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April 07, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-04-07

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Vol.XXLANNARBO, Mcll(;ANI hfliN .XRII 7,~xT

Vol. XXI.



Feature Attractions Added To
ome Schedule on Eve o
Spring Trip
Threei' gain e i have ixe added to the
homiei'tas ttball s ich. Atiexi ceixixi
was amade' yesterday ithat thetKcianine i
tii cme er for twoxigaes and M. i.
C. for anothir.The Jaws itilxi appear oni
Ge'ietltitJuiiex 2 aiiit3 whiltetcthe Ag-
giex 'xiit meher fo ta e cr atioxi
noimem ti at CoictiRicyherti'.sign
ttia cnacttocac itidii ngxii
assurac'e tiat texmn wioibhiilmttup a
wm ing n 'ineat saon frothii ti '.iix
111rtisig matriaiixttcotntinue his
i rnk f ditelinaii the. Wolvetrinichatt
ptiaisxoratkt tw m ore riiliieartts. ak
the xsprig 'tipitiati xcemacmictetd. Tti
sqad:m CapaiilttWittne ttxr, Miartii,
Mc~litl elx ay, tictt1, taFischr.
Smithill. CampelttVrhyayi.nt
"i-e. Cata i i lit will f cursexi'cv-
er Firs't whi Madxilwitt gart
sthortNt NMi inde he tiicetaitirdt
xx itlg suh s a rit rgar.
le succisoriiiither t n iitropt.
\al teori eime liiitifieldeitr wiat
Johi iiaiii pbeill.l Wittwtoiiwearrs it
t 11ismcredthe tictaim sthiultithe
at yea r iixviiiiit a iiit(, i eld aittin i
Mitchll i rgt cilovrteirr ltio-
sitin i Ii elxix to be st tin i]ixit i]tft.
asxtttxc rxgulatr catcler alh ibteiing xii
ableiiitoiiiakethetrip iiiaecaemfieii
hi ii. ie xlix xc eisptitigxgfaty
as strongibal as'i t iliathatittr wasi
gixeni(ttie plac' licaxixixa ticisxia iisopho-i
more x witre c axrsxof OVarit exm-
petitioni laxed fitm xiiwhtit te footllxt
etnd txci-ig ti lat ixiaar. Riexis
trainxing tiixs chr iit alii eye'tix te fi-
Smithxll, lxaxelxil, lxxix rit. xanxtVr
heylliihe tecranxi txire, xxittteie-
tienitaitupon xtox dli)the bulltixfuthe iti ifet-
lu. xAsxnie gamexsciare txie lay tt~extin
eight ldas lixe srainix ihle pithig
taff wiltli ee socc xxJercccx Vz acu sxx
luenauddtied.iThelilg fellowichas auowne
ai xxxonderfueivertchycbult niees te expe
ciere f cuial gxmescxtixtecixixe effect
ive. Anoxither cathand ai u itiit axxi
iiit iu sil tic slectei. Jxcx taelt, xsxii
catchexr inx1907 andxtii) a, hs rejoixied
the sqtaxxand hixulue tic xhix ihadllbut
sight chaxixce iii get ii coiiiitixixe iltcli
probalyihticgivenx taiotirler lie-
hxidtheticlxiif 1xc cxiiimakxxix s ixpexiex
iwithi the eligibiliy cxommiitti.-tLoel car
xloxlxx alx i tlix ixfieldan xid xxxcxxii bx
usedt axs utiliyxanxx. If kelt loes xxi
gix ilxtskc iwill helpx tFicer witilix
caxtching andx 1Sixxiij aiwill seexeasxxutiliti
(Coinuiiied onxiPage .


Ixisurrectioax, involxvinig lireccttrmix.
studxenits, axid xechuaxnicsif thxe kitcenix
has hbrokeni xxii ixnWillxardxtaxll, igirls'
dorxmitory if Nixrthxxrsterccxx ivritycu
aixi xixe huxixirediandxixIfiteexgirls atitxndi
upg the iiixtituitioni, haxie ixlistithe ii
mxovxemxenxt. The striker istiexxoitcoxii
if anxii rilcit lxxiptraxnkxlxinxwhilchx th
girls iixvadledlthe ditoilxri coxxxxm -.
and idecxratedt the xwxxlx witha nixit-
coinxxg texisits. Uhitix relfxucclxxxofx
the coxoks iii recover thaircxxxii tooilxth
'girls xisconxtinuxedl clasxxes, andiireie x-
istixig oni xwxr rxtionin Evatnsxtoxnx res-c


It SlBil JS PUtTl I kNtxlR
FA CU'.LTY I tN Vt' x',V'~ikhtIdI2I.

'1-11 111111 xxxas aninteircoxlle'gixatexpixrt lxai
- ----tyand f tlis likely' toi xe' puti unxiea
Ih xn Peidenitl)DavixdiSxarrJordanxi
Alumni Association Will Giv1ej ruin xlthea conxixixteeiax xxaileicto i
xx)(ixxxifxotxll, fter xiixxitxxc'xixxg ax ci-
Banq unt at University Cnb } rentxixni.tixbtweein iSta orx adi h
on tA4pril '15 Uivexusitay ()f 'Calirunxixia. lx bcamexxx'
xx ix icritxiaxi itystemtic ix x iin
WENLEY AND YO ST WILL SPEAK ixlxyeis xylspctatorxsixi axiiitexiiiats ixemcir.
tic. prankiAngell, clxxirmanxxiof the'coxin-
---__iittee )nxi athltitcs', sateis tixat ill all
probablity xootbal as ii ix'x'x'xlx'gi-
'lii k'l xi ' ) i I i xi i \ i s " ' jxi' r i ll ai lsix lx'xxie.d neaay iixi.

-k1x(1 allx i xix x i n xx xwi x ,, i1
Opera Lyrics Handed Out to compos. xi i xxx((1t ;cIcix" i I a ?i xx x xwil jTen Undergraduates and Seven
ers Last Night 1)c '. x IC ixi),ca Alumni Admitted at Banquet
xAtu axrkhx nxiii litisic ianditlyrc i-ci xi i ' :vix c t I an ii i x li iux Iiixgxci xgtxxx
fur the is 12 -hiclxigxx ion'uOisera wccii xx I juai 1 xatxt1:"o
;,xsoc iy hldi ii uuits n ul uiniition lxxxi
xxittuxxxgiixxeilaIst iigt ta i nex m imic hug "l ' *'i x clli x . l) ' \ i ciil leas (ust atthexlii ch~ixigan ux i 'xixxON axti xixihe~ ax
compotixsers andx xauthoxrs ati thex' 1xxxii. mx x- i--i xx 'Ixi C'mxxImmg . 'I'el .n e xiI is wh
Thlu geneiaix Pt t of ifl'cxcmtxxxe xxias xii' it- l aix i ix i lxi x I ll x' i xi lixi lx xi x ii txx xx'ig
linied, xxndxltyrics,iiiUx-wichx mmxxsiic, x isi'b -. xits lex ,. -. x x ldx wxxii i i cI a d loxeinxlin
i-rittexi, wxire hti dedxuxtuIxii. lx i'mly-ioeivxhoc i xxl wee.Ii mited.
isas'xi n tixeetit xitime xmeiing mxxxi) Si'Judgte'i Ianeiiofi the lawi depatmntii i,
curerics cmxlii' of tixexe cries lxx cmiixg x . 1 c Ix l cliiita lmxx lx11x. Jxiuxxmx'? xi
the 'xixii after 12:00io'iclackx ithda. I \ NN 1. hiAGxtx 1 ii ONmix. if tex gner
laiuy. i iri t is x tic dte ax I1xxix xxxgti')<i tiixixx I cI' mxxxix],1111,'( )x;
xxlxcx xlhxxi(ii tprie It e t >1 i I.i. 1 r tt' 1
whih ll musc o tes 1x sorlt)xxx.IxI iiiv in s N It N9 1 x. xhmxwrml. 'i)
xxiiy other origiallx i ci- obeixherxd'. \'t i g,-x m thc l tmexi mmxxi
llexmerxxh elixxirixxxxxu'x till'iutl.l(1111< mxxiii t)
isin ii the xxxtiiii'oh a-m mci iiii ti i i xi ___l"____s__\\_ill_:(,t_11____viral
which xvilh owtixi themcoemiixtimx mliiiat il st 1k$1or1tlxta
if muic te hiecxariomxiien c, xxii xxximix GOING GGi (A (0INE A.'WAY1I hilt Ii MEDIllStIl1;1111 l'S.'ifN
Severxxtl xxixsix- writerx conu lted iiiJ xs-
epih I hiihiiuti.the rxxtiii ofte u)lVscationis Hx ert.e aid the Stiiitud nt iii ii 'itxxixmum ll x xclas o xtemedi ic de-
cocrxi' i tchlixixaue fIhexim iii l lPulse lxxalx IF aster xxx- xiia i aici te i(n r f(l1 as
choruses andii malesxlix u lix msketches
if these arc iit icbe xxibmittdahi sle 11e-' int '1nixtst -xi x x- x mxIilx, i liiixc ,1xx lx
mit in this it-mx-tx is r i 'msx toxut t.x it- 1ixix 'iii )viim-..Iix xi~
toucuhi swithi eithe-r I hxuhxxmmx xor Clixuxim ii x Ind.e1 xx x -c ix
'I rix hefoxre vaaxti n 1t 11 1±: etilmmix 1iL xrt' i
NflCH k'-xCh, tFOR \\ \S I'( ~c 1v ( i x5 , Ittte lltt-11IT\V0,1h ilLIt 9 iFilit I,- l' I0N'
h3 t.INDN AlhkihT "Cxhltk .9 l 'At.1. 11c a- ]t,;t isxx11xx itu1 lo r G(ii_) o ' N .C.- - - O(th-ih.
that regionix of the xca xmIii m ixixtisule( )Y (nx ll t?(1 1 x c< i:i x ix l lt}x xt indeI ,will 'i )ititi ) xxii ill tisx'i x
the libraryy, the hxmxxxxt dtx he 'mx xi-soxuth th irix -x x1111I - - x mx(]x(!illxx the mmintrsso te .C'..y
wixig mof kUniversity' hall. Perlxh axn) 111 (I1 ii xc x . It r ',11 wIi ix Joh iium 1-mimi Paulx h xiii - -
mute exer did go siiniiii xg in latpi - i trilu tb vitixx im xx a ixit i 1. mxxind Oh itt hF 01M mxxi .r ox pa1i 11r xx
ticixlar xegxtixxbutxxirely'' iaxxsluramg h1 .i-. \N1t\ tix ' ~- st- - -. mm1.\'1i)l( ;t)i1<
paxssedl .in ixhih xx c havxti otc benxxiiPackriiin m u x' . x wilx

Olio Lineup Complete-Songs
Selected and Chorus
Has Music
The ast laymlxi-tictre xvacaioxnxfinds
the h miuaeriShowmmimiiiittee xiii pra-
ticamuxhhx rieixg xarrxng'dtftr tilg
scow t Rehesxls tifo ttextoinstints"
arell six-tilexutr xxxii-.the sntgs hve
ben eetcel andxlasx-iedi, aththe xhor-
tm hasals enfutrnixhedt ih therins-.
Thu lineupxx tor the oxlio is epeiaty
promxiin mg. J. FredI-mt ton-iain'xiiFtran
cis kfiurxtaumhave w x-ritttenix axskit tnder
tix ititf "Tie OWhite Mxxi'sunoe
wimx ii'. hixin iiiithe title roe. Frank
xxi xxxxxx mwiltic tie "laxly" xxfthe shw
mxi x xitmhe lioi wilxexr iwithi Arthur
Cein"00on'tiSomxebtoty Ctange My
Name.-x Victor Jose is ptitixg mxn a sunti
of whlciahe rx'fuise iiirexexit a shnge
lineuexcept tie tite "Oiuxpi Wang'
\\ u . Altiir Mohlxhmxxxiiis respoxsi-
hlx lfor somext'hing wh ith iihecalls the
- iii. Sixte'' 'xxxii. Allithatxisiknown
ofit xistaitxtMaxxBx-mmietis iniii, axix
thlxie ti-wiiwer tight trouxsxs. 'rhe
m big,-la xuxmrr ofI"The k'rixmsonxxChet't
mi-i- hiwiiix Mxx tm-mniti inippgy txus-
a-. 'heucmixitake wxiltt xiite oxde
ani £i1.. Gmute. kirixie hergxux, Vi-
lm- it.msJ ax hxxliii mieix. treut Lawtoi
n1 rihtmuNt xci Imxiarin'the exdmxe.
Suii ax 'mxxxinuxi )timigti toihe ihle tin
kme a ingsii mving . 1rville 'hte.
'cir 'misoiudowni for msong.
Tie'-xxixi' xilxxe''-.mxe udeet stf."
I'cioa cinsae tieclceeirettructxe
WIS thati hi.xc-i-i-i-c xxxei turnediot xx
auu lx Arbor,-aiii mf it 'snapty' ind
n x ix c of it 'isp"a.'' The snxgs
that xi lxxxbleunxxixxmornext harheei se-
'mxxi frccxaver one xxii exlrxd thxt hee
keenxi xiiimths ml by publiishers ll maver
hecm umuxuxallotI xxiiihomuse i Egandiix.
lxAnd it fromthim li xxiiie uozenx sng
lua ee uledimtnonmex mf nwhih uasr e--
r lucm lheardxinlxxAxnxiArhumr, xxxd caery
xxxi. of whiichis ithlixkindutolxxkxx't iour
feet -hufing, uand w ituet' mifxxi-
xmoriiitx tfor '"swipies." -
I\ ixstey xale f tickets hxs eit up,
althomugh thur'tg sxlx.rwillt he ifter v-
lliii rsalsc x illxitstart tne wek
fr-mmo i u Mndayi, andii fromxtheixnixnto the
-ight oithieu showxieery mxoment mwill he
taci. hrt i-l. john anxxiiiAllten fDdey
xxiltake' ciharge.
l111t;CLSC STSuR' ixSCtuI5fL.
" 'lexxxoiierux dirigiule csts aout as
'mha thx'exngineering hubuiing axd its
;bedcxxiusts xuixi xs mucaxh nmore;eeary
il-mi it i tiledxitpcli thei'expxese is aibuxt
mmmxaxi txxtie sxlxryxmoxthree' or four pi-
fexssors,".saidl Prof . H erbert C. Sadler,.
inxhi le xcture miiiAccmmixxxties tefore the
SigmaXiNi, Ixst ight, ii explaxiiig whi
tlix lighter thanux mir uciuxtues si-fitnxever
asmie tie Iigt tproblehmx.

xxinde byu li somxe exiampus xxaxgthiiatseIic'li I'Z t'--4
actiouin-xis'noxxxiiblxx l ated.'uixh iiisu- IIN.
paxllyx'hattpenxedtwhxenx lie showmuxha uxuit
ed snfficientltoxxcrexate a tBondulini time to mix i xxx 7
tpixce incltosedtxwithin ttime sideiwxiak, adieravtota
sinsucisik at randmhu alonxiig 'Its ('111gS
iwis tthecuxitomxaxriy waxy ofmit img iuuxlic i-m ,ix m riii
im' to the ordtinac.xxxncd hBu o uenendn. ftrud td#i e
hharks has ecceeid that ithh bxasuxinxeUls h 1
tlaced heneati the swaxmpytixtracet xxiiithe fromxx pNluau
idaxnger cxl future floodsxis wayxxxl x tth oe
liar. andi lii mmlii
L.IIVS VOTE hiFiR UNttx1:i 11.,hott7
OO'IARI C), OF CII' ANT) lGtO00N. lectica l part
At xa ctass mueetfing heldt ayesterdathe ii -
senxior Ixuws ouxainixmsy-dridedmto
adxopt the planxixadvomcatedmt hi'elx'Siuxmexm x
Counicitix regad ito the xxxiform wea-xxIo'
ung of caps anid puns. Thur mo tionuxplxxx
ext at a Ixrexviommn eetinug cuxitiug ifor texi ~c
iwearinig mit catps anditgoiwnus mnlivon for- C1' xix-lx i -
utah occaxioxns, wxxixrescindedhei cue of''cxof -th " m1.
the general xissatisfationxxcrexuxexi. focaxhu :_.:{
Resoluxtionis faavoring participuaionminxxistxsx ac to 7e
xxx xall-senxior simoker w uere' iliumou pae. vx tm Ixx.

ci t>m to Iillsaxtui. Th I,:Mw w' milli1w:x -
cI. ' 'I i-il ii imx adxx ressxhm sx xto mixi I l ') xi
\cci) u ix luellx ofitime tin


xixru i xct11x
'I at ccilcS-
As - cxxix
xx i liw'vi:a
itli ''i-ms;i--i

C. . hh ()kt'NS A011 F ,[J)i
ANDi1 IN'h'R''.lt Nh\I 1.,1 ' IVlN.
Tll, fo ixtix-ilx mixc el col atithe al-

xc'xxi ' Icicummxihiiilastxmgxxtxxt

to I'.vIh c cattrX Lat 'sillaxxHuhll mx:ixpreNsidetY . C. N..
C. ri ml 1ix iit I I cle t W t,-iii xi mu t_,xx secretary.Ix
i3 mxiii mmLimmxIx.mx S. k''1N.
- ih a rtiar me n i arii i socii al. !\' xxii
tl t ! .l < lte estl mmxcc t l mmifx i e imxtu x u lt I. Nix
mmcm lc" iI ii~n x iiti on ofxIi di aniii it e feix i -
it i ~ r I' xxno thatueGa iidhi'i xiii l was xx xxiii
re be -' and. l i mmi h ixrecem i t all i-uulxi C lxne
l in ci iti iaicmi thei fat e. 5.0 . 111ixu t xix cii ,
thexx spring- xuc u m bxiterofclelm-i- r icks. hRmfre-.immimuts
mum-rc u'u'h ixli mmi-x-'x'uxxxxx

ARPIL 21 arid ,22
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