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July 10, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1917-07-10

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War Preparedness Board Urges That
People Contribute for Soldiers',
Lansing, Mich., July 9.-"If you are
asked to give to the company fund
of any organization of the Michigan
national guard, give. Be as generous
as you can afford to be and then a
little more. For the company fund
is as necessary and important to the
soldier in the field as is the Red
This is the message of the war pre-
paredness board to the people of
Michigan. It is sent out in response
to several inquiries which have come
in recently concerning the formation
of company funds in various cities of
the state.
The company fund of a battery,
troop, or company is formed by money
saved from the ration account and by
donation. Its existence is provided by
army regulations. It is divided into
a mess fund and other funds. The
mess fund can be used only to buy
food to supplement the ration, or to
supply dainties for the sick. Nothing
but food can be bought by this fund;
even kettles and plans for the kitchen
cannot be secured out of it.
Use Funds for General Welfare
The other funds can be employed
for the general welfare of the organ-
ization. Here are some of the uses
to which these funds were put in va-
rious Michigan organizations on the
border last year: Hiring of motor cars
for transporting sick to hospital; pur-
chase of flowers, writing paper, and
ink for the sick; transporting sick to
home "station; placing electric lights
in company streets; purchasing kitch-
en utensils not provided by the gov-
ernment; building floors and side-
walks for tents; purchase of dies for
marking property.
No Money Squandered
There is absolutely no chance of a
single cent of the money raised being
If its any sort of photo-
graphic work ask Swain
about it
713 East U.

squandered or stolen. The company
council, which is composed of the of-
ficers of the unit, supervise the ex-
penditures, which are made by the
captain and audited monthly by the
other officers. The first sergeant is
the usual custodian of the company
fund book, which may be examined at
any time by any cnlisted man.
Is Held Four Afternoons a Week Un-
der Direction of Miss
Mary Gunther
The official Red Cross course in
dietetics started today at 2 o'clock in
the kitchen of the high school build-
ing. Miss Mary Gunther is conduct-
ing the class. The class will be held
from 2 to 4 o'clock on Monday, Tues-
day, Wednesday and Thursday, and
will include about 15 lessons. The
tuition is $5.50, payable to Miss Gun-
ther. There is still - opportunity for
students to register.
Instruction will be given in econom-
ical methods of preparing breads,
cakes, pastry, meats, meat substitutes,
and cereals. In view of the inipending
food scarcity, stress will be laid on
cheap foods, food values, and especial-
ly on subtsitutes for meats and wheat.
The relative values of these substi-
tutes and of the several ways of cook-
ing them is an important part of the
The laboratory method of teaching
is used, a 15-minute talk preceding an
experimental cooking lesson. The tui-
tion is used to pay for the material
consumed in this way. Those taking
the course will be qualified to teach
others in ed Cross groups throughout
the country.
150 Men Now at Work on Union
Approximately 150 men are now en-
gaged in the construction work of the
new Michigan Union. Although some
delay has been experienced on ac-
count of the shipment of materials,
the work thus far has not been seri-
ously affected and the process of rais-
ing the new structure has been going
along almost at contract speed. At
present, the men are nearly ready to
pour cement for the first floor of the



A MODERN CLASSIFICATliON Michigan Varsity Star Now Third in
(From Saturday's Wolverie). American League Batting
"Farming and various other branch-
es of military service." List
MORE MILITARY WORK George Sisler, Varsity's all-star
Flub-"ilow do you like your job baseball man and '15 graduate, is
in the bakery?" steadily forging to the front in the
Dub-"It's pretty soft, but I'm mak- diamond world. He now ranks third
ing a nice little roll at it, and bread
is needed nowadays." in the individual batting list, having
a percentage of .320. The present
AT THE LIsRARY ranking is Cobb, Speaker, Sisler and
Said the Brick Wall to the Donkey McInnis. , Other men have higher
Engine, "I'd fall for you any time." averages due to the smal number of
'RACTICAL ORNITHOLOGY times they have been up to bat.
"What do you think of the girl in ths Fielder Jones, manage of the St.
sassary s'oat?" Louis Browns, expresses the opinion
"She's a bird." that Sisler is the best first baseman
in the American league. Jones also
The Poet (soulfully)--"What is so declares that Sisler is in the same
rare as a day in June?" class with Tyrus Cobb and that at the
The Realist-"The twenty-ninth of end of the coming season the Browns'
February." crack first sacker will have a bat-
ting average that will compare favor-
ORGANIZED LABOR should view ably with the records of both Cobb
with approval the erection of the and Speaker.
Union building. Sisler played 140 games at first base
last year. He-made 24 fielding errors
TWO NUTS and his percentage was .985. The
"Is there any gas in the tank?" Michigan man, however, led all the
"I'll light a match aid look." American league first basemen in bat-
ting and base running, obtaining a
OFTEN TRUE batting average of .305, and stealing
"Did Pete make a frat?" 34 bags. Sisler, a left-handed batsman,
"Yes, and then the frat made him." pounded the best pitchers in the John-
son circuit and displayed so much
IT HA'PPENED IN BATTLE CREEK1 natural skill with his war club that
The pavement was newly sprinkled Jones predicted last fall that he would
and slippery. As the Ford came gal- surely be one of the greatest hitters
loping around the corner it skidded in baseball history.
into the street car. The conductor Sisler has covered second, third, and
leaned out and yelled, "Hey, you can't short acceptably and also has done
run under here with your top up" splendid work in the outfield, but his
A FR . best position is the first corner and
ALSO FROM B. C. lee is now stationed there permanently.
"What makes you pay so much at- It is freely admitted that Sisler is the
tention to Ruth ?nther? Why don't greatest player that has been de-
"Don't worryl There's a Reason!" veloped in the American league in
late years.
hickory- "How would you like to
steer for a while?" SUMMER
IHazel-"Ol, that would be just dan-
dy. Do you think we can cange ends T E X T
Ilickory-"Sure. Just wa1k care- NEW AND SI
fully and we'll make it." DRAWING I
"Whsy does the ing of Beasts have TIhe Slater
suds an ugly temper?"
"It's from lyin' awake nights" Phorie 430
Dean-"What excuse have you for
your absence?"
Bolter-"I was out of town on busi- TH E BE'
Dean-"On business? One of the
faculty said he saw you flying high
dowen at Detroit."
Bolter-Yes, sir. That's what I Sum m e
said, sir. I've joined the aviation S umme"
If Sammie is a barber
Send him an old-style razor,
And when he gets across the pond
Hell use it on the Kaer.
CrypeShould be made dry O fc a u m
"a";":"Official Summi
Or put within a can.
Some postal clerk
May do poor work
And spill it from the pan.

The batting percentages as they now
stand are:
G. A.B. H. Pt.
Hamilton, St. L...19 15 6 .400
Cobb, Detroit......70 261 100 .383
Ruth, Boston......22 53 19 .358
Russell, N. Y.....11 14 5 .350
Speaker, Cleve....73 257 90 .350
Rumler, St. L.....37 46 16 .348
Russell, Chicago..19 31 10 .323
Sisler, St. L.......70 278 89 .320
McInnis, Phil.....65 250 80 .319
O'Brien With Scars Roebuck & Co.
Harold E. O'Brien, '17, a member of
the Varsity track team for three years,
has secured a position with Sears
Roebuck and Company, of Chicago.
WANTED-Two violin and piano play-
ers for orchestra. Phone 1487.
LOST-One Phi Beta Kappa pin, on
Wednesday, June 27th. Name, Flor-
ence IHaxton on back. Return to 711
S. Tewelfth. H. Champion. 3-5-7
LOST-One Tau Beta Pi pin on Wed-
nesday, June 27. Allen '15, on back.
Return to 711 S. Twelfth. H. Cham-
pion. 3-5-7
LOST-Blue enameled pin on Washte-
naw Ave. or South Univ. Return to
The Wolverine office and receive a
LOST-Gold Elgin Watch, black fob,
small blue enamel locket, on short
gold chain. Monogram E.K.G. on
front cover. Please return to Uni-
versity Library. Reward.
Mrs. T. L. Stoddard
Marcel and
Water Waving
Hair Goods and Cosmetics
707 North University Avenue
Phone 296-J
f All Kinds
Book Shop
336 so. stat t.
r School
er School Paper

TWO SRRIES, of twelve lectures each, will be given by Thomas M. Iden,
the regular instructor in the Aan Arbor Bible Chair.
SERIES I.-Some Scientific Aspects of Religion and the Bible. Seven
o'clock P. M. on Thursdays and Saturdays, beginning July 12th.
Subjects for the coming week: "How Men Know God," and "Science and Religion."
SBRIES Ii.-Asn Introduction to the Study of the Bible. Four o'clock P.
M. on Tuesdays and Fridays, beginning July loth.
Subjects for the coming week: "What the Bible Is," and "How We Got Our Bible."
Theselectures are offered especiay for the students of the University Sumer
School, but they are open and free to all who may care to hear them.
1$57 Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions-1917
A cool, quiet dining "place IM
where an appetizing lunch-
eon can be obtained at a
moderate cost during any
part of the shopping day. [fj
Special Noon Dinner, 6c
(Second Floor)

'Twill give you joy
To do your bit,
So send that boy
A Komsfort Kit.
P. A. T.
Wolverine advertising pays.
Read The Wolverine. At your door
three times a week for 75c.
Hanilton Business College
Phone 342-R STATE and WILLIAM

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