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April 01, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-04-01

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he M ich ian Dai

No. 129

Vol. xxi.

Miller Says Practical Subjects
Should Be Riecognized
by Colleges
"It dto'' es o apcr h) n lta tbecause

[)I Ilriellotdtrttill (tot Il htit n-IN BIG LOVE FEAST
certl on ''erni'tttPolk Solnts' scheduled
for this. let til intheIlteig;h scholol on-
(ltittt acc111ourding 1to 0 le(rno.re 1ttiv Women Hear Dr. Angel and
ed ht'rof. ., A. Statley, yeteday.I
Ilnead co~nequent dittor's order; Pres. Hutchins at Annual

The S. L. A. will holdl its aninual elec-
tion1 of officers this mnornting from 9 to
to o'clock int Unive rsity tall, tile cooll
to te pted ott the ntie hoards .'As
there is butt otto ticket itt tefiedl te
electio1111will ito hot re or tess of a form-

Youngsters Clash With Detroit
Central Athletes In
Last Meet

laveteretoo litid hitt from11111 11111 0111


dcoele'CICs 11;ISl
ofi lDtro it Ceit'
l tmOfte' Mich-

tl i ,. I

Washington lien "Scare the Girls"
by Raiding Dorm'itories Sixlthundrledl Ilihig tttvotnt, gradtt-
Slpokane, N\atsh., March 3z1.--is 11111 ert es ottd studentts, dined attd enlttood to-
ol f~ttott't too jo' ted he totl , od eo in larhbottogy'mntasium lahst nighlt
dotmto oop.t t \'ttslithn t tteCollege, at the anmital Woton's Ilanquet'Dleor-
at Pllma, abut 2o'cock his ornig led it greets andlWhite twith < att n
(1111, proceedling from nt room to 1 1 dtnce offornts, tulle atd ecandelabtra,
theibig 0room1lotlall its tusual iapplear-
111110, cretedlaogenteraligoftrrr
1lt nWsgi nedonbetmeans11 of'. 0 gaIt 1 e of harrenness.
cony 10 11o flertrutde r'ainter Cleverdett, '04 tof
ott. Cltieao, toted to -ttastmtistress. lDr. Ati-
ho"'elof thle 11100 nuulcthir e scape "'ell andtt PresidlentII-ttchills hbth gave
1 ltett the geel l armt0' Watsto sounded. btuttt toastts. 11'ottror Chaase Oshbornt, wo
te l1Ocet'es of the d (i it titt'ttttt ne- originally Ihadl promlisedto 11appear onilke
seted 'titgett in~g .agl od1ok 't I t 'tot rogramttll ttwas preventedl 1y' 011at-
'numb er. VhsfiettitofIttlty has egun n in-tckof11-tlrot tronkble .senlt a teleg'rato
o -esligotiolt andttallist.is being- preparedtof tf regrets andtoltf greetingO. lr. Antgell

ato WHO W)heievitatth s ot edleni
i t ,'cial tude' I (nun ltriilt ',
gh t n la trt 1 ' itere i
i it Ii .
I tivvt Cc'igo in imeI bettlis
th atit h c d f ihit ii o
in !c' I c I I 1n111 1t"1s aiots ixte
1 r q. w A tI ~ lth
bi d "o e t o il tlcc ietrO ('0

, .


Missd. tAong thtemt re iiony athletesfit bitt, hl teviewedlteI10is~tolry'01 111
antt collt'ge ileaders.twtmenltii in te tuniversity and concludedl
__________ ___________ referrintg Itote kight standtartl wvhich
001111.11 'I'RICICS CNI I LAWN\ 5 .accotrdiedtl lietigait gradtltes the torold
R I CCCI VICM CHIl TTIC XClII IN. over. Ticee Clthipntan D oee, '86, spoko
,gn'Retrospectiton." "I kindtl o' like tis
Shrubhs hbytte ltttrled-csntnon anddtiloge'' was tke keoite elf Allee I~ott-
11001le1ttbarberry, Inodiainturat, hontey- tbardt I il'stalkonOtt"approeiation," 0111
'ttckie, Japanese' rose, Botst ontivy, atndlresetling the undsergradutes
numoerou115ot11er0species-wsilllbe tutilizedt NI}stle Ilizabeth 'hitl,'to, spoke 011
thtis year by Sutperintentdent of (Grounids*'Contslrutteitt," tdwetllintg ttrtictt'ktrlp up-,
hiarks in 1111 camhpaign for tttt'e teat o in(the workland te suecess of raisig
iftil campus.'Tey htve beentordered temneor tt'elt'residentiatl halls. IHer
from a Newt'York nuose'r'o ond upon1 I tall:. not ilustrated wthl anternt slides.

i)[ ( Ali
t t 1 t' ,, .

[ ii -'l v h t s ttgest
It rined 11m lu, tiltd itn
sotI; t 0 .° 111r


''ttsits t e i i ti le e ts, t s all
, izr~t ;;tt'ttttl 'teken
]1c tc I ni vi (' ill etnt ittle e
fn~ th scedue o ev~nt'ttuis year.
In te ;)lvit t4 atiY tr ir-., loh e -c
Isiti() il)m-partio thiteCoil.
act 1itof I; it .1 lt tit 11111n l ack
tiit l et I4' ' wo ti e ve ts at'~
p tcitl 111 th0 Itt <s e d t test ll-
1 c~nln~ttc~ c'cn~isii: oita. '. s te-t
11(,11a11' . ' 1 ki) t OO disGrndt
Rapids, iId . S. Siioles ot'An tiotir
hasCe nttijwnted nbyOte ah2.1 . o

Cniting wi'i ll-b.eto l t nceit)I mildinsoaild theintisitlt'arrantgemtets.
'carius5 111100sillnt enaIls.us,'herete Ito IresdltiI i tcitiits' toast ''Cton-
lttip of tlmnyVfeet 111110 rtinedilthe si '.(" "ithelbfinol speoechoil (tte11p1-
,lasls, o110 hete, 11(0 5(om1 reasonior 1(0 001(
his ~~ fo 11110' it is ithlitthe coopierattin5 teentleritainmtetlof Itehattuters
of testudent ody, t110011 1110lawnis ~.in tuiiltti'alt'i aatCssI
lie graduatl reuollo(f telmany foeiees 1(1(1111111' 11ha11ont\VedntesdaYto'night andil
Ottltilill 0cure hb'the enthusttiastic audiencee.'ITe
III conectin soithte genteratl plan''lit'''ii''lleknr' totoseo
many therimprvemets ae no in imo 0g 11011stfeotureos. HtIall throught
t'e processI of betitng cariedot. i Loads ii i'1110tay t'.st't'IIblantedl, tte liliethe 11
of ditaebigogldfotth i-"ls. tolnd itthetors allt'onttributtintg to
ilit 100 totg tmoetiIrtittit W thle per fectinig of te whtole. The east of
001(0 if tie U'niv'ersity- hospital 10ott thIe pl111111 as.fellows ieI oi
1(1(0 oif'the camptus facinig Sothn 'i- - Peep 10.11 . .,1 ileot(tt
01 roi0ity avenhe. lMuchgradingti' tll b lemplllty 1Iltumndl. ...Mary' Wotttll
tontohtre as oweil to about the Memnoriatl Siloice.... t'. ton
buiildinig. The treots1100 also cooming hit'. 510at . .....ltrheal
in for their shore of atention. Oilvi ti i.0' ...,rl ~tt
hbonday o'nirktmen retovted twoldiseased ing e of IH1ar015.. .. 1riemthelil feiog
'le~is frote vicinity of thte generall Quttn itt Ieati'.. . . lanche Attdersont
libraory'. Anoter maple whlich 1100 beetn lit1 Ilunit I .... ..ladys Pierson
threateonigIke very exisitee of 'Tappatn Jaick ..Glatdys Vetlder
Oak troutghlenot aheinlt of its lere- lMag~~it el
ritry as lsotakn il) nd illbeRed Ridintg load .. .. Hlelent Pyle
tratnsptlanted near te bilhdng ls- Little 'loyBlute .. ......Agnes larks
(A lip te classes insurv'ey ig. lDuritngfluterlir owini.. .... Cornelkt Camlpbell
the paOst oeek tte some on011 kiuttrediLlittle -hiss hltiufel .... .. Hazel Iiosott
atit y ap11 p ll~le trees on the tifferent II 11111100r.. ... .. Luisb Tuill
ptroperties of thle untiversitp hase keen ld \I1C'ionn in thle Shoe . Mlap I lodge
careofulti mmited antdlsptrayedl. All 01- Simple Simon W ary' Ilontoer
pert1 is.expetedth elin it daty 00 two 1o hirsi fGardner ... .,EthC~el Stalep
look after thtose shade trees tin thle earn- S econdt IGa~rdner .. .. ...... Lyle Noble
pus1 rt'qu1irin1g attenion~. ThirdI fGa~ttrdner .. JanturmaSnnal
'Te classes 1n ltndscape gardenitggthirst IHeratldI .. . ..Graee Pliroall
are to he giveouchi pract100icl w otrk SeondtilIferald . . . . Pauline Rosenkerg
duringtg10he blatnce of Ike year in 001-n-to tcione r .. .. ...... Ada~ Cald~well
nectionltth lis campaiign being un1I Choust, etc.
odertaken 1yIthOe grottnds ' mnlagemlent. - ___
hlr. Aublrey Tealdli is leliding his expert I O tOt'tl0''rt' lI t gr'rung ON 1K0R11A.
adicio and aitance.0R01. lotCool Crithet i lliatedI with lte
laymantt's mtissiontarymoveentt. will give
'ITw oprofessors, Lortd andtlCotditlg- a stereoptican lecltre on "Koea," at
ton1, from111Ohlioi Stttte Unliersity, a(00hllilhito tall. this es'erng;tlgnI7 o'clock.
makting reauiy' fir their11trisIto eI ____a-________
wi]islandtis, setr they still thike 1111(0 I ttglie Ittetiitngs, eoarltof tke De-
tgl'i111115of 1 I lty 'ttomet as5 i t'1rossestitl Cttterioitts, is a Corntell 111an1of
lhe sunI. Itheclatss tOf 1904.

Wvertialng P'egins Monday and
Seat Sale Tuesday ,'Theo-llI^resl vtrckitea copIte
Sets nfteorteLUnintinsitrel sotits l iindorsea'.on tonigtlil si'isi tool'.s
ft inoay.after saatiotn, ill 0(1111oitul in 111e Cas .Ci'ttiti'gy t. 'bT'e tloals
01 the pulticls Wentesdaly in te bttisiOf iill hitshaniaped1('iiy lthe' toill track
lee. Universityp ilo. Metohers iof te i s.2Il' i it il' tl
't:iollwill I toe first cattce a the satsaiis2lpstthmlebuteknw
'testlay', wtothety' tilil bettn salo at abiliityof th Iicigan 51(r1(1er.ihuri-
he Unio-.'ITe ltoutrs forith satlsle''. s'andtii eldimennwill prt obablymot'e
aee t0-12 antdl--f. than count'rattis iii'. ll'. ta
Yleserdthp elants for teoshowwete
mttlee andtodtitay ChairmntWelh atilard ishdo.3t,.andtolhigh hititti i5..Yardte
arl V. hI oore nihll ake t 1111nlot'e- 10W osridiiles, 440. 80,hie,bs.high J lll.
01111fo thIe crticismto f lBert1St. 11)1(1.
''We lhavei t ally' lckcomtilng," ws oteiltt11. j2 pound tsit i pu1 tind 4
'the wiay'ChtatrtttntWtebtbtexpre'sed tl I an11ltp2 rela0'-1
eslertty'. "CAl l te business ris btlockeib The'ltIiliowinigmnthave11(1' ietee
lot. te principals kn owo tohat teyre IDaoltandl 1 l ohls (rig larrt's
goittgto do, tndt intgs looik likelteold
l~tllin~t iiitsr~ slit 'llltllttiltl440 caodila1111-G1iesto, C.rig: 1 SiYao
tep a'titlgitiger.'' Tttestay'night, the 0run-Johntti.ans'.'u Mile 1- 111 -rwr
'.ttse out1 lhe songs, atttl the 11101 are Yitng high j utlumpUn'.hc'.dbSrgn
pratticing 1110111inlprite. Aid, bIthe110 CCite;let vau(1'111 lt (- s . h u liti; t 'i
waty'---t'at oertutre is goitgtot bestiothlt I.Kithlr. Iltiun
htearitng. fIt's a medley'of te betotusff~
twrittent. atndl Dudley, Motore, atttlSt. .C A1 "" 11D 'z;1
Thteadvertising camtptaignt will iegin l'l)I 10h(I tC CSIC XlOlid111'.
out. Nt titly will poteSrCs Ito spreitdl "''rcoo (tl t' grat.i-rit T hepe
abt itth t ore wsnowitts, buttithe ton is son who ai ss thils questin iii'ishit -
t1 receive a sotter of lta'tdtlbill'. stol-b rtsStnilor tthe Ai'Clll-W,' dan c
itng tthritsof1 the Uttitn1prductions. it i'ti t it tl i lsii(ti
in getnetal atitthe ittr hel .shuts'n 11..11' bgi'. nltsbyt itmo ottil lit' atot'al-
- -- -- -- itop td boui hit candy.tt T hihio al
onsogs sot. ttn too ogFVsT 'IN DTIgoT-tt one o'f tetostts .wnhch silluma~k' t'
Seldomttarot'liv'ig bravs oif the last danciting party toIiihe gvenithelii
tribet'pertiitteid too isilttot' wholivetoc'ltss.ofi (I Ilhe no tnque il is Ii
~~~~hsgotto to tt'alts apy' hutttintg grountitds.IBititoy.
totight, ttte' attive.mmbn ies'of NihIil- Seve'al foh .ir Choics oinl musical
gattta till eat th l~thIeir idepartedhco'm-ttfeaures, o'fe'ti'ide cso r aitto.',S
panion-s. (lie potw'wowstttillh he gittiven.in itnl rtfrt'shmutent.sill ((11r1k t'tIvtill
Detroit hy't' ithigtttai uien nowt' IDatntinig witll1 beglin 2 t indsIcoltin '
liviitg therte.untill5:0 .0
Economy Forgotten in Legislature's Gigantic
Appropriation Bill
lattitig. -Cpril .-T-'his motrninigrto bit'stre te ilirary- thime s-dohutr ikeit
tiol that temptltaib. til l psiseen. I(Not: T'his no sill
Wholeser ltOil0sIteittido l thatldoesn''t pluses 111a1 01111rtad it'e so litfri
really' concerti 101, dthiditoiiit. Yonsoade 111.
mtt ells youttt o tall tilt462 1I.aioteditk tis'toorningg'isot'realcofee hIt's
tat littlt' keg par' Satutrdatynigtigo. 462 probabhly a litt'jokhe f bttel' sot
1is [cllatRed's ttuttbttr, rutttbaIrdinhg hose and-nly ta rmi-tit
IDot't call ltp 404 tandask themtt to eth otto ittfusi on f 0oter cnhcr
st'tttl t t'ttitaroundu. Tht isilltte f Ie sory ofite tilung tiet'lft t I
Greay' IIttk iltundory, buttithe tndertk- ttatlclhed'hel I '.1 atfive.1Olitsisx f
r ste ptncaks se 111111aInfully muteot f
Dot'tI, ttnder atty- cons'ideeationt, t"ltii concrt'eoath lirarypisle fr this'Ibrat
lie litie' for a tranger. fast on totrnig of ACpril I.
Dotite th lreatd ofplatte toot- .sing Ifortmoreoofte pancaikes, 11(e
mt's".coat. Renmemokete sory'ofithie yotttg hutsbandtis511s5:
yotttgnoon st-Io tredetoitfleck Ie bttg 'ly' te'tt, yott toocerainly' itttlout-
off te cknrtittgyotug Ilay's eck, rtt- tg raid~tly.'Thtscretro 100er ceneut- tt
py to tdisover tat iItonas itttole er thanthlost' yout iaode yserdayu."
Do)'1 thittktweeanetgoitgto gellily As se lhtate aotlray' ittitd,dhnt
any tuoure like thal. ftuge tha Ihis is Aril IY. bots-ever,
If you1 wake tp tis mtonitgantttlfidtthlee is o extse for t11(011heiugt11
thatl it is eight o'clock by your watch, Apjril fuotltlte year roundtut

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