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April 21, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-21

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RECEPTIONS TO MARKI Model League Of Nations Of This Year BDSororities ;Resume Social Activities
I nf[Improves Upon Last, Says Miss Bates With Spring Dances And Faculty Teas
h~xi L[AhIt seems to me that on the too, that here you have a more NITA S 1/i[ Social activities have been re- the Eastern Province convention
whole the speeches of the repre- elaborate social program than we sumed since vacation with a nurin- which is being held in Ann Arbor
sentatives to the Model League of had, our only function being a big fiber of annual spring parties at the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
# Nations here are more carefully banquet given at the opening of New Freshman Members Initiated sororities, and' several factulty teas. Chapters from Ohio and Michigan
PA E O 4' prepared and are, inmgeneral, more the program. At The Home Of President Brightly colored spring flowers pre- are represented at the convention.
'like those .of the real League than "That this second assembly has . Of Society dominate in the decorations at An informal party was given at the
AFTERNOON TEA DANCE TO BE those given at the Model League been so successful in its well-run ; most of the parties now. Dinners house last night in honor of the
GIVEN FOR THOSE UNABLE held at Lansing by the Michigan sessions, is due to the modest sec- SCHOLARSHIP IS REQUIRED in honor of engagement announce- guests. It was chaperoned by Miss
TO ATTEND FORMAL I State College last year", said Miss retary-general, John Brumm, who' _ments have continued without any WinifreOd Ferrin, Mrs. R. Norris,
!Helen Bates, who had charge apparently resembles Sir Eric With the initiation of thirteen break. of Youngstown, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs.
ILL GIVE OUT TICKETS of last year's Model League. "Of Drummond, at least in his efficien- Pi Beta Phi is pleased to an- Maynard Newton, and Dr. Murray
fcourse, that is due to the fact that cy and 5in his ability at self-efface- freshmen last night, Alpha Lambda nounce the pledging of Kathleen Goodrich and ' Mrs. Goodrich.
the students had more time this ment. Probably no one who has Delta, national honorary scholas- Suggs, '29Ed., of Detroit. Spring flowers very attractively
Beautiful Ball-Room u year to prepare their speeches, aid, not, watched the development of tic fraternity for freshman women, Pi Beta Phi's annual spring par- decorated the house.
BeuiulBl-Ro'fon account o h xeined- uha seblIa elz h nee
League Buildingi o of the experience de- such an assembly can realize the entered upon its second year of ex- ty was held Friday night, chaper- Alpha Epsilon Phi is entertaining
rived from the previous conven- hours of routing labor spent by a istence upon the Michigan campus. oned by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Haisley with a tea today in honor of alum-
- Arrangements for the opening of tion, they know what is expected secretary-general and appreciate The initiation last night was held I and Mrs. Florence Hus. nae and parents of the members.
of them and have a better idea of John Brumm's achievement." at the home of the president of Phi Sigma Sigma announces the Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the
the Michigan League, which ill what they. are isupposed to do. Miss Bates Tells Value Of Assembly the society, Alice Sunderland, '30, engagement of Rae Pitzeli to Fred-engagement of Irene Rosenberg,
both the -afternoon and evening of A great deal of credit is due to In stating her opinion of the at 1510 Cambridge road, and was Crick Ziv, '28 Law. Mr. Ziv is a '23, of Detroit, to David Gidding, of
May 4 are nearing completion In-the great help rendered by the value of the Model Assembly, Miss followed by a supper for the active member of Phi Sigma Delta. New York City. r
vitations, which are being sent to refern teyiba an distriBt said, "The technical know- members and the initiates. The formal dance which will be Collegiate Sorosis will hold a
dreference material and distribut-ledge that the local college gets is Speakers at the supper were given by Sigma Kappa next Friday faculty tea from 4 to 7 o'clock
who live in Michigan, will be mailed ing it to the colleges participating alone worth while, both in organiz- Miriam Highley, '32, Louise Behy- night will be in the Women's Ath- today.
out within a few days.i the Assembly. The students, ing and administrating, while the mer, '31, and Valborg Egeland, '30, letic building. Chaperones for the Delta Omicron Entertains
A tea dance has been decided however, this year stick more to educational value is unlimited. Very Miss Highley spoke first on behalf affair will be Mrs. Martha Forbes, Delta Omicron, musical sorority,
Ap tea dane haseeen t eed!ho their speeches and there is not close friendships have grown up, of the initiates, Miss Behymer rep- Prof. C. W. Rufus and Mrs. Rufus I gave a rushing bridge party at the
upon bfor the benefit of those who nearly the opportunity for humor not only between the students from resented the active members, and Prof. L. A. Hopkins and Mrs. Hop-I Haunted Tavern on Wednesday
are unable to obtain tickets fornoonybtentesuntfrmrstdthacie ebrad
, the formal dance at night in the and spontaneous argument. None different colleges, but also between Miss Egeland spoke as one of the kins, and Mr. and Mrs. John W. night. Tuesday evening the sorbr-
of the speeches have so' far sur- the professors and students. It charter members who were initiat- Albig. sity held initiation for Harriet
This dance will inaugurate thl Passed a feW that were given last brings more appreciation of other ed at the time of the installation Gladys Thibaut, '27, is a guest of Sciele, SM.. of Durant, Iowa, at the
beautiful League ball-room. Al reare nations' points of view, and cer- of the Michigan chapter last spring. Phi Gamma Mu this weekend. home of Miss A. S. Van Sickle on
hough not as' large as the ball- r. taiily of a wider understanding of The thirteen women who were Marriage Is Announced Geddes heights.
toom in the Michigan Union, the "This year's League, has a much international affairs. I think the initiated last night are: Dorothy' A very pretty little dinner party This afternoon Alpha Xi Delta is
eog e-Mhas Un care- bigger delegation from other col- Assembly this year has been a Birdzell, Stella Cody, Ruth Gall- was given at the Delta Zeta house giving a faculty reception. Mrs. H.
~'Lague ball-room has been care- oanouceh
fully planned by the architects to leges, having 23 colleges through- wonderful success, and I wish to meyer, Bernice Glaser, Dorothy last Monday nght to announce he H. Seeley and Mrs. C. J. Lyons, pat-
be in harmony with the rest of out Michigan represented, in com- congratulate the students for their Goldberg. Miriam Highley, Thelma' marriage of Mary Katherine Slate, ronesses, will pour. Pink tapers
; lhe building. The walls are pan- parison; with the 14 of last year, excellent cooperation, and also Mr. Ingram, Katherine Koch, Winifred '30, to Wayne MMeans. The tables and pink roses are being used for
ceiling, making a larger representation of Egger for his splendid assistance. 'Root, Margaret Seybold, Frieda She- were decorated with bowls of white decorations.
lled in oak nearly to the cein students. Due largely to the efforts In conclusion, I should like to say vitz, Katherine Sitton, and La- rosebuds, and an extra edition of Mrs. A. C. Crittenden, Alumnae
use of the transparent cathedral of Miss Ursula P. Hubbard, Educa- that as this assembly was greater Vern Weigel. Of this number three the Sandusky paper announcng'advisor of Alpha Xi Delta, and
glass which is to be found through- tional Secretary of the League of than last. year's, so we hope that are Ann Arbor students ' the marriage was beside each cover, about 14 members of the active
,aseout the buildings Nations, who made] the prepara-4the next will be better than this." Eligibility to Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Omicron Pi house will be chapter went to Albion Friday
, Florence Watuepocket,'29,chairtions for this Assembly by hepingr , is based upon scholarship, those the scene today of an unusually night to attend a formal Founder's
Flnce aoet '2y dair- Ithe various colleges to get organ- ,Ifreshman women being eligible who large faculty tea, as 150 guests have day banquet given by the Albion
as stated th ope tickets will be ized and to get the material before)| (ora Op. n es have achieved a scholastic average been invited. Mrs. William Under- chapter.
-s stauted thaty thics wil Tbthem, there is 'more. interest mans-| ____._._____.._. _..___; equivalent to half A and half B down and Mrs. William Ingliss will
r distibte rly this wek Thde fosted this year.I Well my lear the p scason during the first semester while car- pour. Spring flowers will form the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA.
4are to be limited to 250 and are Wlm er h pnsao
being distributed among the va.. Admission Of China Discussed for golf 'i now even more open. rying a normal schedule. Women motif of the decorations all over Do non-sorority girls vote in cam-
gdnrious housesi proportion to the "We had less time for our ses- That is, now that the weather is are also elected in the fall on the the house.
number of residents, with the pre- sions last year, making our Agenda fairly warm, I mean comparatively basis of both semesters' grades. Weekend guests of Alpha Phi are sclaims they do and predicts that
Sference being given to the senior not so long. We also had fewer warm, more and more golf clubs The Michigan chapter was in- Miss Frances Williams, Lnuis, y g
,women. men from outside to speak. OneI are being dragged out of attics and stalled last March, and was the Ky. Miss Helen Cortenius and Miss 250 non-sorority girls will vote at
The central committee, which of the principal speakers last yeIar ious other places of hibernation, third chapter of this relatively new Betty Campbell, both of Kalama- the coming election. On the other
represents the Alumnae Council ) was Mr. George W. Wickersham, and are being put into active serv- fraternity to be established. At ZOO, and Miss Janet Gay of Jack- hand the sorority girls claim that
the Board of Directors of the Wom- who is Chairman of the League ice. Ithat time, 21 sophomores were - son. they are the only campus voters.
en's league, pand. the Board of Gov- Committee and president of the Why I've actually got the golf bug itiated as charter members, and 19 i Kappa Alpha Theta will also en- the D ie only c s os.
ernors of the building, the three League of Nations 'association. We myself, I mean I really have. It;freshmen were initiated on the tertain with a faculty tea this a- , ,
4, boards ..who are cooperating in had the two discussions on Disar- isn't. fully. developed yet but it will basis of their first semester's: ternoon at which. 75 guests are ex- its opinion, that it has bet the so-
forially opening the building, is mament and Mandates that are be before long. That is to say, after grades. The purpose of Alpha pected. Mrs. Louis Bredvold will 'ority girls a box of chocolates it
made up of alumnae and under-- being carried on this year,, and in- iI've been out a few more times, I Lambda Delta is similar to that of pour. will get 250 girls out.
graduates. Mrs. Shirley Smith is stead of the one on the Admission1 shall become even more enthusias- Phi Eta Sigma, the men's honorary A formal dance was given by
acting as chairman. Mrs. George of Russia,owe talked on the admis- tic about it than I am now. And society which was established at Kappa Delta Friday night, chpe -
Patterson has charge of the recep- sion, of China. A talk on Inter- I'm all excited now and I've only Michigan two years ago. oned by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mit-
Pattrso ha _____________ Ichell and Mrs. Dllingham.
tion arrangement; Mrs. W. D. Hen- national Law was also given by Mr. been out on the course twice. It ..
derson,- of invitations; Mrs. Ralph Wickersham. I want to mention, rea-lly is a-great game, even when Knghtstown, Ind.-Indianapolis Convention Is Held
Holrawes, Blttle Creek, of ldecora- 0 played on the University golf course l be the next stop for .C. C. Pyle's Members of Alpha' Chi Omega LublIJ
tions, and Mrs. Robert Breakey. INTRAMURAL BASEBALL I -and that says a lot for it, because bunion derby.,re are concerned this weekend with
The undergraduate members of I ! if it will excite you on a course like
the committee are Mary White, '29,,1 Monday 4:15-Betsy Barbour j that, there's no, telling what itI

Speaking before the American
Association of University Women
yesterday afternoon in the art gal-
lery of Alumni Memorial Hall, Pres.
Charles McKenny of Michigan
State Normal College pointed out
the effects of the discovery of sci-
entific method upon education, re-
ligion, and the institution of the
An educator himself, President
McKenny recognizes that the 'mod-
ern school of today has had to take
over a great many of the functions
performed formerly by the homes
of the nation. He distinguished two
types of intellect, which it is the
aim of the school to serve. There
is the type of intellectual ability
which makes Phi Beta Kappas, but
there is also the type which ex-
presses itself in high executive abil-
ity. Today the honor societies, Pres.
McKenny declared, are tending to
recognize campus activities as well
as high scholarship in choosing its
The greater complexity of the
problem of education is due, in the
opinion of President McKenny, to
the failure of the home to perform
its job as a result of the employing
of women in the modern factory
and of the growth of city life.
The speaker also pointed out that
science has also revolutionized ideas
in religion. The ancients had a
clear conception of a heaven just
above us and a hell in the center
of the earth. The modern scien-
tist knows a great deal about the
heavens and finds no room there
for a heaven. True religion, Pres.
McKenny believes is a conception
of God and our relation to Him.
The laws of the physical universe,
in his opinion, has nothing to do
with our ideas of religion, for the
concepts applicable in one sphere
are wholly out of place in the
President McKenny concluded by
emphasizing . the importance of
educating young men and women
of today as well as possible in or-
der to prepare- them for their task
of organizing the society of the

:g Week

-at Huizel'IS

who with Prs. Holmes, is co-chair-
man of decorations; Margaret
IBush, '30, chairman of arrange-
ments for guides to show guests
through the building;. Hilda Mary
Evans, '29, secretary of the com-
mittee; Florence Watchpocket, '29,
social chairman; Jeanette Sauborn,
'29; and jMarjorie Follmer, '30, .who
is in charge of publicity.
OKLAHOMA A. & M. Discussion.
of the half sox fad is still raging
on this campus. The dean of wo-
men has declared that bare legs
are entirely too informal for the
co-eds while the head of the phy-'
sical education department says F
that abbreviated hose is both prac-
ticable and comfortable. .

vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi, Chi Ome-
a vs. Delta Delta Delta. At
5:00, Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Mar-
tha Cook, Kappa Alpha Theta
vs. Delta Zeta...
Wednesday 4:15-Pi Beta Phi
vs. Helen. Newberry, Zeta Tau
Alpha vs. Delta Gamma. At
5:00, Alpha Xi Delta; vs. Sorosis,
Sigma Kappa vs. Gamma Phi

I would do on a real course.
X I simply refuse to divulge my
I scores to anyone except a few per-
Il sonal friends, but just let me tell
I you that if I improve as rapidly in
I the next few times I play as I did
( the first two times, I'll soon be do-
I ing the course in nothing fiat.
I Chicago.-Swimmers from a score1
I of states are enteredin the inter-
national Y. M. C. A. indoor meet at
II Chicago.
Baltimore.-Joe Rabbitt, Toronto
I outfielder, hit three home' runs
II against Baltimore in the opening

Indoor Baseballs - Bats and Gloves,
Golf and Tennis Balls
1111 South University Z Block from Campus



Campus eligibility is not
quired for participation in
tramural games.

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Again We Speak of Prints
They seem to have incorporated the very
spirit of spring. These frocks are gay ut
color-and gay in lie with- -their de-
bonair bows and lingerie touches. You'll
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your needs in mind .

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for they arc invisibly reinforced wher6 the hardest wear comes.
The season's newest shades are here,-so get acquainted with

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