'VMZWrSzAlx, Mt- 24i 10lq
......... 5
EA Several discussions and sugges- Ireach of interest in the association Waa, the W.A A. bear-cub, is
DIIrions of interest from the bienialOis indicated, Miss Richards com-Avig another party! Of course,
convention of the American Asso- ments, by the fact that there are \ .a's parties are always success-
AAM ITI Ilation of University Women held 31 countries which now have asso- ful, so everyone who is a member
!duringthe spring vacation in New ciations of university women. Michigan Association Of Deans Of of W. A. A. or who is interested
rileans are described by Miss Visits Sophie Newcomb Women Will Ho'd Session in it want to accept his invitation.
Grace E. Richards, chairman of the "One need not separate the in- Friday at Union The first party which Waa gave was
WILL BE FIRST FORMAL AFFAIR Advisers of Women, who was one terest in the A. A. U. W. conven- attended by none other than Pres-
A'TER ACTUAL OPENING of the delegates to the convention tion from the interest one finds in TICKETS 'ARE AVAILABLE ident Little who cut he cake for
and has recently returned to Ann a visit to New Orleans," Miss Rich- the freshman groups who were the
OArbor. ards further remarked. "I found U guests at the affair.
"Supplementing the reports of special pleasure in my visit to So- All University women are invited
[t the ther deegateThisatpardtyeiseinngthefformMiof
WILL INSTALL OFFICERS the other delegates which have phie Newcomb, the women's col to attend the meetings of the ih- spread and a very novel one to.
been given in The Daily, I found lege of Tulane university. A con- igan Association of Deans of Wo- It will be held on Thursday from
Reservations Will Be L i mi t e d my keenest interest in the address spicuous note of the institution is men at 2:30 o'clock on Friday aft.._
To 150, Capacity Of of Prof. Edouard C. Lindeman of that so much attention has been ernoon at the Union. Admittancej A[,
Dining Room the New York School of Social given to the expression of beauty. to the meetings will be by cards MDiUor w aIsk th "e c b t s deW
______ ~Work, who was the speaker at the "The Newcomb pottery is made 1 at the Regitra's ofice ' £
educational dinner," Miss Richards in the college classes under the di- procurablea e sogr1 ui t esusdans'Tefe
ore thra5 gunest ill theri remarked. "His subject wvas the rection of Miss Sherer. The stu- e meeings ofrte ens ont- I
for a formal dinner in the main significance of adult education. He dents use only designs from nature vention which are open to stu-j OfFICES AT MEETING
dining room of the Michigan is an earnest Dane, and he made a -the dogwood blossom, Spanish duniversity,college and meetinormalf
League on Monday, May par serious plea for adult education-amoss, the rose, and so forth, which school deans and of high school
from the formal undergradute thing quite aside from degrees or they work out in gray-blue, gray- deans. The former group is to Nominations for the new officers
dance on May 4, the date of the courses, an acquiring or a deepen- green, orchid and pearl, making meet in room 302, while the high of the American Association of
formal opening which preceeds the ad lts s culal interest "n an pieces of rare simple beauty. school deans will meet in room 304. University women have recently
formal opening whih eee uidi dl'nproagxprec. The luncheon which is to be held been announced. Mrs. Louis Kar-
actual opening s t n buildin Dr. Lindeman Talks [ at 12 o'clock Friday is for he pn has been nominated to ake
for operation, t tle the i A most interesting suggestion EEmembers of the association only. over the presidency of the organ-
formal function to take place in from Dr. Lindeman's talk, was, ac- Topics to be discussed at the
the League. codnoMs ihrs h e fUIlI IIILIIUL eigt edsusda h ization for next year, and Miss
On Tuesday morning the bild ording to Miss Richards, the de- meeting of university and normal Maude Hagle is up for the office of
,n thle aytnouloeatild- duction that all he said of adult, school deans are: "A Study of Re- vice-resient.
ing will go into full operation in education could be applied to the uinr fill EBetwdeansPe:p"AStudy on Re vice -president.
every department. The Comedy Rdcto ol b ple ot EQ C lationship Between Preparation, The other nominations are Miss 1
Cvery dpa"rtment"ThyComeds education of any student long be- _____ and Probable Success in the Busi-To hrPnaonsrareMs
Club play, "Granite" by Clemens fore adult years. It was again the nss and Professional Field," by Dr Lona Pinkham for treasurer, Mrs.
Dane will open its week's run ondh All women who are in the Fresh- s John Bradshaw for secretary, and
Daewl pniswe' u nbusiness of self-education. Grlawmnwhcrei h Feh Manson, of the. Bureau o
Monday night. The dinner which "I found my second interest," man Pageant are urged to attend University Research, "A Study of Mrs. Otto Haisley, Mrs. Albert
is being planned will immediately Miss Richards says, "in Mrs. T. rehearsals regularly, as there are the Causes of Academic Failure Rousseau, Mrs. Earl Dow, MissI
precede this opening performance. Grafton Abbott's discussion grou only three weeks of rehearsals left and Success in a Group of Fresh- Sarah Wheadon, and Mrs. Walter
Members of the League will be on "Personality Adjustments o(f or the production, which takes men Women." by Dr. Elizabeth Staebler for members of the ad--
privileged to make reservations for Youth." Mrs. Abbott is a clinical 1 place on Lantern Night, May 14. A Conrad, dean of women at the visory board. Election of officers
large parties if they wish. All who fine will be imposed for every un- Michigan State college and "An' is scheduled to take place at the
lrearisithyws.Alw psychologist of the Judge Baker' next meeting hc ilb edo
desire places are urged to make Foundation in Boston. The Judge excused absence, and an absence informal Discussion of Some of themgwhich;,il be held on
their reservations as soon as pos- Baker Foundation is not confined must be excused by Dorothy Felske, More Evident Social Maladjust- June 1, in the new Michigani
sible, as 150 is the absolute capacity to court work, as its name might chairman of dances, Josselyn Mc- ments in the Average College Wo League.
of the main dining room. (imply, although it is an outgrowth Lean, chairman of attendance, or man," by Miss Lydia I. Jones, dean o ----o
Tickets for the undergraduate of the court. One hundred and Miss Ione Johnson, who is coach- of women at the Michigan StatejTRACKt
dance on Saturday night, May 4, thirty-eight institutions use it as a ing the dances. Normal college.
will be distributed sometime this consultant. It concerns itself with Freshmen who have been sched- Two talks are to be given at the' Practice for women out for
week. Those who do not succeed adjustments among the super-nor- uled for Monday, Wednesday, Fri- meeting of high school deans. The track, will be held from 4:30 to
in obtaining a ticket are privileged mal, the child genius, ill-adjusted day, and Saturday, are asked to first, by Miss Grace S. Clark, of 5:00 o'clock today at Palmer
to take advantage of the tea dance children of private schools, delin- keep all those days open every Hastings, and the second by Miss Field.
in the afternoon. Bob Carson's or- quents,and the mal-adjusted gen- week, as their rehearsals will prob- Bertha Pulford of Detroit.j o- -- --- -
chestra will furnish the music. erally. Dr. William Healy is direc- ably occur on different days each
tor of the clinic. week. There are four groups which
ANNOUNCE PLANS Mrs. Abbot Discusses Youth will not meet today. At 4 o'clock
OF GOLF CONTEST "rs.Abbot expresed a reare the chimney sweeps, at 5 o'clockI
__ ~~~the 'country dance, at 7:15 oclock JiUP LiI L
sthe Highlanders, and at 7:30
Kathyrn McMurray, 31, golf horror of psycho-analysis except o'clock, the village children. All
manager for the University Girls as it is used in all-around complete other
Golf Team, announces that an In- correlation of many factors. She i mrup scheul for oday _
tra-mural golf tournament will be i h otejffveciden h l amteet ineBarboulyme pomt
held about the middle of May. quotes Dr. Douglas Thon in saying, ly at the time scheduled. ITS NOT TOO EARLY
Points will be given to each house, There is no more important pro- ta
and the four lowest scorers will be blem than to require parents to torder Personal Cards and Stationary for
selected to play the women's teams solve their own emotional difficul Graduation
of the different clubs in Ann Arbor. ties before proceeding to the chil- Si he xNEW SAMPLE JUST RECEIVED
Miss McMurray asks that each dren's. She expresses a sane,
athletic manager have the number wholesome, human interest against
of entrants for her when she calls a background of technical knowl- Call 961 g1
at the end of this week. edge."
Miss Ethel McCormick, golf Thirty-One Countries T THE BLUE BIRD 1
coach, urges every player to come Dr. Agnes L; Rogers, chairman of
out. Golf is a comparatively new the committee on fellowships pres- HAIR SHOP
sport on campus, and great skill ented two A. A. U. W. fellows who
is not necessary. Every house spoke from their experience in the and make an Appointment
should have at least one entrant. holding of fellowships. One was' t11 for that Hair Cut with
o a Dr. Martha O. Eckford, Gamma
University of Michigan League ! Phi Beta, social service fellow for MR. BARTLETT
1announces the first formal {1j 1924-25; the other Dr. Esther Cau-
1 function, a dinner, at 7 o'clock, jIkin, Margaret Moltby fellow for formerly with the
on Monday, May 6. Reserva- 111926-27, who was subsequently ap- J. L. Hudson Co.
Itions will be limited to 150, the |pointed secretary of a committee ......
! capacity of the main dining-I! on international relations with at no extra cost
room, and any member of the 1 headquarters at Washington. The
5 to 7 in the Women's Athletic
building and all those who will be
out for class baseball practice can
come right up to the party. Of
course those who are not out forj
baseball are urged to come too. I
The spr d will be served on the
terrace of the building which over-
looks the athletic fields. After sup-
per a surprise program is being
planned and some very important;
business will be discussed.I
It is especially important that
all members come to the party, as
the executive board has some very
important questions to lay before
the whole or;# nization for their
Reservations must be made for
the supper not later than Wednes-
day night on the lists at the field
house and at Barbour gym. A
charge of twenty-five cents will
be made for the supper.
Pi Lambda Theta and the Wom-
en's Education Club are sponsoring
a tea for the superintendents and
principles attending the Michigan
schoolmasters'- convention here. It
will take place from 3:30 to 5:00
Friday, April 26 in Martha Cook'
Members of the faculty of the
School of Education and also mem-
bers of Pi Lambda Theta and the
Women's Education Club are cor-
dially invited. Berenice McHale,
Marjorie Hope Nicolson, A.B., '14,
IA. M., '18, has recently been ap-
pointed as acting dean for the com-
ing year at Smith College. The
college has been without a dean
since the resignation last year of
Mrs. Francis F. Park.
Before her appointment as dean,
Miss Nicholson was professor of
English in Smith College, having
gained full professorship within
the year. She has a doctor's degree
from Yale in addition to her two
degrees from the University of
Her career as an ."instructor in
English literature has been a varied
one, and she acted on the faculty
both of Goucher College and of
the University of Minnesota, before
going to Smith College.
First Annual Tennis
Tourney To Be Held
The first annual tennis tourna-
ment to be sponsored by the Intra-
mural department will be under
way within two weeks. The tour-
nament will inculde matches for
singles and doubles from each
house. The managers are urged to
get their players lined up and in
practice immediately.
. An elective tennis class will be
started which will meet on. Mon-
days and Wednesdays at 4:00. This
class will be for those who are par-
'29. president of the former, and ticularly interested in tennis and
Greda Wallington, '29, president of will be open to advanced as well as
the latter have charge of the affair. beginning players.
The SocietyWav
The last word in Croquinal Perm-
anent Waving - given (exclu-
sively) in our Shoppe - for ap-
pointment, Dia 3083
Michigan Beaute Shoppe
I League who wishes to make
reservations for a party is urged
to call at Room A, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, as soon as possible.
. .
'HE very latest wet weather
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