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VOL. VIII. No. 4.
Naval Militia and Ambulance Corps
Men Carry Off Honors in
Michigan students, who have enlist-
ed in the army and navy branches, are
carrying off honors daily in the ath-
letic field at Allentown, Pa., and the
Great Lake training station.
The latest feather that has been
added to Michigan's athletic cap is the
winning of the United States army
ambulance corps track meet at Allen-
town, Pa. The Wolverines gained one
point lead over Penn State, their near-
est competitor, making a total of 26
points. More than 15,000 people wit-
nessed Fontanna win the quarter mile,
Fox the half mile and Walters the five
mile run.
Reed got third in the mile, while a
one mile relay team, composed of
Fontanna, Horr, Fox and Spinke,
ciniched the event. The Ann Arbor
contingent won its other point by a
third place in the novelty relay race.
Bluejackets Win Relay Banner
Michigan militia bluejackets at the
Great Lakes training station won the
relay banner in track events which
were recently held at that place.
Hauss, who pressed McClelland for in-
dividual honors, taking the last stretch
of the run in whirlwind style. Lands-
men for Yeoman were second and a,
pick-up quartet of hospital apprentices,
Pat Smith, captain-elect of the foot-
ball team, took the shot for the Wol-
verines. Simpson of the Michigan
militia, won the "Spud Derby," with
Curtis of the signal-radio second.
The individual points scored in the
meet by Michigan men were: Hauss,
15; Simpson, 8; Moore, 7; Smith, 7;
Foster, 5; Troost, 3; Davis, 3; and
Hartman, 3.
Rare .tlusie For
Wolverine Staff
Destruction of Old School of Mnsie
Replaces Melodies with Ham-
Little do the readers of the Wolver-
ine realize the true conditions under
which every member of the staff
grinds out his material. The School
of Music, to the left of the Press build-
ing, is being torn down. The air
is, filled with the thuds from many
hammers, the buzzing of saws, the
banging of boards, the heavy thumps
of the bricks as they light on the
ground, and a multitude of noises that
can not be classified in a distinctive
Last summer the staff was enter-
tained by night and day by the sweet.
delicate and harmonious notes from
violins, pianos and guitars. Human
nightingales and their soft and melod-
ious voices must not be forgotten, for
their charms were appreciated a great
deal more than any musical instru-
ment. Ah, if the old conditions were
only here! However, this year's staff
will have to be content, and anticipate
the keen joy the members of the Wol-
verine next summer will greet the real
modern, and melodious music school.
Dr. Q. 0. Gilbert, '141, Married
Dr. Q. 0. Gilbert, '14M, was married
last week to Miss Margaret E. Crock-
ett, '16, of Indianapolis, Indiana.
Michigan's new Union building as it will stand when completed will doubless be one of the University's
most imposing buildings. Plans, as made, will make the new structure the center of student activities and will
house committees on students' affairs, reception rooms, a large swimming pool, reading rooms, billiard halls, and
approximately 86 sleeping rooms. Within 26 weeks the new Union will be under roof and the immense tower will
be completed.
Series of Four Addresses of This Na-
rs' to tte Giren to Sill-
For a number of years it has been
the custom of the niversity to give a
series of lectures on medical subjects
that would be of particular interest to
students of the summer session. The
first of this series will be given by
IProfessor J. C. Lyons at 8 o'clock next
Tuesday evening, July 10, in the audi-
torium of the Natural Science build-
ing, the subject being "The Relation
of Mouth Infection to Systemic Dis-
Enter Delta 'Theta Phi House and Rob
Oceupants of Cash
Burglars entered the Delta Theta
Phi house, 721 South State street, last
night and managed to get away with
$61 in money from the only two oc-
cupants of the house. No clue of the
robbers has been uncovered this
morning and it is thought that they
have iade good a safe escape.
While going through the rooms, the
burglars disregarded jewelry and oth-
er articles, taking only the actual
money they could find in the rooms.
Courses in Conservation of Food Add-
ed to Curriculum
Washington, July 4.- Lectures on
food conservation wil be included in
the curriculum of 750 summer schools
throughout the country as part of the
food administration's educational cam-
paign, Ierbert C. Hoover announced
A quarter million students probably
will take advantoge of this course.
Nine-tenths of the number will be
school teachers, who will in turn
disseminate these doctrines to school
Annual Reception
Postponed a Week
President Hutchins Called Away Un-
expectedly; Returns in Few
The annual reception of President
Harry B. Hutchins to summer school
students will be given at 5 o'clock Fri-
day, July 13, in Alumni Memorial hall
instead of July 6 as previously an-
nounced in The Wolverine. President
Hutchins was called away unexpect-
edly, and will be gone for several
This reception is given each year
to the students who come here to sum-
mer school. It is usually the opening
social event of the season and should
be well attended.
Iheposed Ruler Escapes from Palace
by Rear Door; Republic's Life
in Danger
San Francisco, July 4.-China is in
the throes of civil war. A battle is
being fought today, between troops of
the southern provinces, fighting for
the preservation of the republic, and
the northern forces of the young em-
peror, according to cable advices re-
ceived here today by the Chinese Na-
tionalist league.
The first clash was announced as
having occured yesterday, by officials
of the league who claim their informa-
tion is unquestionable.
According to the despatches . the
soldiers of President Lo Yuan Hung
capital are steadily gaining ground.
Troops of Kwang Tung province are
reported to be concentrating on the
Fu-Kien province border, according to
despatches from Amoy, Fu-Kien pro-
A cable message, received here to-
day by the Chinese World, stated ru-
mors persist in Pekin that President
Li Yuan Hung has been assassinated
and that one time higher officials of
the republic have declared, allegiance
to the monarchy.
Says Essense of heal University Is
- ihe Spirit, Not BuIldings
and Aluni
Prof. A. G. Hall, dean of the sum-
mer session, delivered the second of
the summer session series of lectures
Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the
auditorium of the Natural Science
building. Professor Hall had a good
attendance and a splendid interest was
manifested in his address.
Professor Hall prefaced his address
by a very cordial word of welcome to
the students of the summer session
and then went directly into the subject
of his lecture "Michigan Men and Mo-
In discussing the question of "What
is the University of Michigan?" Pro-
fessor Hall said in substance, "It is
not the buildings, some new and im-
posing, some old and hallowed by
memories of professors and students;
it is not the campus of constantly in-
creasing acres; it is not the alumnae
of over 30,000 men and women, nor is
it the splendid lecture series and
courses of the curriculum." The real
University, he said, "Is the spirit of
the University."
After defining the spirit of the Uni-,
versity, Professor Hall gave an inter-
esting resume of the legislation both
state and national, creating the Uni-
versity of Michigan. He said in part:
"The first great name connected with
the state of Michigan and its educa-
tional system was Thomas Jefferson,
who drew the ordinance that estab-
lished the northwest territory." Pro-
fessor Hall also discussed the ordi-
nance of 1787 and the act of 1821, the
later being of particular benefit to
the University in giving it a broader
and wider field of work.
Professor Hall divided the outline
of the history of the University into
the regimes of the different men who
have been president or acting presi-
dent of the Jjniversity. Giving the
chief events in each Yadministration
that were of most benefit to the ad-
vancement of the University.
Summer Session Registering Continues
Slowly; Fourth of July In-
Enrollment of the 1917 summer ses-
sion is still progressing. Students are
somewhat late in returning, but it is
expected that all the results will be in
by Saturday. Tuesday's enrolling was
slow, probably due to the fact that the
majority of the students registering
today remained home for the Fourth.
This year's attendance record is
closely approaching normal, and in
the literary and engineering colleges
more students have signed up than
last year. The law department is far
below the regular average. The heavy
enrollment in the military courses,
however, tends to counter-balance any
loss in the other departments. There
are approxibately 1,600 students reg-
istered this summer.
The literary department is almost
almost equal to that of last year, hov-
ering around 275. The engineering de-
partment has already passed last
year's record by 45, amounting to
about 335. In the medical school the
enrollment is larger than usual. The
graduate and pharmacy colleges have
not yet sent in their reports, although
the average is almost the same as
former years.
The remainder. of the week will be
devoted to enrolling the students, and
the final reports on Saturday will tend
to show what loss or gain there wal
be. At present it is likely that the at-
tendance will be nearly normal.
Mrichigan X-en At
Camps Form Clubs
Great Lakes Station Scene of Many
Musical and Appetite
Michigan's representatives at the
Great Lakes station are making new
organizations daily. Two of the more
prominent ones are the "Catch-as-
catch-can Eaters" and the company
"J Jazz Band." The former, accord-
ing to an issue of the Great Lakes
Recruit, just received at the office, is
made up chiefly of Michigan men.
The article as taken in part from
the issue is as follows:
"It was hert, also, that we were
initiated into the Olive Twistian
science of getting 'seconds,' an amuse-
ment entered into with great gusto by
some of our more proficient catch-as-
catch-can eaters, including 'MUMPY'
Grylls, 'TRAY' Beal, and little
'WIENIE' Davis.
"That night 'GREENIE' Greenwald
and 'LOU' Mattern unlimbered their
good right arms and the company J
Jazz band was born. Guitars, banjos,
'kes,' drums, and horns were pressed
into service, and the boys spent the
evening in singing the old songs,
ranging in quality and sentiment from
'The Bum Army' to 'When Night Falls
Dear.' During the rendition of the
last-named selection, several lonely
youths hied themselves to the outer
edge of the circle and gazed pensively
on in a certain direction. It is report-
ed that our camp Lothario, 'NORM'
Bolles, found it necessary to keep con-
stantly turning."
Misses Cooley and Paul Farming
Margaret H. Cooley, '18, and Ardath
Paul, '19, are farming near Frankfort,