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April 25, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-25

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First Regular Session Scheduled
For This Afternoon; Informal
Reception Wil Follow
Registration for the sixty-fourth
meeting of the Michigan School-
masters' Club will begin this morn-
Ig at the convention headquarters
in the Recorder's office in Univer-
sity Hall. Approximately 2,000 ad-
vance registrations have already
been received by Louis P. Jocelyn,
of the Ann Arbor high school, sec-
retary-treasurer of the organiza-
tion, and it is expected that more
than 4000 teachers from all parts
of the state will sign up to attend
one or more of the conferences on
the program which is scheduled for
today, tomorrow, and Saturday.
Due to a recent ruling of the De-
trit Board of Education, teachers
in that city will not be allowed to
attetd the meetings until Friday
afternoon, school being held until
11:30 o'clock Friday morning. Sev-
eralother cities have passed similar
Bailey Will Speak
Although .registration will begin
at 8 o'clock this morning, the first
regular ession of the convention
will not be held until 2 o'clock this
afternoon when a preliminary busi-
ness meeting of the club will be
held in Room C of the Law build-
Speaking on the subject "The Im-
portance of Art in.Education, Hen-
ry Turner Bailey, of the Cleveland
School of Art at - Cleveland, Ohio,
will deliver the feature address of
the convention before the annual
convocation at 11 o'clock tomorrow
morning ii Hill auditorium. Presi-
dent Clarence cook Little, who will,
preside over the convocation, has
announced that all classes in the
University except clinics will be dis-
missed at 11 o'clock in order to al-
low students and faculty members
to attend.
Hold Annual Dinner
A ,special conference on the rela-
tions between high schools and the
University will be held at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon in Room C of
the Law building. Prof. Lewis M.
Gram, of the engineering school,,
and chairman of the executive
committee of the University Collegei
will give "A study o the Problem1
at the University of Michigan." Fol-
lowing Profesor Gram's talk, an
open discussion will be led by Pro--
fessor A. L. Cross, W. C. Hoad, ando
J. G Winter, John A. Craig, of Mus-
kegon, president of the club, will
preside over the session.
Following an informal reception
for Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the
School of Education, out-of-state
speakers, and other guests, to be l
held at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon
at the Union, the annual dinner
will be held at 6 o'clock for all club
members anid their friends. Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little will give
the dinner address on a subject
closely related to the keynote of
the meeting, "Curriculum Revi-
Other Societies To Meet

The Ann Arbor high school cho-
rus and an all state orchestra com-
posed of 175 musicians chosen from1
high school orchestras throughout
the state will give a concert at 8:15
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
Students in the University will be
admitted to all programs by stu-
dent badges which will be available!
ini the Recorder's office today.

Candidates for the various I
Clecie Unio ofie wibeo f Editor's Note:-This is the third j financial institutions being con-
elective Union offices will be of a series of several articles on the summated every day, the opportun-
chosen at a meeting of the leading professions. Interviews with ities are increasing constantly."
nominating committee on Sat- authorities in the field of law, med- "I suppose," I suggested to Blair,
urday afternoon in the student icine, journalism, etc., will be pub- "that banking is a good paying
offices of the Union. Applicants lished. profession and that many young
for each of the offices must file I--men are lured into it for that
applications with Kenneth C. Banking-there is a certain reason."
Schafer, '29, recording secretary, amount of strength associated with Blair was blunt. "No, he re-
not later than noon Saturday. the quiet and sombreness of banks; plied, "banking is not a good pay-
The Un fices for which II
Thom nion wibe madefrehsch with the stateliness of their towers ing profession. Of all the types of
nomiations will be made are as and with the seriousness of their banking, investment banking,
follows: president, recording purpose. The very air seems im- ::;,aturally enough, is the most profit-
aec etapre iderny vmicaviden, bued with an air of security. One able. The other divisions do not
president, dental vice-president, of the most impressive financial in- pay extremely well, with the ex-
esidgedeint vice-presidentnd stitutions in the Mid-West is the ception that a banker has access
combined vice-president, an Union Trust Company of Detroit, of to information that the average
c e e iwhich Frank W. Blair is president. man does not possess."
Blair seems to embody all the "I presume you refer to 'stock
popular conception of what a bank tips'," I said.
president should be. He is middle "Yes," continued Blair. "Of course
aged, tall, pleasant-faced, and yet the executives of a bank are paid
showing a determination and serf- fairly high salaries, though per-
,ousnessof mind that is unusual. He haps not as great as executives in
manifests an interest in young men other professions."
.Eand gave me a few facts that I am "You have become a success in,
S sure will prove interesting to - the banking Mr. Blair," I said. "Tell
--- .many students in the University me what qualities a man need have,
High School Musicians Will Play who contemplate becoming business in your estimation, in order to prove
Before Schoolmasters' Club In men. successful."
Concert Tonight "Banking," said Blair, "has re- "A man must have honesty and
,solved itself into a profession with loyalty," said Blair. "By honesty, I
four main divisions. These are (1) do not mean a man that says 'this
LOCAL CHORUS TO SING commercial; (2) savings; (3) in- is mine and this is thine.' By hones-
vestment, and (4) trusts. Each one ty, I mean a man who says 'this
Completing their two-day pro- of these departments has an oppor- should be mine and this should be
gram; the Michigan all-state high tunity for young men today, and thine.' There is a world of dif-
school orchestra, together with the with combinations among large ference between these two thoughts.
Ann Arbor high school chorus, will
perform before the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club at 8 o'clock
this evening in Hill auditorium.
,Walter C. Welke of the University [A O SS H L RI I H E
School of Music has general super-
vision of the orchestra, and will 1 I1111
act as one of the conductors, to- TA K ~A S E D [
gether with Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, LIIIUL I I
head of the public school music'
department of the music school,
and William Norton, head of the Prof. Gilbert Norwood, Of Toronto Offenders Plead Guilty; Punished
public school and community mu- University, To Deliver Two By Fight Talks on Evils Of
sic department,; Flint. The chorus Lectures Friday 1 Arrogance
is under the direction of Miss Juval
The orchestra is composed of rep- -- -
resentatives of the high school or- Prof. I. Gilbert Norwood, director Freshman impertinence backed
chestras of 44 Michigan cities and of classical studies at the Univer- up a few steps last night when the
towns, chosen for their skill in sity College of 'the University of Student council sat in judgment
playing their various instruments. Toronto. will deliver two 'lectures over several violators of the tra-
There are 166 players in the com- at 9:45 o'clock and 4:15 o'clock on ditional.. rules governing the con-
bined group, playing a variety of Friday in room 2003 Angell hall. duct of first year men on the cam-
instruments seldom to be found 'Although both lectures concern pus.
outside of a large symphony or- early civilizations and literatures, Charged with not wearing their
chestra. The selections chosen forjthe afternoon subject, "Apuleius pots and adopting an air-of "cocki-
thd program are unusually diffi and the Dawn of Mediaevalism," is ness, the seyen freshmen who an-
cult for an organization of this listed as a University lecture and swered summons to the council's
kind, and the splendid way in is open to the public. The morning I Court of Inquisition were dumb in
which it has rendered them in re-'subject will be more of a correla- teiowdfns.Afftofn-
hearsal promises a very enjoyable ubetwi1b noet*a ri their own defense. As first offend~
concert this evening y eon to subjects taught in the Uni- ers their pleas of guilty met with
versity's classical languages and light punishment in the form of
English departments, "Pindar" be- fight talks by councilmen on the
Illustrated Lecture ling the title of the address. evils of too much self-esteem.
Q[L W.* d Famed As Author Toward last night's offenders the

W. R. Thurnau 29, And Dorothy
Lyon Ackerman, '29, Tie For
First Place
fltj Reversing their originally an-
1 nounced intention of choosing one
I full length play from those sub-
OTmitted in the contest sponsored by
DETROIT GLIDER COMPANY TO the Division of English, the judgesI
USE LOCAL FIELD FOR last night gave their decision in
PROJECT favor of "City Haul", by W. R.
_ Thurnau, '29, and "Leila', by Doro-
BAZIL REED PILOFS SHIP thy Lyon Ackerman, '29, jointly.
The decision was reached from
Selection Of Ann Arbor Field For a consideration of 11 plays submit-
Proving Grounds Compliments ted by students, four of whom were
Work Of Acro Club I not enrolled in the play writing
course, and was prompted by the
In token of their admiration for feeling, as Professor Jack put it,
the work which has been accom- "that we might just as well bex
plished by the glider division of the honest about it and admit thatE
University Aero club, the Detroit both plays were of equal merit,c
Glider Sales company has chosen though of vastly different types."r
Ann Arbor as the site of a new The judges were Prof. P. M. Jack,1
proving grounds, it was announced and Dr. C. M. Thorpe of the Rheto-c
yesterday by E. W. Sawyer, '26, ric department, and Prof. J. M. F
manager of the organization. O'Neill. They expressed themselvesP
Yesterday saw the first of a se- surprised at the astonishingly finet
ries of test flights designed to plays submitted and at the variety
thoroughly study the Ann Arbor Af subjects treated.E
terrain from the standpoint of
aeronautics. B ail G. Reed, '30E,X
made several successful solo flights
in the new ship. I
Use Soaring Model NW CLUD PLANS
In connection with the researchj
to be done by the Detroit organiza-
tion and the department of aero-
nautical engineering, a soaring i
model will be brought out from De- ---_
troit within a few days, it was an- I
nounced. While this ship is more Speechecs By Prominent Judgs Will1
nouced Whle hisshi ismor Feature Fourth Founders Day
difficult to fly than the training F Anniversary
model, which was built recently by _______
the Aero Club, it is capable of I
higher and more sustained flight. 1 CHARMS TO BE AWARDED1
This will be the first soaring plane
to be seen in Ann. Arbor. The Honorable Louis II. Fead, of
Test flights will be made almost S C
constantly over a period of severalgm
weeks on the regular flying field on Lansing, is to be the principal
the Geddes river road. Students speaker at the Founders day ban-
interested in aviation will be wel- quet to be held at 6:30 o'clock Fri-
comed to watch the test flights, it day evening in the refectory of thef
was announced. If any are skill- Lawyers club. Other speakers in-
ed in flying, they may communi- elude bth e rbleRoert i.
cate with Sawyer at 314 N. Ingallsjelude the Honorable Robert F.
avenue regarding permission to Thompson of the New York Su-
participate in reascarch work. ,preme court, Appellate Division, thet
The ultimate object of the pres- Honorable Arthur Webster, of the
ent project, according to Sawyer, Circuit court of Detroit, and the t
is to develop the art of glider fly- Honorable James O. Murfln, Regent
ing until it reaches a point at which of the University from Detroit,
ultra-safe training ships and Dean Henry M. Bates is to be
heightened public interest will re- toastmaster.
sult in school boys of 15 or 16 -
years of age learning to fly as a The banquet will culminate the
regular part of their education. activities of the day in celebration1
Franklin Aids Work of the fourth anniversary of thc,
Sawyer paid high tribute to the founding of the Lawyers club. At
progress which the gliding division the dinner Regent Murfin will pre-
of the Aero club has made recent- sent the Lawyers club "billet" to
ly. "The work which the glider di- the graduating seniors of the club1
vision is doing is pointing the way who are eligible to receive it. A
for similar collegiate activity all "billet" is a watch charm awarded I
over the country," he said. "The by the Board of Governors of the
students are sincerely to be con- club and bears the organization's
gratulated for their progress thus coat of arms.-
far. The annual message from Wil-;
The boys have orggnized a thor- liam W. Cook, of the New York:
ough-going plan of training and Bar, and founder of the club will be
have proved its worthwhile charac- read at the banquet. The dinner;
ter by developing 38 capable pilots. is open to the faculty of the Law
Only one other school in the coun- school and students, lawyers and
try has done the least amount of judges, and members of the pro-;
any similar work in this field, that fession generally. Covers will be
being the Massachusetts Institute $1.50.
of Technology." Arrangements for the day have
Prof. Roswell E. Franklin,. of the been in charge of a committee of
department of engineering me- senior law students. It includes
chanics, will be associated in the! Austin Fleming, chairman, James
research work and will make many I. Johnson, and Robert M. Kerr.
demonstration flights, it was an- Prof. Grover C. Grismore, of the
nounced. Robert B. Evans, 30, Law school, has supervised the
will also do work on the project. work of the committee.
"Michigan, like other universities, resulting, greater personal contact
s victim of a general tendency to- I and relationship between teacher
ward less college spirit and en- and student. Very often the small

Shusiasm," according to Prof. Ray college attracts excellent teachers
\V. Leffler, '15, chairman of the who are not interested in research
-conomics department at Dart- work or ' ing.
®nouth, who is teaching here thia "The young teacher," continued
year obi leave of absence.., Profesor Leffler, "is apt to be more
"There seemed to be a. greater I successful and interesting to thel
respect for tradition during my un-i studentfbecause his subjecte is corn-
iergraduate days here, although," paratively new to him and, being
Professor Leffler stated, "I may closer to the students' age, can bet-
have the old-grad-returning atti- ter appreciate their difficulties,
tude. Ti also seems that there wa: likes, and dislikes. The older man
very definitely more campus en- may prefer research to actual in-
thusiasm. struction, although on the other
;rowth of the University has tended field.
against an increasing icollege spirit, "There are still a great many op-
for, one always finds a lively en- portumitics for college graduates in
thusiasm and renewal of traditions all the business and profesionall
in the smaller school where stu- fields," Professor Leffler concluded.
dents are thrown in closer contact "but the supply has increased rel-
with each other." ative to the demand. Countless op-
When asked about the difference portunities remain at the top, but
between eastern and middle-west- competition for those positions hars
ern institutions of higher learning, likewise increased."
Professor Leffler replied that there f Profesor Leffler taught here for






Campbell, Yost, Others To Talk;
Latest Reels Of Campus Movie
Will Be Shown
Announcement of completed
plans for the All-Student Pep
Bounce on May 1 was the highlight
of the regular Student council
meeting last night. Councilman
Durwin Algyer, '29, committee of
one to stage the big May Day
Bounce for the advancement of
Michigan- musical loe, reported
that all was in readiness for a
snappy 45 minutes of gratuitous
Students, faculty, and townspeo-
pie with the possible exception of
very smallhbabiesiare all cordially
invited to assemble in Hill audi-
torium at 7:30 o'clock sharp and
join in the singing fi'ee of charge.
To supplement the voices and other
singing apparati in the auditorium
Algyer announced that Michigan's
overworked and underpaid Varsity
Band will be on hand prepared to
do or die. The Glee club likewise
will have some organized efforts at
on-key renditions of popular col-
blege tunes to add to the evening's
Lawton To Officiate
"Uncle Bob" Campbell, official
hoarder of the University's
sheckels, whose approbation of the
Bounce idea knows no bounds, has
consented to open the ceremonies
with as short a speech as possible
explaining the purpose of the event
and introducing Fred Lawton, '11,
Detroit, who composed the tune for
Fred will then take over the mas-
tership of ceremonies, have words
thrown on the screen, and start off
the various tune-producing units
on their mad courses. Somewhere
on the program space will also be
found for a word or two, probably
two, from Director Fielding H. Yost,
grand old man of Michigan foot-
Reif Finds Site
T. Hawley Tapping, alumni see-
retary,. and movie magnate, has
promised to give the latest reels of
the campus cinema their first Ann
Arbor screening as a feature of the
big Bounce. For sheer comedy,
human interest, and these, them,
and those, according to Tapping,
these reels make all previous in-
stallments look like scratching a
match at an eruption of Vesuvius.
Councilman Ernest C. Reif, '30,
spring games superintendent came
to the rescue of Michigan tradition
at the council meeting with the
announcement that he had located
a place on the Huron river just
south of the Wall street bridge
where the tug-of-war could be
fought. The site is approximately
200 yards upstream from the tradi-
tional scene of the freshman-soph-
omore struggle to evade a ducking,
and provides an excellent vantage
point for spectators on the Wall
street bridge.
Cap Night Date Set
Cap ight, the customary occa-
sion for first year men to cremate
their pots, will be celebrated May
17 as originally planned, according
to Councilman Jennings McBride,
'30, student council chairman of
the event Last week it was ten-
tatively announced for May 11 to
enable the baseball team, many of
whom are due to receive "M"
blankets on this occasion, to be
present, but word has been received
from Senator Royal S. Copeland,
'89, that he could not speak on the
'earlier date,
Members of the freshman Cap
Night committee have visited Ann
Arbor merchants during the past
week collecting promises of com-
bustibles with which to erect the
mammoth bonfire in Sleepy Hollow
which will consume their badges of

r g


"Architecture of Chinese Temples
and Palaces" will be the topic of an
illustrated lecture at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon in the auditorium of
the Architectural building by Ben-
jamin March, curator of oriental
art at the Detroit Institute of Arts,
and honorary curator of oriental
aesthetic arts in (,he University mu-
seum of anthropology.
Pilides Will Discuss
Work Of Boys' Club
Dr. A. P. Pilides, secretary of the
board of directors of the Detroit
Boys' club, will discuss the work of
the club in an illustrated lecture at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Na-
tural Science auditorium. The lec-
ture will be open to the public. Dr.
Pilides is an alumnus of the Uni-
Northwestern 3, Illinois 1. (5 in-
nings, rain.)
Purdue 4, Chicago l..

Professor Norwood has been fa-
mous as a scholar and literary light
for many years in America and.
Great Britain. While a student at
Cambridge University in England,
he was elected to the Fellowship of
St. John's college, and has been
honored on many occasions since
for literary, prowess.
! As an author, Professor Norwood
s well known in his field, having
written several books on Grecian
and Roman civilizations and liter-
atures. His latest book, "The Art
of Terence," has given him even
greater prestige as a master of an-
cient lands and peoples.
Taught At Cardiff
Following the completion of his
course at Cambridge, Professor
Norwood entered the University at
Cardiff, Wales, as a professor in
Greek. When he was transfered to
Toronto, he had become head of
the department at Cardiff.
Although the two lectures on Fri-
clay are being borrowed from the
jSchoolmaster's assembly, at whicl
- Professor Norwood is a guest lec-
turer, the morning address on "Pin-
dar" is being held primarily for the
visiting principals and superin-

council declined to employ strong-
arm tactics, but held them in the
offing as a threat against those re-
ported twice for violations of the
freshmen code and men who refuse
to appear before the council when
summoned. .Though the press
was not admitted to the discliplin-
ary session it was indicated that
the threat had plenty of power be-
hind it. Six captains and cap-
tains-elect of major sport teams
are backing the council's drive
against freshman arrogance.
FrayerWill Address
S. C.A Forum Today
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the
history department will speak on
"The New World After the Great
War" at the last of the all-campus
forums sponsored by the Student
Christian association this after-
noon. The forums are under
the general heading of "Looking
on Life" and are open to all who
arc interested.
The forums were started as an
j experiment last semester, to en-
courage informal discussion of im-
portant matter.
Latest available in formation
on class parties, as reported by
the several commiittees, is as
Military Ball-Tomorrow eight
in the Union ballroom. Ross
Gorman and his Virginians. A
few tickets left at the R. 0. T. C.
office; price $4.50. Favors given
out today and tomorrow after-
noons at office.
Senior BalL-Friday, May 3, in
the Union ballroom. Charles
Dornberger and his Victor Re-
cording orchestra. Tickets priced
at $5.00, but only a few left on

! ..

Beside the Schoolmasters' club,
five other educational organizations
have planned meetings to be held
here during the week-end. Friday
afternoon is the time set for meet-
Ings of the State Association of
Elementary School principals and
the State Federation of Teacher's
Clubs, while the Michigan Associa-
tion of Collegiate Registrars will
hold a meeting Saturday morning.
The program for the Michigan
High School Debating League will
take up the entire day Friday, with
the state championship debate
scheduled for 8:15 o'clock tomorrow
night in Hill auditorium.


'It is ratther futile to give an The eight-cylindlr ciar- now has
estimate of the value of the 8-in- been brought down to thousand1
line motor over other types," said dollars and is within the means of?
Professor W. E. Lay of the auto- I the average car owner. However,
motive engine department. "The no one can predict that it will sup-
general public decides such ques- plant the four or six, for althoughf
tions not on a basis of mechanical it gives a greater and smoother
perfection but on upholstery, flow of power, it costs more to run-.
streamline bodies, cromium plating "In racing, ears are usually built'
and other niceties. One thing that the width of one man and here the
might influence them toward an 8- !8-in-line has an advantage of hav-
in-line is the minimum amount of S ing less wind resistence than the
noise in the body, for probably an I V-type of eight. You will find the
eight has it over the six in this 8-in-line at the 500 mile race
regard." Indianapolis next month. It is al
"The popularity of the 8-in-line peculiar thing that the six, so suc-
might be explained by the aristo- Icessful in passenger cars, is not
{ __4.- 7 -1 .. 4.. t._ ....... .,.S -A iv nLvIr- - n 4c- - - -

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