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April 18, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 143) • Page Image 3


April 18, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…C d 1 11r1 ,A.dL '.&j ' l ,.i 1 1JGJr"," PAGE FOUR 7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 W014400800 Published every morning except Monday, diing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.- The Associated Press is exclusively en-; titled to the use fov republication of all news dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwise' credited in this paper and the local news pub- dished he...…

April 18, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…L~LM~)IAPA'kj U1 12-T-LM9- A D TL _______ *PAGiE II !,' -C =3 NA I a i i((, 4 SO~ S P!EAPHI, A ND ZETTAA1,U ALPHA W KAPPA DELTA, GAMMA PHI, AND HELEN NEWBERRY ARE DEFEATED SCORES ARE DECISIVEj Games In Intramural Tournament Are Played InSpite Of Cold Weather f" Plans For W. A. A. Spring Sport And Social Three teams, Zeta Tau Apha, Pi Beta Phi, and Collegiate Sorosis, advanced in the intramural base-1 ball tournament yesterday ...…

April 18, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

….; T H EM I-Ci-C A IYALY . FUNDA LS STRESSEB IN" . . , , ,. x a . . , y r 4 - t S ( s 'yti i4 " ' Ar. r .tip 'Y A " Cn. a rid' S '^.'. u iLL PAYERS INSTRU TED FIFTH ALUMNI TROPHY WNE TO FA TERNITY BASEBALL DHAY'SGMSI BITGNFETUEAGE CLUBS| SIX £ LETD THEAVY HITTING FEA TUR ES SECOND 0 H I Lil0 1 I 11FIFTH BE MIELECTED AT OP END OF NN PRACTICE ' I l[RdD YS A E NBGL A U L B A During the 1925 spring grid prac- the most work and determina...…

April 18, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 143) • Page Image 7

…TTTtMSDAY; APRIL 18,'1029 17H E M 1C H CAN D A 1TY' P* Am 8mv, T!TtIRSDAY, AP~TL 18, 1q29 ~!V~t~- PLAY BY PLAI ACCOUNT OF W ILDCA T GAME'CAsI,, i ncmu xh i Y ib PURIPLE S D[FEATLD BY A E S RLINO Northwestern Makes Errors Behind Fine Hurling Of Panosh To Lose Close Game BOTH TEAMS HIT POORLY out retired the side. Michigan 2. Northwestern 0. FIFTH INNING t Oliphant singled between sh and third. Myron made a fine st of Kadison's grounde...…

April 18, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 143) • Page Image 8

… I'Acui EIGHT TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 192~ I I DAIL OFICA BLEI illcating anti Vet~1jJatioai~.i~1. IX 25: I shall not be ~i ijie If) InC('I, 11w c I. Uiiuijid~V the i~ifli. II. C. Ai~~les'~oit King George Of England Goes For Stroll During Recuperation From Recent Illness IPublication I of the Unive n the Bulletln Is eonmtructive notice toal member ~rsity. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- (Jrii'ls iVis...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 89 404W t r Iaili MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 144. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929. EIGHT PAGES TO USEAMPIIERS TODAY IS FINAL DATE FOR DUES ffSeniors Given Last Opportunity To Pay Class Fees And Give Graduation Orders Seniors in the literary college willI today have their last opportunity to pay class dues and order an- nouncemen and invitations, ac- cording to James E. Duffield, treas- SALE OF...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…'Tr, MOT= --1 2'1- PAdE TT G ' HE M ICH-IGAN DAILY PAOE TWO THEM ICHICAN DAILY PRESIDENT LIT TLE 'EFFORT TO TURNS FIRE FIGHTER IN VALIANT SAVE ISSUE OF ALUMNUS FROM FLAMES OSCAR 0. M. VOGEL MARTGIN HT. VOGE IV:, RO.MARK"ET Continuing his career at the University in a blazing path;' of glory, President Clarence Cook Little turnied fire fighter long enough Wednesday afternoon to help foreman Gustav Dicks put out a dangerous fire which ...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…0., ThIDAY APPIL - 2~) - . .................... MH-O CHI PLANS City .,supply' Buying I MICHIGAN QINN&R PLATES CARRIED: TO LATVIA RY -AMERICAN MI'T'~F _! I PHYSICISTS TO10 0EAS'E 1.NI iL r1.1 11 F _Ten members of the University N E W MEMBERS, Joseph E. Mills, commissioner of Mihgan's recently created din-! with Maize and Blue as a result of! physics department will attend the purchases and supplies for the city ner plates are now ser...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

….6 * 4; AGcE FOUr " THE MICHI'GAN, T ILNG FRIDAY APRIL 19, 1929 Published every morning except Mondayi 4u~ing the University year by the Board in' Control of Student Publications. r Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en-] titled, to the use for republication of all news ispatches credited to it or not otherwise eredited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at ...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 5

…17~ FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929 THE MIChAIGAN DAILY PrAG1E P'V r.~. eo__.____ . ...LL... __._ . .__. . 44., ;, ' ATAM M- r °- . a . 1. iA I, ar iy I> ~t I Y t 4 a Ii* ,;'F DANCE ANfl RFFPTION HONOR GgEST Fourteen Are Initiated Into Pi Lambda Theta Mary Lewis, Author, W711 XT..... A A TT W, DWINIVIW&W owgsw AT MODEL LIE PARTY WILL BE HELD AFT OPENING MEETING AND BANQUET STUDENTS ARE INVITE Banquet Speakers And Women High Exe...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

…PAc~ ~IZ~ 171E MTCVeA E ITL cr- ~ r rirI- l-, i l _____ .., SIX WOLVERINE TRACKMEN LEAVE FOR KANSAS MEET ST R.0 RC ldWeather Marks { Ul] IL Big TenBall Games gOV' N tI WEAK HTTMRKS VETERAN PTHRInroim iiMEET GETS GODPTRT: ETOIL fO iiILL ILL ANNUAL HELM VtNlI Michigan Entries Will Be Facing 'tiff Competition; Dash Stars To Confront Eddie Tolan' WEATHER HINDERS BROOKS1 Six Michigan trackmen, accom- panied by Coach Hoyt, left yester.- ...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 7

…f <'~. i~ ,A1i 2 ?AO~ S~V~ I~A~ APRIL 19, 1929 Tt-1~ MICHIGANT DAILY VARSITYLOOK YtITH BAT IN (Continued FromI The failure of the W connect more frequent ball was gomewhatn g after the way the tear the southern training hitting for a team ave in the South, Coach] horts batted the ball a rate of .143 in the opener. Myron and McCoy, t men in the Michigani formed capably. The cepted some difficult short without an error Coy showed that he...…

April 19, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 144) • Page Image 8

… TA G * L" t t I-IT - -,T-HE-MIC1-1I AN D IL FRIDAY, Arl-,Tr 19, 1929 PACt1~1~±GHT - T'Hh~ MIChIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIIJ 19, 102~ S U r-S a r 1 D A IL -Y'OFFI-CIAL BULLELTIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p.,m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Vol. XXXIX FRIDAY, APRITl 19, 1929 No. 144 Fire Drill: There will be held some time 1ioda...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 I C 41P fAw Mir t t . -tlI. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1929. T EIGHT PAGES MODEL ASSEMBLI ASKS IMMEDIAT[ Little To Give Religious Talki Will Spea On Religion Versus Christianity At Episcopal Students' Dinner. I LEAGUE ASSOCIATI(O INEVITABL SIR G REED EXPI Canada Hopes U Join League Declare Regret at the and Stripes am the League of1 for the immedial President...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…SAE TWO II I HT AN - A I'll y -AOE TWO -BAT V~BAY, A~Th~-2~, 1~29' hERO ANNUALPLACED ON SALE BY EDITORS Samuel S. Bradley, '91, Completes Work On 1929 Edition Of Aircraft Annual LISTS 1928 AIR FEATS Radio Night Program Will Be Broadcast By Chicago Alumni Charles W. Fisher, '18, Will Send Out Greeting From Allertonr Club Over KYW Michigan alumni, students, and faculty members will receive an of- ficial greeting from Charles W. Fisher, '1...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…- - AE ' U t Kt Y c ti >f; , .2 kN -D AG . ... ...... . Michigan CollI OPPORTUNIY OFFEREDSTUDENTS TD VIEW WOR~KING S OFANN'UAL ONVENftIO OFWORlLD PWERSi ges Gather Here For M del League I DELEGATES WILL DISCUSSAND CONDUCT WORK' AS IN GENEVA PROGRAM IS COMPLETE Banquet Btring At Union Tonight Will Model Assembly To Close By Robert L. Sloss Twenty-one of Michigan's univer- sities, colleges, and junior colleges represented by more t...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRL '20, 1929 U = = - - ---.- U - d P ublish e e e y m r i g ex ce t on y Pulse vedrioding the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished her...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…SATUTU5AY, AP~Lt 20, 190 Ti-IE MICHIGAN 0 A IIV PAGN FIVE - - _; - __ tM1 t c. ,,. ik, i, . k . .a.y., . .-. ,...r... :....... t . -- Mir .,.5' 2 s°- :s 7 _____ _. ___._ -___._.-r-" A' ~iP i4 icy" 4: L ICAN ASSOCIATN Free-Lance Writer Believes Literary Spring Fashions Usher In New Fabrics World Over-crowded By Colle WeTdW ,,*&a*~~~g Women, That Find Favor With College Women I 14 } r "' A =k Im i i L-to meIn otc no .~te; Col h...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…A N _ ATE ' ,y, h . .- . ---- - _ ,t -r: . .... - CONFERENCE DIAMOND TEAMS PLAY TODAY HOYT'S GOOD TWIRLING !o0 SUBDUES PHILADELPHIAoI SPORTS BRIEFS 1,I HOYT'S GOOD TWIRLINHROG fI t ituuHSO TSB IES[tflYIN ILL PLA! SSIJNGeorgeojac, star Rutgers and Olympic swimmer, hasbeen elected I I IN U IIIM ______ Jpresident of the sophomore class. ___ lHe is also honorary captain of next Spring Football Aspirants Drilled In 1yas wi am j whoI Tompki...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 7

…8A''1t7RnlJ~.rAt Ir ' vV 1 7 T .H E y p y4.. ,TH . i A fliV t ,, PAGE SMM ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ ____________________________ ________________ Good Pitching Marks Big League Ball Games 1®) natrAV 'EA 'R"N Interest Centered ALL-CAMPUS TOURNEYS IN BnML[S BEAT nuwriN In Mile And 4 Mile I GOLF, HORSESHOES TO ON BRANOT'S HURLING Relays At Lawrence ntry lists close today for the M...…

April 20, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 145) • Page Image 8

…g 4 PAGE EIGHT T HE VIII-IIN D AILY S^ T ^ rA 1APRIL 20, 1929 :, -i 4 i DA-LY OFFICIAL BULLLTIN Publication in the Bulletin is conkructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3A30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) DOMINICANS. FINANCE WELCOME AMERICAN REORGANIZATION GROUP I Vol. XXXIX SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1929 No. 145 University Lectuires' > Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 Air mm I Mawr tt 4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 146. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1929. EIGHT PAGES CAAUTHOR TO TALK HERE TOMORROW SPEAKERIOREVEAL 10 3ds i LIf[Of ADVENUR ' "THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURE" . OFTEN CALLED GUIDING SPIRIT IS WELL KNOWN AUTHOR Richard Halliburton Has Traveled; Globe In Quest Of Romance "The Glorious Adventure", which has been the guiding spirit of Rich-: ard Halliburton during ...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…TH14E. Ml C 14 1CHA 9,D A ILY SUN AY, APRIL 21, 1929. JACK --ASSST UDENTS TO WHITE IN CONTEST Announces Rules For Competition In Novel Writing To Rhetoric Classes NEWSPAPER WORK] OF MATERIAL G Although not intending to di- rectly sponsor the contest, the' rhetoric department yesterday an- nounced to classes in Rhetoric 2 and 32 the plans and rules of the College -Humor-Doubleday, Doran prize novel contest which is being conducted by ...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…SUTNDAY, PL 21, 1921944 r n - - - - . . ' - . r ICIA ~~E PAGE BART COUR SCHO ANNO - -- -- - -. I - I',, K 1 1 LAN. SES IN COACHINGStudents Have Not Changed A Whit In QuarterCentury, Bookseller Says' Down State street way, a few according to a small sign is to be 5TAT[ SAFETY Sdoorssouth of the Arcade, a mas- I found atop the stairs. sive pair of oaken doors open on a If once climbs to the top, he finds long, wide, bare expanse of st...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DA ILY SUNDAY, APIL 21,° 19-ov tion of this question there is one figure in Congress who is making a Published every morning except Monday most striking stand. He is Sena- duting the University year by the Board in. Control of Student Publications. tor Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mich- Member of Western Conference Editorial igan's junior representative in the Association-. upper house. He has already The Associated Press...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACIE F WE TIIF MI HI AN, a AGaJlV ;''. ;. .,.. ..,,.w . .. .........., F qwrw qv w 11 -ILVA-VA dom. ' F A V l ww-~ J I RECEPTIONS TO MARKI Model League Of Nations Of This Year BDSororities ;Resume Social Activities I nf[Improves Upon Last, Says Miss Bates With Spring Dances And Faculty Teas h~xi L[AhIt seems to me that on the too, that here you have a more NITA S 1/i[ Social activities have been re- the Ea...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

… TH 1 14, 1 C ArrL ___ Uiv r Y riPRI A ~NTiAY, APTUL 21, Y~2~ igersLose ToSt. Louis, 9 To 4; Drop To Basement EIGHTH INNING RALLY GIVES BR0WNS VICTORY; ONLYFOUR GAMES ARE PLAYED GAME WITH IOWA CANCELLED-RAIN Boston Defeats Washington To Gain Seventh Place At Expense Of I arrismen DODGERS BEAT BROOKLYN Yesterday afternoon's activities on the major league baseball fields found only two contests in each circuit. Rain seemed to be the r...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 7

…_ :S TJNDAY -APRIL 215.-1929i T 14 E-M- i141 -0.A N - -S Y ; " ,.. - - - w.-. - ..-. ---- - _ __ Qualifying Rounds For Varsity GolfersStartTomorrow MANY GOOD PLAYERS Willi Tourn [~An.ll MARTIN TO RUN AGAINST CONGER A T PENN RELAYS MICHIGAN SPORT ENTHUSIASTS LOOK TO STRONG FINISH OF PROUD ATHLETIC YEAR THIS SPRING ., ________________rn n1rig u n inn it flh HILL !fli Fnl OU U I By Cadwell Swanson merening, star Wolverine guard, Boilerma...…

April 21, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 146) • Page Image 8

…MAOB EIGHT TH14E M4 1 C I(7 A N TI NILA i * 1U r. NiXX . Ar T ; .1 2, 12J ------ - - - - - -- - - _ a a. a ................ M t t DALgFFCA.BLEI Publication in the Bulletin is conit uctive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Voli. XXXIX SUNDAY. APRIL 21, 1929 No. 146 3 I 'I Vi. 4WAW411 l44% AIVi V<A AL la. NAB AYYrV Executi...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 AOL Alp 40 XM AN MEMBER1 ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 147. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1929. EIGHT PAGES SCHOOL TEACHERS TO HOLGCNCLAVEI HERE THIS WEEK' Smoke Eaters Show Little Will Address UfllID eras I Dui Alpha Nu To Initiate tNew Members Today TEACHERS FROM ALL OF STATE.EXPECTED ATTEND PARTS TO .# (t i' IS SIXTY-FOURTH MEETING Curriculum Revision Will Hold Center Of Attention During Annual ...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…t' AG TWO " THE MICHIGAN DA I L Y 'TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 192( PAUD~ urn ROSS GORMAN AND HIS VIRGINIANS SUMER CAS THROUGHOUTUNITED STATES, RO PLAY AT MILITARY BALL FRIDAY CONDUCTED BY MANY UNIVERSITY GRADUATES, RESEMBLE MINIATURE.MICHIGAN CAMPUSES, . *11 Michigan chapter and Blade, national itary society, has election of 21 ment These men have bee the advanced course C. on the basis of h and efficiency in mi UNIVERSITY GRADUATE HEADS LARG...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…" 'UESDAY, APRIL 23, 1929 THE MICHICAN DAlEt x .... .. . . UNIVERSITY STUDENTS EMPLOY I COLLEGE TRAINING N UINNESS1 R-s_-h.ry I torious industries unfair to labor Three Committes, Considers or in the quality of their products. City Problems These industries will beconspicu- ous by their absence from white- With the approach. of gradua- lists which the committee intends tion, erstwhile collegiate radicals, to prepare. , socialists, idealis...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…FA rO~tTI. ITHMflHIA b----L\ TUESDAY, APRI!L 23;, 1,2b .. f., Published Uvery morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in' Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The" Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the se, for republication of all news dispatche% credited to it or not otherwise' credited in this paper and the local news pub-I fished lherein. Entered at the ...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 5

… TH E- M'lCH IAR D T-1-1 P~A G T I - jI& AA AWm'LA4 _5"x._5 z.s-- l \ ('DT ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN p T DR. SCOTT COMMENDS ATTITUDE OF I It, A At PLANS SPOBT.DISCUSSES MARRIAGE VS. VOCDATIONERHOACOK LT S STUDENTS DURING LEAGUE ASSEMBLY [ [Two hundred women who at- for high, athletic propensities. H Af([ "I believe that the Model League ryk is 79 years old and still leads atcded group meeting on "Mar-(Music, art, authorship, a...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 6

…- -A6E Six TRPt MICRIAN A TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1029 Varsity AdministersDrubbing To Freshman Nine RST YEAR MEN FAIL' TO HIT HURLERS HARD Filger Of The Freshman and Joe Truskowski Get Triples For Longest Hits M'NEIL PERFORMS WELL Hostilties between Coach Ray Fisher's Varsity men and the, year- ling squad were resumed yesterday afternoon when the Varsity team pounded out an impressive victory wjth the score of 12 to 2. McAfee starting on ...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 7

…I ~d i TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 129' T HE MICHIGAN D AILY -PAOE SEVEMh Livingston Wins Lead Over Golfing ( ENFEIS.TY I~S S[EOND FOR FIRTEIGHEE Over 40 Take Advantage Of To Gain Memberships At Country Clubs Chance Local FRESHMEN PLAY WELL With Richard Livingston leading the field, the first eighteen holes of the annual qualifying round for menberships at Barton Hills and Ann Arbor golf clubs were played off yesterday afternoon on the Ann ...…

April 23, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 147) • Page Image 8

…FACE EidIH THE MICHIGAN DATEt TU1~RSAY, APRTL 2B, I1cK2O 'EAlpha N: Scabbard and Blade: DAI Y FFI IA BU LE INInitiation will be hold this afternoon in the society room on the There will be a special meeting tonight at 7:00 p. m. in Room 302,' fourth floor of Angel hall. Banquet following wi begint at 6:30) on the Michigan Union. It is necessary that every member be present. third floor of the Union. Prof. James K. Pollock will speak. Cia...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 al Av .t . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 148. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1929. EIGHT PACES LIT GORLA SKINNE FLE FLAYS MODERN CHURCH DEBT EXPERTS FAL FOR COMPLICATION OF RELIGION UIILlLL "Group demonstrations 'sting Lords prayer, He reduced the 10 themselves as Christian have gone commandments to two essentialt in exactly the opposite direction ones, and his simple doctrine of from the simpli...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…PAGV TWO THE MICHIGAN D A I L , IIEDNFSZAY, APRIL 24, 1920 ,~~~~~~~~- - -------NEDA, PIL24 1 PODLLO1C K ,ILL 'SUD ELEION 1IN ENGLA ND0 PROFESSOR HOPES TO WATCH POLITICAL PARTIES AT WORK PLANS TWO MONTH VISIT 'ampaign, Election Take Place Twenty Days After End Of Parliament Making a special trip to study the general elections in England, Prof. James K. Pollock, Jr., of the political science department will leave here Friday afternoon, on ...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1920 THE MIC HIGANt DA-I:.' ~.'. . AGE HRm I- SCHOOLMASTERS PLAN' FINAI ARRAUflFFNTS Pilot Makes Test Of Parachute Device Designed To Prevent Airplane Crashes I I I>II 11 i EEII'lIiL. I 1 J *~.rr" ; FOR CONVENTION IiRE x EYNOTE OF CONFERENCE WIL BE REVISION OF CURRICULA ( LARoE NUMBER REGISTERS Other Organizations Will Also Meet Friday And Exhibits Will Be Maintained With more than 1500 registra- ..<t ' tions alre...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…HE v -w MICHIGAN DAIL1Y I ml MIDAY, APRTIL 24, 16 41 ' Or -,m THr~ MTCAIIGAN DAILY ~DNESDAV, AFFIIL ~ Published every morning except Monday ding the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Westera Conference Editorial Association.- The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use, fo* republication -of all news dispatches' credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local new...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 5

…'VMZWrSzAlx, Mt- 24i 10lq THE MICHICANDAILY PAGE1 Fr= r ;g IBMMV4 ......... 5 i 1, Tf T MISS RICH ARDS TELLS OF MEETING fE AWIT WfU( W. A. A. TO GIVEAN4 BANOUET u INITIATE OF A. A.U.W. HELD AT NEW ORLEANS ULN SINVITE HUIIIN ALL MEMBERS , EA Several discussions and sugges- Ireach of interest in the association Waa, the W.A A. bear-cub, is DIIrions of interest from the bienialOis indicated, Miss Richards com-Avig another party!...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 6


April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 7

…U==DAY, APRIL 24, 192V ~I~~N~SDAY, APRIL .24, 102~ THE .MJC.H1GA~N 4~A4tN K M ANY OVERTIME GAMES PLAYED Early Winning Attack Gridmen Hold Long IN MAJOR LEAGUES; ATHLETICS Helps Varsity Down Fundamentals Drill DROP TO THIRD IN STANDINGS Yearlng Nine Again Continued From Page ) (Continued From Page 6) Coninue From , age.,) FOURTEEN TRACKMEN ARE CHOSEN L A S S I F IE TO MAKE TRIP TO DRAKE RELAYS cJ ADVERTISING Three Games Run To 11 Innings...…

April 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 148) • Page Image 8

…EWDSJAY, APTT 24, 1920 PACE EIQHT THE MICHICAN DAILY ° DAILY OFFICIAL- BULLETIN! Publication In the Bulletin is conbtructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) I Vol. XXXIX WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1929 NO. 148 Convocation, Friday, April 26: There will be a convocation of the University at which the members of the Michigan Schoolmasters'...…

April 25, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 g1 Ar ttr4t an I. MEMBER ASSOCIATED Vol. XXXIX, No. 149. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929. EIGHT PAGES e tl yA 7 h 1 J j J yy 1 / 7 7 l Z i d f l f j R j y t SCHOOL TEACHERS OPEN SIXTIWmFOURTH ANNALCONCLAVE REGISTRATION WILL B E G I N IN UNIVERSITY HALL THIS MORNING LITTLE TO GIVE ADDRESS First Regular Session Scheduled For This Afternoon; Informal Reception Wil Follow Registration for the sixty-fourth me...…

April 25, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…. TWO I tflIMHf CA N'EATEY TWO TIIUAP2~1~29 - .n.., ROSSGORMANLRCHESTRALEADER, HAS MASTERED MAN INSTRUENT& NOUC TO ARCTI POT AIRA Announcement To Replace Carlson As Aerologisti the Michigan Ce For University Expedition tra, the teav Litrains, one leavi At Mt. Evans Post 4:15 o'clock in t arriving at Chic IftBBS HEARS FROM BYRD 5 the other leavi Word has been received by Dr. 't':e,andar rvi William H. Hobbs of the geology Io'clock. departm...…

April 25, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…-. rnsixA~ A~fl~2~1~Q -T IVI I c 1-1 A " r; -A. T - L Z 7 IwM11+±MP ..H a. a v a a t - i. a * -" . * . 1 .L .1a +r [di . i . AER T EXISTENE OF <PNALDE1AT1HtRAY - t Machine Producing 3,000,000 Volts Is Invented By Erstwhile Wireless Instructor REPORT STIRS ENGINEERS (By Associated Press) SEATTLE, April 24--The asserted existence and operation in San Franciscoof a potential deathray' machine, producing 3,000,000 voltsI of man-made light...…

April 25, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE M ITCHIGAN DALy TmfR~bAY ~APIL~r Published every morning except Monday d, ing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. I Member of Western Conference EditorialE Association. The' Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to 'the Lase for republication of , all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and; the local news pub- lihd herein. Entered at the postofice ...…

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