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April 21, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-21

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SUNDAY, APIL 21,° 19-ov

tion of this question there is one
figure in Congress who is making a
Published every morning except Monday most striking stand. He is Sena-
duting the University year by the Board in.
Control of Student Publications. tor Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mich-
Member of Western Conference Editorial igan's junior representative in the
Association-. upper house. He has already
The Associated Press is exclusively en- placed a bill definitely providingl


titled tp the Ilse' tos republication 0f all news
dispatchescredited to it or not otherwisef
credited in this paper and the local news pub-C
lished herein..
"Entered at the: postoffice at Ana Arbor,
Michigan, ts second class matter. Special rate
of postago granted by Third Assistant Post-t
master General,
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-.
-ard Street.-
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, s1214.
TelephOne 4925
Editor. ....Nelson J Smith
City Editor........ ..T... Stewart Hooker.
News Editor......Richard C. Kufvink
Sports Editor............W. dMorris Quinn
Women's Editor.......Sylvia S.. Stone.
Telegraph Editor ............ eorge Staute
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseh E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Dnald J. Kline Pirce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Kl'in George E. Simon
George C. Tiller
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexand? Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwi.'2 Henry Merry
Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstec Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles' Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank "E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edw'ards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansc*
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer.
Marjorie Folmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry rBethValentine
Ruth' Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr, Welter dWilds
Richard Jung George F.. Wohlgemuth'
Charles R.Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan
Advertising............... Car-. W. Hammer
Service................Herbert E. Varnum
ircalation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkicy
Publications...........,..Ray M. Hofelich

for this matter on the floor of the
Congress. It passed th e House
during the recent regular session
but failed of sufficient support in 11
the Senate. Plans for a deter- 11
mined campaign for the passage ofI
the bill during the present special1
session have been laid, with the
Michigan Senator at the lead.:
Mr. Vandenberg's ardent defend-i
Ing of reapportionment is quite,
significant of the character of the
man. Although Michigan will re-
ceive four more Representatives by
this act, the Senator is guided pri-
marily by a desire for the proper
application of the Constitution.
Mr. Vandenberg's stand is of im-
portance to the state of Michigan
in matters outside of the increased
representation for it means that
the state has a Senator in Wash-
ington who will maintain the in-
terests of his constituency and
those of the nation generally in a
most enterprising and efficient
While he is Michigan's "fresh-
man" senator Mr. Vandenberg is a
man of wide acquaintance with
matters relative to the national
government. He has been a close
student and critic of the political
life at Washington for many years,
he has been an ardent Republican,
but constantly fighting for only the
better elements of that party, and
he has been long acquainted with
many of the nation's leaders. His
entrance to the Senate was into an
array of old friends. He is new to
the Senate, but well acquainted

First thing you know we'll be
canoeing down State street and
Saunders will be retiring to a coun-
try estate with a Rolls Royce, etc.
Lark once called Ann Arbor the
Venice of Michigan and those who
pooh-poohed the expression are
now blowing up their water wings
and taking swimming lessons on


Music And Drama





the side.V

-^ 1


* * *

with the Senators, the
dertakings, and, more

party un-

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
.. erxxr Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
'ack Horwich
Dix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Marie Wellstead

SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1929
Many snggestions for handling
the problem of drinking at Ira-
ternity dances have been project-
ed in the past with uncertain suc-,
cess aiid the matter seems certainI
to hold the attention of regulatoryl
committees again next fall. I 'har
been suggested recently that if
regular, permanent, "chaperones
were assigned to each fraternity
but not necessarily alumnki mem-
bers and their wives, attend every
social function given by the or-
ganization throughout the particu-
lar year.
The idea nas several advantages
which will help in the improvement
of the situation. For one thing, if
the same persons chaperone several
affairs, it is quite obvious that the
identity of the few regular offend-
ers of liquor proprieties must be
come known to, the chaperones,
whereas under the old system of
changing supervision the same re-
sult would not obtain.
Certainly the new idea has gen-
uine possibilities. Such chaperones,
detecting the 'difficulties through
repeated visits to the particular
fraternity house, will be in a po-
sition to advise disciplinary meas-
ures where necessary; moreover
they could place the blame where
it should be justly settled rather
than permitting blanket accusa-
tions of fraternities by which the
innocent suffer for the few guilty
The plan should commend itself
readily to that large majority of
persons on the campus interested
in bringing about a' general better-
mnent of the liquor situation iIn
fraternities. A number of other
schools have had crises in that con-
nection, but Michigan has been
fortunate in finding a milder as-
pect of the difficulty. To continue
a good record and to perhaps elim-,
inate the evident slips which oc-
cur during a year's social events,
the powers that be will do well to
consider the new solution.

with the fundamental issues and
needs of the nation, and the na-
tion in relation to his constituency.
While possessing marked ability
and wide experience, Mr. Vanden-
berg's position is of interest, fur-
ther he is, comparatively, a young
man in the Senate. He will be
able to rise high in the ranks of
the Senate and become Michigan's
most noted representative in Wash-
ington -since Lewis Cass. Further,
he will be able to serve an appren-
ticeship in the higher politics of
the national government, before
commanding. a position at the top
of the Federal government which
his service is sure to merit. His
remarkable reception in the Senate
chamber since -his sappointment
something over a year ago has
caused many to mention him as
probable presidential timber of
years to come.

Rolls, always endeavors to be
right up to 'the minute, and so
today the column will be wet.
First in -the D. O. B. -Friday was
a notice to the effect that the B.
& G. boys would surprise the
campus with a fire drill at some
hour during the day. The exact
time was kepta secret and we got
more and more excited as the day
dragged on, although we were ask-
ed not to be alarmed when the
siren blew.
* * * -
Well, just as we were about to
give up and call the whole thing a
mean hoax the siren suddenly
burst out upon the clear air and
we dropped our work and rushed
madly outdoors. The time was ex-
actly 2:34-an ideal time for a fire
drill, but you can imagine our
chagrin when we failed to find the
efficient firefighters. We didn't
hear a single bell, or see a soli-
tary fire engine. Heartbroken, we
returned to the office where we
learned that there had) been a tre-
mendous clatter up and down the
diagonal, some enthusiastic cheer-
ing from interested spectators, and
then peace and quiet. It was a
terrific disappointment to 'us but
we're glad! to hear that the B. &
G. apparatus is O. K.
Do you read the classified ads on
page seven?, Have you noticed that
within the past few days a brace-
let, a wrist watch, two ; fountain
pens and a slide rule have been
lost, and that nothing has been
'found but a pair of bone rimmed
glasses that anyone can get from
the Health Service for practically
That's Life for you.
Headline in Daily: TWO FAC-
My, such a relief from those
screaming, =hysterical weddings
we've been having.
Qu'r y for, today: Why did the
IMaj permit such an atrocity as
"Celebrity"'to run through its pro-
jection machine before the eyes of
innocent people who had actually
paid out money to enter the thea-
Plans have been announced for
the third annual 'freshman week.
The activities will commence at
8:00 o'clock Tuesday morning,
September 24, and finish at noon
the following Saturday. This ar-
rangement leaves one evening and
Sunday free to the freshmen.
In order, no doubt, to give
them an opportunity to find
out what town they're in, what
day it is, and how come they're
still alive.
Thirty-five more dry agents are
on their way to New York. This
strikes us as being slightly simi-
lar to dumping a wheelbarrow load
of blotters into Lake Erie.

I Eitorial Comment

Amy Loomis
The directors of the destiny of
the Women's League Building have
announced that Amy Loomis will
manage the model theatre that has
been built in the new structure.
This brings back zo Michigan a
colorful and charming personality
and establishes authority in a
young lady who was so prominent
during her undergraduate days
that she has come to stand out as
a landmark in campus dramatics.
Miss Loomis has her home in
Grand Rapids. Coming to Michi-
gan she graduated with the class o
'22. The bright light in her under-
graduate career was the invitation
to inaugurate a long line of wom-
en's roles° played by women in
Mimes. Those were the days when
men were men, and so were Mimes.
In the extravaganzas Mimes pro-
duced, the female parts were car-
ried by various suitable males that
were found in 'the membership.
Graduate rhapsodizing has it that ,
some of the oddities of effect far I
surpassed the bizarrities the Opera


(From The Baltimore Sun.)
One of the fraternities at the
University of Virginia has refused
to adopt the 'rule, suggested by the
university 'authorities, forbidding
the drinking or storage of alcoholic
liquors inr fraternity houses. This
is a matter of internal administra-
tion on which no outsider is quali-
fied to pass an opinion; but the let-
ter to the dean in which the refusal
is announced raises certain points
of general interest, regardless of
their bearing on the policy of the
For example, the fraternity broth-
ers say:
We are in favor of passing no
rule that we do not expect to
enforce to the best of our abil-
The striking difference between
this sentiment and that prevailing
generally in Congress needs no
comment. The collegians continue:
Passage of a rigid rule is like-
wise an hypocrisy, inasmuch as
few of us believe in the rule and
in+A-MA dn Ar i. i nrnni in

Amy Loomis
gives birth to every year. But what
ever the actual facts may be-and
no comparison is possible now-the
more important fact remains, that
Amy Loomis was the first co-ed to
play parts with Mimes, and was
the first of a glittering trio; Amy
Loomis Miller and Phyllis Lough-
ton, who achieved campus stardom
on the °Mimes boards. The play
which was the vehicle for 'this in-
novation was Holman's "Beggar-
man," which Professor 0. J. Camp-
bell had translaited ,from the Dan-
ish for this, occasion-as well as for'
his Doctor's thesis.
Miss Loomis' principle dramatic
achievement, and this in her own,
right, was as the German, Kath-
erine, in Shaw's brilliaint satire on
almost everything under the sun
including British methods of diplo-
macy. "Great atherine" clung; so
in the, popular mind as the ulti-
mate in collaboration between Shaw
and Loomis that it was revived in
1925 with Miss Loomis again in her
favorite role, and played to an en-
thusiastic run.
But graduation took Miss Loomis
to New York for further work in
dramatics, at the American Acad-
emy of Dramatic Arts. A rigorous
study of such tiresome things as'
enunciation, pantomime, dancing
and what not-which recent the-
atrical ccaiven-tion is coming, at
least apparently, to contenmn-
brought';) palliative in the form of
occasional "bits" with professional
companies on Broadway.
Graduation from the Academy
brought an assistantship in the
Speech Department of the Univer-t
1sity. In this capacity she was able
to keep in touch with the dramatic
situation locally, the outstandingj
outcome of this being her appoint-
ment as director of the Junior
Girls' Play for two years. In ad-
dition she directed and acted in
various plays on the campus, ap-
pearing here for the summer sea-
sons of '26 and '27 with the Rock-
ford Players, and playing in Rock-
ford for a season and a halt with
The latest position that has ap-
pealed has been teaching dramatics
at the North Side Day School in4
Winnetka, Ill., from which she,
comes to assume her duties here.
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Executive
Secretary for the Alumnae Council, I
said in an interview that the duties
which would fall to her lot would
be as many and as varied as the
various producing groups on theI
campus would care to ask of her.
Nominally Miss Loomis is Manager
of the new League Theatre. Act-
ually her services as business man-
ager, director, actress or producer
will be entirely under her own con-
trol and will be offered campus

i" ., ",


! ~



says a

intenat o evaae rus provasions I hneadtime in a micnigan paper.
every conceivable way, passing !Sounds sort of dangerous for the
the regulation for no other pur- pedestrians.
pose than to present ourselves
to the public as what we are The Leviathan from now on will
not. be wet, but there will be no bar
Obviously, the college men regard on board. Wines and champagnes
hypocrisy as villainous, thereby will be served only in the dining
again setting themselves apart from saloon.
the legislative branch of the Gov-
ernment. They refer to the uni- it's remarkable what a sea
versity as voyage will do for the appetite,
a citadel of integrity-a leader though. Meals witt probably be
in the battle against hypocrisy served as follows: Breakfast, 8
and deceit, to noon; lunch, noon to 5 p.
which, if true, certainly means that m.; and dinner from then on
the institution is of small use to until midnight.
the Anti-Saloon League.
This is the argument of a group TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY
of students' in one of the most emi- IN THE MICHIGAN DAILY: Fred
nent of Southern universities. Vir- C. Heininge4 advertised his car-
ginia students have the reputation ,riages for Easter. "They will save
of being rather more mature than your wife's dress and perhaps her
most undergraduates, which means temper," he said.... Notre Dame
that what they are thinking today squelched Michigan on the ball dia-
others will be thinking tomorrow. mond, 11-2.... Socks were selling in
But if intelligent young men are local emporiums for ten and fifteen

Wvhen You're -A!sked to Address
SOME day you may be' aleaden in our comnunity-the man t
whom everyone turns when strong counsel is wanted. Already you
may be on the road to a broader service-con tributing your timneand
thought to extra-curriculum affairs-editing a paper, managing or
playing on a teali, doing social service work, acting for the dramatic
club. Out of college the same opportunity for public service exists as
in college. Men who are leaders in their business or profession are often
leaders in civic affairs, too.
When you leave college you're going to meet Stone & Webster men.
You'll find them taking an active part in the community-leading
in civic affairs as they lead in their business. You'll find them
managing -transportation companies, operating and financing public
utility companies and building industrial plants. You'll find the
Stone & Webster organization is worth knowing and worth doing
business with. The Stone & Webster training ably fits its men for
public service.

Meeting in extra session Congress
is at the present time considering
the solution of two important and
popular proplems of the nation:
those of farm relief and tariff re-
vision. At' this special session
they will also face other questions
one of which is even more funda-






V A-


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