a room of the
House of Representatives and grad-
ually gained more space until it was
finally seen that a separate building
was a necessity.
Copyright Law Helps Collection
"In 1814 Congress had apropriated
$24000 for the purchase of the library
of Presdent Jefferson who had a truly
remarkable collection for his time, but
the real boom in the library came in
1870 when the copyright law was pass-
ed. This law stated that two copies
of the best edition of any publication
which was to be copyrighted must be
sent to the Library of Congress. Then
too, much of the progress was due to
Dr. Spofford whom Lincoln appointed
head *f the library in 1863 and who
held office for thirty-four years. He
was a man especially fitted for his
position as he had a wonderful con-
ception of, what a library could and
should be.
"Congress finally condemned the
two whole blocks oposite the Capital
and bought the site for the new build-
ing at a cost of $600,000. The total
cost of the library was about $6,000,000
and was remarkable in that it kept
within its appropriation and was even
able to return a portion of it."
Noted For Its Beauty
"The new Library of Congress is
noted for its beauty. Its size and
architecture make the exterior very
imposing while the vari-colored mar-
bles within add to its fame. On the
walls are wonderful mosaics and fres-
coes, one of the most notable series
being done in gray tones and repre-
senting the evolution of' literature.
The book stacks are 10 stories high
but the books are made very acces-
sible through the pneumatic book car-
riers by which they can be procured
in less than six minutes.
"The library now has over two and
a third million books and ranks third
in size among the great libraries of
the world being smaller only than the
Bibliotheque Nationale and the Brit-
ish Museum. It is not its size and
beauty, however, that we, as librarians
are proud of-it is the quality of the
work which it does and which gives
it its place as the model national
library of the world."
Mr. Bishop was in charge of the
reading room of the Library of Con-
gress for eight years.
Members of the Kalamazoo club will
hold their first meeting of the summer
session at 7:30 o'clock, Monday even-
ing, July 30, in Lane hall. A program
of special features has been arranged,
and refreshments, at 15 cents per per-
son, will be served. The Kalamazoo
club has been organized to bring more
Western Normal students to Michigan,
and to provide special social functions
to bring them closer together while
they are attending the University.'
Here 's a Chane
To Peek At lMars
Students to Be Given Chance to Ob.
serve Heavens at Obser-
What do you know about the stars,
and the hidden secrets of the heaven?
Students of the summer session who
have never witnessed the instruments
of an astronomer or observed the skies
through high-power mechanisms, will
have an opportunity to do so during
the three Visitors' Nights at the ob-
servatory to be held on August 6, 7,
and 8. At that time three squads of
50 each will be taken through the ob-
servatory and given a chance to make
a few observations.
The change in schedule has been
made following the advice of Prof. W.
J. Hussey,sdirector of the observatory,
who -tates that the heavens can be
s--een ho e++er,.suI---n aen,+ ila, n+ +, .
On Monday, July 30, Mayor Wurster,
Dr. Wessinger, and Dr. Warthin, of
the pathological department, will leave
for Jackson where they will represent
Ann Arbor at a conference of inayors
and prominent citizens to takemeas-
ures to protect the soljiers in the
Battle Creek camp from vicious in-
Dr. Warthin addressed the Ann
Arbor Rotary club last Wednesday
on "Measures to Protect the Battle
Creek Camp," having given the same
address to Company I and the class
under Professor Bursley on July 19.
Ross L. Mahon, '12E, Given Promotion
Ross L. Mahon, a graduate of the
Engineering college of Michigan in
1912, has received his commission as
first lieutenant of the engineers sta-
tioned at Vancouver, Wash.
seen to better advantage at that time.
Those who wish to take advantage Hear Elizabeth Brice sing "OH,
of this opoprtunity are requested to JOHNNY! OH, JOHNNY, OH!" on the
secure tickets from the summer ses- Columbia record at Allmendingers.
sion offices upon the presentation of 120-122 E. Liberty St.
the treasurer's receipt given them at,{
registration. In case the sky is cloudy
during the scheduled time, other ar- C o P 4 V E Y
rangements will be made. Open During Summer School
Subscribe for The Wolverine and re- MICHIGAN INN
s Phone 948-R 601 E. Liberty St.
ceive a Student Directory free.
Summer School Supplies
and Books Now Ready
Go LY N D N'S, 719 N. University Ave.
Eastman Kodaks
Eastman Films
The 1917 Summer Student Directory Wednesday, Aug. 8, 5 o'clock-boll
on sale at all the bookstores, 25c. and Sense in Education. Profes
CLASSIFIED W. D. Henderson.
7:30 o'clock-Visitors' Night at1
WANTED-To buy a canoe; state Observatory. Admission by tic
price and length of time it has been only.
used. Box M., The Wolverine. 8 o'clock-Concert, Faculty of1
28-31 University School of Music. (F
The Farmers & Mechanics Bank Thursday, Aug. 9, 5 o'clock-Sub
The armrs , Mehancs ank to be announced. Mr. H. C. Bulkl
South Main Street State Street Office Regent of the University of Mi
loner Huron 330 So. Stase St. igan, Detroit.
8 o'clock-Educational Motion F
The New Catalogue
of the
Ullivorsity o f Michigall
Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land-
scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including
Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture,
Guaranteed Amateur Finishing
Enlargements from your Negatives a Specialty
I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve
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or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have
a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and
we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing.
If you want the best results you will bring your films here.
Twodoors from
Hill Auditorium
LY N DO N'S 719 North
University Ayenne
Put-in-Bay - Cedar Point
Clevelands - Sandusky
Daylight Across the Lake
Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with
Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a
Course for those preparing for the scientific administra-
tion of departments of sanitation and public health.
Every Day Excursions to Put-in-Bay
Round Trip Fare Round Trip $
Same day on Sundays or
Week Days 75C Holidays 1900
Cedar Point Excursions $J25 Round
Sunday, MondayWednesdayand Friday -_ Trip
Cleveland One Way Fare, Every Day,$1.75
Big Steel Steamer "Put-in-Bay" leaves Detroit every day
at 8:00a. m., CentraltiSandard Time.
Steel Side Wheel Steamer "FrankE. Kirby"leavesDeibit
week days at 4:00 p. m., Central Time.
FREE DANCING-Finzel's Orchestra on Str. "Put-in-Bay"
wholeafternoon at Put-in-Bay. Two and one-half hours at Cedar
Point. Visit Perry $1,00,000 Meceorial, te Caves, Casino, Dance
PavlonsBig Hels, BathiegSBnackes, Aquatic Sld, Board Walks,
Midway, Lagoons, etc.
First Street Wharf, Detroit
write for Folders
Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line
Detroit, Michigan
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual
Information, address
The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michigan