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July 28, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-07-28

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VOL. VIII. No.14



- ~ -

52 Memibers Pass Rigid Examination
and Are Duly Sworn Into"
Students in the Army Stores course
are now men of the army of the United
States. Of the 52 members of the
Ordnance and Quartermatez s depart-
ments not a single one failed to pass
the rigid physical examination held
yesterday, and were immediately
sworn into service. After two weeks
more of work In Ann Arbor, the men
will leave for an arsenal in Arkansas
for more practical training.
The group of officials that swore in
the men yesterday was as follows:
Captain H. M. Fales, Sergeant August
Kowalski, Corporal Wm. Beardsley,
Private Lee Cramer, and Private H. C.
Johnson, all of Detroit. The swear-
ing-in of the men took place in the
Engineering building.
The physical examination given the
men was exceptionally rigid and con-
sisted mainly in strict tests of hear-
ing, sight, nose, throat, heart, head
and chest. The surprising feature of
the entire affair was the fact that all
the men passed the examination.
The men who were sworn in yester-
day are as follows:,
Ordnance Dept.:-Burdick, C. H.,
Flint, Mich.; Burdick, R. J., Kalama-
zoo,Mich.C s, Robert, Charlotte,
RMich.; Dwyer, F. J., Ann Arbor, Mich.;
Folz, R. E., Kalamazoo, Mich.; Ham-
mond, M. E., Cadillac, Mich.; Hinkley,
C. T., Detrot,hRich.; Humphrey, R. S.,
Detroit, ich; Laubenthal, J. C.,
Milan, Mich.; RMaag, Carl, Richmond,
Id.; McLouth, T. H., Ypsilanti, Mich.;
McMichael, H. B., St. Clair, Mich.;
Mahoney, E. C., Onaway, Mich.; Mil-
ler, M. L., Orion, Mich.; O'Hara, J.
H., Detroit, Mich.; Perry, C. W.; Dur-
and, Mich.; Pullen, C. W., Milan,
Mich.; Sorling, C. A., Moline, III.;
Turnbull, G. W., Chelsea, Mich.; Wal-
worth, G. W., Chelsea, Mich.; Walsh,
E. F., Jr., Batlesville, Okla.; Weh-
meyer, J. L. Ann Arbor, Mich.; Wild,
E. K., Ann Arbor, Mich.
The following members of the class
were enlisted in the Ordnance Dept.
previous to the beginning of the
Geisenberger, Sam., Jr., Natchey,
Miss.; Gulick, R. J., Alma, Mich.;
Herrick, G. A., Olivet, Mich.; Kneeland,
G. L., Cadillac, Mich.; Quinlan, F. E.,
Ann Arbor, Mich.; Tappe, L. C., Cadil-
lac, Mich.; Young, W. H., Lowell,
Quartermaster Corps:-Alger, F.
W., Clarkston, Mich.; Bouma, Edward,
Chicago, Ill.; ,Beverly, B. 1, Ann Ar-
bor, Mich.; Brown, L. E., Ypsilanti,
Mich.; Brown, W. E., Jr., Ann Arbor,
Mich.; Carman, R. K., Bartlesville
Okla.; Clark, B. R., Greenville, Mich.;
Clark, C. W., Ann Arbor, Mich.;
D'Ooge, "B. S., Ypsilanti, Mich.; Fried-
rich, A. S., Traverse City, Mich.;
Gronseth, H. E., Sutton's Bay, Mich.;
Guy, Harold, Milan, Mich.; Holmes,
H. P., Ypsilanti, Mich.; Hulin, C. H.
P., Cadillac, Mich.; Hurwich, L. C.,
(Continued on Page Four)

Societies' Query
somer L. Heath Says No Organization
Will Have Exclusive Use
of Union Rooms
When questioned toddy as to what
was meant by "Campus societies" as
ised in the building plans of the new
Michigan Union, Homer L. Heath, sec-
retary and manager, immediately re-
plied that no society on the campus
of any kind would have exclusive use
of lhe rooms. Instead they can be
used in the order of application, so
tha' every organization may be. able
t use the quarters at some time.
The staleont of Mr. Health an-
swers in att. ost every way the recent
communication that appeared in the
columns of Thl Wolverine. The writ-
er at that time was puzzled as to the
intel .retation of the term "campus so-
cietiP3" and seemed to think that a
line would be drawn some place.
Seme of the campus organizations
has had their application for rooms
in for several years ,at least, and so
they will be given a first opp" irtunity
to make use of the new quartet. when
they are completed. "But the primary
idea," said Mr. Heath, "is that no so-
ciety will have exclusive use of the
Le Uaptir 'one 's5 art of.
Eight of That N um-
The adoption of French orphans is
becoming a popular movement, as evi-
denced by the fact that the members
of the Michigan chapter of the Daught-
ers of the American Revolution have
taken no less than 27 in the last 2
weeks. Eight of these were adopted
through the local group.
The work of the clippings bureau
is also progressing. The Daughters
hope to supply reading matter to the
crews of the 3 ships Paul Jones, Tin-
gy, and O'Brian. Anyone having old
periodicals and illustrated magazines
may send them to Mrs. H. D. Arm-
strong, 709 Church St. They will be
expressed to the proper authorities
without charge to the giver.
Orders are coming from all over the
United States for the Nellie Custis
Cook Book on war time diet written
by Mrs. Hegner and published by the
Sarah Caswell Angell chapter. All
the proceeds from the sales are used
in war relief work by the local chap-

24 Entries For Te- A Schedule;
Those Intereste ,!ust Have
Names in by Tesday
The summer sessiot ennis tourna-
ment will begin offic'.,.ly next Wed-
nesday afternoon, w+ t the first of
elimination games wili ?e played. The
total number of en,,.'ts numbered
24 this morning, and i'tth a few more
entries expected within the next few
days, the schedule wil, be started. In
all probability, the angles will be
played off first, aiit1 tile doubles later.
Prizes for the conte' .ill be announc-
ed in about a week.
Th 6 men who hra' entered their
names for the tournel ent are as fol-
lows: H. J. Burtis, grad, William Eg-
ley, grad, G. R. And.rton, J. M .Graff,
'20M, William Stnst, '20M, M. G.
Hedin, '18, R. It. Dre, med, W. W.
Dawley, lit, M. B., ^sty, eng, E. J.
Jeffries, lit. C. I7. luell, lit, A. L.
Kirkpatrick, lit, J. :. Powells, grad,
Geo. W. Cooper, lit, :dward C. Saw-
yer, phar, Lid Bintz, eng, C. B. Bar-
nard, eng, R. A. Chan ler, lit, Herbert
Schiele, lit, J. L. Stt .ker, '18. R. F.
Fitzpatrick, lit, Philil C. Emery, '18,
Charles E. Hardy, '18 S. E. Doolittle,
lit, and Leonard W. Niter, '17-20L.
Those wu still wi It to enter the
tournamr. At must s,n up at The Wol-
verine oftice ( cal. shone 2414 by
Tuesday evening, in o(,der to be plac-
ed in the contest. All contestants
will be charged a fe- of 25 cents to
sefr't' the evense of securing prizes.
s .. epurary seoHtihtvill appear in
Tuesday's issue of The Wolverine.
Shakespearian Classes Give "Twelfth
Night" Monday Evening
The classes in Shakespearean read-
ing under Professor R. D. T. Hollister
will give a recital of "Twelfth Night"
at 8 o'clock Monday evening in Uni-
versity Hall. The people expecting to
attend this presentation of Shake-
speare's play are requested to be there
promptly at the designated time so
that interruptions will be as few as
Due to an brror in the previous is-
sue of The Wolverine, Professor Hol-
lister was stated to give this recital.
Dean Cooley Goes to Washington
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the
engineering department, left yester-
day for Washington to attend to vari-
ous business matters. He will return
again about August 1.

Oldest Student LL-CAMPUS TEM
6o Years of Age
Miss Marie Blue Holly Bears Distine- WILLPLAY TODAY
tion of Being Oldest in
Summer School Meet Ypsilanti Aggregation at 3
o'clock This Afternoon on
Sixty years do not hinder Miss Marie Ferry Field
Bine Holly from enjoying the pleas-
ures of student life. Miss Holly has OHLMACHER WILL TAKE MOUND
the distinction of being the oldest stu- '

dent enrolled in summer school. Her
age, however, does not separate this
oldest student from the younger set.
Indeed, the reporter who approached
Miss Holly was surprised to find a
very youthful oldest scholar.
Miss Holly came to the University
from Hamilton, Ohio, in order to find
out whether the world had not been
leaving her behind in its progress for-
ward. She is a teacher in Wurster
college, and from all that the reporter
could discover, the world has not suc-
ceeded in leaving her behind.
Gain of 57 Students Since First Week
of Registration; Graduate
School Increase Largest
Latest enrollment figures of the
summer session show an increase of
57 students since the first week of
registration. Although this increase
does not yet equal the additional stu-
dents secured last sunm er, it isfjK-
ured that the increase in the law de-
partment, which opens its second term
next Monday, will help to offset the
difference. The total registration up
to date is 1,460, being a decrease of
257 when compared with last year's
Of the various departments, the
graduate school has the largest in-
crease since the first several weeks of
summer school, having gone from 197
to 225. The Literary school comes a
close second with an increase of 22,
while the medical school comes third
with 17.
The results as compared with last


Michigans All-Campus baseball
team and the Ypsilanti normal aggre-
gation will hook-up this afternoon on
Ferry Field at 3 o'clock in the first
game of their scheduled series.
The All-Campus team has several
highly touted players in the line-up
and a good account of the boys is ex-
pected though practice sessions have
been few and far between. Dope con-
cerning the Teachcrites is of the dark-
horse variety but Coach Mitchell has
put in several practice sessions with
his players and a hard tussle is as-
The officials of the game will be Dr.
George May and "Cush" Cushing both
men being old timers at the indicator
The battery choice for the Michi-
ganders will be Ohlmacher on the
mound and Hammond at the receiving
station. Ohlmacher has been keeping
his arm in shape daily since the spring
season by workouts in the gym and
Hammond knows the breaking speed
of each curve.
From recent communications and
many queries that have floated down
to the Wolverine office today's game
has been anxiously awaited by the
summer school baseball fans and a
good turn-out is expected. The var-
sity diamond has been rolled and the
grass cut to put it inn shape for the
game and with the present weather
conditions a fast game is promised.
The line-up of the two. teams is as
follows :
All-Campus Ypsilanti
Hammond....... c .......... Brodley
Ohlmacher ..... . . p .......... Oliver
Mahoney.........lb .... Shaser
Miller ....... ...2b ........... Hole
West............3b ...... Thompson
Comstock.a...s.. ..........Price
Niemann......... rf ...Ciendaum
Walsh ..........cf .......... Barnes
Dwyer .....I......If ......... Mustolf
Registrar A. G. Hall, of the
* regular session, will be in his *
* office in University Hall on
* Monday and Tuesday of next *
* week, July 30 and 31, to con-
* sult with all those students who
* wish to see him personally. His
* office hours will be between*
* 11and 12 o'clock and 3 to 4:30
o'clock on those days. *
Cooks Needed for U. S. Marines
Washington, July 27.--Too many
cooks spoil the broth they say, but
Uncle Sam's marines can't get too
many cooks'for their little mess over-
seas. Word has gone out that the
United States marines need cooks.
There's extra money% in the job and
there will probably be hundreds of

year are as follows:
Literary ..............582
Medical ...............186
Law ................... 82
Pharmacy .............. 21
Total ................1460


Presbyterian Church
Huron and Division Streets
SUNDAY, JULY 29th, 1917
10:30 A. M. Leonard A. Barrett-"The Voice of God."
11:45 A. M. Professor John G. Winter-Theme: "St. Paul in Greece."
Illustrated Address.


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