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April 24, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-24

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EWDSJAY, APTT 24, 1920





Publication In the Bulletin is conbtructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)




NO. 148

Convocation, Friday, April 26:
There will be a convocation of the University at which the members
of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will be the University's guests"
Friday, April 26, at 11 a. m., in fill Auditorium. Mr. Henry Turner
Bailey, Director of The Cleveland School of Art, will deliver an address
on the subject "The Importance of the Arts in Education."
In accordance with the custom of past years classes, with the
exception of clinics, will be dismissed at the hour of the convocation
to permit the attendance of students and faculty.
Members of the faculty are requested to enter by the rear doors
of Hill Auditorium and to pass directly to seats which will be provided for

Rhetoric 190 (Drama II):
The class will meet at 7:15 tonight in the Speech Seminary, 3212
Angell Hall, instead of in Professor Jack's office. The winning play in
the competition will be read and discussed. All people who submitted I
plays, whether members of the play-writing class or not, are inivited.
Kenneth Rowe
Political Science 102 and 112:
I shall be unable to meet these classes today. The assignment for}
Course 112 is 100 pages of reading.
J. R. Hayden
Psychology 31:;
Students who need the experiment designated "I1WIl" (one hour) to
complete their nine hours must do this before May 4.
(. II. Griffitts
Sociology Students:
Dr. A. P. Pilides, D.D.S., '09, of Detroit, will speak in Natural
Science Auditorium Thursday, April 25, at 4:15 p. m. The lecture will
be illustrated, and will concern the problems of the underprivileged
boy in industrial areas "The Boys' Club" will be described in terms of its

Wednesday, April 24, representatives of the Carborundum Company,
manufacturers of.Abrasive and Refractory materials will present a mo-
tion picture in room 1042 East Engineering Bldg. The picture will start.
at 4:15 p. m. and is of particular interest to students in shop courses.
The film is brought to you under the auspices of the Student A. S. M. E.
J. Gray

Pi Lambda Theta:


Pi Lambda 'theta and the W.-
men's Education Club will enter-
tain the visiting members of i!)e
Schoolmasters' Club and faculty of
the School of Education at a tea
Friday, April 26, from 3-5 o'clock
at the Martha Cook Building.
G. Wallington
B. N~l Bale

Mr. Carver of The Swift Packing Company will interview seniors
interested in the various departments of the industry on Friday, May Iota Alpha:
26. Seniors interested should arrange for an interview through the
office of The Committee on Vocational Counsel and Placement, 201 There will be a meeting of the
Mason Hall. members of Iota Alpha Thursda a
W. E. Parker April 25, at 7:30 p. m., in room 3201
East Engineering Bldg. Mr. Leon-
Web & Flange: ard Boddy, will be the speaker.
I~G. G. Brown


them on the stage. Academic costume will not be worn. elfect upon boy life in communities largely made up of the newerj
C. C. Little mmigrant population. The public is cordially invited to the lecture.
No admismion will be charged.
University Lecture: W. I1. Palmer, Tnierlational F1orums
Professor Gilbert Norwood, of the University of Toronto, will lecture
on "Apuleius and the Dawn of Mcdiaevalism," Friday, April 26, at 4:15 Summer Positions:
p. m. in room 2003 Angell Hall. TIe public is cordially invited. Two positions in western summer camp. Mr. K. C. Marantette of
F. E. Robbins Camp Big Bear, located 20 miles from Yellowstone Park, in Jackson
-------Hole Country, will be in room 306 Michigan Union, Thursday, April 25,
To the Members of the Faculty: from 12:45 to 2:00 p. rm7. to interview students interested in the follow-
The invitation extended to the high school principals and teachers ing positions: Camp cook; Senior medical student for camp infirmary.
a year ago to visit the University of Michigan classes, especially in Trips to Glacier and Yellowstone Parks are included in the camp pro-
freshman subjects, during the sessions of the Schoolmasters' Club has gram.
been renewed. These visits will take place on Wednesday and Thurs- Mary L. Stewart, Employment Bureau
day of this week, and it is felt that such contact should prove of
mutual benefit to both the high schools and the University. The in- All Campgs Forum:
tention is to allow the high school teachers to see for themselves the Professor William A. Frayer of the history department, will discussi
type of work required of their students during the first year at the "The New World Since the Great War," in the reading room of LaneI
University, and to provide the university instructors with the opportuni- Hall, at 4:05 p. m., Thursday, All men and women students and mem-
ty of acquainting themselves with the problems of the high school bers of the faculty are invited.
student in making the transition from high school to college. The The Forum Committee
cooperation of the instructors will be greatly appreciated. Julius Zink, John Webster
Committee on Arrangements
Louis A. Hopkins, Wilber R. Humphreys, Philip Bursley, Geological and Geographical Journal Club:
George Carrothers, Ira M. Smith, Chairman There will be a meeting in room 2054 N. S. at 8 o'clock Thursdav


Conmittee on Student Affairs:
There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Affairs on
Wednesday, April 24, at 2:00 p. m., in room 2, University Hall.
F. B. Wahr, Acting Chairman
University Loan Committee:
The University Loan Committee will meet on Thursday, April 25, at
2:00 p. M., in room 2, University Hall.
All students applying for loans should call at the office of the Dean
of Students to arrange for an appointment with the Committee.
W. B. Rea, Acting Chairman
dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science,and theArts:
T here will be a rneetin6; of the Dean's Advisory Committee on
Fr day, April 26, at 4 p. in., in the Dean's office.
John R. Effinger
Art Exhibition: Architectural Building:
Forty-one lithographs showing picturesque New York, by Vernon
Howe Bailey, are now on view in the Architectural Building, ground
floor corridor. They will be on exhibition until the end of the month
an# can be-seen daily from 9:00 to 5:00 o'clock, excepting Sunday. The1
public is cordially invited.
Emil Lorchi

evening, April 25. Mr. Richard Lougee will give an illustrated address
on "Land and Water in the Pleistocene." All interested are cordially
invited to attend.
E. N. Goddard, Secretary
Botanical Seminar:
Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, April 24, at 4:30. room 1139:
N. S. Bldg. Paper by K. L. Danielson-"The flora of Costa Rico" illus-
BI. M. Davis
A. S. C. E.:
Spring Initiation Banquet will be held Thursday, April 25, 1929,1
at 6:15 p. m., at the Union. Faculty members, students, and initiates
please take notice.
L. D. Hirshiner

There will be an important meeting for the election of new members
at the Michigan Union, Wednesday, April 24, 1929, at 7:15 p. m.
L. E. Wenzel, Chief Engineer
Phi Eta Sigma:
There will be an important meeting of all new members on Wed-
nesday, April 24, at 5 p. m. in room 302 of the Union. Certificates;
of membership will be given out. There will also be an election of
offieers and a discussion of plans for the coming year.
H. B. Palmer, President
'Varsity Band:
There will be a regular rehearsal tonight at Morris Hall at 7:15.:
Gilbert B. Saltonstall
Class Presidents:
Please turn in the list of the committees that you have appointed:
to take charge of your class at Swing Out. These lists are necessary
before any further plans can be made.
Eugene Easterly, Chairman, Swing Out
Senior Education:
There will be a meeting of the executive committee, including
officers, Committee-chairmen, and Group Leaders, today at 4 o'clock
m room 4017 U. H. S. -It is important that. everyone be there.
Daniel P. Rose, President
Juniors-School of Education:
There will be a meeting of group representatives today at 4:00'
o'clock in room 4017 U. H. S.
Gladys B. Merlin, President
Military Ball Favors:
Military Ball favors will be distributed at the R. 0. T. C. office'
from 9:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Thursday and Friday of this week.
B. P. Sherwood, Chairman
Football Program Competition:
Extension of time granted. Final date for- receipt of designs
to be May 1 at 5:00 p.m. in room 345 Architectural Building. Con-
peition open to all students in all colleges of the University. Specifi-
cations on bulletin boards, Architectural Building; Engineering Build-
ng; Angell Hall; Main Library; and University Hall.*
Herbert A. Fowler
Clii Delta Phi:
Chi Delta Phi will meet tonight at 7:30 in Professor Jack's office.
Louisa Butler, President
Michiganensian Subscriptions:
Throughout this week 'Enslan subscriptions will be sold in the
'Ensian Business office in the Press Building, Maynard street, at $5.50:
per copy. The very limited number of extra copies ordered from the
printer are to be sold during this time.
Fred G. Bauschard, Sales Manager
Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture:
Dr. Dean Lewis, Professor of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University,
will lecture on the subject "Arteriovenous Communications," Wednes-{
cay, April 24, at 8:15 p. m. in Natural Science Auditorium.
Edwin J. Doty, President

. u. sat
Hindustan Club:
The Indian students are invited
by the Chinese Students Club at its
social meeting to be held at Wesley:
Hall on Saturday, April 27, 1921,
at 8 p. m.
S. A. Rahman, Secretary
Former Residents of Betsy Barbour
Are cordially invited to be- present
at the annual dinner of the Betsy
Barbour Alumnae Association Re-
union, Saturday, April 27, at 6:00
o'clock. Miss Kathleen Hamm;
Business Manager, requests that re'
servations be made at the office not
later than 6:00 o'clock Friday, April
Ida V. Jenks
Woman's League Formal Tickets:
There will be a table in Univer4
sity Hall from 10 to 12 Thursday,
April 25, so that every house on the
campus can hand in lists of the
girls who want tickets for the for-
mal dance May 4. The number is
restricted and preference will be
given to seniors. No list will be
accepted after this date and if no
list is turned in the house will
not receive any tickets. The girls
who are in sororities and living in
dormitories are asked to get their
tickets from the sorority.
Hermine Soukup.
Chairman of Tickets
New York Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541
Brown.Cress& Co.,
Investment Securities
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.
Subscribe To The
Michigan Dail

Forestry Club:,
There will be a meeting of the Forestry Club Wednesday, April 24
7:30 p. m. Mr. Eli Galup, Ann Arbor City Forester, will speak on "The
Duties of a City Forester."
W. C. Branch, President
Seminar in Strength of Materials:
Fatigue of metals will be the subject of discussion in Thursday's
meeting- roam 340 WstEn inerin Buildin..4 a 4 m


Moving Pictures of Industry:..
The s eventeenth moving picture program by the School of Business I. T. Liddicoat
Administration will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. m. Phi Beta Kappa:
Wednesday, April 24. Please note. that the program will begin 10 The Annual Initiation Banquet of the Alpha Chapter of Michigan
minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following films will be held at the Wdmen's Athletic Building, corner of Forest and N.j
will be shownr University Aves., on Thursday, May 2, at 6:30 p. m. Professor Dixon
From Coal to Electricity (The generation of electric power by Ryan Fox of Columbia University will deliver the address.
steam-2 reels. Cards have been sent to all whose names are in the files of this
The purning Question (The mining, preparation, and transportation Chapter. All members of Phi Beta Kappa are cordially invited. Ban-
of Arithracite)-2 reels. quet tickets are $1.50 each. Reservations will be made for those who noti-
Motoring to Cloudland (The new highway through the Central Fy the Secretary by April 29. This date is made necessary because, inI
Canadian Roekies) -1 reel. view of the change of place, we have to guarantee a definite number
All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which of persons present by that time.
are designed particularly to give business students background material. opant F. Bfper, Secretary
Carl N. Schmalz



Alpha Kappa Delta:
Members of Alpha Kappa
will meet at 7:30 tonight
home of Dr. Holmes, 6021
erty. Mr. Hoffman will sp
"Social Service Work in Ch
Reginald D. Mac

a Delta There will be a very important
at the meeting of Mimes this afternoon
E. Lib- at 4:30 at the theater. Election of
eak on officers for next year will be held.
hicago." All of the older members are urged
Nitt, to be present.
AdAnt. No..iais P_(Vi-c+y, Th.i

Students Recital:
Philip Culkin's recital of April 25, will be postponed until Monday,
April 29. The general public is invited and no admission isecharged.k 9
Charles A. Sink t
Summer Field Courses in Geology and Geography:
Students planning to enroll in the courses given during the coming
summer at the Geological and Geographical Field Station at Mill'
Springs, Kentucky should consult the instructors in these courses within
the next week.
The consultation hours of -the instructors in these courses are as
Geography 125 and 205-Professor James--M., T., Th., F., 10 to 11,
13 Angell Hall.
Geology 125 and 203-Assistant Professor Ehlers--T. and Th., 3 to 5,
1535 Univ. Museum.
Geology 126-Mr. Belknap-M., 3 to 5 and W., 9 to 12, 3024 Nat.
Registration in these courses is limited to a definite number of
students. No student will be permitted to register until he has first
consulted the irttructor of the course he desires to elect.
G. M. Ehlers I
Geography 33:
Geogaphy33 be eld n WdnesayApril 24, at
A make-top examination will be held on Wednesday,
3 i5 p. i. i room 21 A. H.
3:15 p m K. C. Mel'urry {
During these Spring nights drop in for a
sandwich at one of the
I I 'rArlC'Mk

Senior Engineers:
Mr. H. B. Swan of the Cadillac Motor Car Company will be in room
2028 East Engineering Building today to interview Seniors who are
interested in foundry practice.A.
Alfred 11. White l
Engineering Council Members:
There will be a meeting of the council Wednesday, April 24, at
7:30 p. n., in room 301 Michigan Union,
IF. t. ilebee, Secreta-y
Michiganensian Business Staff:
There will be a very important meeting of the 'Ensian Businesst
Staff Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the Press Building. It is
imperative that all men and women members of the staff be present
.as the plan of distribution is to be discussed at that time.
J. Franklin Miller, Bus. Mgr.


.nar ai r. vr s y, rica.


Ii. Al









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