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April 23, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-23

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40 XM






Smoke Eaters Show

Little Will Address UfllID

eras I Dui

Alpha Nu To Initiate
tNew Members Today




Curriculum Revision Will Hold
Center Of Attention During
Annual Convention

w-q *l~ AQl I Al
rmcincyin naze IILU IN ILII~ psoa_~athrigJ~ VLI I)M L !
When the University fire siren -l "Religion versus Christianity" is
went ofl at .0 o'clock yesterday the announced topic of an address
morning, it was not a signal for y by President Clarence Cook Little
the B and G boys to practice with at the annual Episcopal Student UULUI L
the !dinner at 7 o'clock tonight in thet
their new hosecart. One Daily re- Union. The Reverend Tom Harris,
porter and a considerable number IILassistant rector of the local Episco-J
of children followed a truck-load of pal church, prophesied yesterday I
j anitors and some city fire enginesthat Dr. Little would probably take
en1e "a pretty hefty crack at theI
to a blazing structure behind the TELLS OF REALIZATION OFr church," about which he has ex- DEPLORES PREVALENCE OF:
old University hospital building. DREAMS IN ORATORICAL pressed on past occasions several ; CRIME IN MANY LARGE
After two rhemiral extinguish- SERIES LECTURE interesting ideas as to the timidity COMMUNITIES
ers had been emptied at the fames, and intellectual capacity of Its ---
it was dishovered that a hole had HAS WRITTEN MANY BOOKS1 clergy. ,PBI P,
been burned in the roof of a dove- K The Reverend Harris will also
cote used to house experimental Seris Lt Will Close outlne briefly the year's program!
animals. A rough estimate of the exese tAes inCle of student activities at Harris hail, Compares Crime Rates of Great
damage placed it between $10.50 Next Week With Appearance Episcopal students' headquarters, Britain and Unted States At
and $10.75. O yand a member of the Harris hall Press Luncheon
The B and G boys, who have been board of trustees may be on the
recently organized into a fire- Scaling the Matterhorn, running program for a short speech. (y Associate(d Pres) .
fighting unit to save $8,000 annual- the original marathon, swimming Though the dinner is sponsored NEW YORK, Aprl 22.-President
ly in insurance premiums, were not the Hellespont, and navigating the}by St. Andrew's Episcopal church, Hoover stated today that in many
called upon to demonstrate their Panama Canal from Atlantic to students of all denominations are large American cities murder can
prowess, if any. I Pacific-these were the four out- invited to attend. Tickets priced apparently be committed with im-
standing dreams of Richard Halli- 1at $1.00 will be obtainable at the ;punity, and he appealed for obedi-
burton upon his graduation from door, and formal dress will not be ence to laws of all kinds.!
' IIPrinceton in 1921, and it wa worn. Speaking at the annual luncheon

Ten new members will be initiat-
led into Alpha Nu this afternoon
in the society room on the fourth
floor of Angell hall. The initiates
:include representatives from all
Following the initiation the so-
ciety will hold a banquet at 6:30
on the third floor of the Union.
The address of the evening will be
given by Prof. James K. Pollock, i CONE
of the political science department. G
Toastmaster of the evening: will beI
John Q. Langen, '30F, R. Carpenter
Hewitt, '31, will welcome the N
initiates, and Wilfred Smith, '31.
will give the response. Pulls
The initiates who were finally se- F
lected by the society are Kenneth
G. Kinsman, '30, Clarence A. Bred-
enweg, '31, Harold3A. Jaehn, '29, Des
BifridSm Garr'et B.yWight,' ear


May Have To Be Held
erry Field Ernest Rief,
Chairman, Announces


School teachers from all parts
of the state will gather in Ann
Arbor Thursday to attend the;
sixty-fourth meeting of the Michi-
gan Schoolmasters' Club in session*
here Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day. Curriculum revision will be
the keynote of this meeting for
which many nationally known,

pite its valiant stand this
agdinst the wakeninr of

Wilfr gom,will1am W. vn.r
Kno '32, Jaes A. ownsend, Michigan traditions, the Student
James C. Hendley, '32, Raymond H. In i fin eft n


educators have been engaged to I 1uLU I LHADA review of Richard Halli-' I
speak and to lead discussion burton's lecture "The Glorious{
groups. IiAdventure" will be found in the!
Conferences will. be held on spe- ;I Music and Drama column on
cial subjects offered in high school


of the Associated Press, the presi-
dent said in his first public address:
since his inauguration that robbery
and burglary is far commoner here
than in Great Britain and that

SBridges, '31, Garrett B. Wright, '30.
and Frederick C. Sibley, '32.,

plank of its platform as the result
of a letter from Eli A. Gallup, Ann
Arbor park superintendent, advis-
ing the Spring games committee"
that the tug-o'-war will have to be
discontinued on its traditional site
due to the construction of a muni-
cipal golf course.
Examination of the banks of the
Hu TTir n iv hci

thaninGnpaaendotr of hs issue.t
curricula wherein the instructors! ievenin such premeditated crimes nol p
nterested will be given an oppor- these that proved the essence f as embezzlement and forgery our ___sti
tunty to hear authorities speak on Proposes To Follow Pittsburgh In this well-known author-adventur- Ierecord stands no comparison with otedLiterar Critic And Author bridge
their courses and to discuss their Plan For Incorporation; Reed er's lecture last night in Hill audi-- Uges Ameican Readers To access
problems with a group of other Will Bead Committee toriurn. He was the eighth attrac- F"No part of the country, rural or Overcome Antipath slopes
specialists. More than 50 of such jtion on the 1928-1929 Oratorical Flo Flying School Is Latest Ann urban, is immune," he said. "Life ((_ficient
conferences are offered, including W RK Association lecture series which will Arbor Enterprise; Leonard and property are relatively more succes
those on agricultural and rural STARTS IN MAY A conle eTesd wil S. Fo Is President unsafe than in any other civilized TO TALK AI&IN TOAY ing.
school education, art, biology, busi -~~the appearance of Peggy Wood. country of the world.
st onschools,c, emistry physicsal With the deration o te the It was not to one who has settled FUR PLANES IN USE Mr. Hoover made it plain early Howard Mumford Jones, profes- Prob
ts dy burgh federation plan to unite the into the rut of satisfaction and in his address that his concern wasI sor of English at the University of was t
subjects, educational psychology,'sity of Pittsburgh and Allegha'ny i'ntte rut of sasaton ang with all laws, with law itself as law, North Carolina and noted literary to his
English, evening schools, geogra- ct contentnment, but it was rather to+ With the official opening of the and not particularly with the Eigh-. critic and, author, spoke on the use th
phy, history, home economics, jun- county, prepared by the Pennsyl- all those who have never lost the Flo Flying School at the Municipal teenth Amendment or any single comparison of the literature of sophoh
for high schools, mathematics, vania commission of which Prof. secret boyish dream of being a. Airport comes the announcement piece of legislation. France with that of America, at bank
modern languages, music, public Thomas H. Reed of the political wanderer and traveling the world "In order to dispel certain illu- 4:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon in
speaking and dramatics, research, science department is director of over that Halliburton spoke. of a special bus service to be in- IYnshovel
and school libraries. All classes in research, comes the announcement Describes His Adventures augurated tomorrow and operated sions in the public mind on the the Natural Science Auditorium. earthw
and chol lbraies Al clsse insubject," he said, "let me say at; Discussing the problem of literary ercise
the department in physical educa- ! that Professor Reed will undertake The Matterhorn, in Switzerland, by the school, enabling students in- once that while violations of law Dantipathy between American andIy missio
tion in the University will be open a similar proposition in St. Louis, that majestic and most dangerous'j terested in flying or flying instruc- have been increased by inclusion of Frenchauthors, Professor Jones i bill of
to those instructors who are in-! Mo., and its surrounding county. of all mountains in the world, was tion to quickly reach the Airport, crimes under the Eighteenth began by reading excerpts from the dent c
terested in that work. Negotiations have been com- the first episode in "The Glorious located three miles south of Ferry|Amendment and by the vast sums notebook of Ralph Waldo Emerson, omore
Will Hold Conferences pleted and it is expected that Pro- Adventure" upon which he took his Field. The bus will leave the that are poured into the hands of whose criticism of contemporary curbst
Several special conferences other fessor Reed will go to St. Louis audience last night. Feeling the Vnion at ten minutes after every the criminal classes by the patron- French literature is accepted as the men t
than those on regular cou'se sub- early in May to begin preliminary urge of boyhood dreams, Hallibur- hour daily f m. 10 o'clock n the :age of illicit liquor by, oth.erwise concensus of 19th century opinion, their c
ject matter have been prepared for I work. According to Professor Reed, ton, accompanied by his room-mate morning until dusk. responsible citizens, yet this is but Concerning the relations of The
teachers who have duties other 1 the method of amalgamation of at Princeton during his senior year, Leonard S. Flo, President of the one segment of our problem. Amerin and re ctizns o night
than regular instruction. An ad-:the city and county has not been set out to live these dreams despit new school, is well known as an ex- The president suggested as a Amerat of Fech otes po Ian i
ministrative teachers' conference I decided upon nor has it been their dangers. pert aviator, having received his Grime deterrent that newspaper the literature of each other's prou that ti
Si planned after the Pittsburgh secommission at Brooks and Kellyp esc duction, the speakertbrsughtT4bt
Hatreddgw Fields, Texas, in 1924. He was for f ment oficers wth se of hen the fact that our country naturally fought
E. C. artwell, superintendent of tem and hence it will demanda idippides underwent in reporting two years stationed with the Firstglor ofrmce adih some of thee distrusts the character of the con- duck
schools, Buffalo, N. Y., as the at deal of study an care the valiant victory of the small Pursuit Group at Selfridge, and in glamor of romance and heroism dtruts ter chacterfthe cn- a duck
principal speaker. consideration before any action is Athenian forces over the Persians 1926 joined the Florida AirwaysA
A conerenc for eaches who' takn. " hich ur Amricanimagiatiprejudicedjuiweven, beforee titfr hasth willllbb
Aconference for teachers who taken.in 480 B. C. at the memorable bat- Corporation to fly the United States minds throw around those who to read him 50-ma
meoal'a-:Croaint l teUie ttsbektelw"Ibegun t ea i. -all
visit university classes in freshman Previous efforts to unite the tie of Marathon, 19 miles from the mails between Atlanta and Miami. F break the lawhis o a we could throw aside ourall pre
subjects Wednesday or Thursday county have been unsuccessful, an Greek capital, Halliburton once It was while he was engaged in For his own administration the dth ra eo will
will be held Thursday afternoon attempt to absorbs the surrounding more felt the urge to be a hero dsg chief pledged a strengthening of Ftetawarde
moefl teug t eaheoadthis service that he was given the !the law enforcement agencie nd!the Frnhamci wr u w
when general discussions of prob- suburbs being defeated at the polls set out to follow in this ancient's difficult assignment of taking $2,-hm agendeelyIand ournatures were those of the m
lems in harmonizing high school by the outlying communities. How- footsteps. The account of his run, 000,000 in cash from the banks ,f orderly processes, week by week, May 1
and university work will fill the ever, a joint movement by city and which he termed "was to shave Jacksonville into the district strick- month by month, year by year, b Frenchmen, the misunderstandings set for
greater part of the program. county organizations is sponsoring shivilization", proved very complete en by the tornado in the fail of steady pressure, steady weeding out between the two nations would soon T
Deans and advisers of women will a new drive for satisfactory consoli- with amusing incidents. 1926 of the incapable and negligent offi- elt away," Professor Jns added The
hold a luncheon and an afternoon dation. Tells Of Long Swims E cials, by promotion and recognition The literature of anation is affec p
meeting on Friday. A speaker of The charter for the re-organized e l on imp n Iso et for those who do their duty, and e yt rendougprevai- nt
national reputation will address tyof Pittsburgh has been adopted atingbroghter o thiagin-Y Operating from his office in the by the most rigid scrutiny of the ing at the time in which it is writ- mornin
the group at the noon program, City roo e littefrn fadiorn adwation brought fear 'to this adven- Ypsi-Ann building, Mr. Flo controlsrecords on mental attitudes of all ten. Our friendship for France has for by
thwhilerupthreeattalksandnlagnra ithoe ltehra ti ad w l turer when he set out upon the his school here as well as a branch persons suggested for appointment been as intense as our hate, andclasses
wileusithre alshanlda genteali t effectshortly classeseult
are scheduled for the 1o yf Ik i the aretof third episode-that of swimming at Haggerty Field, located at Ford to official posts in the law enforce- the literature during each of these the cla
afternoon gathering. Saturday Pittsb h offi l tethe H-ellespont in the wake of By- Road and Wyoming Avenue, near ment machinery. two extremes has been affected 'fr
morning is the time set for a spe- and ghsronandLeander. This time, he:Detroit. His equipment consists of Prefacing his 'remarks with an seriously." obstal
mi onniste time sertfr asp- and the specialists whom they en- was the only person in history to two Arrow Sport planes and two expression of personal loss in the Today Professor Jones will de- d
ing in junior and senior high it e Metropol tan Plas dra b accomplish the feat on a can of new Sparton biplanes, powered with recent death of Melville E. Stone, liver two lectures in Natural Science will be
schools when E. H. Fishback and for which Professor Reed directe sardines. ,;radial engines. One more of each former general manager of the As- Auditorium, at 4:15 and 7:301 The
Edwin D. Starbuck, director of the the research work and aided'i the The final episode was accom- type will be added to the equip- sociated Press, the president began o'clocks. His subjects will concern all ava
character research institute of the composition of the charter. e plished when Halliburton conceived mentrin the near future, according [the reading of his prepared address the relations of American and ses att
University of Iowa, will be the main the idea ol being the first one in 1t i l.Iwith the statement that he con- 'French literature in more minute
speakers. Following Mr. Fishback's . The federation unites 122 muni- history to swim the Panama Canal. The personnel of the school sidered enforcement and obedience detail, covering the subjects of thpponeg
address ten round-table confer- cipalities in 725 miles of territory of In this escapade, his story again I cludes Rodrick Wright, who hasdre enforcem nt d be deal cing the "csof em n
m Alleghany county into a city of a was filled with an amusing account been a pilot since 1914; L. C. Priest- fore the American people. itan vogue." oo w- e
ences for informal discussion of million and a half i population. of how he escaped from all harm. Iman, a graduate of the Naval Fly-, alowed
different plans for giving instruc- ______and________________o_________.__
tion in right habits and high ideals iHALSLIBURTON MUST'PERFORM TWwaschool; andtWarren Noble, o OF SENIOR GOWNS GOESr
will be held. 'wsproal rie yM. Flo.!iTRADITION O ENOjGW S O Sguardi
WO The ground force consists of Don- helple
Other Organizations To Meet FEATS BEFORE COMPLETING BOOK ald Hildesheine, chief mechanic, O ANCIENT PH LOS P E S h les
Ond4 of the History conferences , _ assisted by Robert Arnold and!Four
will be in the form of a joint meet- Two deedss confront Richard die in th first - Walter Regan. Mr. Flo stated that Why seniors wear gowns at ComI- in this practice, and it became tra- obtaina
- To dedsstill coneradditional !pilotn willrbersneeded omencement-exercises has been re-! ditional that students who were win t12
ing with the Michigan Historical 'Halliburton, famed adventurer and ment, on account year of imprison- e additional pilot will be needed mencement xlditoughwthude ns on-er wasth
association which will be in session author, before he can close his endured and the punishments met- for every ten additional students vealed by Prof. Warren E. Blake, stantly after an initiation ceremony mares
here at that time. Beside this or- typewriter and hand in the last ed out. "But I'm going to be care- enrolled of the Greek department. And the in their freshmennyear. For fresh- vitory
ganization, the Michigan Associa- pages of his next book to the pub- ful that I'm not one of them," he Methods Are Unique answer shows that when Stephen men at these ancient universities ihaving
f Collegiate Registrars, the Mich-lishers.hThese two willfurnish him emphasized, "and I'm going to be During the past year Mr. Flo has Leacock told a University audience were rushed not by fraternities but against
the a AHSchooltDebting lemenarywith the kind of thrills he seeks; particular that my release papers I made successful fliers out of many here last autumn that gowns are by associates of different profes- once a
th S Association of e ta the first, a residence on Devils Is- are made out when I go in!" Ann Arbor and Detroit busmess worn because they are cheaper sors, who were trying to drum up Accor
School Principals, and the State 'land, the infamous French penal After his imprisonment, during men and has been adding to his than a pair of pants and a coat he trade for their respective classes, class o
Federation of Teachers' clubs will colony in the Carribbean, which will which time "I am going to live and ( personnel and equipment to form a proved that he was a thorough After all the students hadcI a meet
hold meetings in Ann Arbor dur- be fraught with hardship and dan- be treated just as an imprisoned well-organized school. According; scholar of classical history and was pledged themselves to cast their 7 ine
ing the time of the schoolmasters' ger, and the second, a residence on drunken sailor would be," the ad- to Mr. Flo the method of the course not merely indulging a humorous lot with one of the profes- and th
"meeting. Tobago, Robinson Crusoe's island, venture-seeker will go to Tobago is closely' akin to that used by the whim, as was popularly supposed. sors, the initiation ceremony was followi
where he will live as did Defoe's and, taking with him only the Army training schools, which are The first academic gown wasI held. All the freshmen were herd- Union
Ensian Distribution famous castaway. things that Robinson Crusoe had, acknowledged to be the most effi- j worn thousands of years ago by ed in a group on the town's main Union's
At present, Halliburton has writ- including a Man Friday, a dog, and cient in existence. By virtue of his the Greek Socrates, with whom it street. Then they were surrounded
XWill Begin Monday I ten a great share of his next book, a keg of nails, live as Crusoe did, army training Mr. Flo is admirably originated as an old suit of clothes, by upperclassmen and jostled down
II-whichwill be forthcoming next He will build himself a house out fitted from the standpoint of prac- Professor Blake said. But in adopt- the street toward the baths. Upper-Date
Distribution of the 1929 Michi- !December, on the feats he accom- of boards, and live just as did the tical knowledge to direct the flyinging an old suit of clothes as his classmen in back pushed them for- V
ganensian will begin at 8 O'clock I plished in South and Central Amer- literary castaway. "The other part, school activities. Training is avail- study gown, Socrates not only fur- ward; those in front hindered their
next Monday morning in the base- jIican last year.hIn these countries, of the island is populated, though," able at either of the two fields, inished a classical example of pro- progress with the battle-cry "Stop! Favo
ment of Angell hall and will con- I he followed the paths taken by he admitted, "and I suppose I'll be 1 and passenger flights are essential- fessorial indigence but set a new No bathers here." After a hot bath, which
tinue until 5 o'clock on Wednesday Pizarro and Cortez climbed the enlivening Crusoe's life by going to Ily a part of the service. style for the Greek school of philo- the neophytes, if they were old April 2
afternoon, it was announced yes- mount from which Balboa first a picture show in the evening." - sophers, who henceforth wore enough, were given a gown to wear Union
terday by J. Franklin Miller, '29, saw the Pacific ocean, explored the On his last trip, he lived for a' Igowns. They usually chose gowns and then met the upperclassmen Michig
bin dinsd 0 ancient Indian cities, while on Juan Fernandez island oft' of black, for these didn't show the1 in a big blow-out dinner, for which cers T
Aion. x'dived 8 0 feet into the sacrificial the Chilean coast where Alexander i dirt. The Cynics in particular they had to pay the president of tribute
A few extra copies of the 'Ensian , well in Yucatan where the Mayas Selkirk was cast away and resided --4 .were attracted by the dirtless the student council a onime of, ingo 1n1

r rver nas to date revealed
ace other than the old site
north of the Wall street
combining the requisites of
ibility to the campus, gentle
to the river's edge, and suf-
shallowness to keep the un-
sful contestants from drown-
Council Protests
able injury to the golf course
re reason assigned by Gallup
withdrawal of permission to
e traditional site. Last year's
nores pulling from the east
equipped themselves with
s and erected a veritable
orks for the freshmen to ex-
against. The local park com-
n subsequently submitted a
considerable size to the Stu-
ouncil for filling in the soph-
dugouts and replacing the
ones misused by the fresh-
o gain a purchase against
possibility was indicated last
by Ernest Rief, '30, council-
n charge of Spring games,
he tug-o'-war will have to be
this year on Ferry field
t the supervening threat of
ing. As usual, however, there
e three tugs: two between
n teams, and one in which
sent members of both classes
mpete. One point will be
d to the class that captures
)st rope in each tug. Friday,
0, is the date that has been
the tug-o'-war.
o Feature Other Events
other three events, cane
obstacle race, and rope-tying
, will be held the next
ig. Seven canes will fought
picked men from the two
one point being awarded to
ss that succeeds in wresting
r more from the other. The
e race through barrels, un-
vas, and over a high fence
run in five heats.
rope-tie will be a mob affair,
ilablemembers of both clas-
;empting to tie up as many
nts as possible and keep
;uarded in detention pens.
ity minutes will probably be
i for the event, the victory
ae point going to the class
g the largest number of
s opponents as the final
is blown.
of the possible seven points
ible Friday and Saturday will
e games. This will be the
ance for the present sopho-
to try to win a class game
their previous attempts
been twice unsuccessful
tthe present juniors and
gainst the freshmen.
ding to piesent plans the
f '31 will elect its captain at
ing Tuesda afternoon, May
Natural Science auditorium,
e class of '32 will elect the
ng night at a smoker in the
under the direction of the
underclass committee.
Announced For
lilitary Ball Favors
rs for the Military ball,
is to be held Friday night,
6, in the ball room of the
under the auspices of the
an unit of the Reserve Offi-
raining Corps, will be dis-
d from 9 o'clock in the morn-
til 4-Mn 'rl"i -Mr nrr r


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