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April 20, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-20

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Little To Give
Religious Talki
Will Spea On Religion Versus
Christianity At Episcopal
Students' Dinner. I

Canada Hopes U
Join League
Regret at the
and Stripes am
the League of1
for the immedial

President Clarence Cook Little,
speaking in an unofficial capacity
as a member of St. Andrew's Epis-
copal parish, will address the an-
I nual Epsicopal Students' dinner at
D N OF NATIONS 7 o'clock next Tuesday in the Union
E, ASSERTS Ion "Religion versus Christianity."
EORGE Tickets priced at $1.00 are obtain-
able at Harris hall, Epsicopal stu-
ESSES HOPE dents headquarters at the corner of
Huron and State streets, and from
United States Will student representatives in dormi-
e Of Nations tories, sororities, and fraternities.
Rs Foster President Little, a scientist has
been noted during his administra-
lack of the Stars tion for the emphasis he has
ong the flags of lacedon religion in students'
tong anpe f romlives. He has sought an escape
Nations and hope from the dryness of religious dogma
te entrance of the to the essence of Ciristianity in a !


United States into this interna- form palatable to students.c
tional association was the keynote The Reverend Tom Harris, assist-
of yesterday's sessions of the Model ant rector of St. Andrew's, will out-t
ofsyseray'sf sessionseof tionel1}line briefly the yearly program of
Assembly of the League of Nations, social, dramatic, and religious ac-
composed of some 125 delegates of tivities carried on by students at1
the several colleges of Michigan Harris hall, and a member of the
and meeting under the auspices of Harris hall board of trustess willI
and eetng nde theausice ofalso speak. George C. Tilley, '30, 1
the Student Christian association. will ak. eorgeC.
The imitation assembly is continu- a
ing in conference today.;
This keynote opinion was ex-
pressed in many of the opening'
day's gatherings and was culmin-
ated in the speech of Sir George E.
Foster, Canadian Senator and a T
vie-president of- the first League 1
of Nations at a banquet attended ~~~
by 250 delegates, and stu'dents and Cheboygan To Engage Grand
t Rapids High School Here For
faculty members of the University State Championship
last night at the Union.j
Canadian States Plea DEAN KRAUS TO PRESIDEf
Bringing a message from his 3
native country, the Canadian of- High school debating in- the state1
ficial, who has ben connected with of Michigan for the current school
the Dominion government for near- year will be brought to a climacticj
ly a half century, and with the close a week from tonight when'
League since its inception, stated teams representing Grand Rapidst
that "Canada is now hoping, as and Cheboygan high schools will
fourteen years ago it hoped for the meet in Hill auditorium for the
United States' entrance in the state championship.
*orld War, that its neighbor tol The question to be debated is the
Worldoth will rter the inter- same which has occupied the atten-i
the sou soon en tion of the state high school debat-r
national association formed to in- ing league throughout the year. ItI
sure world peace-the League of reads as follows: Resolved that a
Nations." I federal subsidy for the developmentr
"The League or some association of a merchant marine would be aI
of nations was inevitable," Sir Fos- wise national policy.e
ter told the gathered delegates from Faculty Men to Judge
the several colleges of Michigan.1 Prof. Edward H. Kraus, dean ofl
"Just as the individual has evolved h Cf Phand of the
Into the family group, then into Summer session, is to act as chair-
the nation, ust so certain is it that man, it was announced yesterdayt
the nations will evolve into har- by Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the
monious international relation- speech department, the debate
ship." league manager.
Discuss World Peace 1 The judges, according to the an-
Prof. Jesse F. Reeves, of the poli- 'nouncement, will be Professor I
tical science department introduc- Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood of1
ed Sir Foster at the banquet, which the speech department, Prof. James
was presided over by Martin Mol, M. O'Neill, chairman of the speech
'30, president of the Student Chris- department, and Prof. Andrew T.
tian association of the University. Weaver, chairman of the depart-l
Hope for the. United States' en- ment of speech at the University of
trance into the league was alsoWisconsin.1
expressed by Prof. Thomas H. Reed, Robert Jepson, Clarence Page,
of the political science department, and Walter Striker will comose the
during a brief address at the ban- affirmative team which will repre-
quet. sent Grand Rapids while Wendell
At the afternoon meeting Presi- Horning. Carlton Jacobson, and
dent Clarence C. Little and Dr. George Keldsen will uphold the
Stephen P. Duggan, director of the negative for Cheboygan.
Institute of International Educa- Expect Large Crowd
tion, New York City, stressed the More than 4,000 people. among
value of international peace and them representatives of 131, state
the discussion of world problems high schools, were present at the
in an assembly such as the League championship debate last year be-
of Nations. i tween Royal Oak and Zeeland from
President Little was the first which Royal Oak emerged the vic-
speaker on the program, being in- tor.e eally large crowd is x-
troduced by Mvol. Dr. Little ex- pece to be rsn hsya i~
plained the policy of the University the possibility that high school stu-
in bringing the conference to Ann dents from as many as 150 schools
Arbor, thanking the officials of may be present.
Michigan State colege for their in- Grand Rapids and Cheboygan are
terest in the organization. Last the state high schools which won
year\s conference was held at East their way to the finals of the elim-
Lansing. ination round of the league. Sixty-
Little Suppokts Plan I four teams participated in this
Speaking for a brief time on the elimination. More than 250 high
possibilities which entry into the schools were entered in the prelim-
League of Nations opens toward inary roundt of debates from which
the furthering of international I the 64 ranking highest entered the
peaceDr. Little hit at the'policies elimination round.
of the Republican party in making
the issue one of party interest) O ur Web er
rather than national. The loss of
peaceful relations with jealous na-
tions, self-centered wealth and f
world power are resultant fromT
aloofness in international peace"
conferences, the President stated.
"It is on the time-worn farewell!
address of Washington, made When
the nation was in its infancy, that
the opponents of the League base u " ,
their arguments." _ thmgit h.ni-$nin the uT fi

Prof. Philip E. Bursley Chairman
For Third Annual Yearling
Orientation Period
Plans for the University's third
annual freshman week were an-
nounced yesterday by Professor
Philip E. Bursley, of the depart-
ment of Romance languages and
chairman of the freshman week
committee. The entire program for
the week, when 1l1 groups of men
and women freshmen wil be intro-'
duced to the University campus,
has been completed, he reported.
The same events which took!
place last year will be included, but
will be covered in a shorter period.'
The activities commence at 8:00
o'clock Tuesday, September 24, and
finish at noon Saturday, September
28. This arrangement leaves one
evening and Sunday free to the
freshman, allowing for the double
header football game on Saturday
Many New Features
This year the freshmen will be
permitted to classify and pay their
dues before taking the medical ex-
amination, which will eliminate a
good deal of wasted time from the:
program. The pre-professional con-
ferences will be held before classi-
fication instead of after, as in last
year's program. A new feature will
be an address by Wilfred B. Shaw,
general secretary of the Alumni as-
sociation, on "The History of the
As last year, the advisors will pick
their assistants from the students
of the junior and senior classes.
Program Outlined
Tuesday: Classification and med-
ical exams begin. Pre-professional
conferences. Addresses in the eve-
ning by dean of men, one of wo-
men's advisors, and the acting
president of the University.
Wednesday: Classification and
medical exams continue. Lawn
party at Dean Bursley's. Athletic
Thursday: Rhetoric examination,
lawn party and athletic events. Ad-
dresses in the evening by Dean
Humphrey and Wilfred B. Shaw.I
Friday: Mathematics examina-
tion activities at field houses, R. O.
T. C. inspection. Mixers at the
Union for men, Women's League
Building for women.
Saturday: Scholastic aptitude
test. Double header football game.
The Committee on Freshman
Week consists of Prof. P. E. Bursiey,
chairman; Prof. William F. Frayer,
Dr. Mary Bell, Prof. C. S. Yoakum.
and Elmer D. Mitchell, Intramural

Jones BTo Talk T mWM11 Mo
On vlow o
Authority of University of South Tf
Carolina Invited Here IFor !llME EE ak y Nine
SI nw eThree Addr esses
10 M11 HRE Y

Three University lectures on
"American and French Literature"-T hs
of~~~~ netweTi.NtrlSine NETWE-~l rhis A
will be given Monday and Tuesday
of next week in Natural Science1j
auditorium by Prof. Howard Mum-
ford Jones of the University of UNIVERSITY TO ACT AS HOST 'Vogelmen Primed For
Professor Jones as a dramatist, SOCIETIES Conference Cham
poet, translator, and critic is a fig-.A d MCAf e
ure of considerable importance in DO AT E IS 'SCHEDULED n
contemporary American literature.___ _ _ _
His most recent work, America and, Elementary School Principals Plan PROBABLE LINEUPS
French culture (1750-1848), is char- Half Day Program For P B E N S
acterized by John R. Effinger, dean Friday Michigan- Iowa- o
of the literary college, as an excel- Nebelung, cf. Blackford, rf.
lent study of French influence upon Beside being the headquarters ofICorriden,.,
our literature from the middle hof ,if. Stebbins,2b.
the eighteenth to the middle of the Ithe Michigan Schoolmasters' Club I Straub or Glassgow, ss. 2
nineteenth century. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of'K Slagle, rfM9
Professor Jones has held pro- I next week, the University will act iKugicek, 2b. Mowry, if. {
fessorships of English and compar- as host to five other educational i McCoy, lb. Musgrove, cf. t
ative literature at the University of societies which are scheduled to M Myron, ss. Nelson, 3b. v
Carolina since receiving his B. A. hold meetings at that time. While I Truskowski, c. Sahs, lb. (
from Wisconsin in 1914 and his M. the Schoolmasters' club program M McAfee, p. Twogood, p. d
A. from Chicago in 1916. I will take most of three days, the Umpires:-Lush and Olmstead. I
other organizations will meet for o "
one day only
On Friday the twelfth annual
DBAY TO ADDRESS conference of theMichigan High UOOL AWARDD
{ School debating league will be heldI
at the University, having a full daye
and evening program outlined , I
i Colleitehegishtgar seStcatienAs- ' --- 1.
Carl Brandt To Be Toastmaster At sociation of Elementary School Honorary Membership Conferred
F u n c t i o n On May 11; Principals, the StateFederation of O iy Dem eritus
Pln AeComleted On Dean-Emeritus t
P1ans Are ompled Teachers' Clubs will have half-day At Union
programs. The Michigan Historical
YOST WILL ALSO SPEAK association will hold its annual TESTIMONIALS OFFERED
_ ~~~~meeting Friday. TSIOIL FEE 1
Judge William L. Day, 'OOL., for- Plan Musical Program
mer Michigan athlete, and prom- The debating league will convene Testifying signal honor to Dean-
inent among University alumni, Friday morning for a series of cam- emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley, "mas-a
will deliver the principal address pus tours following registration. Alter builder among builders, an
at the annual banquet of Michigan luncheon is planned for Friday honorary membership in the Amer-
Fathers and Sons to be held Satur- noon, after which a- high school ican Society of Mechanical En-s
day night, May 11, in the banquet student conference will be held in gineers was presented to the for-f
hall of the Union, it was announced Hill auditorium. After a short mus- mier head of the engineering col-
yesterday by William E. Nissen, '29, ical program Friday evening in the lege, at a dinner given last nightv
Union president. I auditorium the twelfth annual in the Union by 125 members of I
"Bill" Day, as he is better known state championship debate will be the local and Detroit sections of
to the Michigan campus, lives in held. the society.
Cleveland where he is a Federal Beginning with a luncheon Fri- Testimonials of his "marvelous,
district court judge. His speech at, day noon in the parlors of the consistent record" in his profes-t
the banquet will mark his second Church of Christ at which Charles sion, his "undying vision" and his
appearance in Ann Arbor as a L. Spain, superintendent of schools humanizing influence, were be-~
speaker this year. His previous ad- in Detroit, will be the principal stowed upon Dean Cooley in a
dress was given at the pep meeting speaker, the association of element- spontaneous manner by the several1
which preceeded the Wisconsin ary school principals will hold its speakers of the occasion.
game last fall. - annual meeting. An afternoon pro- Presentation of the honor was r
Second only to Judge Day on the gram has been arranged to be held made by Alex Dow, President oft
speaking program will be Prof. in the auditorium of the church the Detroit Edison company, and
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- over which Earl R. Laing. president national president of the society
collegiate athletics. Carl Brandt of the organization, will preside. when the life membership was vot-
of the speech department is to be Addresses, discussions, and reports ed the dean-emeritus, Nov. 28,
the toastmaster and Nissen, as will fill the afternoon program. 1928. The society was formed in
president of the Union, will say a Teachers Will Convene 1881 and now has some 20,000 mem-
few words of welcome to the visit- The same afternoon a meeting of bers, Mr. Dow stated, and a largea
ing fathers. the federation of teachers clubs will share of its rapid and substantialt
With the announcement of ban- I be held at the Methodist church. growth is due to the service oft
quet speakers, plans for the Union's The program will consist of a board Dean Cooley, he stated.
annual "Dads-Sons" week end are of directors meeting, a business The recipient 'of the honor last
l now virtually complete. Present meeting, and an address on the night is a past-president of the
plans mclude the traditional Spring proposed teachers' retirement fund society, and while in that capacity,.
I Games on Friday afternoon and system by E. E. Fell, superintendent presented Charles M. Schwab with
I Saturday morning, the Illinois- of schools at Holland, Michigan. an honorary membership. A con-
I Michigan baseball game on Satur- Convening on Saturday morning, gratulatory telegram from the steel
day afternoon, and attendance at the association of collegiate regis- magnate was read at the banquet
the Majestic following the banquet. trars will proceed with a program last night.
Tickets to the baseball game will of reports, an address on co-opera- Carl J. Oxford, of the Detroit
be furnished visiting fathers tive testng of college freshmen and section, presided at the dinner
through the courtesy of the Ath- the nterpretaton of the results by while J. M. O'Dea, of the Detroit
" letic association while the Majestic Prof. Clfford Woody, of the School University club, served as toast-
management has invited the of Education, and a discussion ses- master. An address of welcome by
"Dads" to be its guests in the even- sion. A luncheon will be held for President Clarence C. Little was'
ig. imembers of the association at noon' followed by an appropriate poem
If arrangements now being made at the Union. written by Edgar A. Guest, and
become effective, Cap Night, orig- , In past years the Michigan high read by Dean John R. Effinger of"
inally set for May 17, will be movediaschool debate league culmination the literary college. Greetings of
forward to May 11 adding another has been an anFual feature of the the engineering faculty were pres-
I attraction to an already full pro- Schoolmasters' Club convention, al- ented by Dean H. C. Sadler, who a7
grain. In addition to the Union lowing students from various year ago assumed the duties left
program, many fraternities are schoois to attend the debate, in by the retiring dean.1
planning on entertaining fathers numbers which during the last few Dean-Emeritus Cooley was for
Iof members wilh special arrange- years has numbered into the thou- many years connected with ;he
inents sands. faculty of the engineering college
__Khn ~and° retired from his duties only
Albert Kahn, Detroit Designer, Sees Field recently. In addition to his new
Of Architecture Deficient In Real Talent honor, he is a member of several
other honorary engineering socie-


Battle With Fisher's
pions; Twogood
May Pitch
Coach Vogel's revenge bent Iowa
nine, still smarting under two de-
feats which put the Hawkeyes out
f last year's Big Ten race, will in-
vade the Ferry field diamond to
meet the titleholding Wolverines at
2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Today's
game will be the second encounter
)f the Conference season for both
teams, previous tilts having given
Michigan a.4-1 victory over North-
western, while the Hawks came out
on the short end of 3-1 ten inning
contest with Illinois.
The Iowa team is primed,.to make
up for last year's much protested
Ann Arbor game, in which all of
Coach Vogel's ardent petitioning,
while failing to move 4he adamant
umpires, provided the spectators
with the most excitement of the
entire season. The score, however,
remained 8-7 and coupled with a
-1 beating handed the Hawkeyes
later in the season at Iowa City,
quite effectively removed the Old
Gold and Black, from the path of
the title bound Wolverines.
Five Veterans On Team
Although his charges suffered a
reverse in their first tilt, Coach
Vogel has one of the strongest
combinations in the Big Ten to pit
against Michigan today. With five
veterans in the field and three ex-
perienced pitchers, the Iowa outfit
looms as one of the Varsity's out-
standing competitors for the Con-
ference title.
In all probability, today's game
will see a resumption of the Mc-
Afee-Twogood pitchers' b a t t 1 e,
which resulted in a 6-1 defeat for
the left handed Iowa veteran last
year. Twogood held the Walverines
to eight hits, however, and if he
can conquer his usual wildness
should bother the Maize and Blue
considerably today. Pitching against
Illinois, he limited the strong In-
dian lineup to two hits in the first
nine innings, only to falter in the
tenth and allow three safe blows
for two runs.
Thompson Will Catch
The Hawkeyes. also possess two
good reserve moundsrnen in David,
another portsider, and Brown, two
veterans, either of whom may be
chosen to startragainst the Varsity
this afternoon. The other end of
the battery will be capably taken
care of by Captain Thompson, rated
as one of the best Conference back-
stops for the past two seasons.
Three of the members of the Iowa
infield are also experienced. Sahs
will again hold down the first base
job, while Glassgow, another star
veteran, will take the shortstop as-
signment, with C. Nelson at third
and Stebbins, one of the three new-
comers, at second.
Blackford, the visitor's veteran
leadoff man, will be in right field,
with two more hard hitting sopho-
mores, Mowry and Musgrove, in the
left and center outer gardens re-
Varsity Has Improved Practice
Coach Fisher is almost certain to
pick McAfee, star hurler of last
year's team, to make his first ap-
pearance of the seasoi against a
Conference team today.
The remainder of the Michigan
lineup will remain the same with
the except n of the right field
position, where Slagle may replace
Harvey Straub. The Wolverines
showed improved form in batting
practice yesterday, and with Mc-
Afee, one of the strongest hitters
on the squad, in the lineup, should
show more offensive power than
was displayed against Northwest-







Failure Threatens As Reparations
Experts Close Tenth Week
Of Bargaining
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, April 19.-The secondj
Dawes committee ended today thef
tenth week of its efforts finally to
settle the German reparations
problem in the gloom of threaten-
ing failure and bereavement for the
death of one of its members, Lord
Revelstoke of Great Britain.
All hope that something yet

might be salvaged out of the work I dit"".tNol" :-Lli i the first of a series
of the conference rested tonight Interviews with authorities in the field oflaw,
upon talks which the Germans are medicme,journalism, etc., will be published
reported to have had this after- He is a middle aged man--this
neAlbert Kihn, eminent Detroit{
noon with other experts concerng chitectand the, day I inter-
the possibility of re-opening nego- viewed hin I found him busy at
tiations. ; work at his desk with his sleeves
The American delegates to theI rolled up, his gray hair tousled, and
committee were unable to say any- attacking a pile of work with a
thing as to the future. Other than great deal of energy and animation.
the pleniary session Monday alone Perhaps his industry is one of the,
could show whether there was a reasons that he is such a brilliant
chance to save the negotiations success. At any rate one has only
from failure. to look at his accomplishments
For most people connected with which include the designing of the
Fth e committee and for those folG eneral Motors Building, the Fish-
lowingmits work, failure of the con- er Building, the Marquette Build-
ference has already been establish- ing and hosts of others, to realize
ed. 'that he is a genius in his field. His
the remarks regarding architecture
It remains, however, for the we nrHnne nnr1 should heb hne-

asked, "constitutes a good archi-
"That is a hard question to an-
swer," replied Mr. Kahn, "There
are so many qualities that a good
architect should have. First, he
should be a business man. Modern
architecture is ten per cent, art
and ninety per cent. business and
unless a man is possessed of real
busiess ability, he cannot make a
real uccess of architecture. Of
course, if one is not a business man
he can always associate himself
with one who is, and this is often-
times done.
"Then a man should have taste;
he should be able to appreciate the
beautiful. He must be, by neces-
sity, something of an artist and
talented in drawing. But above
all he must have a. hnad Reneral

ties and fratermties.



'.lTe Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications will hold its
meeting for the appointment of
Managing Editor and Business
Manager of The Michigan Daily,
the Michiganensian, and the
Gargoyle on May 6, 1929, and
not on May 11 as was previously
announced, Each applicant for
a position is requested to file
seven copies of his letter of ap-
plication at the Board office in
the Press building not later than
April 26 for the use of the mem-
bers of the Board. Carbon
copies, if legible, will be satis-
factory. Each letter should stateI
the facts as to the apnlicant'sE


Republican Methods
Attacked In House
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 19.--The
procedure being followed by the Re-
publicans in forming a new tariff
bill was attacked and defended on
the floor of the House today as
party leaders came to grips over a
charge that information on pro-
posed rate changes was "leaking"
from the ways and means commit-



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