Main Root of Deterioration of
Nations is Found in
termet ofit c t ,_ - ,in
aaiirtQuatc d (l 1't.. t ci I
it qiteic f,1
an itsridi c
a akdillw,- ,of ionsicv i
ctie ccieda
littic took i
the de clill f ? ali
impott fc wfal
evil, intchlhr( 1 ~eh
thAt 1aol i i , i i
lu-toion' ciii tt r ii.c
beftore u ea1 nt1l so
afteri cliiiewa i11,i ' l
tr-I ll likef an i ( r
leir lo Ii a b omh i) I :1\
trooptltf .It l ncii I ii i iiir
lultotheil rsi i1li ~
hi titil as
eslitch a t l~ p i ll 1
pti and ii i 1 ti- iot i i i
votc. tahcit c i ci ii
cli cl . It 1( 'lt 1 ii l
tnc n tl It s o tiuat l
still of si bo iy tr c, l
metsatl actilit l ndc aries c ini
ciilz fripotionsci ofi thit~a
artichoii ll-ti h is risai
ar ictlen. Tere 'li- h ii iiis h r, cei-
Malafr'ciathel~ tili Iiii cc i i
ictte foi ia t ic 1 i icii
ci abitansoti iici liilits
il belii
11 t oitmi
uplift cfithit worlii. As n c ccli of
thir ic ominedislefforts c a iiprcscti(
civilizaionati mcibe liiannci, ittitiidli
andi birougpht to full fcuitioinii fivcccy
tatu. To tlhc young menici 1f itcesc ito-
ftssiontiihe opportutycof iloingp this
great gopocd tas omeli. Ahgacty t ut-
hcer of Ithe gradutes if ioircmcdiccal
schltt arccalrcady engagediiintisgccat
work uca To iia ths eshold ex aitldcivccy
pilechetlp, niahinti iriheavyciskts
us light as paossihlc n cuatglliingii
otheca who tmay cid ini carryiingthe i
gopelciof truth atid thelliht iof cc iece
toi thois whltoacy wacll: initarkness,
Prcf, Jolia. Alien.
"'Thestiork youi liiecitiiltitUdcuu if
esiablishingipanttnineing and llt+ ''i-
as hain ig grcat 1o'iblitttt'c liii~sl
itmet thdi f fcarm ig are crudtilthe iix-
painted1 stick, cul thtlii iiinwt
sitkl wtithreshiitithfathors'.a\tit
whtli itch iiimi'llli "cd i Iountry
wou ltittitentireyc itge. heI I k
iii fareris nowi h1o1elecsslyi it' t hbt
nogir'nimthciiis ofi iagrp'i clture, i it
k iight e' ile i l fthe'Irli t e ist
agicultura tiicounities of thel ii
'T'urkelitsan untofulclied tel.iiAbot
tt'Iitilithe ttlyen ine lcr i ts k icht is doiine
tic in itnd ltslrvtying riiti, a fthe
tid the tosiiliiesifticnewiidlTi)-
iets ilt ongiit t h ictlie are uliit d.cci
much more i lucialit potlIicy s beis c ic'w
tow rd itenal iaprvel c li i.Thet
pepl themseiclidreill oitncia'lied ill
It-oldtin itsiciity."t
'httt 1lGAt h thA-D Tliii I Al'.
r1ir.lt cistTIucci.
Tliie'cStdents' Chcistian Asso-
ciationatofIthe Unisvccsity of
'Ilichip ain iilupscsto cstabalish
oni uniot tmodlsit scilea amedical
aindus tisa l ision i Bus-
itthc irabta. Tosthis cud it ani-
nounce1sc its tintentioni to tave ott
he.' giroundi next fall fivc rcprc-
seni ttvsconsiiistitig of two cii-
gticse-till , onec aedictal, antiwo
litricy stutis. Thc stutdcnts
selec tedI are eagccrlto go.'The
lilac is ini immiate ncdtcclof
If ilic ctudtslto(f ithc Univer-
sity if Michipgta- ill scutlpoct this
planithh lipiaittotf thceciitcc-
prsewl1 sutrlpass ini its cffcctivec-
tic'stielbcginniig of ally'ii-
undetriit'aken b citiy pcoup of unii-
o--o ot-I) (-0-0-0 --o0--0 -v0
Acabifa, iciwhich ithc cite if tittcah is
licautcd. It is itic landilof Itibtl istory,
ithc coutricnii iwhliicht p rccit ipcroplicts
to fla land Ictti itric ideisti-ituecr ntic t-
ed. 'PTI beiofsometisictact o iitic
peopl itt l itht lpar't iioifit'll'orld
iwill citaleusito i iicicpt i lic.r, zc' if ithe
intiicltacc s tiwihic c th ipeplecf-if
lanitti v itic- nptrec-ilfori'socmanyicen- ci
MhlICl i~rN htl chEN ' hcl lll'
MAI-RTYRDOiMllitRl-i AiShi.
hMts. IBcntitdltc-dill ii X i'cic, thc' 21sti
if Januatcrc, tyali, iftcci <L-cr inth rs-s
itiiiiithc if acti iv ce. Slieti-tsa
woma ottct f pit-at tpei-ccnatlciarmi ii
moti unui iiitttclciliit} takmittit ndp ketp-
Arabia Offers Big Educational,
Commercial, and Ethical
T'leri'c'are itcccee tinotnttrcasonsc
tllCip nanyicothcrs, suwhyt citicedlvses
to thec Studeints' Chriistianso scciationi
'tani so farc cull'vcclfr-itsAmecricca.
t.Its wondtrfitlcalsitec. It scill en
it avc} imotat service to Amri-
cf by ittchii ili ci ticiihiceo l sfthatlc iii
inthii A lr c ut u sT a I lon. ccite-
c-itc' i ciii l iict s ii c ticm Co slactttt'ill
I 'i tci in itc' f 'c i iipon te 'cadv tisab il
of itst-i sitg an cait tionai l wolsp, rk i
ltccia says: " Tci ihilc oii g c lcti eAdtact-
lila t sttiscAteica coolst ualp
sc'iic'.tiit t hae tise' if Ameticcita c toc
MI'. tcasiC fcit ti11c'IIi c-'o.
inn frtien s wrvrsitlc til ticl
t iis ci 'c theI ad 1a t )n Iit
a lsilarylip ' AT nd 0)set
ii)- autr a litte bc la a-:
ofser ice.Sils a wcut kltci icciis]til-
Life of Busrah Director Reads
Like Adventures of
tr.c . \ . KIc et, 11cof che mci-l
e I staf a ,kin Ara ia is hlit h
andi train ingc u ' l 'cied 'or his tpo-
iiIt I i t a lanc'he e ciii i th
tpe ( -. tc to c c 2 iii dcIle i -i i ii
till\ s lii 11 1111 it a tiltl t icill iit
stlrf o7 o reute Inloo1 D . itccii
aaIi his l i ng te Fc'i
;wd 1. ten lct it low thto
11 t~ 1 'tics t rC a t aic' A
I I hi, e~ int to iialr icc t h'c pli ed~
gu g il c happ ins ci shoticl.li-
:,ie cfih 1l I]it atdp iet. Intuuc
Octibcr le s fc-red to lucsra
ic cicc x cI ' tic ripi nhtocil(c' i'fei
it can cco Sh ihi til ciefiti--of
'til, co fedeated tribs it- ro inice.
bras II i ep i. ii'~th te a vt'i tt
oft cd c ii Iia t lot~ eeaict
cccir I cl hus ca ulliedtc fied
tilto aI hei ries of he rtion.i
The c litclt.iciion an avra i
cot-c tmn a tu ar-c and che csuricacl
ticor c , l It' uprtin Fotk'tie
ticim liltas irliii ts l lid ai caio
hit 11111pccatl-c ic.1Phi l its grantediisand
it gra hitch 5 tN fo anienineeri il
--h is1hc ht ciic wit I hmg ingto Aabi a.liui
An p 'rti i - --t c c l-i'a ulic er
lie t ity, to car istimalaciatoii
binli iiprwtlrlisl proper ii
ch inae ;ste s, o pre tre iim ''Il
It -uchl aopo nddv ltpgra
m iial teour ctoiiatei thoulsandti-'l
kIocl the. c hac l ciiit utnc til
it he ra i ce morah i hee ill ci-
hi o l icc lcci I c- ut hee ill
'I tll c liie tillli i if ir
ix s hivisiitsof Mhishiganigriute is
'utitecitn J. I}cors ,)t u ;A a
ii3 ArhurSL Punett 'J i;Ccisu
titnh INcsn 'o, m. IsIand111 utit (liii.Jo
I 1eutct thuat htoiifciii iluuuuuuiHav
pu it ihucucirliiies icihrablia mas heIl
lacspculiatilt' sacredI tohuhlultianstu-
"'I s''annot ctcay luciawhetat's'hhtsicicuucc
areso umericouc uusdleave.isc hllu n- tl
rlieve tilthus'feacruful phls ical ntacilof
tiwt and Ii iliI wmnin hurabiac. I hlucius' i
cuts life cantulIsi--ith it tocouin i t'r th
.1uacu.tu01,1011l1ticats T /wcl i
moreti iuissic 'tuuuuc sIttleth
thouse: whoifcall IytshIll- clii-'
sc-ir ia t
]w sencdc
t, liis
anid ht111 ih~ frig iciimtts, andchonluy Strategic Point of Arabia is Coming
Amer uuicgoos iwotuul Satisfy thecse mucntInto its Own
cfter lseaviigscchooltandrctturnhtingt Strateicallyhhi- a s ftaefrtnt
thiclantat11ionsc.i hnsha school of theismporutt itac. It -cIicis h Ifr fl It
kiddecibdabv ouldl uindoutedtclhy uandliiir all ci icarvn trutes I Thousandsh
proeo ra au ito iiiAcriccu, 00 if ilgrimstevecyci eacccii 5tit k it Blus-
ucuculiii"ictou bri about closer tradc rclcu- colt for Mchcaadc usnsuoe a
usuts an uacuant itne inetucaion teuciltsruhonouther a t he shrcnes
icitl uriimet ihods candimias.'iin' t Kschucha andsh 'di
I.It hi-c casutioalulue tt. lhe rcidil hour steamip u~ liacsuuith weelyIioc
Icreascet hi transportaioin fciliics is mlonthtly c iliuuas connuct with tIlciutas
p cu~ig ll tlela uctionsuc of the uworldshd on , iiiuciiOdcsa iandutl I cuutbuu-pwile
ccicclstoech othecr'tha tlt ts-ecolutry'ech Septei iber 'ciiames-u'guitdirec'tyit'oi
cciii cc induifferntuito ithc condhiiusillo ccisiuew Youk h lcdediitt udatecs fornthet
cluther luu.The racitidh spracudhof disccasc, Amuicn marketPs.
If s-ft uniichced, sertsio uscucncs the 'cur \\'m.i hh utccc-s. whohas lutsii cci
hescthliof Steumorccivilizced naioas. The ifumtuby hu'iss'engineeritug fet-cit-c gypt
inte'r'st thaut phsicicans acll os-cr the and InIdtiaiihas ct-et acincts'ch l thei
us-cut arcu uuchi taingin tchucprscint coundi- Otiutmnitt nmn t ar tissui'uIicitciiuiuu r-i'
tion In hin-cattuiis inidicativec of thucaic- at' tipcuonu schemeina ithis ''itEiIptittii
ill'wtichlil t'eswelfcarc of oneu nscticontis illey ii a cnd - isty cuagicn ii c-
ho c t afcti-cthe c-lfurs' ifcunotuhecr. struucina hc preslimuicuui i t'ry .'. .51'.
It is rendri ng no stuu.cui cina u-erice, tihrcuc Ici - i llionut auu ccies1 cill comi ld uchs'u'calti-
foi's, icc this'dc'iiaioniuof thc stiuden-tis uationi andh iiill ccnstitute:c'the gratt niy of
ci tihisutuciiveitytocull dtuir attctinuutheiiworldhu
s-cut by rea lcto Ithis'deedus tuf oservicc int hithu i ipe suuiitleu iuiidctul uicuci-
othelacndsiit, candl to thes'imuportcuancetof ticsesi culIucvr tetyc umiies south,'cii I a
keeptiiiingthd-mseclvs a infoirmeduconccl-iu rtaiIir rmCcuuuucuuitinuc hla, lluicccai
urg hc grcct woruldl totmcut slsof the promuuiaesta bhu ethulaiti a'udecadeuh 'cu' of
da. hcforuos tu aempuoruciumus if the t-nea
II. 'The ethuicculvculuc. If therea ins est.Itiis hoputu haulct this cckii Ial
ai cla ii n uhc globucto hui'Iichi the so-call- uuwill bh stdinuhittu ii uutmihs ii to'thud skill
uei C'litis ticanlinactitonstciiisn'rtutuhansctito autuifforns cutthis'Ameruicaneniner
cult hecr, it is this coutryt otf Tuurkia sh- liii uiill cscoi sait otihact cite.-
I. I.Ituic. I'.
t cult itIsi occ ictuunu ylike.c cr-
stiwh lt til oft Kow ral 'lull
ch h)'hcutiuc. Thehn-icedhforucuipi-
ncu-c icc.ni'tu.is1utnqueistionaiblyi gr's-ct.
If I caittAll ca bigp uuthereiwhiv'hitoltiuld
'I'Ctawlith aull'le hole' her-e-?
University IIT 0- N I CGIH T ighI'lc
HallEih O'lc