SD. C. A. SiippleroelltbyPerllissioli of the Michigall aily
Michigan's Conference Dele-
gates Conceived Idea of
The11bi- idea ofadil optingto toundl
a mssinar enerpisehad i implletus
'Ind1 inieeitice lit tile ge tlIt ilen tioinai
itiiieiit Voluniteer Coiiierce at Roch-
etel. Newi Yorik, III t)ccitilb o g.
Ilene p lt c 11)( byt the wone fl tlttt i
et l u cr) i deeg t frill Mhi-1
dep ll-til"C In th ir wwll ll s tietit' a -
iiec od iiit i -a11 i l lio it he r i - i
With such all ldea i id tr. S . M
ill itt oneoithe m s ere n
co tite . ft e li i i lii toi ti
ri tessio to i re ii i l hepat1f0h
cat tee ocorreatd heiiisor
bIli al iit t to tht e sniii i fi heUli
h l ofalte t abi anii siln re
Fa1cts sit lbas the lit liiitihe lilocete
oni thec city i lt a t h ha o h
inittee htieiig thisinnlttteeV iide
tette ett ticd l test the tttie ittirl 4 Ty "_(1Ae .
studett body.
teii wtholtetthee tiiteiWo ireailtoti
tluchitlitoe , *andlet i
wise to e eit t e t ude ts 11111
"astiitclllplannd tereorto olicllitnioi liii
for teeupen fa.m osia
iain setl med alt. t l romsig 1te 11m
itteeeltote iii t1udetae 1helag
eeeiie . 111 itit!it i i
A11 canvas ofllicthe$1uens v-a mde
Iuto the-11 atisfa11 ction ofi cloiseicon-
ofth iiicie nt udents i t e nily teni-
deerelis vcst hem m cl.b to11icll i tvetsver l t illanidl-
a .s i '1upontilletigatlion suh cto
ril asitaelliicompelledth c ei i i c
to face110it11 lpi ilie s n fe
ling ilithe11111 ing reutsca iwiu
ii. 11111nen tof i 011111 1111 c1111111
giv 111or itdtil duaio a w
in 11 i i 01 IiIi0181 ii
atilttollopetai 3 o lra ia iionIi
Bird,. illlltec Iligill l 0110 IDepartmet
The Situd ets'tChristiantAssocc>
linIll tiheUniersity if I)
tinlalimostoextit1cli er e-cat
cral~l, i c,1111 Totillsent 1n11 tt
itegrond exItgeeall fie reiie-It
sna i ll ilconsistinglief111111 li-
Ileav sue s. ' ie std tt
placei !ll inhaetll 111ieeticlio I
0 ooflcignwlisppot11 is
111111 iii Ill eniteice 1ever t)I
undertakenl ii)icanii-ligr1u1111ft11111-
c surpasc e dtt 1(11 1111o cttelC~ le t Iisi
L surely not 1v iti1ut 111r1oses hat 1thi
It idspet andill erle le rceilas t e i 10111 iiiii
hidt t11. o rth uad yartltb
duedttilandlt unlldelililll -lite, tl i ll ill.
It islcer. ti lltiiabletofa etifuur,
TO--IrRn s tIATEa geatOfutA ibc
Railroad Facil!ties: Will Soon
Be Added to Seaport
liii Situcts Chitianii Assioctitin t
th ii e111 i1 (f N ih ttg,' t rpeslcc to
At thislce11 )r t. tell1. 11.
I ti tytot
2 ttuoeii O ADOFLF 111
130 DUTOSRAHi' cRboi25.
1tot tUe ', to ~ \ col00
1 A mt"F3 40
/ 111
( }N ~h~~In 3c
Xl I hi N
Is the Natic nal Fulcrum of Politics
in Asia
The Ifillowitigeonmtmetitlappiearedltre-
centiy iii tie tiiihtTimes
t+isOr to ieIN -how11 cldoicecor-,sten-
e~oli icteiltoill ll i erc is a
the t 1 1 p i 1liii cllindlilt tilt 11111 coil-
1 i I do itichsbgottenth ie greeset
o al I galtIott1rI ICr ee tildliesit ale
the111maito 1h~ihwaylloefIotiremisp11011re1
itin tits tiliii t it e c e i e more elcec
pas etin illemirli'lirlt IiNvce111-
Ito iss c 1<a i t ei et i 1011111 ii c
1wilil its border ranglll~les hcl ayls~
hewihot i pblltumeto ourselves. 1
"I li e scelill u iii i 011111 ii tee ofte t
sttit wic oh is11bo1n11111oIdevelo The
sttoi' otiti I tofilAratilta1111s slen
i tilelia lleNolittecosra s fth
il C ll lit liiI of ttwo l -i it iso c
all wll titi tiecoeainterdg
et eel AsioAfrica ied Il t lote ThelC
Itte) ecwhice ill triel(t ltl tItia Lind
Perslli Stian tilf adlihelS tit evlteyat
telli(t) htetolerestllthimte.y010oftl
"Wetthve31111from timle t il e Ilnthhl-
or11, sasi r lt ietlilt-terineyted11wgYork-
1111nlfcttiet1111 iertle, tImaiit phit cc
Turkish (Government Will Transform
Etuphirates Valley
Siiii i rilli ttlh dl l~ l~t111 ie h utuit,
luts t i iati on en ieeill o tin i
110ing ptan , alulldyt approvetilld
itt - 1111e t Ip rt es alle , o e1 of tli
mttt f ertile ill tillvld , i obenn
ldito a111 grea wli t 11111 tw11 b
itte1n11e ilthathe ctuhtvtedl areai
111111betdoubld an the ii 11 Iof11\tliiito
trebltd l ong illitill- l hrilltl- 1when1 ii -
Ihthitheolliwastcotil td 1l ra
cen.taltcanlll 11f t erdela vIll i 11111 It
ill It Ilelacres of ~he bet l an nI ~ s
Ilital. ill a lucamii at er t ilfile chf silt
lrvi ion h slbil madel h t o potct1 h
lotit fo f7t1tloostadS Nith;ItaNea
abeo rdc n iti Ne le tt o till t
of ~vea ad wo Noo lclt . f 11th 1,
iTtre' 11111 ottttttic ut urii bitt tutu I
llde llttfu llly n uai I111u t I ile c
A ra telilad 1f11m l aii to tii '1 <
wilIarytogliltkIt thl I v r ops of
1heNtthetucsands tftsceeptight at-
t il t ltiihhit gtit t thr hl,7dl1t 01 ich i
astwotlt liorieae, rttoicNull idate=.
11111e falthliarIwithltheuuhu, Ithhuoh
111111th tei aillt intote i ifN ii iii-c 1
preacing,111r11t timporltancehtOtmust 1I t i
tot thoe thpr oe Nattttty tti ed1 hlleit
c :
I "
I t 1 l mi i l 1t
<it tl
Ia1 rl llo 11111 tlul i tt f 411-
000.1 Iti I it co-il rte otI e tilhe
climte s(M leto ia. Ithoislenerlly
11 Ntisa or e t'ill titiat Iot he
1)ni a lioliil 11111r ott the
Itt 1i,1 I t ou ii;: t ITurket
and Ist~o~cr iii d In ii ifrom ot 11nth-
b t II i at lilt toile hi fTutol0 ish.
'd1cit nd ll 'r h to hith eut le
,;pea I.r l it iltelss e e r
qpui a stroell (- i iilf cirtich tmlIC-
Iillt I ol 1 s ir llr 3 1. tt 1I IISi NN Lsitt
ri loll - u CI I it:poise t o bc~ e 1311 etrott
it lli N 1 1r l int 11s 1in et ernl
131 t will 1wIt ilt tle main (trnk
'1I-til ptr bulii il ltatr illa ttfrom
r tilt 1d 1 i ll 1-111- tII I i.1 lte3 i 111
1g1ec'i IItitf', l'
S t r: /11 d a Ii it ttttill itdltl-t
liti" elllon}u on conitionhs ittner-
Ilia,i e
"I ntserCvol il Omake not i111stakeI
if i a , i Oc Blra s thle csttegicl
Cli1 o tt~ l I'uittC thhhl I ititltl-
ti I Itisa tl',h ard o lvIge tiolctott
le t e Ittcdll ll, lhs a l g ttfo iltn
11111 iii (l tiltco uIu ti' ofotthu te t'lagdadl
";sncetil, at~v Tirkilt regimoe te
lull tnc o t te ton till gelie Ill-
ere c 111010hsit p ltionTe
eii l- f ae a lone trn eu-ti l ltevot
Cr ea s u at t tic> t tnsThere it
etitc l-che ditib~ l',,.tt o l
("Ill tip morie thantt i
t <t oldas high lIC
theiii i ctch cried111. -W hotith tis
hihf~m ? ll I i thltp-3i11ht1It
1311r 1 tsah" 1 hul t1le tion
1m"; mp rtn lait s i 'tltthe
lomalt closo tothis trak m te,tpa
iiC Cii lice ic il l cdt ustohelail
a i 1 i< ii lllet tli t ii Located
hle ~ I j nc it ci i()f t it,, utc Tigrts
C iiite oit>11 1 11 ea
2't ,l i
tI' l ''I"S
, (atedlC til<l I teetti
Suil t, iic pttlll iftIlke
mil Nst-ltlottluuoIfIte
University The Arabian. Nights Sunday,' 8 PI M.
Hall The Mew-The Place-The Project
Vividly Pictured by Original Slides Arl2