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April 21, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-04-21

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. r6. 137

Vol. XXI.

ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, J,'RlD.;- ', APRIJ, 2L, [91 1.

Before Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity British Ambassador Predicts 1"ach las11111 <Ii ii
A Revival of the Classics in Less Strenuous «''s With(11-;i e
Life of Future )i' ': x iiih. jcc

I\NItI1, I'
""ORi D C R(

Abssador Bryce Had -Not A
Word to Say for the Pre~ss
On'His Arrival

lxx'. .
xxx'.tlc ll l i o ilx'xi lx
xtxiI Ilk i

AX little xiiix-voxxii ixighi lixixixis'vax li;ellinitrioiuiiedhMe. CBryce..

1 ciii"x'' . arc xp'ax . xgal, xxIc

. . . . . . : I

(1iii x ii x manx--xx iii h i wh liiie xxwhiskeis.
xxx x''lxxxxgxxxg xxii xxxx, xi grxay xxvercoxaxt
and one o tf txe'eudierlyxhatsitixttare
squaixre' on 101i.)lspent partxofxyesterdaxy
afternoxonxi xandI ileighitixiinAnn xi' -r
I I' wai n'tit alx i xi xh n xii xiiii lietolok t .
xxiii xxxiliii gilance, tw xice lxtim on
thie strexet, uniless i it e ibecauxse'xofxxi ie}
ey ebiroxws' anxxithelikexei, anaxlticaxl eves
unertemx. iit lxxxwis ile Rt. Ilin.
Jamesx' xlrye .C, .C ,, '.AF
iR. Si., 11. M .i;i Xixixixx xixr .i'.xxi r ii-
naryiand len ipotexntilxxx Xiiiar tWsiinigton,
1_). C.., fxormerx schilar f x Trii t y Col-ix
lege, Oxfordx ;i ii lxiiofxOrieiuCoClxii.;
lxxxixer, iReiusxix1rofessorxifxxivxiil Law
at lxxii OtfXrlixiemberxof xx xxxii xxifexixi
Tou Iiaimlets; lxxion C . .1.fromi
l".iixxirg, lsow lc iii xlSt. xi
Brwsi edexn,,iiiiiiJexaCaliforiaiLecii-
zi;iiii xii Vxxi)xifrimCVictraUiversity;
(hief Sicear f r ld, Hoiexof
Lodsfr br deenxix iixxiiIS.;xauthorxof
"Tle1ifl I Romanixxx1 xxgxxxx Thei
AmixericanxiC xxi xiii ixalih"liv' xe othler
boxilksi axix soxixxiifor xa paxie andiia hlf
ixr ltxiwo lxx in i lxxxWh.
hxxililxiiords, xxxiiiaxxxii Jamxxxs
liiyce, atnbassaidoor friom ixeilGreat ixaixix.
lie lxiii lxto Xxxix Xiiibor'too ixixke liii
addrless atisxii night's lxii1lxx lfKapipa
gxymnasxiumixx. xixxii.aftxxiiielxxi xxiii' nix
irig hr. Bryce toAnnxxix Xriufr snic
fuion orxi I iothiler, lxxiieach im uelue
lxaii beix xien x'x'xii'iiiu. Tisimi iie, lhxoi-
ever, ire xiiiilim' ix werexm'rexindl~i, xas
lie xxambassadorxx iixxii x iis.o ll t te ieroit
BoardixioillCxxmmixerie ltomorxrowxx ilier-
ixixnx andxxiii l oi ng-xxi haxlfxaxii ,L\x lxx o
iimxe xxaiiableiitoiaccehelilii XxixArboli
x initaionx .
ii ix:r .i SiALli,1 Ili'i'NTi.
Iitxxiasx xaigreat'eve'ifolxii iiBietxa
lxxxixixiimembxiers. 'windeiediixther'exiie
whoxihalxxiielxxiniitixtinto xxiiilthtxoidi
in liii presencei' xiiai morexxd'sinxguixshed
ixxxii'iixx. Fo' rteenx'iei'x x inixiited laisi
i'x'i'ixg, xxidi dozeniisiofl otihers, cexii
frixmxouxtidelxpo intslxanxdifromi Xxix Ar-
boriiitsell, hei'rdx'islxiaddressx'i.
ii xxxis axgrexatevnit for facuxlty' xxxii
Proifeissiiii lhiirxxwere. wboixhlxvxiben
referrinig txeir tudientsx lxo Bryce's
wo'rksiifor i'exarxsixixilxxiiithe ixiiiixili-
xiii;ofimeing ihiim yxesterxay, 'and11thex
glxadly tiook xxadvanxage xoi.
Aftr tainixgtexi xti ir. Anigell'i,4'1lr
hrycexashwnx x aboutxilxiilliihexampisiibx
ProessoexrxR. Ii. \\'ixley.
iii4'illt'NS xxxii .ii xANQllxixi.
Two hundredx eni'i xxiinxxiiwxomenxix
tedtexixxialiilxxxxel ini Xatnermxanxxgymi
naxsiumx. lroxf. lFredl AfTaylxor,pneil
denit xf the Mtic'higanxiAll.aha ichapteri o
liii Betxa Kappaxx, ipresidedlaxnxi Dr. Ai


1iixg lie. .'Angellxxiii:x xSelves.
Weare pxar'iculxarly fort'unatxeiatxlthi,' xISH(
rixext imehu tolhavlxxxii ssadorixxxixixlixi lii
'iiih us, becxaxie, atxxisix stalgei fou pra itoy iscutr n or iaedam iauei
ig cloxier axid iloser ltogetheiirlxaylxbyxxiiiio
'la v. Xxxmb'assadoi' ri irycixixwx usxbet-xturnxxci s
der thanix wxe kxnoi ixii'xilii'i andiis in-xx indsixlar

ltixr. x I'rtii . I .i' ii .x

st xli of t3 1l )ft' i
lii ' xii1
{1111 xx '] i

xCLd oi l
,itle .. t
,,i ii-etx.

3:1_:' i1iiix(
1 ial ly xii

Ixeeni liii'tlxxi countxries." l
xxx'liixi-huh r liiiipiejixireil io respond, a
tiii ientire xasse'mblaixgexarosex''ndxlap-
plaudxedi. Xliiirliiigreeingxiai d subxsii-i t
iii, liii XAmbxxssadoxr fromixGx eatii riaiiinx
"1t is thue thaxt :AXexiicaxiaxdxiiI11, landi
lhave beenxiuiii'iip groiw xing gteriir- ii
ing liii'lxiii xxxiii ixlixix, anxishas beenxi
duie tox xliifaliiitilixithleitwoxixoipxxxihavex t
xacquxiredl axbelter knoledgeix ofi' one' xan-xi
xiilir,ixxxlthe xnumbexir of xxisi'ixx' mak lerix
in ithe respxetiv'eiixouxntries lxsx lxiiilot-xc
ablyxi'ii shedlxi.
Nearlialliiiit~ernaxionaxxl xispuiiii arci
(tietolacxxIxk xof i xxi xldi' xxii ccxx i x
disputantsiil. X\ithlthliii. iiiionii of t
xxxiii knxxii'ehge, thliendshixxlip iix lxxii
1 xxglxixxiandxiAi ricaix hasxi xxix x me x aii t
dleepli rootxedlii iin'urlxxlx'x xxxsitis ix s
iile lfox' stiii axx xi'xxi xxii io bexx.
xi lxxiieilong des'ire oeix toxixxix' ilix
uiviersiti' xxniithere e 'xii Ii x easons
xwiiiI axxiiirlx is lxeveiiixg. lxii.tlb
cxauieote 1 facltitlxxitiiis iversii ity is
piromxiiinttheliwor nlxxa'oiundxasxxhain
dep'artuixre inxsatexxl x '1 ixxxxix. Six'ondi
lbxexxuxe I received'e liii' 08ii0ilatxxlin-
orariy degreea(ae xxiiilxxyisxxi claximed xxi
mxembxlerxhipxi iinxatlxxxs. I'1lxiril, liy
incer'irien'd'shilipap ersonialx' xxxxiI xi tilxi
wit Dr lx. AXngell, whoxprsided xi ov'rl x is
''lxxglxixxxhlxximucihixtoxlearniii o
t' xi'eixcxix xxiviersxiiex, andxIii vdcd
ii edto take aii liiexsubjeitxxi xiiill: a
t' quotaionxxxfriomi xxi XAmer'ic'n'noelxi'I 'l
I liilofxixnXxxAm'riea a is knsix Ix
"Onie if liii primie puxrposex'x of edui-
cxationxiisltx preixarexxiinxxto xii lxix
Ilthemsxelv'es.CUniversitiex ihld bei lthle
s aewayx xxxiinlyitothe fctr, tie
loxp anxitei fiiiicle, hut lxx lifein itsii
Ylbroadestii iisense; toxnafure, lpoetry'"xxxii
literxature. 'IUniviersities, lhu eaxxii, xlo
xniiiliiielb' brea eexix Pihxii' 1ix l kxiap
y x Isxxokeep a aixrtgeat xof ixex'six ii x-
eiixiin tiings iltxat brinegpleai'sxure' andx
ienjoymixentlof Mliii ipirit, andiixthat ii-
- verxityxiii fliii iithexaccompxilishmxieixi
- of its aimsx andixditeals xwhhuh deveall xi
i ineslix the exuix i of xuexxiiilxr
fgainflxipursitsl. I lxiiave xxxioxomlxainti
lxx to imake of practicail cuesibecaxi

it~ v is iill(i
ids i u ' l x ' 1
ii ixl ' xxxx <l
t\ xiiill ii C

c ttr
,y tnc,

C' C

our imginain
cc in xiip lit. slit
ix~ ofi lii litcra
,i dis ium)ilxxuih
i. ii to iku iwithe
it literaturei . ''ll('
I lp( l i n Ii x
()f the liii o i ix' io
tiv an ' iii i'iiii'iii

1hi. Ii x' Xia c I(s i'
xxi ixiC~l~~ il. Ct xi lt1111 !
Xh .1"g11 xi s tt( lic (\p
Union Minstrels Will lie
of Novel Stuntsx
willxh p t m t -hI r(lxx
ix .i'x xliheix x. x ;1< > ! il
(>' ll x sclxxii x (1(11xl 11i1
xx. 5 1 11 t (' i t1i' =ixt
The i11111 tr lx 11 ' (l. 1'

x'-i -11 u1

ii xiCi i xI




c rc c r iil xitxat he xn i r t el
"MI~ng s all nti h xi iii i() ii>s
ltdy ii i reek itini I n~i I Cntle tr e
Iirc tc'lili s nt ,lnxtw ntyi)r t irt
Years thxere' wlx heiiax g rex xii ii'lxxi li ii ix 'xi ,"
surs Th lxi sixii (x ntnsxomx- 2.1i r~
ii in xii lxiii xi i"A luldimiihit the

x x 'xliii I xx Xi
lx xi like a xiish xii
xx l n1i toEie i rexx Ixoi
xi wc i f Illyxiii iii'C'ihi ii
1).:i fe l eIx' J l' ill11) lii
h c it h r I lx " I i ixixil
cii ' , ( it h l . \ ;
te h , wa liiid ixhiliti
i l x li xiWa lxiii1 lx)
I i sx~ipc r mot.
ix' . xi'ixx ixxil iby
'xxelltothi i ne o
'{ I+1 h ' I' Ix liii Ist lx
< I (f tx I prci d tw re P o
;: . XX Xy c~, ix 1111o1 W
isx1.'C 'xlcldx IiLi-II. Ma e" i'p
xx'i . ii' ,.llc .: t lx lxxxl xxxl-
A01 saic ine ias ' lix' Xxk
Inkn \il iia ~l.; fo i' l ii,.iiii
" i i xxudc xii l;, xiii iof lihe

hll 1xs1 t ar,1
>t x1 c III ; Id t
11" '11O X I' f'x


i ls ofx 1 c xix xI
pliii'rt xiiiix are

Icaii r t]7cr t XX ar 1.1,1

tiii sns a d xhe xi fii ilsi i ll
revve '.1 xiii xxx !x'
______________ ii ii iii lst i ghtit\a
Ifvu TulimmXX xIl'.'lS Xl. x.A', Qiixxi
xxi i 'naleh' ungry'
thir i nners'iiii i x x iii lei
TheV1 clt <u falleclu an thlMi I iol xtxnii llxre ient t
A. C. team nrcct ant~ itin liie thiru f1cle utacni f W
xxxd hope for Iili ' in ixreslts lxxiight. th i feno n lal
xxx Xl Xnhein c~ iilixx ll andi thexi avi lii lxiiiargexan
rl s ui tu I.ixAuCix l hexi 'liii' toI xx xxiiifrshrerts
te mlxitix fies w m jc_, le tr atnetwl epo ic

' , University Hall, 8 P. M.
Seats on sale at Box Office f


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