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April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…he M ich ian Dai a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL i, icvr. No. 129 Vol. xxi. PRINCLPAL SCORES 'IETRANCE DFIVRNDS Miller Says Practical Subjects Should Be Riecognized by Colleges HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FORMED "It dto'' es o apcr h) n lta tbecause GIVIC RICCITk, OIII IX H.UIJJUJU U I [)I Ilriellotdtrttill (tot Il htit n-IN BIG LOVE FEAST certl on ''erni'tttPolk Solnts' scheduled for this. let til intheIlteig;h scholol on- (ltittt acc111ou...…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…14MICHIGAN DAILY Go II. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Tio: looing Merchant Tailors 31 SO5. STATE STEET 1iALL PRICES Th-e Stu-dnsi' Typewriter Supply Co., Reom 4 Pross 8l .tdng. Opposite Majestic FrteniySeals 4Inl MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEditor-La gAXWnm Business Manager -NoizMss II. illsos.. News Editor ...... o rrld Titus Assistant .......…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN. DAILY /I IMFA!ONGTHE FIRST $2.00 and sap hU 0SS l/ lFrh Ave. ,) ING & BROS. TheSpalingfat uelinthajort ";C's .d ' a~rt o OFFICIAL EQUIP- T/cd-M~ec- EN , foa 1 llclh letic aI- portsand/Ipastimes. f// are, ete ' 11/c// Atleteic o rto Qvecliy p itt/ o tilA wrldAr rSaigsBn C p/f ' . ite /1//f, /0 f"I /fs s 0,000onre 25 WoodwardIf~' /v. U/c eroi. ih 1/ 1f 05/,/f//f Off/Il I/I ffiSo l0,00 U = / / ,ff.f E f, /lvpff Pes. ;afety D...…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES New Whitney Theatre " _ ~Curtin 8.15 P. M. Las. ionera not std p.*. ply 1 as do fo se n lesVisI'todaIy. Of s at Tic hur 9tor2-tSat t. wnday,"Apr. Monday, April 3 U al. heksm % , atd a ifX X, Matinee and Night bXXt XXXXX 1 THE WHITNEY OPERA CO. 7) .)1 DRCTION F CIWHITNEY at ,ragXXIX'day it>mI 1 traWll e'senlt/Vthe it X VII XXIX 1 cns1ac1t11thme ad il. 'TiX daning C A T C Hc1 V Pcr Idtforcinm11eThe C oc late...…

April 02, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…* eI cigan Daly Vol XX. ANN ARBOR, TICHIGAN SU'NDAY, APRIL, 1911 30 RONRFAILS TO 1.TIe iiOfbiECTURES ON STAGE BOSS AND tDE'A) "LIEFOR SE IR~ l.AL RS W M DOSL_ UTCTean fIi t ~1ll"i h STUDENTS CLASH Isltaunrdsir]tsheyt DER TCNRA sujetfo heutrcptc lROrLT e1 o ry hCENTRALi i togh o e DO S LF' dli TIC ''ie ltiitsofict telit:______the rslt of a nisnlist adih isWt First Year Men Pile Up Score gi cn it t ti, S J. 'lie ese<,til M . t the eate of closin...…

April 02, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…!IE MCHIGAN DAILY G. Ile WILDCO 311 50. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- me-r Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. IIo WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET BaE'BallShoes $2.50 amcd $15.50 (ymi (cfood d Glf She E. R. FROST, 302 S. Slate St. Fratern1ity Seals 7c _i of 1 Seals 50c Hli h Gra-de Linen Paper by the Pound or Box Let us make you a dye with your mono- grami for your corr...…

April 02, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…T:l"ESMICAIGAN DAILY ;tp FOR Sam Burclified Arm Arbor's Leading 6 106 a S'r-n1.pp. Court House J. . C AP±ANJeweler AlrmCocks 79c Ala !Cocs $1.00 Alr lcs$1.50 itro lcs $1.75 TheAon r1~r Svings Bank. "opolo',w50,00 _ aooTasacted fI> a 71. .1. P')n. ashier liltS~l ) OD XU=PIANICS 0BANK N N) IJIIN STRfEETS 0 . l )~' 3 )percent paid I .a a sits. Safety lDe- - 1-),aupwards 1). A ,ls~ 6) , ', 1'. '°. ow);, Asst. C+C 'ao9 oeolm.1atv.'@ss CLASSIFIED ...…

April 02, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…2 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY I '4 ci fiSH E $4.00 and $5.00 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our, specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe I INDTIAN BL1ANKETS AND CURIOS Arts an~d Craftp Shop SilverNoeloties from Eastern Shos n Cr. William and Maynard Snior Caps ad Gowns 3tt-5-mor wxill, please call as soon as possible and have their measurem...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUTEDAY, APRIL 4, 1911 Vol. XXI. No. 131, TRACK MEN RETURN FROM OMAHA MEET Varsity Athletes Bring Word of Relay learn's Defeat by Maroon Squad WIN SILVER M~OUNTED SHIELD 11'ttil }ni~llt 1e0d Ob it ln or10(( ing (c111 1 1(11th M ro( ou i bea,1 -~ margin, the(11 co111 es110 being runer Were(1111110 tro l 1(((11as u 1u(1 bVtheo %' 10 0 1-1 cnsrute. 1he me he1111 te1(0 r . .bet1111h a cn hre vad>1Ih1\(v rn ...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…"III MICI OAN A. ILY G. H. WILD Co. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S t yIe s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET ]Base Ball Shoes $2.50 anal 55.50 (lym0ood.sadG(lfllShoesn ER. FROST, 302 S. State St. Fraternity Seals 75rc THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '"Yin livt," said 1\te.1t31,s ___ - The itay anidtnight ia'ised, ky to Managig Edior-LEE ...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…'H t MICHIGAN, DAILY BE AMONG THE FIRST F. IW. GRi s3aOnSS .( S IJIG & BR~OS. lie +9 .y;.;c'tur ho i the o rld r V ( axa )fOFF ICIAL EQUIP- p1Nt sportsanaad pastimes. ~SpA~o ~ o c1tlie.Sport you u.sra : t~a. I t's sa ess astete ;ro a ie Wha's Nw'inSport 2 1W ova.Cd Ave. De~troit. Mich I hye LA-- Arbo;r Savings Bank C st, ' =>1,1100 ur las $50000 A sennari t 5pnakisg iOsinss Tranaetd E'. IL H 5(5kFPes.; W. U. C ~ri aj i, tPrs 5.: a. J. 1Frit. ...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

… CATCH VP withyou wadroe Id t illtha oldsuiClok o a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b brgtnnhiySna11 i(petoyaaei eustine to ay nd a-r~a) tuu ii 1 -appyapakltg olgane o Now ork tyl, 'Te Inyli thi- i a a it aateralo andwit ove tO N~ ad xcicie attrn tri 0 e to) liIt)re o, cnt a an lca talrad-oynri t,~ e-I0)0 iO) br"bl lo Ae' ; imw t o u r e a rdin e antie t l ll s o onI 1 , i i, , . . w w l h t o d s i o k o J.KARLunhnySndy MALCOLM'w. ' c oua teprcs o aea custmedt...…

April 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHt IGANi s' k\171 'Y Pll p . XN'o. 132.' _" REPUBLIANS REB-EILEC'I INTER-SCHOLASTIC RTWO UNIVERSITY REGENT, S. IVIET JEOPARDIZED rBniii i lnht fGadRp - - - were elcl td to succeedcitlhemiselvs asci Schoolmasters Club Passed ,,uembeirs of th university board ofre w e tso ie enlia ticket last NlI- Motion That May Affect 'y Local Event SENIOR fuo~,,S ossTc~ei,,C' fOXK" _____ The senior ecgineers cwilliv thi WORRY CAUSF...…

April 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…,.THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 'i.'"14'It 11.i 1 .1 A 50? t lsece t is its' ic' [f t e tisis,111"a le1' ist :I1 stat: snt i 1h l lit G t Go H.. W ILD ~ MaCn d0-e ut iitietalis iiaridevtei tfar.Ietselssss1 ill)itst55 ab ei li Business Manager--NORsMAN N 1. ItiLL. asttati -egt terlfar. Ibteusrh ts.itit ts cL11r, 311 SO. STATE STREET i n~A tenid to put the \liehigai I ttersch- reevns 5re iDTOS.latic meet condtuited lit the Athtetic as- hi isnoct leis~,n _...…

April 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

… This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burc2fiekI ::s & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. opp. Court House MUSIC AND DRAMA itAtE 'ItiPL SI'N REITAL.. It wsas all appreciative audience thatj attended the svneal recital piven iby -lis. Heleine Allmeniiier. assistedi iyther brother. _.\4r. HertmantiAlli int dtiger, it the igph Seltittil Auiditoriumtilist ngt bliss Ailineniiige's evoicehats a rem it. i and site uses it wtshait great deal ...…

April 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THR 1KICHiGAN DAILt'Y__________ UNVESIYNOICS New Whitn~ey Theatre IDEAL UNVRIYNTCSCutai . 8.15P. M. a'a cn e-a m ltate5d pompty. OI \ ,1011 trIall ll ertu tdaleft 1 U1,11011M bistr hat 511w hill Iian- Satu~rday, April 8 Matine e anid Night - __________________________________ - glta roms, 7 :0 . M. toniiht A 11 - mstbe reet. Bring eligibl ityads.i v osM . aites' Made to our specifications genSi'ssailig to ryallifor MistrelJ( over this popular ...…

April 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…M tqgnVol ,XXI . ',ANN AR OR, MIC HIGA N I si lSD ', \P I Li.6, 1955. N oi i GIVEN A WORKOUTI ON FERRY FIELD Entrants in Philadelphia Meet< Get Light Practice On 4 Cinders tit CLASS , RE LAY IS +PSTPONED W ith butthiiree and one half eks g lid sn efoe the lihigan tnck -ocn ns cai fr Psiletlpianto cos- j- is ein the lg I'snsyvanias. et. trrit lrafn~en gve a few of his athletes a taste of otdoor taiing y es- iedcaternoon. Kolle iaudl-Smit s...…

April 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…".^Ec fl ' t' A c)1 , .. .. .. ...r... _..... v_.. ..__._._ . w . .1 G. H. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET BaeBall Shoes $250 a . $d 3.50 GymGoods adtGol Soes - E. R FROST, 302 S State St Fraternity Seals 75c U of M Seals 50c High Grade Linen Paper by the Pound or Box Let us make ...…

April 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…~f0~ ICOSU N lIt ..---- , YMUSIC AND DRAMA 1)rii \\ ivrir ASisit F Seit ,Y cONC'itot. to...... w ~~~The regular April Faculty concer t will att l1i b'5le given at tite ighi School on [liars-P1I.ian t- lay evseining of this week. \iinte re'st-lV ing -feature xwill he the '"GoldeniSoS ata" nd1< il r,'s BE AMYONG THE FIRST for tolii olintto tieiplaiyeiiby Samutiitel ilr to prolaim he saaon's itersoit Lockwood ad (55"tiyWebAcmaliic; faho naNev S...…

April 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…ro~MICH~IGAN flAIL {l F~rwrrb ac i 01I ii-o i htodsi oko withyour inrdodbe'. teSIilI)oo hfor ralsuhwit lta l si oko Ja KARL MALCOLMa orig* 'e()1,: o a h piesyuar c J. 711RN.LUnverstAve. OL -- taies ALLac GvAway:SETMtneoa aIf nd Com o Sx i Te a of Jo ANN! jUNIVERSITY NOTICESj New i yTheatre Cssatalm 8,15'. r P . L a ateas mro ot sa ted rorimptly. i I c~rxxs: Seniors shave imeasnremients ialscnifor Caps and gowns ai Mack's hefore vaca- 110...…

April 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…Vol.XXLANNARBO, Mcll(;ANI hfliN .XRII 7,~xT Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, NIIGI-11(,,AN FI I4)AY, APRII, 7, T911. No.134 BAPS TO COME FOR TWO GAME SERIES Feature Attractions Added To ome Schedule on Eve o Spring Trip RICKEY SIGNED FOR TWO YEARS Threei' gain e i have ixe added to the homiei'tas ttball s ich. Atiexi ceixixi was amade' yesterday ithat thetKcianine i tii cme er for twoxigaes and M. i. C. for anothir.The Jaws itilxi appear oni Ge'ietlt...…

April 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…G. H, WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go H. WILD Coo The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET Base Ball Shoes $2.50 axv $1.50 G ym (oodad onlShoes E. R. FROST, 302 S. State St. Mlasaging Edior--Lrr A WoHITE x Business Manager.-NOssea Ii. i-nt.. 5x xc News Editor ..........I larcid 'Titus dalaftcxl' l Assistant .............ITarry Z. Icl...…

April 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…Gll A~ .l : Y 4 .. _l , 7 This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfieki :: & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Re.al1rnid aSpecilty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 0300,000 Surplus $0,00 Resources $2,80,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Orrues:usChaus. E. Hiscock, Pres; W. ...…

April 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…TEMICHIOAN DAILcY IDEAL . " OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. $4.00 and $5.00 WAGNER & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe ININBLANKETS AND CURIOS INDIANHEA . Arts an~d Crafts Shop Sliver Novelties fram Eastern Strsps Cur. William and Maynard Senior Caps and Gowens Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for Cap an...…

April 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…r. } hu IL; I'' n a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN NO. 13, Vol. XXI. DE PAUW BUCKS CL Il la, POS~TER N11 \i<: 1 SPRING A tEW ONE 'VARSITY TODAY y'c tFe i'c lcd~tii% lili sci1 i <'ci ON PHI BETA KAPPA Team Is Back on the Job after iin the dcii lit , tores vtiii i c irii'ii iii 'ci Cutnecht and Haller. Recently Successful Raid into 'ii'Th iecicitic is 1l io nti 2 al;'t Elected, Resign from Dixie icli, On aGl f heac~lcl 1111.iiSociety TRACK MEN CUT OUT ...…

April 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…,H 1 P4t~t HlAN iAY G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mert Woolens of Exclusive Styles Fo: r SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0.. STATE STEET Bae all Shoes Ba.se0asmd $3.30 3 Gtym Goods and Golf Shoes E i. R. FROST, 302 S. State St. Fraternity Seals 75c U of M Seals 50c High Grade Linen Paper by the Pound or Box Let us, make you a dye with your mono- gram for...…

April 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…4 '' l IH CIk tAN AILV This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burcllfied .: Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 . Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm. Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Rarsals-isag a Snnaolalty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capial Stock $300,000 Surplus $00,000 Resources $2,000,000 A Genersi Banking Business Transacted Or-s-sERs: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. Ha...…

April 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…--loom iIDEAL aa. OXFORD Made to our specifications Of over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 se~c~ e and $7.0(0 shoes. $400adH500 W GNR&So $4.00 nd $5.StatGERStreet Sign of the big white shoe INDIAN BLANKETS AND CURIOS Arts an~d Crafts Shop Silver Novelties frommIEastern Shsps Car. 'William ad Maynard I r i Senior Caps and Gowns Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for C...…

April 20, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Vol. XXL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'II vl-l AARI , 0, )fl. 'o 3 Vol. XXI. No. z3£ SUCCESPOO OF IUT RELAY TEAM WILL B:Fd S ~ ~ ME HA~O U~I1I NDICAPPEDIAT,I' N IS JRAPARDIZED T;.,fh e ucile relay team that xwili ii ~~ sctto1( the Penntinamtes will lbe handi- capaped lye-the fact -that they drew the High Schools Protest Against tlit.asto.ThsmtsIitihe wvil11 be forced to riot abot ithirty- ards Competing With Private farther than the poetdeamw hi Sc...…

April 20, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…PHU MICHIGAN DAILV 31 SO. STATESTRKEET mer Iolensof EluieStyles OVECOASand THE MICIIAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LE A WHITZ Business Mlanager-NORMAN H. HILL. LDITORS. tews Editor ......larold Titus Assistant ...I.... t. arry Z. Folz Atthletic Editor.. Walter K. Towers Assistant .......J. Fred Lawton 1tosie aitdPDraoa...Eart V. Moore lt ilges aiid Fites. .... Dion ;S. Birney EDITORIIALS. Atthur J. Abbott. G S. Lasher. Paut Leidy. NIGHIT 1DOnlon....…

April 20, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…TIHE MICHIGAN D0AILY BE AMONG THE FIRST t 1wlat loisoto~ $20.00 anxd tip F. W.GRSS Lioberty soteet, Io. ourtoh Ave AM(iSP A DING & BROS Tr~~deI [rl of OFFIO-IAL EQUIP- T.-e d~-~.'k MFON1,ferallatihletic P~I porand 0 pastimoes. enct oto oi ofo s kownfo 3totallout thet worltls L . Wiat's New inn Sport A. G. SPALDING (CA. BROS. 254 Wonodwnard eto. Detroit, Mich The Ann Arbor Savings flank Capital Stocoklo$300,000) -mop toQ.,000t~t A Gnranl Banki...…

April 20, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…Y Y rJ AX . ., .. . __ . , _. _ , z _ _ _..- ______ __ Bursting uds r 1 C, _ ~fi } E t y ., _..- Suggests the freshness and harmsony of our NEW SPRING; FASHIIONS'. Our models are devoid of fiads s-vt Snperh in style rightness. We si f iit ynn with tnuecring precision at a price that fits ynnirpte ". JKARL MALCOLM 118 East Liberty CALL ANt) SEE'[lHE Henry a2nd f mpany 711 N. Vtiversit':y Ave. UNIVERSITY NOTICES vresh l it baseball practice...…

April 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…- is y - -," i i :. , J , ---- - ----- --- r" . r6. 137 Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, J,'RlD.;- ', APRIJ, 2L, [91 1. BRYCE SESDE"..CLINE OF CMECAIIy~IIIIII Before Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity British Ambassador Predicts 1"ach las11111 <Ii ii A Revival of the Classics in Less Strenuous «''s With(11-;i e Life of Future )i' ': x iiih. jcc PAYS A HIGH TRIBUTE TO PRESIDEN T ANGELL t e , 1 t11r I\NItI1, I' ""ORi D C R( NWPAPER MEN lEFTDISAPPOIN...…

April 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

….0ah MI II AN DAILY GH. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. He WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET ]Bae SllShoesI * $2.80 &1%d $3.50 * Gym Gfoods sadd(Golf Shoes Sporting Goads Base Ball Tennis Golf and Track Goods We carry the most complete line of sporting goods in Ann Arbor. See Our Window Display SHEEHAN & CO. Stvsd-s...…

April 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…TH4 MICHIGAN DAILY _____ 1 This space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfielc SL &Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.0, Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watca sRpsArlncles a Sp~aataty The Ann Arbor Savings Blank Capital Stock 0300,000 Surplus 050000 Rlesousrces ,40,000 A Gen.ealBanking BHsnessnaTransacted GeescEns:Chas. E1. Hiscock, Freo.; W. D...…

April 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…_ Erna mielIIGAN DAILY DEBATERS MEET TONIGHTNeTh a r IN FIRST CLP CONTEST. Ne W hitneyTh a r IDEAL 'Welphi and(1Jeffersoniaii iebates meet int+te first of the ii series of TedyA rlZ OX O D "cup" debates, at eight o'clock tonright T edyA rl2 in room 1 of the dLaw building. The subject fr debate is: Resslved, That --- the Uniedt States should fortify the g_ 1 Mde to our specifications Panama canal. The Adephi" teamf 9 ovrthis pp lcast andequ fl ...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…F _ j 1 A i'he I Dail ANN A1=i'Okti, MICHIGAN SA.'I'IEIlDAY, AI'RII, 22, 1,011. Vol. XXI. AGGIES COME ,TODAY 1111)5 FOR OPENING GAME.!i ciiti Curtain Raiser of Local Bailz sl 'i~ ar 11 nd'v" Season Finds Varsity "I'ae- - ;I(( h al Crippled t(7 lk'iit h ei ll < TRACK MEIN BOOKED FOR RELAYS bu w' i ita~ .i. It a ilcai itiiIt iliTi'aru t -atit ac Uie i ii d c l a dl ifty liittitlsatind "I I t"t a ii i I t - a i hcetoot evrt niueaie =,llt...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…''"HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. Hs WILD CO. 311 SOI. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SOI. STATE STEET R ase BalS h oes Ei. R. FOT 02S tgSt. Sporting Goods Base Ball Tennis Calf and Track Gods WVe carry the 1m1(st compl1eite line of sportinig goodl tinAnn Aribor. See Our Window Display THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Ed...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…SD. C. A. SiippleroelltbyPerllissioli of the Michigall aily NEW YORK MEETING SUGGESTS BUSRAH. Michigan's Conference Dele- gates Conceived Idea of Movement RESULTS HAVE BEEN PROLIFIC The11bi- idea ofadil optingto toundl a mssinar enerpisehad i implletus 'Ind1 inieeitice lit tile ge tlIt ilen tioinai itiiieiit Voluniteer Coiiierce at Roch- etel. Newi Yorik, III t)ccitilb o g. Ilene p lt c 11)( byt the wone fl tlttt i et l u cr) i deeg t frill M...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY i F - r .. __ .. - . Tkrta ': '.._' msmwo 11 CALKI N'S PHAMC i The one aim of this store is to give you what you want--when you want it-and Yyyof the very best quality. To satisfy you is to keep you coming here when you need things from a drug store, and to give you the very best quality and service makes us satisfied with ourselves. Whatever you get here, whether drugs or soda water, kodaks or toilet soap, will ...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

…EI MICHIGAN DAILY BE AM0ONG THE FIRST $20..00 aniA tip AAA(j114 ADING & BROS. The Spa 10 Id fkf zi teng ~ l N 0Sa.t ~ IENTfo I r ttletic ePADIN potsad asims -MARKo'0 'oNoo o l of' teto ot li l fl i ng O f( The Ainro vy al Capitaol o ~ '10 O 000 A UeteaI iol's F .;'l , edo .Utt riEOO. l . I ' TiltlFARMERSt.00 .I V1.00.oP MAIN AND)011 . Catitai $50000 0010.0 ol ,rlls Ot 900 Proi. 10 .. (0 (011 11011 m m xeld tIII 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING c ...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

…THEI MICHIGAN DAILY ____._ ._ Bursting Buds I A rx 4 Suggests, the freshness and harrmony1 of ou NEW SP'RINC' FASHIONS. Our models ar devoid ofi fads vet Superb iii style rigtness We will fit you with uineeriug precision at price that fits your purse! ir a J. KARv,,L MALCOLM 118 East Liberty i I CALL ANt) SEE THlE Henry dCompaDLny 711 Ucivertty Ave. I i i i i UNIVERSITY NOTICES _i iI iwhoiiwalit to ordevr Kralgs from he iovv rose...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…ILI ME The 1"R Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, NI 1 1111,23, 81)11. 10S1 1 TIL OPR1>1,IMS \ S DETFIACE '111 . ' R S T A K EY O F lP P A A A , T D E T F N N E WA L L O P F A R MY E R S iPr of: iia tt C I ,'. 'h 8o u d u It 1l)I S B E i N G P R O B E D:1 1 sity i llspak o Ih Pesnt) 'nd-th1818X , I-ang-up Three Points to One He 11as8justitu8'1rned (1 lI(' 18 1ai( Statistics of College Expenses "I'1 i On the Agricultural onll 81111111181 1(1(I ...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…MCfI IIN DAILY G. Ho WIl)C. 311 SO. S TT I~ ExcluisiveSy For U OAVERCOA S? and, The Lcaio4 1c 311 50. ;S-lU S BaseB1 A,, Sportn We carryth in ;C line of. See OurtWndo Fipa Stjdrnts BnL THEMICitGAN DAILY1 Maa +i TdI IL K ii' N . q ,iOi... .i..o..I..t Nh si and Drama .*.. OriiV qv iajigis and 1k-n Ao; ll ,Hwy AthurJ. abbot+. G S hsh. y PaulCLeiiy, NIGHlT liiiCiii. IK.J K-oigrioutli 1 larol l 'c( - irialii K iii;c FI , CR il i 11 I 1 iiii 'i-i...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICITIG .N DAILY S. C. A. Sup pleffeilt by Perffissiou of the Miehigau Daily The Arabian Knights STATE OF MICHIGAN EXECUIrVE OFFICE i/therr ii. 1I ,S .r 1i'7S IrIlii C. I/aY SiA 'c' lr pro'ceiws P~ss /is sier Is Zvo "Ileser rs N i ii Sham'e P. Tlhoms, 5'. 1 aciee-it'ars iillriiisrl(L April, 11, l921. Secretary of the Students' Chris~ti&an Asroctation, Ann Arbor,Michigan. My dear Sir, I have read of your plan for the establishment...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…T~lE MICTTIGAN DAILY HEALTH OF PEOPLE MUST BE BETTERED Main Root of Deterioration of Nations is Found in Disease PROBLEM PRESENTS BIG FIELD termet ofit c t ,_ - ,in aaiirtQuatc d (l 1't.. t ci I it qiteic f,1 an itsridi c a akdillw,- ,of ionsicv i ctie ccieda littic took i the de clill f ? ali impott fc wfal evil, intchlhr( 1 ~eh thAt 1aol i i , i i lu-toion' ciii tt r ii.c beftore u ea1 nt1l so afteri cliiiewa i11,i ' l tr-I ll likef an i (...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield 8! &Co. ! Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guas-ants-ed The Ann Arbor Savings flank Capitol Stotk "300,O00 Suplus $50,000 Recsour'ces $',0,O000 A Cleneral EBankingugine~lass Trasacted Urricis:sChas. E. tiiscock. tPses.; W. iD. Htarriman, Vice Preo.: M. .J...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…SF: IHIG CAN DAILY. = gp$G"rte, -...._ ... _., . _ ....._... -e_,_.; ..w __ ,s. ' - - 5k _..b-~ ;L. :.,,_ $4.00 and 9 DEA OXFORD a Icf to our specifiatloni= I sj thispopular last i and equal irn slyle and detail to our 36.00 andc 37.00 1shoes. 3 L t ,y . IJNVE~IIYNO!I'CFS : A nhitney Theatre Tuesday April 25 INDI iN BLAN SnoseirCp 3rd ilor 'State Street )11 , and have their C0 3rd Floor I Pis:50-15-$1OO0-$1.50-$2DO0 Seat Sale Sat. Ap...…

April 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'Ii~ h't, \i'ill , 25, P511. Vol. XXI. 'VARSITY ATHLETES I' II P INlS\ lI 'N l W LO ESUNSHINE tSprlmgguier tie aspies ofth of the latitortotr for testin" ni'teritl Baseball Players M~eet Oil vet at Purdue t i netrsel, swill talk t(on1"hi onilthe iPia naa ''anal. I is lcture wiill ITomorrow; Track M~en Go iineii cldeaettet t t tiSomeioflihi re To Philly Saturday li22ar)pliialat, g~nnsfo t coit uci' , aiiil planti n...…

April 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…111 G. .WL O mer oos o Exclusive St l e FrtSUITS OVERCOA 5 TR°" = R_ and Manaugingu iditor-LIVe A NWim' B~usciness 1lanugic' .\ii it N 1. lifil News 1F',ijor...... . '1 'Pl itos W Athletic hiditor.N. Wlter K. lioiss assistant.........9J. Fred l liocI ' usic and Dramia V. Mior ' Excanages and Files,.... 1)1hSt . ItocyT F, 'ITOIiAi.tL A.rthur J. Abbott. Gi S basher Paul Leidy.1' A.V J. Wohilgeniutli. Harold McGee. 1rank i enneill 1 Edw...…

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