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April 20, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-20

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Michigan CollI

ges Gather

Here For

M del League




At Union Tonight Will
Model Assembly To

By Robert L. Sloss
Twenty-one of Michigan's univer-
sities, colleges, and junior colleges
represented by more than 150 stu-
dents , have gathered in Ann Ar-
bor this week end for the Model
Assembly of the League of Nations,
which is being sponsored by' the
Student Christian association on
the camp1s and by the Michigan
League of Nations Non-Partisan
Today's program consists of the
second PAd third plenary sessions
of the assembly, a luncheon at
noon, and the concluding banquet
at the Union tonight. Prof. Pit-
nin B. Potter, of the political
science department of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, will speak at the
1"noheon on some phase of the
~rganiation of International Re-
Itlons clubs. All members of these
clubs from the participating in-
stitutions will be present to hear
Professor Potter discuss their aims
ideals, and accomplishments.
Brumm To Be Toastmaster
At the banquet tonight, Prof.
John L. Brumm, of the School of
Journalism, will be the toastmaster,
and the three principal speakers
of the convention will talk. Dr.
Stephan P. Duggan, of the Insti-
tute of International Education and
known widely for his intimate
knowledge of international affairs,
will speak and at the end of the
program offer a critique of the
assembly as a whole.
Sir George Foster, member of the
Canadian Senate and Canada's del-
egate to the League of Nations at
Geneva, is scheduled to speak as
well as Professor Potter. Prof. Ed-
win D. Dickinson, of the Lair school,
who with Professor Potter visited
Europe on a question of internat-
ional law in 1926, will address the
group. ate:
The model assembly is patterned
closely after the one held every year
at Geneva in the Salle de la Refor-
mation, and is designed to afford
both participants and spectators
well-defined ideas as to just how'
the League of Nations functions.
Many of the problems that are to-
day vexing the world will likewise
come up for discussion, and thus
allow opportunities for obtaining
the knowledge necessary for under-
standing the problems facing na-'
tions of the earth today.
Represent Fifty-four Nations
The delegates, who comprise del-
egations representing the 54 na-
tipns that are members of the
Leagu e, will take up these subjects,
ifer resolutions, and in general
conduct their business just as it is
conducted in Geneva.
The chief matters which will oc-
cupy the attention of the model
assembly are disarmament, which
is important in view of world peace
and welfare; the admission of Rus-
sia to the League, a hypothetical
question in that it has never been
brought before the League for dis-
cussion; the need for mandates and
their use by the nations of Eur-
ope; the problem of the opium
trade; and, world health as a mat-
ter for legislation:
A number of model assemblies
similar to the Michigan one have
been held by various colleges dur-
ing the last few years. All have
been greeted with interest by the
public and by the participants, and
it is hoped that the students, fac-
ulty;;and townspeople will attend.


State-wide Interest
Evoked ByAssembly
Much interest in the model as-
sembly is being shown by students
and faculty both at the University
and in other colleges throughout
the state. Several bus-loads of
spectators, besides the participants,
have journeyed to Ann Arbor to
attend the sessions, and more are
expected today.
Hillsdale, Kalamazoo, Adrian and
I Alma have all held convocation
services at which the League was
discussed, while practically all of
the other colleges'.attendingahave{
had previous meetings for the pur-
pose of acquainting themselves
with the formal procedure.
Kalamazoo college, Detroit Teach-
ers college, Alma college, Hillsdale

Canadian Delegate lE PlE K'DE l V Prof. Pitman B. Potter, Political Science 11RIIeks Tormsemoe
Speaks To Assembly LLI L Expert, To Be Honored Guest At Luncheon IjULLU LL1A0B
As a distinguished guest of hon-
our of the Model Assembly of the a**iR G OS A
PA EX UNUniversity of Michigan, Prof. Pit- N T N IEA
E Wman B. Potter of the Political SciC
ence Department of the University n
A TADANTAE "of Wisconsin, will speak at alunch- ES SIDENT
Tseon to b held g this noon in room
SP iOFESSORtE y XnPU9NDS HIS Professor Potter is a veteran and CONVENTION GIVES CLEARER
,. ; VIEW TOWARD L E A G U E experienced teacher of political sci 0 'CONCEP)QTION OF WORLD
Th.eag.-ralAStynITITd no aence, having taught comparative Th..tL[gRELATIONSdIPS
.h a adi d eg * tsns nd o nPa- mb y a st tra
LISt, db n f t S THpREE Ar t eSh- tional law and diplomacy at Has vdnd PtRESDNT
"<° . . ard, Yale, Illinois, Chicago, Texas
hpk and Wisconsin Universities.ss
_n _my hh gTrial Assembly Said To Be Moref. resen Dr. Potter studied at Harvard Twnty-One Delegations Participate
Than Mere Pa c ifSti nereein is there In Representing FiftyFur
(Courtesy or The Detroit Fr ee Tres, Laboratory in 191.4, his A. M. in 1916, and his. . Members Of League
Sir GeorgeToeser sdoctorate, in 1918. His extensive
The League-as a reality and not travels have taken himto the- I toThat the League of Nations Model
Who was a Canadian delegate to as a sort of a pacifistic experimenti mammoth libraries of London, Par- 1 ~ assembly has attracted much favor-
the initial assembly of the League -is the presentation being Lmade by is Rome, and Geneva; and he has. . I able attention throughout the state
of Nations, and who will be one of the cooperative effort of the Michi- -investigated American diplomatic I is evidenced by the hearty respose
th rnia paesa h m-ga n colleges here today, was the and anua ot nmn at which it has received from students
tation assembly, which began itsE comment made by Prof. Preston W.I of Europe, as Well as visiting num- as well as faculty and administra-.
Slosson, of the history department, erous international bureaus and of t an tr tive leaders on the various Michigan
yesterday. g the model assembly. conferences in Paris the Hague,
Sir George who has beenn in the{ His statement regarding the meet- .eneva, and other cities, most impotant writings are to be capesdn . C.WrieoMch
Canadian Parliament since 1882,; ing was: Luring the World War Dr. Potter Ifound in the followingg volumes:"An igan Central Normal college, at Mt.
was a vice-president of the League " The greatest advantage of the was engaged in Washington, pre- Introduction to the Study of Inter- Pleasant, has expressed his thor-
when it was first organized, and imitation assembly of the League of paring materials for use by Amer- national Organization". "The Free-I ough approval of the projectan
has been one of the most ardent ! Nations being held in Ann Arbor ican delegates at the Peace Con-I dom of theSea in Histo~rr Law- P. rfn n+P, l A+ n yo+ne


college, Michigan State college and supporters since its inception. He by the cooperation of colleges all fTerence. --
others have formed International was , delegate to the Geneva as- over the state is the presentation In the literary world he has pro-
Relations clubs which have met C sembly again in 1926, so he is ac- of the League as an actual reality; duced many books and treatises and
twice a week regularly' quainted with the League as it has not a theory, or project, or dream, for the past 15 years has furnished:
developed as well as with the origi- or subject for propaganda, but a manuscript far newspapers. His
nl organization. He was on the functioning political organism just
[onmittee that drafted the origi- ,as real and concrete as the Britis
nal covenant of the League. Empire or the United States of opening Culintes
Dumerous'positions, high in the America. I stress this point be-
life of Canada have been cause even yet some people have Four Month's Labor
filled by hi1. Sir George was a not got out of the habit of regard-
VA A1896, and from 1911 until 1921. pacifistic experiment, a thing that Results of nearly four months'
'___Since last leaving the cabinet he Woodrow Wilson put down on pa- work were realized by the officers
has been a member of the Domin- per. The League is now a decade of the Model Assembly yesterday'
Miniature International. Conclave l o
awe nernativeion Senate. Several other positions old and has never been interrupted afternoon when the opening ses-'
Draws Representatives From of trust under the Canadian and in its steady, routine activities; It sion convened. Since the first of
Nineteen Colleges British government have been en- is only experimental in the sense i
trusted to him during his long po- that all government is experiment- }the year the executive committee,y
DISCUSS WORLD PROBLEMS litical career. al, and it is mortal only in the under the direction of Prof. John
sense that all political structures!M. Brumm, of the journalism de-!
Traditions and flags of the coun- Second Session Will are motaal.d. e. a'partment, has been arranging for
tries of Europe provided a color- A second advantage is that stu- hemeetings of yesterday and to-
f NatinfontaconvateneauVas- enTProgram dents here may gain some ac- h e ssd
ful settig for a miniature League .oay P g quaintance with the type of prob- day.
- N nndlems that confront the League, for Assisting John M. Brumm, '31, 1
sar College over the week end of Meetings of the second plenary only real and current problems are, the secretary-general of the as-
February 22, when nineteen col- session of the model assembly will being discussed at the meeting. A;sembly have been an active com-
leges and universities of the states feature today's program. Opening third advantage is the chance to mbty, ham ed an active
of New York, New Jersey, and Penn- at 9 o'clock this morning events, observe the method of procedure 'mittee composed of representatives
sylvania sent student delegates to including the reports of several at Geneva; it is like a free visit from the various schools and col-
sit at a model assembly there. The committees, a luncheon, and the to the gallery of the House of Com- leges of the state, which have sent
convention hall of the Student's finale dinner tonight will fill the mons or the House of Representa- delegates to the imitation assembly.
Building was not unlike that of the order of the day for the visiting; tives. No student of modern his- Administration of local arrange-
official chamber in Geneva, having delegates. tory or politics can afford to neg- ments have also been directed by
its raised platform for authorities, Reports of the committees one, lect this opportunity." Brumm. In his capacity he has!
_____________I been aided by a committee of stu-
speakers, and a. three sided gal- five and six, will be held at the 9 ! - by
lery for spectators, while the league ,o'clock session this morning. At FLAGS LEND MUCH COLOR dents of the University. The mem-
members themselves were arrayed noon a luncheon for members of-1ters of this group with the branch
under the placards of their respec- the International Relations club, Brilliantly depicting the ceremo- of work which they have directed
tielns i . h atoswihwith Prof. Pittman Potter deliver-I nioiis aspect of the assembly, a 1ae atnJ ol 3,tnne
tive lands, i. e., the nations which iCSthe principal talk. Reports of complete set of flags representing Charles Spicer, '29, and . Bennett
sent. r committee three, and the resolu- l every country imitated, is being Kearns, '29, arrangements; Louis
sT.ttions by the delegates from Den- displayed at the meetings here yes- !Stein, '31, program, Leo Norville,)
Throughout the triple session the mark and from Uruguay. At the terday and today of the Model j'30, speakers; William Palmer, '30,!
chief topics debated upon dealt in banquet in the evening, Sir George League of Nations. The set of flags' hospitality; Howard Simon, '30,1
the main with League's relation Foster, and Stephan P. Duggan will is being used through the courtesy 1 publicity, Bettina Bush. '29, and
to the Monroe Doctrine, the man~ head an illustrious group of speak- of the Northwestern high school, Isabelle Rayen, '31, entertainment,
dates problems, and the composi- ers. of Detroit. ,'and J. Martin Frissel, '29, exhibits.
tion of the League Secretariat. _-_ _ _ _ _
The most striking feature of the
entire convention was the very no- REPRESENTATIVES FROM 21 MICHIGAN COLLEGES
ticeable manner in which the
schools representing certain coun- GATHER AT ANNARBORFOR LEGUE ASSEMBLY
tries belligerently maintained the
natural political and diplomatic
views of their temporarily adopted
nations. The German delegation
from Colgate University moved a °f
resolution disapproving of forcedj
labor in mandated territory; butI
was virorously opposed by the Aus--
tralians coming from New York Un-
An Italian feminine leader from
Bryn Mawr argued against the the-
ory that the Secretariat should be
international in character, follow- -
ing out the principles of the Ducej
government, advocating that Italy #
wished to be represented by its,
faithful servants, and challenged
t he sincerity of ' the other great'
'"o'vers if they opposed this view.
They did, the protestations issuing
from vehement student mouths.1
In addition to the spirited stu-t
dent debates were the speeches ofc
two outside personages, Mr. James
.G. MacDonald, of;the Foreign Pol-t
icy Association, and Dr. Royal Mee- 1
ker, former commissioner of La- .o.ic
bor Statistics.

awaav acua ulavy, l L,jpCX3ti w a en Le Danuet and.
and Politics," "International Civics," sessions today.
"The Myth of American Isolation", President Harlan L. Feeman, of
"The Nature of American ForeignAdrian college, writes in regard to
Policy" and "American Territorial the assembly, 'I think it is an excel-
Expansion."-lent idea, and a practical one, not
with a view toward cultivating pub-
ie pnion to lead the United States
into the League, but in directing
the thoughts of people to what it
l-as already accomplished and prom-
ises to acomplish in leading to bet-
ter understanding and more satis-
factory world relationships."
Dean Is Enthusiastc
Dean Estella C. L. Sherill, also of
Stephen Duggan, Founder Of Insti-Adrian college, has expressed her
Sintense enthusiasm for the project.
tute Of World Education To She attended a similar meeting
Be Principal Speaker which was held last year at Cor-
nell, at which there were delegates
HEADS FOREIGN COUNCIL from more than 20 Middle Atlantic
! colleges and universities, and found
ofit entirely worthwhile.
Stephen P. Duggan, founder of Other men and women prominent
the Institute of International Edu- 'on the faculties of various schools
cation, will be one of the princi- have accompanied their delega-
pal speakers on the program of the tions to Ann Arbor including: Dean
m Florence Steward, of Alma college
assembly today as well as at the Miss Jennie Belle Boyer, dean of
banquet tonight. After his gradu- women at the Detroit Teachers'
ation from the College of the City college, Dr. Edwin Graeffe, of the
of New York he attended Colum- 1school of finance and'commerce at
um-i the University of Detroit, as well
bia University, gaining his M.A. as all of the members of the his-
and Ph.D. degrees from the latter tory and political science depart-
school. Upon his return to the City I ments of the Grand Rapids Junior
College as a professor, he hit upon college.
the idea of having classes at night All of the delegations to the as-
as well as in the day time, and sembly have been appointed to
with this in mind, he began a sys- i represent the 54 nations which are
tem which has grown so popular members of the League, and Mich-
that over 2,500 students are now igan has taken Albania, the British
enrolled in the after-dark class Empire, China, Guatemala, Hon-
books. duras, India, Japan, Latavia, i-
Among his other notable achieve- beria, Luxembourg, Nicaragua,
ments are his directorship of the Peru, and Salvador.
American Council of Education, Many Nations Represented
membership and election to the po- The other colleges and the coun-
sition of secretary in the American tries they represent are: Adrian-
University Union in Europe, trus- Argentina, Austria, Abyssinia Al-
tee of Vassar, and of Constantino- bion-Geimany, Spain, Uruguay;
ple colleges for women, and the Alma-Canada. Lithunia, Panana;
authorship of several books on dip- Battle Creek-Union of South Af-
lomatic and international prob- rica; Bay City Junior-Norwy;
lems. Central State Teachers-New Zea-
In the direction of international land; College of the City of De-
effort and goodwill, Dr. Duggan has troit-Poland; Detroit Teachers-
been occupied for many -years with Roumania.
the Council of Foreign Relations, Reis Jnsitute-Esthonia; rand
of which he is now- the director, Netherlands; Highland Park Jun-
and the Foreign Policy Ass'n. In ior-Columbia, Hungary, Portgal;
recognition of his services toward Hillsdale-France, Irish Free State,
world peace, the American scholar Paraguay; Hope-Kingdom of Serbs
has been made a member of the --Croats - Slovenes; Kalamazoo -
French Legion of Honor, the Ital- I Italy, Sweden; Michigan State col-
ian Orc'er of the Crown, and the ( lege-Bolivia, Switzerland; Michi-
Czechoslovak and Hungarian Or- I gan State Normal-Chili, Denmark,
ders of Merit. Greece, Haiti, Siam; Olivet-Vene-
zuela; Port Huron Junior-Austra-
S. C. A. ARRANGES LODGINGS }lia, Persia; Western State Teach-
ers-Cuba, Czechoslovakia; Univer-
All official delegates and faculty sity of Detroit-Bulgaria.
advisers have been assigned to Rowland Egger, Grad., has been
lodging places through the assist- !chosen president of the assembly
ance of the Student Christian asso- because of his intimate knowledge
ciation. They will remain in the lof international affairs. He has
city tonight and leave tomrow for been connected with the political
their homes. Iscience department for some time.
Professor Bradley, Of Amherst, Reviews
Success Of Trial League Held In 1928
The Amherst assembly, a picture successful. Phillips Bradley, of the
of which is reproduced here, was political science department at
Amherst, believes that the assem-
held at Amherst college in May, blies offer one of the most unique
1928, and was, according to com- possibilities of collegiate and inter-
ment written on it recently, most collegiate activity.
"The organiza-
tion," he contin-
ues is simple, the
material vivid,
the possibilities
of useful coop-
U eration with ac-
tual department-
al work in his-
tory, economics,

League Of Nations Is Now Established
As Important Factor In World Affairs
01 foremost importance in every' reproduced is the Ninth Assembly'
international problem is the League of the League, which met in La
of Nations, which has now become Salle de la Reformation at Geneva
an historical fact. The picture here in September, 1928.
--___ @' The actual or-
or - ganization w ork '
c provided an un-
usual opportunityF
for students who
take part in the
model assembly to

,. Y~yrr~sir CsF.itc


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